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Supreme Clientele Declaration of War. #2.

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[size="5"]Declaration of War.[/size][/center]

[quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' date='15 February 2010 - 04:37 AM' timestamp='1266208674' post='2182190']

Try taking on a socialist alliance with guns, comrades, and an unspoken policy of no surrender. No? I didn't think so. You're a pathetic vulture that's just looking for trouble, jones.[/center]

I accept your challenge.

Supreme Clientele is hereby in a state of war with the Libertarian Socialist Federation. I hope your lower ranks like nukes. Peace terms are exactly the same as given to the SWF, 15 million in aid given to nations around planet bob that are the true proletariat workers, and in need of aid.


Astronaut Jones - Apollo Kid, 9 milli bro, Pretty Toney, Wu Banga.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='18 February 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1266522953' post='2190065']
If you think THIS is disturbing, wait a month.

I hope the surgery goes well.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='18 February 2010 - 10:28 PM' timestamp='1266528494' post='2190228']
I'll let you be the judge of that, sir. In the meantime, I will prepare my nukes for launching.

I hope this means you're drawing smiley-faces on them with chalk. I do that with my cruise missiles.

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[quote name='Space Monkey' date='18 February 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1266531357' post='2190347']
I would like to thank you for being a war training partner for our newer nations.
In my opinion, the sooner they experience nuclear war the better.

If you attain peace with the others fighting you, Supreme Clientele will also offer you peace on their terms. There is no need to further hold your lower ranks down while the imperialist scum of the upper LSF ranks grows fat off their "war chests" and constant purchases of technology in an effort to "rebuild." While it may not seem it, I am actually on the side of the nations I am fighting, for they are the workers of the world, they are the foundation of which you have built your bourgeois utopia. It pains me to fight them, but in fighting them, I hope to enact a small measure of change, and hopefully make you see the error of your ways, and where you have strayed from your socialist ideals.

Peace with your other enemies means peace with Supreme Clientele.


Astronaut Jones - One man gang, akeem the african dream, the big boss man.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='18 February 2010 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1266533703' post='2190426']
If you attain peace with the others fighting you, Supreme Clientele will also offer you peace on their terms. There is no need to further hold your lower ranks down while the imperialist scum of the upper LSF ranks grows fat off their "war chests" and constant purchases of technology in an effort to "rebuild." While it may not seem it, I am actually on the side of the nations I am fighting, for they are the workers of the world, they are the foundation of which you have built your bourgeois utopia. It pains me to fight them, but in fighting them, I hope to enact a small measure of change, and hopefully make you see the error of your ways, and where you have strayed from your socialist ideals.

Peace with your other enemies means peace with Supreme Clientele.


Astronaut Jones - One man gang, akeem the african dream, the big boss man.
Bah never mind what i said , informed myself a bit better. This said it is pure opportunism you're doing there. Attacking the weak while they're at war. Grow ur nation and strike the big ones .

Have fun rolling him LSF .

Edited by generals3
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[quote name='generals3' date='18 February 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1266534440' post='2190464']
Bah never mind what i said , informed myself a bit better. This said it is pure opportunism you're doing there. Attacking the weak while they're at war. Grow ur nation and strike the big ones .

Have fun rolling him LSF .

I have employed a scorched earth tactic, and willingly lowered my NS to what it is now. I leave nothing of value for my enemies to use against me. And you know nothing if you believe tihs is opportunism.

It is advised you do not speak any further.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='19 February 2010 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1266536828' post='2190552']
I have employed a scorched earth tactic, and willingly lowered my NS to what it is now. I leave nothing of value for my enemies to use against me. And you know nothing if you believe tihs is opportunism.

It is advised you do not speak any further.

Let me ask you this question. Don't you think it's ironical to fight for the Proletariat by nuking the same proletariat you want to help ? I'm sorry but i have no respect whatsoever for people who attack the small citizens because they dislike a system. It's pure and simple terrorism , aim your efforts at the real causes and you might get some respect . But as long as your actions are contradictory to your ideals you are no better than the ones you despise so much.

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[quote name='generals3' date='19 February 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1266537614' post='2190586']
Let me ask you this question. Don't you think it's ironical to fight for the Proletariat by nuking the same proletariat you want to help ? I'm sorry but i have no respect whatsoever for people who attack the small citizens because they dislike a system. It's pure and simple terrorism , aim your efforts at the real causes and you might get some respect . But as long as your actions are contradictory to your ideals you are no better than the ones you despise so much.

There are more workers of the world around Planet Bob than just those in these faux socialist/communist alliances. Many of those who I attack joined under false pretense, as they believed they were joining an alliance that would hold true to the ideals of all socialists/communists before them, and not merely an alliance built to keep the rich and strong, rich and strong.

I do not care for your respect. I did not ask for your respect. If you do not believe in my cause, then so be it, you are a free man and you may do as you wish.

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Hey you declared on a alliance that still exist this time. Good for you. You're getting better every time.

[quote name='astronaut jones' date='19 February 2010 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1266536828' post='2190552']
I have employed a scorched earth tactic
Should have gone with the 3-way break off flank attack. All the cool guys are doing it.

Edited by neneko
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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='19 February 2010 - 12:15 AM' timestamp='1266538517' post='2190616']. Many of those who I attack joined under false pretense, as they believed they were joining an alliance that would hold true to the ideals of all socialists/communists before them, and not merely an alliance built to keep the rich and strong, rich and strong.


In that case, shouldn't you be attacking those who did the fooling, rather than those who were fooled?

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 February 2010 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1266608322' post='2192323']
Theres only so much BAWWWWing and complete failure a person can cope with, please do not.

Yes, because declaring war for fun, for reasons that are fun, is bawwwwing. What do you do outside of get on your knees for the flavour of the month leaders and start championing their causes?

There is more to this planet than you seem to think. Wars do not need be based on hatred and old grudges and paranoia, but rather they can be fun, they can be based upon ideological differences, or any reason you can imagine. Yes, this is bawwwwing, you're absolutely right.

Edited by astronaut jones
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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='19 February 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1266609285' post='2192342']
Yes, because declaring war for fun, for reasons that are fun, is bawwwwing. What do you do outside of get on your knees for the flavour of the month leaders and start championing their causes?

There is more to this planet than you seem to think. Wars do not need be based on hatred and old grudges and paranoia, but rather they can be fun, they can be based upon ideological differences, or any reason you can imagine. Yes, this is bawwwwing, you're absolutely right.

If you want to paint nuking small non nuculear nations as fun then paint it as that. ;)

I don't interact with government leaders from any alliance outwith my own, so mute point. ;)

We all know the reason you post garbage ME ME ME ME attention seeking XXXXX.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 February 2010 - 08:09 PM' timestamp='1266610180' post='2192353']
If you want to paint nuking small non nuculear nations as fun then paint it as that. ;)

I don't interact with government leaders from any alliance outwith my own, so mute point. ;)

We all know the reason you post garbage ME ME ME ME attention seeking XXXXX.

My reason for this war is because I was challenged. My reason for the SWF war was due to me finding it rather hypocritical of socialist/communist alliances here on planet bob that do not abide by their ideologies. They try to hold true to them internally, but even then they fail, as any nation large enough in a true socialist/communist alliance would sacrifice their nation's wealth for the good of everyone. They would, in essence, ensure that every member of the alliance is equal not only in wealth, but also in SIZE.

So yeah, okay there, you got me. A fun war is just me wanting attention. Whatever. You do not need hatred or grudges or paranoia in order to declare war, all you need is a reason. That is my reason, if you don't like it, ....

Edited by astronaut jones
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