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Supreme Clientele Declaration of War.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='12 February 2010 - 02:57 PM' timestamp='1266008245' post='2178091']
Perhaps. To be quite honest, the only socialist/communist alliance I could think of off the top of my head was SWF, hence the declaration against them. Now that I am aware of many other communist/socialist alliances that are nothing more than bourgeois capitalist pigs, I will be going after them in an effort to get them to redistribute their wealth. The amount I have asked for them to redistribute is small, and I made not restrictions on who it goes to, so long as they are less fortunate, hard working nations that are in need of a boost.

The sum is paltry, when I know there are nations amongst them that are sitting on mountains of cash, while they masquerade around as working men and women, growing fat while others around them suffer.

The hypocrisy must end.

The age old practice of forcing socialism on others is still in vogue, I see.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='19 February 2010 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1266639894' post='2192935']
I'm not so sure about this. I've never seen him at the meetings.

I can't say for certain, but I think he's the guy that types the meeting minutes.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='19 February 2010 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1266615135' post='2192446']
So you are indeed going to ZI me permanently. Good to know!

I will still accept your surrender with the terms provided to you. You know what they are, and you know they are indeed very good terms. Further delay in surrender means further destruction, and as I am not asking for any aid for myself or for people I know, and in fact have left it up to you to decide who gets the aid, you can not claim that my motives are not true, nor can you claim I am a global terrorist, mr. Nottingham.

Maybe your motives aren't questionable but your methods are beyond questionable . You claim to be some sort of modern Robin Hood, but unlike Robin Hood who attacked the rich to help the poor you attack the poor to help the poor.

And like everywhere a terrorist isn't judged by his motives but by his methods.

Edited by generals3
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if someone challenged me to live up to my ideals with random payouts to small nations i would, as long as the challenge was a peaceful intellectual one. but a military threat demanding it is just insane. if you had just asked nicely and called people out in the political sphere there are many who would have done the sending willingly. (also as long as doing this didnt actually cripple my nation)

Edited by Brother Librarian
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[quote name='Brother Librarian' date='20 February 2010 - 02:40 PM' timestamp='1266676800' post='2193592']
if someone challenged me to live up to my ideals with random payouts to small nations i would, as long as the challenge was a peaceful intellectual one. but a military threat demanding it is just insane. if you had just asked nicely and called people out in the political sphere there are many who would have done the sending willingly. (also as long as doing this didnt actually cripple my nation)

Those people are few and far between. The people of this planet, as I have come to realize during my military services here (thankfully that is coming to an end), do not respond well to anything that is not backed up by force. If I were to challenge them peacefully, and intellectually on their ideals, I would be met with response after response of "lol, okay there" or "cool story bro." and nothing would happen. Force, at the very least, commands attention.

They may not agree to what I say and what I propose, but with the use of force, they most certainly cannot ignore it.

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[quote name='generals3' date='20 February 2010 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1266655703' post='2193399']
Maybe your motives aren't questionable but your methods are beyond questionable . You claim to be some sort of modern Robin Hood, but unlike Robin Hood who attacked the rich to help the poor you attack the poor to help [s]the poor[/s] your Ego.[/quote]

Fixed that for you. ^_^

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='18 February 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1266540800' post='2190717']
Yes, cowards often declare wars against entire alliances, leaving themselves severely outnumbered. You sure got me there.
I'm glad you agree. I guess you gain some points for acknowledging your short-comings. I mean, most people wouldn't admit to being a pitiful excuse for a human being by purposefully getting in range of nations that stand little to no chance of winning a war, let along survival.

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[quote name='Werner von Hermann' date='20 February 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1266717823' post='2194382']
I'm glad you agree. I guess you gain some points for acknowledging your short-comings. I mean, most people wouldn't admit to being a pitiful excuse for a human being by purposefully getting in range of nations that stand little to no chance of winning a war, let along survival.
Pitiful excuse for a human being? I guess you're pretty mad. But it makes sense, there's a large box of destruction just unloading itself all over your lower tier, of which you nor any of the commie alliances have an effective plan for stopping. Truth be told I was going to declare on the ONE guy that hit him, but his nation was trashed by the time I got an open offensive slot. But thank you for admitting that none of your nations stand little to any chance of winning, let alone surviving. It must help your alliances morale to know that you hold such faith in them.

Rest assured I will be jumping in on the next nation(s) that attacks him, I promise.

AJ, need 50 tech? I've got near 400.

Edited by Evitressa
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RV: Forms his own alliance to declare war, because he feels he's [i]just that important[/i].
AJ: Forms his own alliance to declare war, because he feels he's [i]just that important[/i].

Oh well. At least no alliances have to put up with either of you two fools.

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[quote name='Evitressa' date='20 February 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1266719507' post='2194416']
Pitiful excuse for a human being? I guess you're pretty mad. But it makes sense, there's a large box of destruction just unloading itself all over your lower tier, of which you nor any of the commie alliances have an effective plan for stopping. Truth be told I was going to declare on the ONE guy that hit him, but his nation was trashed by the time I got an open offensive slot. But thank you for admitting that none of your nations stand little to any chance of winning, let alone surviving. It must help your alliances morale to know that you hold such faith in them.

Rest assured I will be jumping in on the next nation(s) that attacks him, I promise.

AJ, need 50 tech? I've got near 400.
Contrary to popular belief, being an idealist does not shield our eyes from reality. If you were to be attacked by him, you'd be dead by the next morning. Explain to me how any other 8k NS nation, who did not act in the same cowardice, is to succeed. You would flee and plea for mercy, while we have a few brave souls willing to stand up against this terrorist. Actually, you wouldn't flee, you would join him, as you have, and prey on the helpless along side him.

The "being" thing was a little melodramatic, but the guy is a very sad case. It always depresses me to see Reason and logic so twisted.

p.s. Funny, I came to that conclusion about your character before I even read your signature. Your words betray you.

Edited by Werner von Hermann
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[quote name='Evitressa' date='21 February 2010 - 02:31 AM' timestamp='1266719507' post='2194416']
Pitiful excuse for a human being? I guess you're pretty mad. But it makes sense, there's a large box of destruction just unloading itself all over your lower tier, of which you nor any of the commie alliances have an effective plan for stopping. Truth be told I was going to declare on the ONE guy that hit him, but his nation was trashed by the time I got an open offensive slot. But thank you for admitting that none of your nations stand little to any chance of winning, let alone surviving. It must help your alliances morale to know that you hold such faith in them.

Rest assured I will be jumping in on the next nation(s) that attacks him, I promise.

AJ, need 50 tech? I've got near 400.

Nah, I've got a pretty sizeable warchest, if I needed tech, i'd buy some :).

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[quote name='Penkala' date='21 February 2010 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1266720834' post='2194445']
RV: Forms his own alliance to declare war, because he feels he's [i]just that important[/i].
AJ: Forms his own alliance to declare war, because he feels he's [i]just that important[/i].

Oh well. At least no alliances have to put up with either of you two fools.

I do not think you're one to be talking.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='21 February 2010 - 08:09 AM' timestamp='1266757741' post='2194949']
I do not think you're one to be talking.

I think I should be one to talk, seeing as I have never formed an alliance with the express purpose of being allowed to post a topic in the hallowed Alliance Announcements forum so that it will be seen by the most people.

The funny thing about you is that, unlike others, you've done nothing to earn your ego. What a joke.

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[quote name='Werner von Hermann' date='21 February 2010 - 01:23 AM' timestamp='1266733426' post='2194681']
Contrary to popular belief, being an idealist does not shield our eyes from reality. If you were to be attacked by him, you'd be dead by the next morning. Explain to me how any other 8k NS nation, who did not act in the same cowardice, is to succeed. You would flee and plea for mercy, while we have a few brave souls willing to stand up against this terrorist. Actually, you wouldn't flee, you would join him, as you have, and prey on the helpless along side him.

The "being" thing was a little melodramatic, but the guy is a very sad case. It always depresses me to see Reason and logic so twisted.

p.s. Funny, I came to that conclusion about your character before I even read your signature. Your words betray you.
The flowery words do not make you seem any bigger. If I were to be attacked by him I'd be dead, eh? I think I'd stand a pretty damn good fight personally. I've got as much experience, I've been nuked before (not that bad, actually), I've got a pretty bring tech advantage so I'd win in the air, and I think it'd be pretty close to a tie on the ground. You know absolutely positively nothing about me, though, or presumably anything about fighting if you think any rogue is physically unstoppable. Aside from that, I'd never fight AJ for the sheer fact that he's way to sick of a guy.

I like how you keep on saying that your side has brave souls who are willing to "Stand up against him". Save me the BS, Int is a fairly untested alliance with 123 nations. AJ is one nation. There is nothing brave at all about you trying to claim that you are the disadvantaged one here. The disadvantage you have is that you don't have any nations that are good enough or ready enough. And really: That's your own damn fault.

I have been tested plenty in my CN career and I have fought very high odds multiple times, no I would not "scream and run" if I had any loyalty to a disadvantaged side. However this time, I couldn't give less of a damn about your side and AJ is a good guy. My choice has absolutely nothing to do with NS or "sides". But you know what, why don't you have your guys hit me right now. 3 nations, since I've got three slots. Just hit right now, the nation is there and I don't even have nukes. :) Should be nice and easy.

However once again I thank you for continually declaring that your nations stand no chance and will be gone by morning. As to your "PS" note: Cool Story, Bro.

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='21 February 2010 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1266760539' post='2194969']
Of which I am none.

- Hitting people who are weaker than you, and over wich you have an unfair advantage -> bully
- Choosing your victims over racial, religious or, in this case, political and ideological issues -> bigot
- Gloating about it all over the Forums to attract atention, be it for being praised or loathed -> egomaniac

That's just my opinion, of course. You know, in this world you can't expect to be loved by everyone.

[ooc]That's regarding the persona you have adopted in the "game", of course. I don't know about you in "real life"[/ooc]

Edited by Krashnaia
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[quote name='Krashnaia' date='21 February 2010 - 02:53 PM' timestamp='1266763985' post='2195016']
- Hitting people who are weaker than you, and over wich you have an unfair advantage -> bully
- Choosing your victims over racial, religious or, in this case, political and ideological issues -> bigot
- Gloating about it all over the Forums to attract atention, be it for being praised or loathed -> egomaniac

That's just my opinion, of course. You know, in this world you can't expect to be loved by everyone.

[ooc]That's regarding the persona you have adopted in the "game", of course. I don't know about you in "real life"[/ooc]

I am not hitting people weaker than I am. I am attacking an alliance as a whole, an alliance that has protectors, so I am taking on many nations who outnumber me in nation strength, even those in range to attack me, 1000 to 1, most likely.

I am attacking them because of hypocrisy, not for differences in ideologies. I've never actually been offended by anything anyone has called me on planet bob before, but to accuse me of bigotry really pisses me the $%&@ off. That's not something you go tossing around lightly, like you have, for idiotic reasons like you have.

I am not gloating. I am acknowledging a state of war. I am not saying "ha ha, look at how much damage I've caused you". The LSF war was because I was challenged by someone in LSF, I took them up on that challenge and they did a decent amount of damage to me. I said I would peace them out when they got peace from their other attackers, and I have. I even nuked them after the peace because I was unaware, and as such I have sent both nations aid packages. So, .. when you start to make sense, you can talk.

Until then, don't.

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Lot of foolish talk in this thread about cowardice and bravery and what not. There's no bravery and cowardice in CN just people who care about their stats and people who don't (btw one isn't really better than the other provided you don't make alliances you love your stats too much to keep.) Certainly AJ has the advantage in the war I'm fighting with him, he's got nukes and spies due to dropping NS neither of which I can support at my level but then again we have numbers and aid to help. I'm getting my arse handed to me but there you go we made a promise to SWF and we don't care too much about our stats not to keep it.

Anyway being nuked twice at a mere 75 days old is quite an honour. :nuke:

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[quote name='Krashnaia' date='21 February 2010 - 09:53 AM' timestamp='1266763985' post='2195016']
- Hitting people who are weaker than you, and over wich you have an unfair advantage -> bully[/quote]

No, strategic thinker.

[quote]- Choosing your victims over racial, religious or, in this case, political and ideological issues -> bigot[/quote]

It's all politics. Therefore, we're all bigots. (According to your logic, anyway.)

[quote]- Gloating about it all over the Forums to attract atention, be it for being praised or loathed -> egomaniac[/quote]

I've seen no gloating, but I'm not as sensitive as others.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='21 February 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1266767388' post='2195057']I am attacking them because of hypocrisy, not for differences in ideologies. I've never actually been offended by anything anyone has called me on planet bob before, but to accuse me of bigotry really pisses me the $%&@ off. That's not something you go tossing around lightly, like you have, for idiotic reasons like you have.[/quote]

So, you are attacking them basically because they are commies. Proves my point.

And you are feeding nukes to nations who can't even nuke. Not even the lamest tech raiders are so low. Proves my point.

And you are getting really pissed when someone tells you. Proves my point.

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