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A Democracy hateing Emperor?


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OOC:This was before Kachiyuri left for Kyoto.

A few days later,after Emperor Kachiyuri heard that new nation that hd established itself north of his empire.He wasn't the bit worried,until it was said they were a democracy loveing country,he mainly gathered his advisors to see how he should deal with them.

Kachiyuri:"Argh!,dammit I never knew that such a country that loves democracy would establish itself near my empire,we must deal with DPR immediately!."

Advisor Shinoru:Your Majesty!,I know you are angered on how the horrid democracy has established itself near our great empire,but we must handle in a smart fashion.We can't just invcade DPR the commen wealth will condem our actions if we do,the smart thing to do is to close off any entrance into DPR by using our military to establishing a checkpoint along the DPR-ME boders,they will make sure no one will get in or out of DPR without a certain passport."

Kachiyuri nodded to this plan and looked at his other advisors for more suggestions.

Edited by lutai
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Another advisor decided to give a suggestion also.

Advisor Hizuki:My lord,Shinoru is right about the checkpoint process we should use but I think we could go futhur we will not only cut our people off of DPR completely.We will also tax DPR citizens want into our country the taxs will be added on to the passport for DPR citizens only,also we will have border patrol increase patrols across our borders with DPR,and if they find anyone from DPR trying to cross into our borders they shall be killed on the spot without care.This will show DPR their democratic lifestyle isn't wanted in our part of Primoski Kai.

Kachiyuri had to think on which plan to use.

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After a few hours of thinking,Kachiyuri came to a decision.

"I have decided to use Advisor Shinoru's plan to deal with DPR,we shall use our military to establish a checkpoint along the DPR-ME border and only citizens with passports shall enter and leave DPR and ME."

With that decision,ME forces started to form a check point all across the DPR-ME borders,and border guards will stop any DPR or ME citizen for a passport into Michuraza and DPR if they do not have a passport they will not get through.

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The Kingdom of Cochin urges Michuraza not to act aggressively towards Democratic Republic of the Pacific. We advice Michuraza to settle its differences diplomatically pending which the Kingdom would be compelled to withdraw the Royal Cochin Army battalion stationed in Michuraza.

- KP Varma,

Minister for External Affairs,

Kingdom of Cochin.

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"I would like to strongly urge the stupid Michurazans, (what the hell is a Michuraza, anyway?) to stop attempting to act tough, because Cochin is protecting you. You have no backbone, no spine, and when push comes to shove, you'll be shunted aside like the worthless little lapdog you truly are.

Perhaps, next time, you should learn reading comprehension before attempting to intimidate a nation that has done nothing to you, for it is the DRP," commented Takeo.

OOC: Going to assume it was public, as there are no classified tags. <_<

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A despotic monarch shows once again the fallacy of tyrannical government without consent. The Democratic Republic of the Pacific has done nothing to warrant this aggressive behavior except exercise democracy, yet are punished by a tyrant for no reason but that of jealousy and greed.

Darragh McDonnell

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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"I would like to strongly urge the stupid Michurazans, (what the hell is a Michuraza, anyway?) to stop attempting to act tough, because Cochin is protecting you. You have no backbone, no spine, and when push comes to shove, you'll be shunted aside like the worthless little lapdog you truly are.

Perhaps, next time, you should learn reading comprehension before attempting to intimidate a nation that has done nothing to you, for it is the DRP," commented Takeo.

OOC: Going to assume it was public, as there are no classified tags. <_<

"We advise that Takeo silence himself,or you might find trouble along the way.Also to Cochin we are starting to pull away from the borders our Prime Minister Nobyuka has given that order,sense he was able to talk Emperor Kachiyuri out of the idea,we like to apologise for this small inconvenience,and we would like to negotiate peace terms with DPR."

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"We advise that Takeo silence himself,or you might find trouble along the way.Also to Cochin we are starting to pull away from the borders our Prime Minister Nobyuka has given that order,sense he was able to talk Emperor Kachiyuri out of the idea,we like to apologise for this small inconvenience,and we would like to negotiate peace terms with DPR."

"Oh, that's laughable. Now you're trying to weasel your way out of the spotlight, because people didn't back you up. Don't go around attempting to flaunt power that you do not have, and will never have. Also, a death threat? Really? You're willing to come hunt me down, because I made a comment?

Shows just how immature your pathetic excuse of a government truly is," commented Takeo.

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.:[ Official Announcement from the Empress of Dai Nippon Teikoku ]:.

Regardless of your stance towards democratic regimes, they still have a right to exist on this Earth. This is the official stance of the Greater Japanese Empire, and it's people. As such, any attempt to provoke aggressive action will be met with diplomatic action by the Japanese state. Any attempt to invade or begin hostile action against the Democratic Republic of the Pacific will result in activation of the Eternal Commonwealth MDP Bloc, signed between DNT, USET, and the DRP. We urge Michuraza to consider it's actions before the situation becomes escalated.

Signed by divine will,

Empress Haruhi Suzumiya


Commonwealth-wide DEFCON escalated to Level 3. Should anything come of this situation, be prepared to deploy troops.

Troop movements have been detected and border checkpoints among them, by Michurazan officials.

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"Oh Michuraza, your nation are bigger idiots then the old Lu Empire. Sending a death threat to a man who is 10 times smarter then your silly nation. If Takeo is ever found with a bullet in his head, Michuraza shall probably be burnt to the ground by the PRC. Takeo is the first man to be protected by a nation."

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"Oh Michuraza, your nation are bigger idiots then the old Lu Empire. Sending a death threat to a man who is 10 times smarter then your silly nation. If Takeo is ever found with a bullet in his head, Michuraza shall probably be burnt to the ground by the PRC. Takeo is the first man to be protected by a nation."

"I am humbled by the generosity that you have shown me. I'm afraid the only thing I can do to repay the deed, is with a quarter of a bottle of orange vodka... I'd give you more, but, I've drank the rest," commented Takeo.

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"As a strongly peaceful nation, Cyneriice Northan condemns this aggressive attitude, and would like to make it known we disprove of any sort of conflict. We especially urge the Michurazans - especially due to the size of their empire - to avoid angering their stronger neighbours. We say this not to anger anybody; think of the people, is what we say! How can one simply drag an entire nation to war without a justified reason?"

- Queen/Lady-General Yuralria of House Torklurapok

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USSURIYSK, PACIFICA -- We will certainly not tolerate such threats against our people, our liberties, and our way of life. Not only then do you show aggression to our nation, but to our people - and this will not be treated likely by the Pacifican state. The Pacifican government defends the right to emigration and immigration, not only are you denying the right of our people to travel as they wish but are also issuing a totalitarian decree that your people shall be forced not to travel to our nation - to experience democracy and free expression, where they cannot in Michuraza.

Your nation disgusts me, our state, and our people. You total lack of will to give up your childish needs for power and attention only amuses us. Any further reactionist acts, or those which are aggressive, will be responded to how we see most appropriate. Furthermore, we encourage the people of Michuraza to take charge in their country.

By issue of public proclamation,

Office of the President,


Ray Matveyev

President of the Democratic Republic of the Pacific


The Pacifican Republic will activate Article I of the Pacifican Independence and Sovereignty Accords at Urajiosutoku associating the administration of territorial rights. By a decree of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic, we herein allow Eternal Commonwealth military vehicles, troops, and supplies to travel trough the country in order to fulfill the strategic purpose of this region.
Edited by Ray Matveyev
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The Kingdom of Cochin strongly urges Democratic Republic of Pacific and its allies to reconsider any attempts to commit aggressions against Michuraza. The government of Michuraza has already apologized for their brash and immature actions, however at no point did they commit any act that can be even slightly misconstrued as casus belli towards DRP. They have quite rightly seen their mistake and have made amends. We suggest DRP and its allies honor these amends and let things be.

Any attempt to destabilize Asia would be extremely unwelcome.

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"We stated that any aggressive action will be met appropriately. If they do not mobilize any troops, neither shall we. Pacifica is committed to peace in the region and Asian and pan-Pacifican unity - however it appears to us that Michuraza do not share the same commitments. While I cannot speak for my allies, I can speak for my nation: military mobilization to the border is out of the question."

Edited by Ray Matveyev
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"We stated that any aggressive action will be met appropriately. If they do not mobilize any troops, neither shall we. Pacifica is committed to peace in the region and Asian and pan-Pacifican unity - however it appears to us that Michuraza do not share the same commitments. While I cannot speak for my allies, I can speak for my nation: military mobilization to the border is out of the question."

The Kingdom cannot speak for Michuraza, but we do state this. So long as Michuraza does not threaten the sovereignty, integrity and security of another nation, we would not permit an aggression against it to be unanswered. Just as we advised to Michuraza, we advice to the Democratic Republic of Pacific to seek out your neighbor in diplomacy and come to an amicable solution at the advent of tensions, rather than sway to opportunistic and destabilizing regimes who may profess alliance.

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"Vauleyo-Buryatia hereby announces the following sanctions against the Michizura Empire:

1) Any and all assets held by companies, or citizens of the Empire in Vauleyo-Buryatian banks are frozen

2) Any citizen of the Michizura Empire, holding a passport issued by that government shall not be granted a visa to enter Vauleyo-Buryatia, or a transit visa to pass through Vauleyo-Buryatian territory, or territorial waters.

3) Any company in Vauleyo-Buryatia that does business in the Michizura Empire, or any corporation or company based there shall be subject to harsh government sanctions

4) All diplomatic representatives of the Michizura Empire are expelled, and their Vauleyo-Buryatian consular equivalents recalled

That is all"-Vauleyo-Buryatia Foreign Ministry Spokesman

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The Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova would like to make public the actions of the Michurazan Empire during the recent Union Republic of Belarus - Soviet Russian war. Michurazan armed forces approached our combat zone, trying to get themselves involved in a conflict that was taking place far from their own homeland and having no relation to the Michuraza Empire. They were turned back with threats of action if they entered our area of combat operations, but it still shows the hawkishness of the government of Michuraza and we urge that the citizens of Michuraza nominate some mores responsible politicians to their government.

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(Prime Minister Nobyuka):As for now,our Emperor has allowed me to take over all affairs,also behind this certain checkpoint that was initiated.I was suppose to be at the meeting our lord held,but I was busy and could not make it in time but it was as I feared his advisors gave him idea which did not go under my approval,which they were suppose to go through me first before they tell his majesty their plan but they decided to not do that and try to ursurp order within our government,these two advisors who have done so were advisors Shinoru and Hizuki they are in prison for their crime,we would like DPR to give a fitting punishment to these men,and we hope they accept a 23 million yen peace offering and also the shareing of our metal refining company,and again we are sorry for this dishonarable mess we have caused.

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(Prime Minister Nobyuka):As for now,our Emperor has allowed me to take over all affairs,also behind this certain checkpoint that was initiated.I was suppose to be at the meeting our lord held,but I was busy and could not make it in time but it was as I feared his advisors gave him idea which did not go under my approval,which they were suppose to go through me first before they tell his majesty their plan but they decided to not do that and try to ursurp order within our government,these two advisors who have done so were advisors Shinoru and Hizuki they are in prison for their crime,we would like DPR to give a fitting punishment to these men,and we hope they accept a 23 million yen peace offering and also the shareing of our metal refining company,and again we are sorry for this dishonarable mess we have caused.

"My god, Michuraza is about as unstable as Italy during the Renaissance...

Once more, I'd like to make the note, it's DRP. However, I'll save my comments for later to see how well this

new puppet government works out," commented Takeo.

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"Attempting to institute purposeful and baseless destabilization of the pan-Pacifican region isn't something that can be 'fixed' with money and economics. This move clearly shows your government's aggressive intentions against our people and our state, and this sudden reversal in your foreign policy only shows that in the event that you don't get international support and acceptance, you withdraw and apologize."

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