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Murder Inc Policy Round 10


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As much as we like diplomacy, if is often times hard to track down the leaders of alliances in tournament edition. Most irc rooms are dead and most forums are innactive. This makes it very difficult to deal with rogue nations in a timley manner.

Therefore, Murder Inc. had decided that ANY aligned nation that attacks Murder Inc will be attacked for 7 days, regardless of alliances affiliation (unless we have a treaty with you). Furthermore we are instituting a three strike policy. If a nation(s) flying a foreign AA attack us totaling 3 offensive wars, your entire alliance will be going up in flames. Again that doesn't apply to our allies.

Panic King, save your tears.
That is All.

Edited by Believland
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Glad to see your in a high gov position again BEazy.

Would have been horrible if this 10th reroll of MI tried to force out the original MI players (and founders) in favor of people who were never actually in MI.


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I noticed some of our MI members attack big alliances. -.-
If I get destroyed for this I will be mad. XD
Perth got attacked y one of our members and I hope to god that the stupid that hurts my brain stops. Damn noobs goig to be blown up.

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[quote name='arcticllama' date='23 February 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1266954713' post='2199368']
hmm what's your policy about MI members hitting alliances like RD?

we are not amused. <_<
Send peace, if he doesn't accept talk to government.

[quote name='HisK Owns You' date='23 February 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1266959032' post='2199557']
You guys need to look at your own policy...
Mind [i]showing[/i]us?

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[quote name='Believland' date='23 February 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1266959464' post='2199578']
Send peace, if he doesn't accept talk to government.

Mind [i]showing[/i]us?

You guys raid anyone you want... But then if someone raids one of your nations you go full out? ya that will work...

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[quote name='Believland' date='23 February 2010 - 04:19 PM' timestamp='1266959984' post='2199606']
I'm sorry we can't be civilized. Suck it up bro. We're warriors and we war. If you don't like it, tough luck. Also, coming to MI gov't never hurts

I'm sorry you cant be civilized but this policy wont work. So good luck... You guys don't have 300 nations anymore. ;)

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[quote name='elborrador' date='23 February 2010 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1266963629' post='2199784']
Mi strive to not raid any aligned nations. I address issues as I see them or that are brought to my attention. Ask OP. I take a hard line against idiots that disregard the aa of nations whwn raiding them

Ok thanks elbo :wub:

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