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Treaty Cancellation.

the rebel

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Article III - Cancellation

Either signatory may cancel this treaty by providing 72 hours notice of intent to cancel. This treaty shall automatically expire at the end of the current TE round.

AZTEC leadership has been notified and the cancellation period has been scrapped for obvious reasons, its a shame to cancel this treaty but needs be when the majority of AZTEC membership from the other world alliances of GLOF & 1TF which are two of the 4 member alliances in AZTEC force Owned-you which treaties he can honour and which treaties he cannot.

I wish Owned-you the and a selection of AZTEC the best, to the others who are pathectic and hate honouring treaties... well :huh:

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AZTEC leadership has been notified and the cancellation period has been scrapped for obvious reasons, its a shame to cancel this treaty but needs be when the majority of AZTEC membership from the other world alliances of GLOF & 1TF which are two of the 4 member alliances in AZTEC force Owned-you which treaties he can honour and which treaties he cannot.

I wish Owned-you the and a selection of AZTEC the best, to the others who are pathectic and hate honouring treaties... well :huh:

Bob enforcing its will on Steve... :blush::o

Edited by The Wizard of Oz
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AZTEC leadership has been notified and the cancellation period has been scrapped for obvious reasons, its a shame to cancel this treaty but needs be when the majority of AZTEC membership from the other world alliances of GLOF & 1TF which are two of the 4 member alliances in AZTEC force Owned-you which treaties he can honour and which treaties he cannot.

I wish Owned-you the and a selection of AZTEC the best, to the others who are pathectic and hate honouring treaties... well :huh:

Yes AZTEC is made up of four alliances (from SE) and two out of the three alliance's representatives who found out (RoA didn't find out until today) who we were expected to attack said that they didn't want to attack someone who is a long time friend of AZTEC in TE, an alliance who the majority of our membership feels a strong affiliation with from the past several rounds. Some of us were actually even members of WAPA in the earlier days before AZTEC was formed, some even more recently than that.

WAPA have been our friends / allies since the days that AZTEC didn't sign treaties, which only recently changed when Owned returned and signed a treaty with CTA. Asking us to attack someone we consider such close friends, despite not having a treaty (as far as I'm aware WAPA don't sign them) simply was not going to happen I'm afraid.

As I said before, I personally would've prefered it if you'd have peaced out when the war that this one was relating to ended, rather than trying to spin the situation to be something it never was. Instead you've stated that you'll be fighting for the entire round and cancelled our treaty. Best of luck to you, I guess.

Bob enforcing its will on Steve... :blush::o

Not quite, but nice try.

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I'm disappointed in both WAPA and CTA here tbh.

Never been a fan of this treaty or its high degree of risk for conflicting in AZTEC's previous relation with WAPA, and I am disappointed that Owned signed this treaty w/o making it clear to CTA upfront that anything v. AZTEC's friends in WAPA would be a nonstarter.

WAPA, your having come to AZTEC's defense against LE is not forgotten. I can still really wish you had not forced us into this position.

Ever forward AZTEC.

Edited by Auctor
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As I said before, I personally would've prefered it if you'd have peaced out when the war that this one was relating to ended, rather than trying to spin the situation to be something it never was. Instead you've stated that you'll be fighting for the entire round and cancelled our treaty. Best of luck to you, I guess.

Ive put no spin on anything ive said, what ive said came from the horses mouth so to speak and i will always stand my ground against aggressors whether they be as weak as a micro alliance or as strong as a 200+ member alliance.

Further more with the amount of traitors in AZTEC, I wish I didnt stick my neck out in the last round and left you to the wolves which ODN/RnR soo badly wanted even presauded TPF not too declare on you.

But thats the past you lost a good ally not us.

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WAPA, your having come to AZTEC's defense against LE is not forgotten. I can still really wish you had not forced us into this position.

WAPA put you in a difficult position not us, they may be your friends but they couldnt give a !@#$ about your allies and the predicament it put you in.

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Ive put no spin on anything ive said, what ive said came from the horses mouth so to speak and i will always stand my ground against aggressors whether they be as weak as a micro alliance or as strong as a 200+ member alliance.

Further more with the amount of traitors in AZTEC, I wish I didnt stick my neck out in the last round and left you to the wolves which ODN/RnR soo badly wanted even presauded TPF not too declare on you.

But thats the past you lost a good ally not us.

I believe I've explained our actions in that post, the one that you quoted and addressed only a very small portion of. If you still consider what we did to be traitorous then you're certainly entitled to that opinion, it's not one that I share though. In my opinion, we were put in a position where two of our friends were fighting eachother, so did the respectable thing and didn't join either side, the next step would of course been to try and mediate peace between the two of you but since you're so insistant that isn't an option that would've been a waste of time.

Yes, I know we chose RnR & ODN to hit the other round, because we were bored and unaware they were one of TPF's (ex)hundreds of treaty partners, or that a friendship between CTA & TPF even existed. See what TPF did there? They didn't attack you because they were friends with you, despite their treaties with ODN & RnR. That's not far different from what's happened here, only unlike ODN & RnR you're not willing to listen to reason and peace out.

Everyone gets pissed off when they're attacked, but dumping your ally and attempting to drag their name through the mud in public rather than talking to them and at least attempting to look at things from their perspective isn't how most people would go about things.

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Whining about a treaty not being honored because the alliance had the decency to not attack their own friends who stuck out their necks for them before? Doesn't surprise me, nor does it surprise me to see treaties causing more stupid issues on Steve.

Is it so impossible to rid Steve of treaties beyond protectorates which I can at least see some remote usefulness to? At least this way when you go to war it's not because some treaty forced you, it's because you believe in the cause or believe in your friends.

PS: Obligatory, MHA has no treaties.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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WAPA put you in a difficult position not us, they may be your friends but they couldnt give a !@#$ about your allies and the predicament it put you in.

If TPF had hit AZTEC, would you have hit TPF? then called it "honorable"?

The relationship between WAPA and AZTEC has never been on paper, but to expect that it is not just as strong as any of your paper wonders is really quite sad.

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Yes, I know we chose RnR & ODN to hit the other round, because we were bored and unaware they were one of TPF's (ex)hundreds of treaty partners, or that a friendship between CTA & TPF even existed. See what TPF did there? They didn't attack you because they were friends with you, despite their treaties with ODN & RnR. That's not far different from what's happened here, only unlike ODN & RnR you're not willing to listen to reason and peace out.

Wasnt friendship at first more a mutral understanding from the start what a war between us would do to our trade stablity and alliances, why do you think they pushed for peace. The thing is im sure they would of jumped AZTEC regardless but i asked them not to ever do it and they respected it.

Now I could argue all day about what you do know and dont know about everything that has happend between us, AZTEC and other alliances in the background up till this date. But I couldnt careless as it doesnt matter anymore, what is done is done goodluck in the future whereever it takes you...

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If TPF had hit AZTEC, would you have hit TPF? then called it "honorable"?

They didnt and they wouldnt as, that was part of the agreement when we signed a treaty with TPF and would become void if they did...so try again

I'd truely like to know where you bought your crystal ball from because you seem to think you know it all when it comes to us when it shows you know $%&@ all

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Whining about a treaty not being honored because the alliance had the decency to not attack their own friends who stuck out their necks for them before? Doesn't surprise me, nor does it surprise me to see treaties causing more stupid issues on Steve.

Whining? for $%&@ sake lonewolfe2015, im not whining by saying ive cancelled a treaty its people who posted after persistant to argue and whine you of all people should be cheering not nit-picking at everything i say. People like you are one of the reasons i dont go on OWF often because they are too retarded, make !@#$ up and twist words.

Edit: do you find joy harassing me everywhere i post? also this topic is now dead to me

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Whining? for $%&@ sake lonewolfe2015, im not whining by saying ive cancelled a treaty its people who posted after persistant to argue and whine you of all people should be cheering not nit-picking at everything i say. People like you are one of the reasons i dont go on OWF often because they are too retarded, make !@#$ up and twist words.

Edit: do you find joy harassing me everywhere i post? also this topic is now dead to me

No, I just find it funny your posts are the type I want to reply to, because you're complaining that they wouldn't declare to defend you in a game I find treaties to be pointless.

Seriously, I'd have no problems if you canceled without posting your final words into this to try and discredit good people.

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WAPA put you in a difficult position not us, they may be your friends but they couldn't give a !@#$ about your allies and the predicament it put you in.

I have to agree with this, if they were true allies they wouldn't of attacked their allies, allies -_-

WAPA and TPF go way back to round 1 and developed a strong alliance/partnership rounds 2, 3, and 4.

Not sure what happen there, maybe its the change of leadership as the Gov in WAPA SE have stopped playing TE.

But back then they were great allies andf would never hit a treaty partner of an ally.

If TPF had hit AZTEC, would you have hit TPF? then called it "honorable"?

The relationship between WAPA and AZTEC has never been on paper, but to expect that it is not just as strong as any of your paper wonders is really quite sad.

First off, TPF never hits our allies treaty partners..in fact we have dumped allies for doing such a thing ;) Take the recent hit on PU from LC, TPF didn't defend LC when

MHA threatend to hit them for hitting their treaty partner, PU...even though LC was backing their treaty partner TS. I did however help work out the peace.

Secondly, AZTEC could have hit TFK in defense of CTA and all would still be honorable....Instead AZTEC uses some BS reason as to why SE dictates what AZTEC TE does.

AZTEC is another TPF ally from way back, way back when AZTEC was hit by the very AA's they think are friends today...Back when AZTEC found it useful to have treaties <_<

Now today AZTEC has become a different alliance, and I have no problem with that and could care less. I do however feel that if you agree to a treaty, YOU HONOR that treaty!

Owned is a good friend of mine, I have great respect for him...you guys in SE need to stop crossing the two games and let him do his job.

I understand where AZTEC is coming from by not wanting to hit WAPA, its the lack of any help from AZTEC that puts a bad tase in my mouth.

Treaties and TE do not work together. The day people understand this, TE will go back to the way it was meant to be.

LOL, your right!!! Its much better to just say out loud that You have no treaties yet just agree to go to war to defend/help a "friendly AA" or to just say we have a close bond but no treaty ;)

Yeah we at "Insert AA name" have no treaties with anyone, but if you attack our friends at "insert AA name" or "insert AA name" we will defend them ;)

How about; Hey "insert AA name" Even though we have no treaty, how about you join us in rolling "insert AA name" :lol1:

This is absolutely EPIC!! Just about evey AA in TE has a treaty with one AA or another, doesn't matter if its formal or not...IF you attack another AA in defense of your so called friend, or roll another AA to help your so called friend....ITS A TREATY, THEY ARE ALLIES!!! OR you could just keep on typing on your keyboard, but call it a typewriter .

Lets remember kids, the same people that you think are your friends today, may just stab you in the back tomorrow if it suits their purpose or their FRIENDS purpose :o

Just tell'n it like it is


Edited by Burning Glory
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I think we made the right choice :) No treaties but.......................................... work it out

lol, wasn't a hard decision was it....8 of the top 12 sanctioned AA's hitting 2 of the top 12 and a few from page 2 and 3.

Yep best decision you ever made, glad it worked out for ya :P


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BG, I get the feeling you're bitter that you became a target because you kept treaty relations up.

The point of having no treaties is because if a "friend" does something you don't like, there is no bloody obligations to defend them period, no e-lawyer can say squat. Half of TE are good friends with MHA yet there are only a few in specific situations we'd consider defending.

So instead, if a friend of yours does something dumb you just ditch them right? "Oh hey, this paper says we'll defend you no matter what" and then you leave them high and dry if you disagree? That's even worse than telling people if they need help to ask and we'll see if it's something we should interfere in.

You know what a protectorate is in MHA's terms? A small AA that defends themselves and if some big AA decides to do mass raids of them then we get them peace.

If you can't see why we do what we do, and you won't change yourself, then remember that you'll remain a target. Which I'm sure you have no problem with, seeing as for a long time MHA was in the same boat. But we survived, so I'm sure TPF will.

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Good a treaty in TE is gone, don't blame WAPA for this. Treaties in TE are fail anyway. Who cares who they attacked.


:wub: Hisk :wub:

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I have to agree with this, if they were true allies they wouldn't of attacked their allies, allies -_-

WAPA and TPF go way back to round 1 and developed a strong alliance/partnership rounds 2, 3, and 4.

Not sure what happen there, maybe its the change of leadership as the Gov in WAPA SE have stopped playing TE.

But back then they were great allies andf would never hit a treaty partner of an ally.

Er no. We are all still here.

Secondly, AZTEC could have hit TFK in defense of CTA and all would still be honorable....Instead AZTEC uses some BS reason as to why SE dictates what AZTEC TE does.

TFK were right there with us when we went to Aztec defence in TE so I don't think that counts.

AZTEC is another TPF ally from way back, way back when AZTEC was hit by the very AA's they think are friends today...Back when AZTEC found it useful to have treaties <_<

Now today AZTEC has become a different alliance, and I have no problem with that and could care less. I do however feel that if you agree to a treaty, YOU HONOR that treaty!

Owned is a good friend of mine, I have great respect for him...you guys in SE need to stop crossing the two games and let him do his job.

I understand where AZTEC is coming from by not wanting to hit WAPA, its the lack of any help from AZTEC that puts a bad tase in my mouth.

This is TE. I believe AZTEC think they owe us for coming to their aid in TE. I'll just mention TE again.

LOL, your right!!! Its much better to just say out loud that You have no treaties yet just agree to go to war to defend/help a "friendly AA" or to just say we have a close bond but no treaty ;)

Yeah we at "Insert AA name" have no treaties with anyone, but if you attack our friends at "insert AA name" or "insert AA name" we will defend them ;)

How about; Hey "insert AA name" Even though we have no treaty, how about you join us in rolling "insert AA name" :lol1:

No, sometimes the answer is no. I wouldn't go to Aztec's aid a few rounds ago because they were in a fair fight but we would never let them get rolled, whatever it takes.

This is absolutely EPIC!! Just about evey AA in TE has a treaty with one AA or another, doesn't matter if its formal or not...IF you attack another AA in defense of your so called friend, or roll another AA to help your so called friend....ITS A TREATY, THEY ARE ALLIES!!! OR you could just keep on typing on your keyboard, but call it a typewriter .

Lets remember kids, the same people that you think are your friends today, may just stab you in the back 'stomorrow if it suits their purpose or their FRIENDS purpose :o

Nope. Friends are friends.

For what its worth I would like to apologise to Aztec for putting them in an awkward position.

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honestly, it sux that this treaty is gone, but BG is right. Aztec did not have to hit WAPA, they could have hit Kiwis and all would be well. also, AZTEC could have told WAPA that it was a no go to hit CTA just as they could have told CTA it was a no go for AZTEC to hit WAPA. if the friendship between WAPA and AZTEC is as good as it is stated, WAPA would have respected Aztec enough not to hit CTA due to CTA-AZTEC treaty.

for all you out there rejoicing over a treaty being canceled, get a clue and get a life. just because we don't play TE your way, does not mean we play it wrong. that is the weakest crap argument out there. so if you want to rejoice go ahead but do it elsewhere.

edit: is TFK as friendly with AZTEC as WAPA?

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