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The Iberian Campaign

Sarah Tintagyl

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[quote]Classified Message to the French Empire

The Emperor is offering the service of his Royal Green Jacket company, a hand picked group of two hundred trained as Special Forces.
The Imperial Fleet is also on station and is ready to sail to your aid should you require it.

Napoleon Bonaparte [/quote]

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As soon as it was found out that Quintana disobeyed a direct order from the King, the soldiers mutined, with Pro-Royalist and Pro-Quintana forces clashing against each other in the streets of the Galician Capital. Unfortunately, the Pro-Quintana forces are also using the time to clash with civillians as well, a clear war crime.

The skirmishers, assigned to delay the Frech forces were now being ordered back to the capital to defend the city against those Pro-Royalist traitors.

Despite this, Quintana continues to lead his forces from an undergrpund bunker under the Capital Building.

General Lacorte spoke, "Sir, our tank divisions have reached A Coruna."

Quintana responded with joy, "Excellent, we will either force them to leave the country with a little hostage situation, or kill them outright and give them a clear message to the government."

The General saluted then left.


The Galician aircraft were being intercepted by the French aircraft. Due to them being outgunned, and out matched. They had no choice but to comply, landing their planes at A Coruna airport.

The tanks arrived at the southern part of the city, and started attacking as many buildings as possible, with the purpose of destruction being prioritized over accuracy. Though their objective was to apprehend the King and the French delegation, they saw everyone in the city as traitors and must be dealt with accordingly. But without air cover, the 15 Tank Unit would be hopelessly vulnerable.


As shells were being heard in the City Hall, Duarte Pio proclaimed "Right now, I'm not even sure anymore. I'm supposed to be the protector of my people, but now look at me. I'm just as helpless as my subjects."

The Foreign Minister said, "Sire, You can still end this. Just give me the word and I'll have the message sent."

The King, his head down in shame said, "Do it. I don't want anymore blood shed by my mistake."

The Minister nodded, then left amid the sounds of shelling.

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[b]MWN - RAZO, GALACIA[/b] - **TELEPHONE REPORT** This is Chip Talentino, reporting once again from near Razo, Galacia. French troops have come under fire from Galacians, with at least one confirmed casualty among the Franks. People in the city itself are scurrying for cover, expecting street to street fighting to begin at any moment. The French have total air superiority, I can hear the Raptors above right now. We have two unconfirmed reports coming in now... it seems that this attack was not the work of Galacian forces as a whole, but merely those loyal to Prime Minister Quintana. The second report indicates that the capital is currently in civil war between those armed forces loyal to the King, who had offered peace talks as we reported earlier, and those loyal to Quintana, who had just won the recent controversial elections. I am going to try and get to the capital city to report on the fighting there. Talentino out.

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In examining the entirety of the political situation in Europe and in the world, one must consider what is best not only for individual states but also for the people of the world as a whole and as individuals. The people of the various nations around the world may consider self-rule and independence their utmost concern, but when examining that possibility, one must consider the welfare of that people when under self-rule. The utmost concern of this, and the ultimate question regarding this notion is the question of whether or not the people are properly treated by their government as well as cared for by that government. A government cannot, truly, be entirely independent of its people and concern itself merely with guns, missiles, and war, but instead must also focus upon the picture of its people and caring for them in terms of their health, welfare, wealth, and quality of life. The utmost concern of a government should be the quality of the lives of its people, not the security of its state and government. For this reason, when examining any state objectively and any conflict that may arise, military or otherwise, one must consider the capability of that state to take care of its people and its potential in the future to continue to care for its people.

When examining the case of the French invasion of Galicia, it must be considered that the Government of Galicia has, as the French Empire has previously claimed, been out of touch with its people and in a state of relative stagnation for an extended period of time. It can, indeed, be argued that this is not without purpose, that surely the Government of Galicia is merely attempting to plan something for the greater benefit of its people, however this argument can easily be debunked by simply stressing the fact that the Galician State has made no attempt to state this fact, nor has it produced anything that it has proposed to be the work of many months of stagnation and neglect for the needs of its people. This is a statement of fact and not of opinion.

On the opposite side of this battle is the French Empire. France is a nation with which the Republic of Vietnam has had favorable, amicable relations, because of which we can certainly say that our state has been improved. The French Empire is a functioning, stable, progressing state which has proven on numerous occasions that it is entirely capable of caring for all of the people of France, despite internal peril in the past. In spite of this, the French Government has never put their people in front of the state to use as a shield against the bullets of foreign states in the great political game of the world. The French State has always put the needs of the French Nation ahead of those of its government, risking collapse in the name of benefitting its people at the risk of the termination of the State and the few who would be chosen to rule over the many. It is for this reason that the French Government can be considered to be one that can care for its people, regardless of where they are in the world, and for that reason can be portrayed as a very powerful, righteous government.

When comparing the French Empire to the Kingdom of Galicia, all of the aforementioned phenomena need to be considered. The relative stagnation of the Galician Government over the recent months, in comparison the progressive, stable nature of the French Government. The Galician government's clear feeling that it as a state needs to be preserved at the expense of the nation and the country, versus the French reputation for stability and putting the Nation before the State. When all is examined closely, the French State is clearly the more capable, better Government for the Nation at hand, and for that reason the Republic of Vietnam issues a statement of official political support for the French Empire in its affair with the Galician State, and wishes the Military of France to endure and succeed in its task in achieving Governorship over the Galician Nation.

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"Commander Gaucher, the Galician planes have withdrawn back to their hangers should we proceed to secure?"

"No, let them alone, I want two planes over the hangers to make sure that there is no further movement of enemy air. In the meantime lieutenant, I will take the rest of the squadron and engage the armor units approaching the city."

"Very good sir."

The French Squadron immediately tore off towards the armor divisions approaching the outskirts of A Coruna, with the small amount of attackers, each F-22 was able to pick a select target. Each plane locked their missiles onto the advancing Galician tanks and fired, the hope was that by the end of the barrage there would only be five other enemy tanks still operable and therefore on the next offensive that the air force would be able to place on the Galicians, each tank would be attacked by two French fighters. Needless to say, Gaucher did not anticipate much more damage being done to the city by the armor divisions and for another moment, the French delegation inside the A Coruna city hall would be safe from attack.

However within the city hall itself Claire watched from the windows as the Galician planes withdrew from the skies, while as French missiles struck the grounds around the outskirts of the city smoke rose into the air. "Goddamn, I hope the people were smart enough to get out of there, we don't need civilian deaths piled onto of military fatalities." She turned back to Pio and his Foreign Minister. "General Blondel's division that he had sent ahead should be arriving at the city soon to secure it. I think we're safe right now." Though it would appear that Pio and his Minister had other plans for the future of the country and that a message had to be delivered. But if the Foreign Minister was to risk his life, the Imperial Guard would be there ensure his safety and as the Foreign Minister left the city hall, he would be escorted by five members of Claire's hundred men.


Meanwhile, with the Galician skirmishers retreating back towards the capital, the First and Second Corps had secured the city of Carballo and once secured made way with all haste towards the city of Val do Dubra, which lay only a mere six or seven miles from the capital at Santiago de Compostela. From here, the two French air squadrons who had been above the advancing French lines, immediately returned to the carriers docked outside of Razo. However, as those squadrons returned to the carriers, two more squadrons were immediately fielded to give the French army the support they needed to take the capital. If Val do Dubra could be secured, General Paquet's field artillery, consisting of eighty M198 Howitzers along with twenty BM-27 Uragan Rocket Launchers, would be lined up outside the city to barrage the enemy capital after the air strike and once the infantry had begun to advance along side the armor divisions. In total, the offensive push to take Santiago de Compostela, would consist of sixty thousand infantry, three hundred tanks, along with artillery barrage and air support. The rest of the French military that had landed on Galician soil, ten thousand were still responsible for logistical movement between the landing beaches at Razo, aided by fifty tanks and of course if needed, air support.

The other ten thousand, one division of Blondel's Second Corps, commanded by General Alfred Barraud, along with fifty tanks and the air support currently over A Coruna made their way from Carballo and the ten to fifteen mile trek towards A Coruna. Skirmishers in front of the main force and would be able to secure the city, protecting Pio, Delacour, and Talles from further Pro-Quintana movements.

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"Thank you Senora." The King said calmly. "In, and when, this is all over, I shall abdicate the throne unconditionally. It seems that I have what it takes to lead these people, so I will leave the country in the hands of your Empress."


The message by the King to surrender to the sight of the incoming French troops was recieved with mixed reactions. The pro-Royalist forces only complied when not under attack, while the Pro-Quintana forces as well as those Royalist forces actively fighting now were still armed and could not disarm until they recieve support.

The remaining 40 tanks, blocked the gates of the capital. Those tanks opened fire at the French forces invading the capital, hoping to at least cause some form of casualties and weaken the French forces.


"DAMMIT, CAN'T OUR FORCES PUT UP A GREATER FIGHT!!!!" Quinana yelled, "We're supposed to be fighting for our independence and yet those traitors have control over the southern half of the city while we are invaded from the north?"

"But sir, our forces are trapped, and are giving everything they can!"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT THEY GIVE, I WANT THOSE FORIEGNERS OUT OF MY COUNTRY NOW!" Quintana snapped, his fist banging on the table.

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It was time...

The mass of the French Military had been mustered outside of the fields of Santiago de Compostela, there were three routes that led into the city from the Imperial positions that had been formed in Val do Dubra. For each route, one in the west and two in the north, twenty thousand men would take each route heading towards the city, spread out of course and what the Galicians would find advancing towards them was a proverbial blitzkrieg, a arc around the western and northern edges of the city accompanied by the full strength of French artillery, air support, and armor advancement. For Cecile Villette that stood in one of the vanguard forces to attack the capital. Her rifle was loaded and around her in her squadron, sub-machine gunners, a heavy machine gunner group, a rocket launcher crew all comprising the regular French infantry that would be marching forward. Her heart lept with courage the order came in...


At the signal of advance by General Tavernier, men and women of the First and Second Corps, along with the armor division began to advance, they moved slow over the countryside for before they would even arrive at the gates of Santiago de Compostela there was hope that the tank divisions guarding the entrance of the city would be completely obliterated. On command, the two squadrons which had been dispatched from the [i]Jeanne d'Arc[/i] flew over the infantry advance, they screamed through the sky and for Cecile on the ground, it was a wondrous sight, the roar of the engines over head and soon the explosions of the missiles in front of them. The F-22s immediately locked on to Galician tanks guarding the entrance to the capital, with two squadrons, twenty four planes. Missiles streaked towards the Galician installments as the squadrons fired all at once creating an inferno of fire and smoke that rose from the missiles striking the armor. Hopes were that this would end up destroying half of the Galician armor force on the planes first strike, there would be a second strike, but not after the next card was played of the French advance.

On command of General Paquet, the howitzers let lose a payload of shells aimed at the armor positions, adding to the inferno that the missile strikes had caused from the aerial attack. It would be a ten minute barrage of enemy tanks and then a second aerial strike for any Galician tanks that had still managed to survive the initial attack. After those missiles were launched, the squadrons would continue to provide support over the city, carefully watching the infantry advance.

For the infantry, the first strikes of Galican tanks had put a minor hole in the advance. Over all from the beginning of the French advance, the Imperial army suffered light casualties, some thirty men had been killed and another forty injured, along with two tanks which had been taken out of commission. However after the barrage and aerial strikes, it was the infantry and armor's turn to mop-up any Galician tanks which had survived. If the tanks had been defeated the infantry and armor divisions would move into the western, north-western, and northern sections of the city, from there they would begin the street fighting to march towards the city hall where the Anti-Royalist Forces were located. If the tanks had not been destroyed, then the infantry would engage and then move into the city securing it.


Claire smiled at Pio. "After this is over, a ceremony will be held appointing you Duke of French Galicia and Therese as Queen of the territory and Galicia will know peace and prosperity."

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pro-Quintana's Galician Military gave the French very stiff resistance. Through the Artillery bombardments and Tank attacks, the Galicians ensured the French would have to put up much effort in house-to-house fighting. Ensuring every room, every house and building is cleared.

Unfortunately, with the French arrival in the city and the southern half occupied by Royalist forces, including Santiago de Compostela Airport, Quintana was trapped, besieged by hostile forces closing in on his bunker.


Although that prospect made Duarte Pio a little happy, he finally said, "I don't think you understand, when I abdicate the throne, I'm retiring from political life, maybe live in a villa by my home in Asturias. There is no need for a man like me as their Head of State."

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"The days of traditional warfare are dead there is no doubt about that." Captain Georges Vincent lamented as he stared out of the windows of the university of Santiago de Compostela towards the inner city, somewhere within lay Quintana's bunker and it now rested solely on the advance of infantry. The French were making the necessary advances, but with nearly the entire Galician army within the city, all within houses, all putting up the best fight that urban warfare could offer. "Our company is in charge of taking the bunker, which is only about one mile away from where we stand, but this is probably the most perilous mile that exists within Galicia." He took out a handkerchief and ran it across his head. "There are advances going on all over the city, but gains are slow and painful, we have already reported one hundred dead on the west sector of the city and they are expect greater casualties the further we move into the city." Vincent sighed. "I'll be honest, I don't expect eighty percent of you to make it back, maybe none of you, including myself. But we have our orders."

Returning to the table in front of him, he looked at the two lieutenants underneath him. Cecile Villette and Jacques Meserve, Cecile finally cleaned from the battle on the beach head and the advance onto the capital itself. But it was a fast clean and the French army had been advancing nearly nonstop for the past few days as they moved cautiously over the countryside. "We will be dividing the company into two platoons of twenty five men each. Cecile you will be responsible for securing our advance position at the Convent of Saint Martin Pinario, Jacques, you will be covering the right flank, taking the Hotel San Francisco, both positions are believed to be heavily defended so every move, plan it as if it were to decide the fate of this siege. Because in a way Mademoiselle et Monsieur, it does."

Walking out from the university command center, watching as more French soldiers began to pour into the sector, Cecile watched as Jacques and Georges headed off to form their own platoons to secure the Hotel de San Francisco, while she walked down to her own platoon of men, currently sheltered behind a quick barrier of sandbags they had erected after securing the university. "Sergeant Tirmont." Cecile looked at the young soldier. "Marius...we have our orders."

Marius stood up cautiously, there was sniper fire around them, but it had died down since the vanguards had moved further into the capital. "Bad?"

"Saint Martin." She sighed. "Its heavily defended but if we can take it we have a direct line to Quintana's bunker. We just have to survive."

"Well that's always the hardest part Cecile, but I trust you and you trust me, we'll be fine. Henri's death still..."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Of course. Well, I guess its time if Lieutenant Meserve has already started moving." The Lieutenant nodded and the Sergeant turned over to where the platoon was halfway between relaxed and ready to move. "All right you !@#$%^&*, you heard the Lieutenant, this is France's last push into the capital and if we secure this now, we're all going to saving dozens of French sweethearts from crying at night. Cause I know damn well no one is crying for you !@#$%^&* back in Paris." There was a mild bit of chuckling, but each one of the twenty-five soldiers in the platoon understood the fatality amount that they were faced with in taking the convent. Cecile and Marius would lead the first squad of soldiers to take the front of the convent, while the other two squads that would form out of the platoon would be responsible for attacking the backside of the walled convent, while the third squad would be responsible for taking the houses that could look into the convent to provide covering support to Cecile's squadron.

Leaving the cover of the univeristy Cecile moved with her squadron towards the front of the convent...


...the third squadron first attacked the houses near the convent to secure the covering fire that was necessary to make the movement to secure and enter into the convent. Once this was secured, through fierce fighting that cost the lives of two the squadron's men. However, still armed with the light machine gunner and the grenadier, the outpost was secured and the sergeant radioed for Cecile and the third squadron to advance on the Convent. The convent's doors and windows were immediately bombarded by the grenadiers and with the explosions filling the windows and collapsing the doors of the convent. On both sides, though Cecile's squad would have a bit more coverage from the houses across the street. Hopes were that the advancing squadrons could secure the entrances of the convent in the confusion and fight their way to the top.

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For Warrant Officer Lopez, a Sub-Machine Gunner for the Galician Army, defending the entryway to the bunker was no easy task. Unlike the rank file soldiers of the Galician Army, his forces were carrying modern weaponry, in his case, a MP5 Sub Machine Gun.

The young WO3 Lopez however was unsure. He heard of the fact that the French were willing to give leniancy to the Galician soldiers who were ready to surrender. But on the other hand, he was proud of his heritage and wished to do whatever it could to protect it.

The radio started cackling. "French forces.....breached convent....heavy casualties.....defend.....bunker at all cost...repeat...defend the...AAAHHHHHHH!!!!" The radio fell silent.

Lopez held his SMG and put it on burst fire.

The commander, General Lacorte who had a G36E and a H&K USP in hand said, "Alright, this is our last line of defense. Do not let the French cross. I do not want any quarter given. We must defend this position with our lives."

"Sir, yes sir." Lopez said, then saluted.

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Cecile looked at the ruined floor of the convent's study where the Galician commander lay dead on the floor. She kicked his gun out of the way and sighed sitting down on one of the chairs as the three sergeants under her command walked into the room with solemn looks on their faces. "Loses?"

"Not as bad as we thought Cecile." Said Marius. "Four from our squadron, two from the third, and three from the second."

"Nine...that brings us down to sixteen to attack the bunker with the rest of the army. I just hope if we made it this far we can keep going without getting completely obliterated. We should b-..." There was a loud static that came from Cecile's radio as she picked it off her belt and held it to her face. "Captain?"

"Cecile have you taken the convent yet?"

"Yes sir, we've secured the perimeter and are waiting for your approval to begin the final assault on the Galician government bunker."

"Jacques is dead." The Captain sighed over the radio. "Killed at the first assault onto the hotel. How are you holding up?"

"Sixteen men sir, including myself."

"The Royalists and our forces in the western district have most of the city secured, it is just about the siege against the Presidential bunker now. You have your orders to function as one of the vanguard squads to secure it and capture Quintana, dead or alive. Is that understood Lieutenant Villette? Or should I said, Captain Villette after this is all over."

"Sir?" Cecile's eyes widened as the radio went silent.

"Cecile?" Marius looked at the shock in her eyes. "Everything okay?"

"They've promoted me to Captain."

Marius smiled and slapped her on the back. "Well that's a good thing of course, because of the bunker mission."

"...yes...I would assume..." Cecile shook the awe out of her eyes. "We can't waste time here, the western and north-western sectors are advancing as we speak, as are the Royalists, we have to get a move on. We'll form too squadrons of eight each and assault the bunker. Marius you can take one and I'll take the other, understood?"

"Of course."

Leaving the safety of the convent, Cecile's forces along with a surrounding force of French regulars who also hoped to gain a great deal of support from the Royalist forces advancing as well. General Blondel, who was leading the greater siege of the city ordered an immediate barrage of artillery fire from the positions over in Val do Dubra and just like the attack on the tanks outside of the city, one squadron of F-22s fired their payloads into the bunker positions before turning back towards the carriers out to sea, for refueling. After the smoke had cleared from the initial barrage, the French skirmishers advances towards the entrances of the bunker. Grenadiers were first, aiming towards doors and anywhere Galician soldiers could place a line of fire, while light machine gunners formed a perimeter around the bunker itself as the riflemen advances to secure the entrances of the bunker. If those entrances could be secured, then it would be a fight to the central complex to apprehend or kill Quintana.

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Lopez was forced to pull back to the inside of the bunker admist shelling, firing his MP5 from his covered position.

"Dammit, we're pinned down." He said taking cover to avoid Machine Gun fire while giving some of his own.

The General responded, "Well, try to turn the tide, we're the only forces left for Galician Independence."

One of the Galician Royalists tossed a Grenade in, hitting the General in the head. Lopez ran down the steps while the General was disoriented. By the time Lacorte realized it was a grenade, it exploded and he was shredded by sharpnel.

(OOC: Sorry for the short post.)

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"Get inside dammit!" Cecile screamed as the bullets of enemy rifles and allied alike stormed around her and her men as they charged across the street towards the Presidential Complex in the middle of the capital. Explosions littered the streets from grenadier rounds as Galician riflemen screamed before being dispatched by French fire and artillery. With the doors blown aside, Cecile and Marius were the first ones into the bunker looking around at the smoke filed rooms in front of them that descended deeper and deeper into the Earth. The radio orders were still coming in, the Royalists had already breached the southern end of the bunker and were on their way to capture Quintana himself at the lowest levels. Reports sounded as though both French and Royalist sides were suffering just as heavy casualties as the last of the enemy defenders.

"Carefully Cecile, there are probably guys around every corner. We just can't move too quickly.

Cecile nodded as they began to move through the bunker, there were ten of them left, bruised and battered from fighting in the convent and she had lost more when they had crossed the street to secure the entrance to the bunker itself. Around every corner as Marius had said, there was a fire fight and the darkened corridors of the stone bunker was lit up in a blaze of bullets and shrapnel from grenade attacks.

"How much further do you think?" Cecile yelled over to Marius as she dove back behind one of the corners of the bunker, the path towards the center blocked by a unit of Galician defenders. "Lasalle and Pire are already dead, we can't keep moving like this. Vincent needs to pull us out or we're all going to die."

"He said kee-...$%&@." Marius dropped to the ground holding his arm as blood squirted out. "Goddammit!"


"Its only a flesh wound, I'll...I'll be okay." He put his head down as another storm of bullets streamed into the wall behind them. "Cecile...we can't do this forever..."

"I know! I know!" She looked up, there was a small standing room on the other side of the corner, if she could move fast enough..."Marius, hold this." She handed him her rifle and took out a grenade.


"Cover me!" She yelled as the French fired another volley into the Galician barricade, then without another word Cecile jumped through the corridor, throwing her grenade at the Galicians and landing within the shelter of the opposite corner. There was an explosion and dust began to rise, whether the Galicians had been killed and Cecile's squad could advance to the command center itself was yet to be seen.

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The Queen, being busy with managing the war, made no comment whatsoever concerning the war.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Therese. There's no going back from this," Anthony murmured to no one in particular.

No public statement was issued.

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Many of the Galicians, including WO Lopez were caught in the Grenade's Radius. 2 of the Galicians died, while Lopez was wounded in the leg. He grabbed a pistol, and pointed it at the closest French soldier, a female commander. He pulled the trigger but nothing came out. Lopez tried again, and again, but nothing.

[i]"Gah, I don't wanna die."[/i] He thought to himself.


Meanwhile, when he heard news that the French had already entered the bunker, Quintana looked down. "So, that's it then." He said to himself. Picking himself up off the chair, the Galician Prime Minister opened a drawer, containing a pistol. "I will not let them....parade me around like some prisoner." Picking up the pistol, he placed it on his temple.

"Para Liberdade" (For Liberty)


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After the grenade had been launched, the fighting seemed to die out, everything went silent, but as the smoke cleared the two lines, one Galician, one French, looked at each other with wide eyes, rifles pointed at each other ready to do each other in. Marius and three others watched as Cecile got up from the ground as she looked at Lopez and smiled, lowering her own pistol as well. "Listen, Monsieur, we don't need to do this anymore. The fight, as much as I know you don't want to admit it, is over. But there will be no prisoners of war, the war is over, please, just lay down your arms and you will be treated with the respect you deserve, as soldiers who fought for your beliefs."

She walked out of her line and approached Lopez who now held her life in his hands, to surrender or kill her. Marius and his unit held their guns at the ready in case the worst thing imaginable occurred. "Please. Come with me."

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Lopez couldn't believe it. From what the general told of the French, they were people looking to oppress the people. They would not do what they have said if the people were opressors.

The soldier tossed the gun away and tried to get up, but couldn't. His leg was full of sharpnel and he found it hard to get up, which he confessed. "The Prime Minister....is in the room up ahead.... I'm willing to surrender, but I can't get up."

OOC: Sorry for the sucessive short posts, trying to use up what remaining inspiration I have left to finish this RP.

Also, the PM is dead.

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"Its okay. Bruno..." Cecile turned back to one of the men still standing. "Make sure they get the proper medical treatment needed. Everything is going to be okay soldier, Galicia does well to honor you." She tapped Lopez on the shoulder. "Marius, c'mon, we're taking down Quintana."

"All right." He said reloading his rifle. "Let's go."

Cecile and Marius walked down the smoky corridor of the bunker towards the doors separating the hall from the command room, there were no guards and the door was slightly ajar as Cecile looked closer at it. "Something, somethings not right. Cover me." The Sergeant nodded as the Lieutenant kicked in the door to reveal an empty room except for Quintana laying in a pool of his own blood on the center table of the room. She closed her eyes and shook her head grabbing the radio on her belt. "Captain Vincent, come in, this is Lieutenant Cecile Villette, we have Quintana, he's dead."

Marius walked in right after and stepped back in the surprise of Quintana's dead body, shaking his head. "So...is that it then?"

Cecile shook her head. "No, even if this is everything in Galicia, everything, everything has only just begun." She picked up Quintana's pistol and holstered it. "This is only the beginning."


"Are you sure General?" Claire nodded listening to Tavernier on the other side of her receiver. "Very well. Godspeed and Vive la France." The Commander of the Imperial Guard then turned to Pio and Talles still in the conference room of the A Coruna city hall. "Quintana is dead, our troops found him in a pool of his own blood in the Presidential Bunker, Tavernier is ordering the surrender of all Royalist forces as we speak Highness." Claire sighed and touched him on his shoulder. "And I am to order the immediate abdication of your throne to Therese of France. But I do so with the honor of the French and Galician nations, men that I have served with and seen serve, you should retire a proud man and proud of what your people have done. There is no loss of pride. You have been an honor to have next to me Sire."


Meanwhile in the capital, the French army advanced fully onto the streets nearing the Royalist positions. At front of this was General Blondel of the Second Corps, which had been in the thick of the fighting in the capital. He was proud of his troops and while they had suffered higher damage than expected the objective was completed, now there was only the matter of the full surrender of the Galician Army to France, at that point, the military could begin to withdraw and the engineers could be begun to be brought in. With Pio's abdication secure and Quintana dead, all that was left was for the appointment of a new Head of State by the Empress once everything was in order. That in mind, Blondel approached Royalist positions on foot and looked out to their lines.

"Soldiers of Galicia,

You have done your country wonders these past few days and I can not say that there is an enemy that I would rather cross swords with rather then the men of the Galician Royal Army. It was you, not us, who saved your King and leader from peril of the rebel Quintana, it was you who stood up for the freedom of Galicia to the bitter end. Soldiers, this is an end. However it is one end and with this end comes a new beginning for Galicia. France does not come as liberators, we do not come as God's gift to earth, we come as prosperity seekers, we come as settlers and as empire builders. But we will never come as oppressors. Galicia will be rebuilt, better than it has ever been built before. With Galician hands, with French hands.

As I speak King Duarte Pio is surrendering his crown in good will to Empress Therese Zelle, I ask now for the Galician Army to lay down their arms in good spirit. You will be treated as brothers and sisters, not as prisoners. It is time for your honor to be lent to the new country that will rise from this ash." He saluted and smiled. "Godspeed Galicia."


"Highness." Marshal St.Croix walked into darkened library where Therese sat with a glass of wine at her side and a book in her lap. "We've received word from the front. Quintana is dead and Pio is under pressure to abdicate."

She put the glass down and nodded standing up. "Very good Marshal, very good. Then prepare my own passage down to Galicia, I would like to meet Pio personally and arrange for the beginning of Galicia's future."

"Their future?"

"French Galicia Jean-Phillipe, the first growth of my Empire. Iberia will be the crown jewel of the New France."

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[b]Somewhere outside Ajaccio[/b]
Jean sat with his cabinet, monitoring the situation in Galicia. From the time he had spent with Therese, this was not something he was entirely expecting, obviously the civil strife she had just been through had caused some kind of change in her. Regardless, he would give her what help he could in her endeavor. He turned to his friend who sat next to him at the conference table.

"General Al-Malak, I want you to assemble a small team and head to France to meet with Miss Zelle. If she will have you, you will be staying on to help advise her for the forseeable future. I will need you to keep me informed of the situation over there, I thought I knew Miss Zelle, however now, Im not so sure. Assemble your team, a transport will take you to France in 12 hours."

"Very well my Steward, I have the right people in mind."
[b]12 hours later, A small military transport approaching the South of France[/b]

General Said Al-Malak was a man who had the benefit of holding the trust and friendship of the most powerful man in Sicily, unfortunately, this meant that he was the Steward's go-to man for difficult assignments. While he was meant to be overseeing the development of Sicily's defensive developments, he would have to leave that to his very capable and handpicked subordinates while he did the Steward's bidding in France. He listened as the pilot announced their arrival in French airspace, communication had already been sent ahead by the Sicilian Foreign Affairs Staff informing the French of the flight, while he reviewed the dossiers of the two aides he had picked to join him in France.

Colonel Silvia Antonetti and Major Paul Benoit had both distinguished themselves as officers in the MedCorps. They both had extensive anti-insurgency training and both had led units with distinction during The Crisis. Together with himself, Said felt the French would be deeply grateful for such a team available to assist them.

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The two Sicilians would be directed to French military command at the Chateau de Pau in the South of France, after the plane landed outside of the military airport a limousine was brought to them to take the commanders to the Chateau itself for their audience with the Commander in the south, General Claire Delacour of the Imperial Guard. After they passed through the iron gates of the Chateau, they were received by a detachment of the Guard itself who with great honor, precision, and respect took the two gentlemen up towards the officer's quarters of the castle and from there to the private rooms of General Delacour herself. Opening the doors to her office, the General stood up from her desk, putting her hair in a ponytail and pushing a few of the battle maps of Galicia off to the side. The war was over, but a small garrison was still positioned in the country and of course there was always plans to further France's glory in Europe and the world, but that would wait for another day.

"Gentlemen" Claire stood up and bowed. "I am General Clair Delacour of the Imperial Guard and I've been expecting you both. I can assume that your visit concerns the recent expansion to Galicia. Well I am ready to answer any questions and concerns you might have. Sicily's relations with France are very important to Her Majesty. So wherever you gentlemen would like to begin." She offered them two chairs. "Would you like anything to drink as well?"

She sighed. "I do hope that the Steward isn't furious about the developments, The Empress wanted to meet with you personally, but right now things are quite busy in the capital. If there is anything that has to be done, I will see to it."

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[quote name='Vedran' date='25 May 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1274819316' post='2311555']
"It is troubling that old-fashioned imperialism is not dead. Let us hope it will restrict itself to Europe."

We Sudanese find it reassuring that the French have kept it within Europe for a change. Good show France, jolly good show.

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