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Why do you RP as the nation you created in CNRP?

Voodoo Nova

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Turkey: Frankly, there wasnt much land available, and Turkey looked like an interesting place to join in CNRP. Thus came Turkey/Byzantium.

New England: A bit of NA was available, and not to mention a lot peaceful than the mess that was Europe, and I wanted to RP a nation in NA. And New England is epic. :awesome:

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I view Role Playing as an exercise in Creative Writing. It is not just rushing to the sound of the guns, but incorporating every aspect of what is sensed into words. My CN:SE nation is Galileo Corporation and my friend Shamshir asked me to use that name for his weapons manufacturer. I knew I did not want to use that name for my CNRP name, so I chose "the Franciscan Republic" instead. This is the name of my original CN:SE nation I created almost three years ago. It is also the name of my current CN:TE nation.

A very small group of Hitchhikers in the MHA participate in Role Playing on our own forums. But since they aren't very active, I came here to participate. This group reminds me of another experiment I participated in with Shamshir a few years ago called Alternate History Role Playing Game. CNRP is very similar to AHRP. In that one, you RP'd as the government of an existing nation on the planet. I started as Lebanon and eventually switched to France. Shamshir started as Syria and eventually switched to Pakistan. We handled things a tad differently than you all do here.

For starters, an emphasis was placed on the economies and the money a nation had available to it in its GDP. We had to have our budgets for the following year submitted prior to 31 OCT or the end of the fiscal year. Also, we used a different timeline. One real day = 14 game days, unless nations were at war then the clock slowed down. This helpd to speed things up. Speaking of war, the way we did it was for one non-biased member to act as the Referee for a war. Both parties would PM their Operations Order or Battle plan along with their Order of Battle (list of the units participating) to the Referee. Once the referee had this information, he would then write the RP for how the battle was fought. This eliminates the chance of Godmodding and reduces the possibility of people fighting over how well their e-Armies performed. How well ou can communicate your intentions is key in this method. Having served 21 years in the US Army, most of which in the Infantry; I acted as Referee for quite a few of those wartime RPs. It was a lot of fun. Frankly, I'd rather RP a war, than fight one. ;)

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[quote name='JEDCJT' date='14 February 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1266201465' post='2181919']
Wanna conquer the world* with me, Shadowsage, and Centurius, Gunther? :P

[size="1"]*[i]a running gag about my not-so-sekrit delusions about world domination [/i]:awesome: [/size]

LOL...yes, I'll go take over the war with you guys. Can I finish filling in my army, navy and air force first? Wait, that will take me seven years at my current rate. Even in AHRP that was the same running joke. We'd get these clowns who only wanted to go to war all the time. They just didn't get it that this was all about diplomacy. If you want global Domination, go play [url="http://www.conquerclub.com/public.php?mode=home"]Conquer Club[/url]. I am Landain there. :)

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[quote name='Gunther' date='14 February 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1266204453' post='2182033']
LOL...yes, I'll go take over the war with you guys. Can I finish filling in my army, navy and air force first? Wait, that will take me seven years at my current rate. Even in AHRP that was the same running joke. We'd get these clowns who only wanted to go to war all the time. They just didn't get it that this was all about diplomacy. If you want global Domination, go play [url="http://www.conquerclub.com/public.php?mode=home"]Conquer Club[/url]. I am Landain there. :)
That sounds like fun!

[size="1"]/me slowly backs into a corner as the second-to-last sentence describes him perfectly...[/size] :ph34r:

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='10 February 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1265859183' post='2173815']
I'm curious as to why people RP as the nation they do in CNRP. We see all sorts of nations, and they usually seem like they just appear out of no where for no real reason. So, why do you RP as the nation you created in CNRP?

I got invited to CN by a friend a long time ago, and planned to join the NAAC so I made my nation Arctica. I started it out where you'd expect a nation like that to start. When everyone made all the map threads to make claims, I claimed my land, then was reminded that as a member of Mushroom Kingdom I was to be in Madagascar. And so I made a mass migration to Madagascar, and made a story from there.

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[quote name='JEDCJT' date='14 February 2010 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1266201465' post='2181919']
Wanna conquer the world* with me, Shadowsage, and Centurius, Gunther? :P

[size="1"]*[i]a running gag about my not-so-sekrit delusions about world domination [/i]:awesome: [/size]
Next thing you will notice is GLS tunneling underneath your nation, and within a RL year or two, there will be enough tunnels that if filled with explosives and ignited, it would be equivalent to a nationwide nasty earthquake, not to mention the ground sinking that was above the tunnels, cracks forming due to the high gas pressure created by the explosion, and overall massive devastation that would be more than enough reasons to declare war on me.


[size="1"]Assuming you don't invade me first...[/size]

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='JEDCJT' date='16 February 2010 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1266339243' post='2185726']
Oh, I'm gonna invade you first. :smug:
Bring it. Give me a year head start and your military will face a much tougher border defense than what they encountered while trying to invade GLS to punish TUO. Oh, and I will have nuclear weapons ready to be deployed for firework shows for your soldiers. :smug:

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[quote name='HHAYD' date='16 February 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1266377134' post='2186882']
Bring it. Give me a year head start and your military will face a much tougher border defense than what they encountered while trying to invade GLS to punish TUO. Oh, and I will have nuclear weapons ready to be deployed for firework shows for your soldiers. :smug:

The TUO is invited to a nuclear ball if they use a nuke against FSA troops in GLS. :nuke::war:

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I wrote the constitution for my nation long before I started roleplaying as it. I wrote it so that when I participated in future RPs, I already had everything I needed for a nation written out. Before CN, I roleplayed a lot on off-site forums. "GovRP" being one of them that I went to over and over, I even played in Kasier Martens's RP site back in 2006 as my first-ever.
I decided to get involved in CN's RP scene when I joined in August. On the CN Wiki you'll see I made my nation in accordance with the constitution I wrote for the Democratic Republic of the Pacific. In-game the name was too long, so I shortened to the Pacifican Republic. I had originally intended the RP to be based around the Seattle, Washington area (as you'll notice with my articles on the CN Wiki). Unfortunately Tahoe owned the Pacific Northwest and I was denied recognition by Tahoe to take Seattle, citing that his people were "too conservative". Fair enough, it [i]is[/i] an RP after all.
I came back in December, looking to grab some land and play.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='17 February 2010 - 09:13 AM' timestamp='1266426801' post='2187671']
Mind if you keep the nukes as far away from my nation as possible? :frantic:

As long as you stay out, I will keep the nukes far away from your nation. :smug:

[size="1"][s]However, the truest way to be truly protected against nuclear attacks is by joining the FSA as a state...which you are welcome to do so if you want. :ph34r:[/s][/size]

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