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\m/, I just want to help


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tell ya what, champ... you guys go ahead and bring back the lottery, and Nueva Vida will unilaterally suspend all treaties and pacts in exchange for a ticket. Cool?

-Insert posturing remark against NV here- or, "Man hizzy, when \m/ is done with you, you'll be known as dizzy." :awesome:

If you seriously can't see the difference between an sancioned raid of 3 alliances against a 32 men alliance and a random member raiding a nation without alliance affiliation you have serious problems.

Do you see the diference between 1 and 1000 or for you they are just numbers?

They are different numbers fine.

But you have no other standard that that. I'm fine with the "don't raid at all" mentality, but how does one number have any more meaning than the other?

Our own 10 member rule in the charter, I consider arbitrary.

Do you know why bigger numbers are left out? Those alliances probably have treaties/enough power to beat us. That's the only reason why. Somehow, this translated into some arbitrary line, which you cannot cross.

Just my two cents.

Edited by Earogema
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No sweat.

Thank you

I'm still caught up on the idea of "legitimately." Legitimacy is defined by a supermajority? How many people have to agree to it before it counts as commonly-held?

Good question! I shall try to describe it via description of a theoretical situation: Alliance X has sentenced the leader of Alliance Y to EZI. Members of alliance A, B, and C view this as acceptable, where as precedent has stated that bad things have happened to alliances who practice such as a result it has fallen out of favor. Now, members of Alliance Z, understanding this precedent, come out in force to denounce this. Alliances A, B, C and X view the commentary of alliance Z illegitimate, since they do not agree with the precedent and believes it should changed for what they believe to be the better. This may not be the explanation you were expecting or even agree with, but it gives you an idea and how I use the word legitimate.

I see vociferous condemnation of moralism, but I also see ipsedixitisms to the effect that people interfering in your business are somehow in the wrong, or that attempts to force you to change your behavior would somehow be bad, and I really don't understand how you can take any such stance (or take the stance that disbanding an alliance is bad) if you reject a moral code.

First let me define the Moralism that I am attacking. Moralism is seen as the opposite viewpoint of a might makes right world, and seeks to quell opposing view points. I have no problem with alliances or people having a moral code of conduct. \m/ has such a code, albeit in unwritten form and expressed as our community, and it being radically different from most othe alliances accepted morals. As above, how ever we find Morally unconciousable to have people not of our moral viewpoint to dictate how to regulate our community. It would be similar to some one from TOP to tell STA to stop importing Twinkies, as it is morally wrong to do so.

I understand and to some degree respect the "this is what we're doing and if you don't like it then come and get it" line, but I really don't see how you can stand on "this is none of your business and you have no right to tell us what to do."

How can you insist on your right to attack another alliance without cause, yet complain when people offer objection or threat in return?

We have no problem with people objecting to us. How ever, they say turnabout is fairplay, and so we decided to hold them to our moral standards, much as they try to hold us to theirs. Our moral code calls for you to hold your tongue unless you fully intend to do something other than talk b

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-Insert posturing remark against NV here- or, "Man hizzy, when \m/ is done with you, you'll be known as dizzy." :awesome:

They are different numbers fine.

But you have no other standard that that. I'm fine with the "don't raid at all" mentality, but how does one number have any more meaning than the other?

I do not want to stop tech raiding, this is utopic, but I would like to see people stop to raid alliances or start to being raided themselves to see how they would act, I personally know how it would be "this is not fair, I'm quiting, bawwww".

Do you know why bigger numbers are left out? Those alliances probably have treaties/enough power to beat us. That's the only reason why. Somehow, this translated into some arbitrary line, which you cannot cross.
Bullying is repeated acts over time that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful child or group attacking those who are less powerful.

Can you see the similarity?

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I do not want to stop tech raiding, this is utopic, but I would like to see people stop to raid alliances or start to being raided themselves to see how they would act, I personally know how it would be "this is not fair, I'm quiting, bawwww".

Can you see the similarity?

Hey, you realize YOUR alliance tech raided FPI for no good reason!

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I do not want to stop tech raiding, this is utopic, but I would like to see people stop to raid alliances or start to being raided themselves to see how they would act, I personally know how it would be "this is not fair, I'm quiting, bawwww".

Can you see the similarity?

Of course.

Though you should note by "us" I meant any alliance that tech raids. However, obviously that's why we raid alliances smaller than us.

Eventually we'll get stomped for it, and maybe we'll learn, maybe we won't, maybe we'll disband, and form again 2 years for now. Regardless, I don't really care, as long as it's fun.

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I'm not gov. so I can't help you there. D:

Though I mean, I'd be all for it. You could reform BLEU and keep us in a permanent state of war, just like old times :awesome:

And share the fun? Don't be ridiculous.

btw: (ooc) Sooks is aussie for sissy/crybaby(/ooc)

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