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allow conquest if no defense

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after yet another cycle of triple turtles with no defenders in all three battles, I suggest again that countries which don't defend themselves become either

a) declared as neutrals and the war ends upon the third defeat alert.


b) conquered/colonized and assimilated
- 10% of tech and infra are pillaged
- if restarted, the new country is flagged as COLONY with fewer resources (or barred from rerolling until next round ... open debate on this one: want to encourage active play even if conquerered, but must discourage captive turtles used to feed pixel lovers)

Listless days of no battles is one aspect of TE which remains broken, broken, broken.

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  • 1 month later...

i like the idea of the colony. if you beat that nation, the former ruler of that country should be forced to make a new nation and the agressor will then have his own nation as well as another colony under control.

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maybe not a whole new nation, id say, 30% of land, tech, infra,etc. and gets a new resourse, but you cant have more than 3(or 4) nation resourses at the same time, so as you take over new nations, you let go of the old colonies and lose their resourse and the 30% you got from them, but you get new ones, and u can choose if you want to keep an old colony or take on a new one, colonies capped at 4 like resourses as well, you cannot trade these resouses though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the other hand, it does encourage big nations to attack much smaller nations that don't have much ability to fight back. The smaller nations then have to fight, lose and give away money for minimal damage to the larger nation, while said larger nation wipes the floor with them.

Also, what would happen if the turtling nation has multiple attackers?

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People have to turtle sometimes. No cash, outgunned, outnumbered, went out of town, lost internet or whatever other of a thousand legitimate reasons, it happens.

I'm not sure they should be punished for it.

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  • 1 month later...

[quote name='unruly' timestamp='1272776144' post='2283486']
after yet another cycle of triple turtles with no defenders in all three battles, I suggest again that countries which don't defend themselves become either

a) declared as neutrals and the war ends upon the third defeat alert. [/quote]

This seems like the best alternative, turtles take up slots, which in turn makes the game less fun. The war should end by a certain number of Defeat alerts, then the defeated nation shouldn't be abel to declare war for a certain period of days (greater than that of normal anarchy).

I like it.

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[quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1283018708' post='2433968']
This seems like the best alternative, turtles take up slots, which in turn makes the game less fun. The war should end by a certain number of Defeat alerts, then the defeated nation shouldn't be abel to declare war for a certain period of days (greater than that of normal anarchy).

I like it.
Have to admit I had a turtle/inactive nation last round and when I could no longer hit him I got an in-game warning for suspected slot filling (about 8 hours before the war was due to expire).
The guy had zero troops and I had zero air and not enough tech to buy cruise, so it was hardly slot filling imo.
Not sure where the slot fills originate but a better option might be to allow infra to be stolen immediately after the first defeat message has gone out. That would free moderation up if it were coded into the game.
I'm a great supporter of bringing new guys to the game, but some experienced players just work the turtle option and it seems fairer to my mind to remove the option.

Good point though Clash, but I think the game needs players.

Edited by Son of Taeper
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  • 1 month later...

There's a reason wars aren't so profitable in CN. There was a game I played once where wars were immensely profitable, so much that the optimal strategy was just to roll over as many small nations as you could. Every nation you rolled, your economy became stronger and it became much harder for other nations to attack you due to economic strength. So eventually you ended up with a super nation no one else could fight for fear of being utterly rolled and eaten by this monster.

Sort of like IDIOT in previous TE rounds, except with fighting ability.

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