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Nexus Announcement

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Nexus Announcement[/center]

We are now at 7 members with a total NS of over 100k, we also got a new forum setup which I invite anyone who wants to visit or join to come by,


Currently we're mostly on black, although we plan to move over to brown as our official color. Any brown alliances who want to come by and help work on trade circles with us during our transition are welcome to do so. We're almost done making our charter, so we'll have that soon enough.


King Methrage

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[quote name='Ragnor' date='27 April 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1272419901' post='2277970']
You are aware of the fact that there is an alliance Bloc called [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Nexus"]Nexus[/url] I assume?

Yes I made him aware of that in his declaration of existence.

[quote name='Methrage' date='25 April 2010 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1272232525' post='2274855']
I wasn't aware, but if they think it is to similar, they can discuss it with me and I'm sure it can be worked out.

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[quote name='Ragnor' date='27 April 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1272419901' post='2277970']
You are aware of the fact that there is an alliance Bloc called [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Nexus"]Nexus[/url] I assume?
If it really bothers you guys its not to late to switch, but Brendon said it probably wouldn't and nobody approached me. My website is AnimeNexus.org so I got it from there, I do want good relations with others on brown though.

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Here is our charter,

Nexus Charter

I. Admission

Members (known hereafter as "Vassals" are to swear an oath to uphold the virtues of Chivalry, Honor, Fraternity, and all other standards of conduct agreed upon by the Royal Court. (Agree to abide by our rules) There are to be no unlawful depredations upon those who have not been recognized as enemies of the crown. (No tech raiding)

II. Government and Organization

1. The Monarch (King or Queen) is the esteemed leader of Nexus and highest authority. The Monarch is the Principal Leader with the authority to declare war and sign treaties on behalf of the alliance, as well as holding any powers not specified by this charter.

2. The Dark Lord is the assistant to the Monarch, selected by the Monarch during his reign. In the Monarch's absence or for the purposes of negotiation, the Dark Lord may be temporarily delegated the powers of the Monarch.

3. Curia Regis (Royal Court)
These members are elected by popular vote for a term of 6 months, and during official proceedings the Viceroy may call the tie-breaking vote if needed.

The War Minister's duty is to ensure all vassals are prepared and trained in the arts of war. Should a conflict arise, it is the War Minister's duty to coordinate our actions at the direction of the Monarch and Royal Court.

The Trade Guildmaster is to assist members in the trade of natural goods, the buying and selling of technology, and the procurement and dispersal of aid in times of war and peace.

The Recruitment Officer is to be charged with seeking out new Vassals worthy of the Citadel, and to guide them toward greatness.

The Foreign Affairs Minister is to conduct and coordinate diplomacy in the name of the Citadel.

4. Knights of the Round Table are Vassals who have risen to a position of leadership, and will lead formations into battle. (Squad Leaders, for use during times of war; as we're a peaceful alliance) Their actions are directly commanded by the War Minister.

5. Vassals are to have voting rights, the protection of the Citadel, and be prepared to defend it. In order to vote vassals must be masked as a member on the forum and have their AA as Nexus in-game.

III. Duel System

Should a member of the Curia Regis not act in accordance with the virtues of Nexus, any member may challenge them in ritual combat to remove them from their post. (Result of ritual combat decided by member majority vote)

If the Monarch or Dark Lord is found to not act in accordance with the virtues of Nexus, they can either be challenged for their position by a member of the Curia Regis or any Vassal may bring forth a vote to remove the Monarch or Dark Lord from his position with a 2/3 majority vote.

IV. Amendment

This charter may be modified at any time with a 2/3 majority vote in favor.[/quote]

Forum: http://nexuscn.freeforums.org/index.php

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' date='28 April 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1272487478' post='2278764']
Updated the OP with the flag.
It's practically a direct copy of the Fifth Column Confederation flag :|

Regardless, welcome to brown.

Edited by Adrian Veidt
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[quote name='Uralica' date='28 April 2010 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1272488204' post='2278778']
If you're moving to brown, wouldn't that put you personally in a tight spot, Methrage? I mean, you are still sanctioned there and all. (Granted you might not care. :P)

That aside, good luck. :)
That was removed, just because GOONS and Umbrella consider me a rogue doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

Edit: I heard it was getting removed if its still there at least.

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[quote name='Uralica' date='28 April 2010 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1272488516' post='2278788']
Interesting. It looks as if it's still up on the [url="http://www.cybernations.net/all_sanctions_view.asp?offset=0"]World Sanctions List[/url], but I suppose that might be behind. :P
I only see the sanction on black, if there was one it seems to be gone.

Libertarian Empire (Methrage) Tiltakslos (Xavii)

[Team: Black]
4/15/2010 Trade & Aid GOONS Req - Sorry Bro.
Fordlandia (RUKUNU) Raunchero (Raunchero)

[Team: Blue]
4/10/2010 Trade & Aid Requested by GOONS
Fordlandia (RUKUNU) Seria (Bob Janova)

[Team: Green]
4/9/2010 Trade & Aid Rogue (GOONS request)
Fordlandia (RUKUNU) Georgian Bay (Sunstar)

[Team: Orange]
4/9/2010 Trade & Aid GOONS Request & ODN :wub:

GOONS do request a lot of sanction though.

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='29 April 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1272558660' post='2279930']
From this point until further notice Nexus is under the protection of the New Sith Order.

From before you posted this, Methrage is an Enemy of GOONS and is destined to perpetual wars from us.

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='29 April 2010 - 12:31 PM' timestamp='1272558660' post='2279930']
From this point until further notice Nexus is under the protection of the New Sith Order.
Thanks, since I'm unable to do anything due to bill lock any further aggression from GOONS would be entirely one sided.

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[quote name='nippy' date='29 April 2010 - 12:37 PM' timestamp='1272559026' post='2279936']
From before you posted this, Methrage is an Enemy of GOONS and is destined to perpetual wars from us.

Methrage is an individual, Nexus is an alliance. The complexities of his unique situation has been relayed and we will not intervene. Although I find it quite troubling that alliances in this day and age still keep PZI lists.

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='29 April 2010 - 10:14 AM' timestamp='1272561229' post='2279982']
Methrage is an individual, Nexus is an alliance. The complexities of his unique situation has been relayed and we will not intervene. Although I find it quite troubling that alliances in this day and age still keep PZI lists.
Who said anything about PZI? Please don't jump to conclusions.

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='29 April 2010 - 07:14 PM' timestamp='1272561229' post='2279982']
Methrage is an individual, Nexus is an alliance. The complexities of his unique situation has been relayed and we will not intervene. Although I find it quite troubling that alliances in this day and age still keep PZI lists.

Issues require resolution. Opportunity for resolution has been presented to Methrage. He has declined and would rather continue to be pounded by our alliance while begging for funds from uninvolved parties.

As for the rest of Nexus, we have no quarrel with them.

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[quote name='nippy' date='29 April 2010 - 01:22 PM' timestamp='1272561733' post='2279995']
Issues require resolution. Opportunity for resolution has been presented to Methrage. He has declined and would rather continue to be pounded by our alliance while begging for funds from uninvolved parties.

As for the rest of Nexus, we have no quarrel with them.

This is the closest thing to a resolution presented by GOONS,
[quote]Greetings Methrage.

I've heard some talks about surrender lately. While we do have a Mercy board for this sort of things with pubbies, you're currently an EoG. So if you're serious about this surrender stuff, contact me and we'll set something up. As the GOONS adjucator, this whole thing is mostly in my hands.

I'm not going to lie. I have no plans to make this easy for you. I intend to do everything I can to make sure you aren't just pulling our strings to get us to back off temporarily. So again, if you're serious, you have my number. Call me, babe! [/quote]

I don't consider this an opportunity for resolution and this is the closest I've got to something being presented. If you think I'm going to post on your mercy board, register on your forum and apologize for you guys attacking me on you mercy board then you're mistaken. Also the vagueness implies it could include anything, much like the unconditional surrender Gremlins demand.

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