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World Federation Anouncement

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The recent wars brought upon by Pallantrix caused some interesting situations among the CN community. Recently, wF has had 2 of our nations attack pallantrix during the peace talks, and we apologize for these actions.

The World Federation has proposed the following terms and Pallantrix has agreed to them.

1 nation from World Federation will attack the nation of Pallantrix for a total of 5 days with no retaliation from the defending nation. No aid may be received or given by either party during the wars. After the update of the fifth day, peace will be sent and accepted.


The Compound

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I always was under the impression that something like "1 nation from World Federation will attack the nation of Pallantrix for a total of 5 days with no retaliation from the defending nation." is impossible in our world :? [ooc] Couldn't it count as abusing the war system? [/ooc]

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The government of the nation of Pallantrix on behalf of its people is pleased to announce a cessation of hostilities in our war with the World Federation on the following terms:

1. Pallantrix has agreed to and henceforth offered peace to those World Federation nations with whom we are engaged in active hostilities.

2. The government of Pallantrix has agreed that a single World Federation nation will - after a peaceful period of at least 1 day - launch an attack against our nation for a period no longer than 5 days. While Pallantrix maintains the right to equip and train our military we agree that those forces will remain in their barracks for the entirety of this engagement. Furthermore all of our Air Forces will remain in their hangars and our Cruise Missile launching systems will be rendered inactive. This is in recognition of the suffering we have caused to our neighbours in the World Federation.

3. The World Federation has agreed that their attacking nation shall not be aided at any time during the 5 day war. Pallantrix will similarly not receive any aid during this time.

4. The World Federation agreed, and subsequently has apologised for attacks against Pallantrix by two of their nations during the cease fire period while discussions have been underway.

Pallantrix would like to publicy and unreservedly apologise to all nations and peoples of the World Federation for our unprovoked and heinous acts of atrocity against those who erstwhile have commited us no wrong. Pallantrix would further like to acknowledge that the World Federation has at all times retained the capacity to deal a crushing blow to our nation the likes of which does not exist in the memory of our people. The fact that they have refrained from doing so is a testament to the moral fortitude, courage and steadfast magnanimity of the World Federations Government, an example which all the peoples, nations and alliances of Bob would do well to follow.

The people of Pallantrix offer their heartfelt thanks to Vilien of The Moralist Front. During our darkest hour you were the first to spring to our defence, at considerable risk to your own life and limb. This was an extraordinary act of friendship by The Moralist Front toward our nation and we are forever in your debt.

Finally, the government of Pallantrix would like to acknowledge that in these recent times of high emotion our diplomatic corps has not necessarily maintained the dignity and decorum befitting of our people. In particular we would like to state that those diplomats responsible for this recent communique have been publicly flogged and sent to work in the most hazardous Sugar Wells and Oil Cane Fields within our nations borders. We apologise to illini12day and hope that from now on our respective people may live together in peace, side by side.

Hail all the peoples of Bob and long live the ideals of Freetopia whose custody and future now lie in our hands.

Edited by Yersinnia
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Pallantrix stamps its foot in a comical way.

WF you bad bad people, you broke the treaty not once, not twice, but thrice!!!

The agreement was 1 of your nations would attack me for 5 days after 24 hours of peace had elapsed.

21/1 - Treaty signed

21/1 - 1 of your nations doesnt stop his attack, i dont retaliate with ground forces, you make him stop, treaty stands.

23/1 - 1 of your nations attacks me. I dont retaliate at all, he stops and you agree to reduce the terms to 4 days of attack (Kudos BTW)

25/1 - Your member (Carson the Great) commences your 4 day war BEFORE all other wars have finished.

26/1 - All other wars either finish or expire.

27/1 - This is when your member (Carson the Great) should have commenced his attack.

Cheeky. You should honour your agreements.

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