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Blue Heaven Prime Minister Elections


Blue Heaven Prime Minister Elections  

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Current Political Parties in BH


Traditionalists are mainly conservative politicians who favor a laissez faire type approach to the economy and is currently pining for the military to stop making its own weapons in favor of having defense contractors make them. Traditionalists also want to increase military spending and lower taxes, yet there are quite strict about borrowing money from other nations or even domestic banks and work to keep the government as debt-free as possible. Your average Traditionalist has a college education, is reared in rich and upper class families and usually has gone to the most prestigious private schools in the nation.

Candidate: Roger Smith


As there name says, the Progressives want to make progress. They favor economic regulation, but not to the point where it can be considered socialist or communist. They want to decrease military spending and also begin diplomatic talks with major players in both North and South America. It may seem like they don't care about the protection of Blue Heaven, but are quite sure that Blue Heaven could go with a smaller military due to its membership in the Confederation of Arctic Nations (CAN), it's Mutual Defense Pact, the Treaty of Beaumont, with the Commonwealth of Texas, and starting relations with major players.

Candidate: Alison Nivak

[u]New Wave[/u]

The New Wave party may just be the strangest political part of all in Blue Heaven. They advocate a one-party political system, beginning relations with Tahoe, and furthering relations with CAN member states. The New Wave politicians have been met with skepticism and criticism all over Blue Heaven, though, strangely enough, they hold several seats in Parliament.

Candidate: Jack Whits


The Militarist party is concerned with only one thing: the defense of Blue Heaven. They advocate Blue Heaven taking a non-interventionist foreign policy, furthering relations with the CAN, and increasing military spending. They have few allies in Parliament on some issues, but for the most part, they seem to be on their on in their quest to protect Blue Heaven. A major problem within the party is agreeing on the way to protect Blue Heaven. Some argue that we just need to build up our military and others say that we should begin relations with the major powers in the region and try to get some Mutual Defense Pacts going.

Candidate: Marilyn Johnson

[u]Benevolent Dictatorship[/u]

This is another strange political party in Blue Heaven. They advocate a dictatorship where the dictator has limited powers. Also they'd like to have Blue Heaven go isolationist and lower military spending. The Benevolents find themselves constantly at odds with the Traditionalists and the Militarists. They have several seats in Parliament and are currently thinking of trying to touch base with the Progressives.

Candidate: Xavier Puffins


This party, suprisingly enough, has serious support from small pockets of the public and get donations from some of the biggest, most powerful companies in the nation. The Utopians advocate turning the military into a National Guard, is cautious about dabbling into foreign affairs outside of the North American continent, and increasing economic regulation. They are staunch allies of the Progressive party and serious enemies of the Traditionalist party, whom they view as warmongering and economic risk-takers.

Candidate: Lia Buttercup


Simply put, the Anrarchists want exactly that, anarchy. They have a philosophy that states that man can truly become free if there are no rules. This party is so reviled that there are entire websites dedicated to bringing about its destruction and near monthly protests againist them.

Candidate: Kiah Ne-How

The floor is now open for questioning and the polls are open for voting

OOC: There is a good chance that I will RP whatever party wins the elections

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"The Federation of Baskan would like to openly support the Traditionalist party. They are a well-respected party and have been very fair to the people of Blue Heaven. We agree with their ethics and hope they win. Good luck Roger Smith. I would like to ask him what the Traditionalist's foreign policy is?"

Edited by baskan
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Roger smiled. "Our foreign policy will mainly focus on North America, but also we'd like to reach out to nations in the Pacific. The main thing we are concerned about is the protection of Blue Heaven's friends and allies and also our economic interests."

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"We are glad to see the elections progressing smoothly in a fellow CAN member nation. We wish all candidates good luck and will not endorse a single party, however we are grateful to all candidates and parties who wish to strengthen ties with the CAN."

"We would like to ask the candidate their view of the Northern Republic and how they think the CAN could be improved or changed."

OOC: Voted for Progressive

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The Emperor is busy at the moment so the Empress sends a question.
"What is each parties view of the current Canadian regime, and the former regime, and what are the thoughts in regards to the DMZ currently seperating our nations.
Our recent failed expedition to Antarctica and recent growth in naval power in the Hudson Bay?"

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President Ruiz read about the elections in Blue Heaven in the newspaper. "Did we ever conclude that Defense treaty with Blue Heaven?"

"No sir, it was interrupted by the wedding."

"Ah that is right. We need to get back on that thing. I sure hope that Roger Smith fellow wins this thing. He seemed like a decent sort." President Ruiz spoke as he returned to his newspaper.

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The Reich wishes to support the Traditionalist Party, as they are not only the Party whose policies reflect the closest that of the Reich, they are also the Dominant Party in Blue Heaven. We wish Prime Minister Smith and his Party the best of luck in this election.

Edited by Jordosaur94
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[quote name='Californian' date='26 March 2010 - 09:01 PM' timestamp='1269651678' post='2237937']
"We are glad to see the elections progressing smoothly in a fellow CAN member nation. We wish all candidates good luck and will not endorse a single party, however we are grateful to all candidates and parties who wish to strengthen ties with the CAN."

"We would like to ask the candidate their view of the Northern Republic and how they think the CAN could be improved or changed."

OOC: Voted for Progressive

The New Wave candidate spoke up, "We think highly of the Northern Republic and are highly awaiting the FTA between our two nations. We think that relations with the CAN member states could be improved by trying to begin or further economic relations between us."

Marilyn Johnson the spoke up "We also think highly of the Northern Republic. We think that Blue Heaven can further relations with the CAN by having wargames with all CAN member nations and also starting up a joint intelligence committee so that all CAN member states will know of mutual economic and military threats."

[quote name='Zoot Zoot']
The Emperor is busy at the moment so the Empress sends a question.
"What is each parties view of the current Canadian regime, and the former regime, and what are the thoughts in regards to the DMZ currently seperating our nations.
Our recent failed expedition to Antarctica and recent growth in naval power in the Hudson Bay?"

Roger Smith picked up his mic. "We think that the former regime was a good and trustworthy government. We look at this new regime quite carefully. The Traditionalist Party thinks that the DMZ between our two nations needs to be bought down ASAP so that we can once again have cordial relations with one another."

Alison Nivak said "The Progressive party respects and fully accepts both old and new regimes. We as well think that the DMZ should be bought down ASAP as it hinders the progress of our two nations growing closer."

Jack Whits then spoke up, saying "The New Wave Party respects the old regime, but looks quite carefully at this new regime, seeing as how a cult has such a hold in the CE. We have no thoughts on the DMZ between our nations."

Marilyn Johnson then said "We view both old and new regimes warily, seeing as how they're both a potential security threat to our nation. We do think that the amount of CE soldiers on the DMZ line is a too much and should be lowered immediately as this can be interpreted as a prelude to invasion"

Xavier Puffins quickly grabbed her mic and said "We respect both old and new regimes and we also think that the DMZ between our two nations should be bought down immediately."

Lia Buttercup then grabbed her mic and began to speak "We look at this new regime warily as they seem to worship a pagan god. We also think that the DMZ between our nations needs to be kept up to stop CE forces from invading us and we [i]will[/i] stand up to any and all foreign forces that try to invade our nation."

Kiah Ne-How then picked up her mic and said "The Anarchist Party has nothing to say on either issue."

Edited by kitex
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OoC: Voted for Progressive.

"Disparu is quite glad that a fellow CAN member still listens to the voice of it's people by holding fair elections."

- statement from the Office of the Monarch and the Government of Disparu


A reporter from Disparu would stand up. "Elizabeth May, reporter for the DNN! Candidates, it seems that your political platforms are focused on Blue Heaven's military and foreign affairs. What do you plan on doing in terms of domestic affairs, such as education, health, culture, and technology? Also, what are your current stances toward Disparu and it's Government?"

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[quote name='kitex' date='26 March 2010 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1269651447' post='2237929']
Roger smiled. "Our foreign policy will mainly focus on North America, but also we'd like to reach out to nations in the Pacific. The main thing we are concerned about is the protection of Blue Heaven's friends and allies and also our economic interests."
"Thanks you kind sir. Another question if I may, what do all of the parties think about Cochinese conflict that has erupted next to us? Will you side with either or will you stay neutral? While all the world is civilizing, we have noticed all over the environment has been being destroyed. So I ask all the party's, what is your policy on the environment and its protection/civilization?"

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[quote name='Pikachurin' date='26 March 2010 - 11:24 PM' timestamp='1269660227' post='2238033']
OoC: Voted for Progressive.

"Disparu is quite glad that a fellow CAN member still listens to the voice of it's people by holding fair elections."

- statement from the Office of the Monarch and the Government of Disparu


A reporter from Disparu would stand up. "Elizabeth May, reporter for the DNN! Candidates, it seems that your political platforms are focused on Blue Heaven's military and foreign affairs. What do you plan on doing in terms of domestic affairs, such as education, health, culture, and technology? Also, what are your current stances toward Disparu and it's Government?"

Roger Smith spoke up. "Well currently 25% of the GDP goes to education, yet our population is growing rapidly and healthcare will be needed, thus I propose cutting education by 5% and putting it into healthcare. Also I think that we need to begin private diplomatic relations with Disparu."

"Technology is of utmost importance for Blue Heaven. I think that we need to begin to expand our economy and then start major investments in civil technology," said the Progressive candidate. "Perhaps we can work with DIsparu to make this happen."

"What Blue Heaven needs to do is to begin to invest in civil technology and the art. Blue Heaven should be known internationally for its art. Also we think that we should strengthen cultural ties with Disparu," said Jack.

"Blue Heaven needs to invest in military technology that can not only help the military but will also extend into civilian life," said the Militarist candidate "Also we think that we should stengthen military relations with Disparu."

"Firstly, we think that Disparu is a fine nation. Domestically, what we need to do structure the healthcare system so that people can buy healthcare across provincial lines and also have government-run healthcare. We'd get this money by decreasing the education budget," said the Benevolent Dictatorship candidate.

"What Blue Heaven needs to do is have government run health care, encourage the arts with small subsidies to private art schools and cut the defense budget to increase the transporation budget," said the Utopian candidate. "Also we think that we should strengthen ties culturally, economically and militarily with Disparu."

"The Anarchist party despises the government of Disparu as they do not allow their people to be free. Only with no government interference whatsoever can humanity evolve to the next stage in evolution. Domestically, you already know our goals."

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[quote name='kitex' date='27 March 2010 - 01:50 AM' timestamp='1269654611' post='2237975']

Roger Smith picked up his mic. "We think that the former regime was a good and trustworthy government. We look at this new regime quite carefully. The Traditionalist Party thinks that the DMZ between our two nations needs to be bought down ASAP so that we can once again have cordial relations with one another."

Alison Nivak said "The Progressive party respects and fully accepts both old and new regimes. We as well think that the DMZ should be bought down ASAP as it hinders the progress of our two nations growing closer."

Jack Whits then spoke up, saying "The New Wave Party respects the old regime, but looks quite carefully at this new regime, seeing as how a cult has such a hold in the CE. We have no thoughts on the DMZ between our nations."

Marilyn Johnson then said "We view both old and new regimes warily, seeing as how they're both a potential security threat to our nation. We do think that the amount of CE soldiers on the DMZ line is a too much and should be lowered immediately as this can be interpreted as a prelude to invasion"

Xavier Puffins quickly grabbed her mic and said "We respect both old and new regimes and we also think that the DMZ between our two nations should be bought down immediately."

Lia Buttercup then grabbed her mic and began to speak "We look at this new regime warily as they seem to worship a pagan god. We also think that the DMZ between our nations needs to be kept up to stop CE forces from invading us and we [i]will[/i] stand up to any and all foreign forces that try to invade our nation."

Kiah Ne-How then picked up her mic and said "The Anarchist Party has nothing to say on either issue."

The Empress wrote a reply.
"So many of you, with the exception of Mr Puffins, dont trust myself or the Emperor?, and you dont believe that the DMZ on the border, which was part of the official ceasefire should still be kept? even though it keeps tensions, that are obviously very high on your part, down to a minimum on ours?

Your repeated lack of support for the Imperial regime, which was a democratic process, your racism and untolerance towards men and women who worship the Dragon cult, people entitled to their own beliefs, and your general mindset, that the Canadian Army is going to swamp your borders and over run you. Which is not the case. We share a huge land border, and are we not allowed to protect it to a competancy of OUR deciding? For all we know, you might be planning to invade us, with 10,000 men on the border as opposed to our 45,000 i highly doubt it, and you have never reneeged on an agreement to date.

We are allies, we were good friends as far as nations go. We are in two of the same blocs together and yet your contempt is obvious for all to see.
We shall not be lowering numbers of men on the border, after this tirade of contempt towards myself and the Emperor, they will be staying until the date the DMZ is due to be taken down and the borders re opened."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='27 March 2010 - 08:34 AM' timestamp='1269693243' post='2238221']
The Empress wrote a reply.
"So many of you, with the exception of Mr Puffins, dont trust myself or the Emperor?, and you dont believe that the DMZ on the border, which was part of the official ceasefire should still be kept? even though it keeps tensions, that are obviously very high on your part, down to a minimum on ours?

Your repeated lack of support for the Imperial regime, which was a democratic process, your racism and untolerance towards men and women who worship the Dragon cult, people entitled to their own beliefs, and your general mindset, that the Canadian Army is going to swamp your borders and over run you. Which is not the case. We share a huge land border, and are we not allowed to protect it to a competancy of OUR deciding? For all we know, you might be planning to invade us, with 10,000 men on the border as opposed to our 45,000 i highly doubt it, and you have never reneeged on an agreement to date.

We are allies, we were good friends as far as nations go. We are in two of the same blocs together and yet your contempt is obvious for all to see.
We shall not be lowering numbers of men on the border, after this tirade of contempt towards myself and the Emperor, they will be staying until the date the DMZ is due to be taken down and the borders re opened."

"How is [i]anyone[/i] here being racist at all?" asked John Whits. "If you said religious intolerance, that'd be one thing. Please, I hope you do know that race and religion are two completely and totally different things."

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"You can be racist towards a religion, take it in context.
But ok, ill rephrase so the point is NOT lost on you.
You offer religous INTOLERANCE towards the Dragon Cult, whom have not done anything in Blue Heaven to deserve the contempt you show .

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='27 March 2010 - 12:06 PM' timestamp='1269705970' post='2238337']
"You can be racist towards a religion, take it in context.
But ok, ill rephrase so the point is NOT lost on you.
You offer religous INTOLERANCE towards the Dragon Cult, whom have not done anything in Blue Heaven to deserve the contempt you show .

Whit smiled "I thought you knew how religious a people we are. We've had to deal with extreme Christian terrorists before."

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[quote name='baskan' date='26 March 2010 - 11:30 PM' timestamp='1269660597' post='2238039']
"Thanks you kind sir. Another question if I may, what do all of the parties think about Cochinese conflict that has erupted next to us? Will you side with either or will you stay neutral? While all the world is civilizing, we have noticed all over the environment has been being destroyed. So I ask all the party's, what is your policy on the environment and its protection/civilization?"

Roger Smith spoke. "I think that I speak for all parties when I say that we are currently neutral in the conflict, but will protect our friends in the Federation of Baskan. I speak for the Traditionalist Party when I say that we need to protect our enviornment. Currently the Ministry of Agriculture is setting up national parks."

"I agree with my colleague that we will remain neutral and protect our friends in Baskan. As for the enviornment, if elected I'd do my best to have Parliament increase fuel efficiency standards for cars and would also begin to green up our cities."

"The New Wave Party will protect our friends in Baskan, maintain our current neutrality unless Baskan is attacked and also the environment. We'd do our best to implement that all houses be solar powered within the next 50 years."

"We will, without a doubt, protect the nation of Baskan and as of now will be neutral. As for the enviornment, we'd make sure that our biggest consumer of oil, the military had [i]extremely[/i] fuel efficient vehicles."

"We also announce our dedication to Baskan's protection and our neutrality. In regards to the enviornment, we'd begin the construction of wind turbines and also using solar energy."

"We are more than willing to protect our newfound friends in Baskan. On the enviorment, we'd like to see all vehicles get at least 60 mph by the year 2020."

"The Anarchist Party declares its neutrality in the Acca Daccan-NST/Cochin conflict. We have no views on the enviornment."

[quote name='Zoot Zoot']
"We are well aware on how religous you are, bordering zealots in our opinion.
However, I was under the impression most religons teach tolerance do they not?"

"Yes most religions, including Christianity teach tolerance, but most people, at least the ones that I know, are moderate Christians who don't adopt Christianity 100% seeing as how it would drastically change their lives."

Edited by kitex
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"And being tolerant towards other beliefs will drasticly alter their lives?
I think not.

Do you Openly denounce Islam? the Jewish faith? Hinduism? Buddism? or the many of ther religous sects throughout the world?
I think not.

Does Blue Heaven, and these parties trying to gain control over the Governence of the Nation, believe in free speech and free will?
To me, it sounds like they dont. It sounds like you wish to impeed peoples own will by condemning a Cult, which has done no harm to your nation or its peoples.

You believe Government seem like warmongers due to the treaty Blue Heaven signed with us in regards to the DMZ, and how many soldiers we post on our own border.
You have it in your minds we are to invade you and conquer your lands.
You seem to have lost all faith in the Canadian regime."

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"Please Empress, let me fully explain this to you," said Roger Smith. "My Cabinet and I respect and admire the Canadian Empire." He glance over at Marliyn, the Militarist candidate and said "[i]Some[/i] of my colleagues are quite jumpy and make ridiculous assumptions that you're a security threat. Personally, I see the CE as a great and reliable ally. I'm just somewhat religiously intolerant when it comes to cults that worship dragons because for centuries the dragon has stood in as a symbol for the Devil. We all have our flaws do we not?"

[quote name='Fizzydog']
A NTR reporter stood with a microphone, and said, "Progressives, what is your opinion of the other nations in North America? Do you plan on staying peaceful with them?

Alison spoke up. "We respect all of the nations of North America, especially those in the CAN and are intent on staying on good relations with all of them."

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