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Ozland Cobras and Kleos Announcement

The Wizard of Oz

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Ozland Cobras and Kleos Announce our Merger

There comes a time when people get together and realize they are like minded. Ozland Cobras and Kleos have had a few beers.. shared the fun together, as well as picked each other up from under the table.

In the spirit of Friendship and Camaraderie we have decided to become one. We will all be united under the Ozland Cobras.

Spencer has decided he will be joining the Ozland Cobras Government as our new Cobra of Internal Affairs.

Our current Cobra of Internal Affairs, Hidden Shadows, will be now be our new Cobra of Communications.


The Wizard of Oz


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thats where my second backup stash went, oh well, ive addicted the brewry workers to speed to increase production rates, it seems like more and more people are getting their hands on our beer

Edited by l2eaper
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thats where my second backup stash went, oh well, ive addicted the brewry workers to speed to increase production rates, it seems like more and more people are getting their hands on our beer

This is good to know....At the way we party our supplies won't last.. :D

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