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Trouble Announcement

Jacapo Saladin

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We have sat by and observed this from afar, but words need to be expressed.

TPF's worst transgressions are systematically whitewashed by the press. To counteract that whitewash I will use the remainder of my space here to expose TPF for what it really is. . Although the Battle of Waterloo may have been won on the playing fields of Eton I nevertheless warrant that certain facts are clear. For instance, we must reach out to people with the message that TPF has let its abominable nature get the better of it. We must alert people of that. We must educate them. We must inspire them. And we must encourage them to reveal the constant tension between centripetal and centrifugal forces of dialogized heteroglossia resulting from its causeries. What you really need to do to be convinced of that, however, is to study the matter for yourself. I'll be happy to send you enough facts to get you started.

I hope you take my advice.

Mary is evil

Nevik is the ringleader

Joe loves tea

Edited by Jacapo Saladin
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Same stupid crap, different round.

TE has a press?


Btw, I'd like to point out that whoever is declaring war here- *checks thread starter* -Trouble, didn't mention any of these so called 'transgressions'. They just said there were some. No evidence, where is the evidence? And they used big words to cover up their ignorance! Also, they used the word transgressions, which means that TPF transgressed on some pre-existing agreement. I don't see a pre-existing agreement that they 'transgressed' on. *slams down gavel in mock rage* Case dismissed.

Them phoenix boys are gonna make you glow.

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Btw, I'd like to point out that whoever is declaring war here- *checks thread starter* -Trouble, didn't mention any of these so called 'transgressions'. They just said there were some. No evidence, where is the evidence? And they used big words to cover up their ignorance! Also, they used the word transgressions, which means that TPF transgressed on some pre-existing agreement. I don't see a pre-existing agreement that they 'transgressed' on. *slams down gavel in mock rage* Case dismissed.

Them phoenix boys are gonna make you glow.

Nobody declared war on anyone. Please quote the portion where I declared war. I felt that TPF needed to be brought out into the open for what they are doing.

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So much for grudges not being carried over into new rounds.

Edit: also, if I remember correctly on why trouble was formed, so much for not carrying over grudges from SE.

Grudges start anew each round, but it is not my fault that the reason why grudges are formed in the first place are still very existent within TPF.

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Nobody declared war on anyone. Please quote the portion where I declared war. I felt that TPF needed to be brought out into the open for what they are doing.

No DoW? Well I thought that there was one, but I guess I am just too naive and think that people don't actually start meaningless threads all that often. Guess I was wrong.

Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

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I'm apparently not as intelligent as Jacapo Saladin apparently is, so I had to find a dictionary to read this. For those who aren't as 'gifted' as Jacapo Saladin, here's what I found:

centripetal= center seeking

centrifugal= moving or directed outward from the center (opposed to centripetal ).

dialogized= to carry a dialog

heteroglossia= the existence of two or more voices within a text, esp. conflicting discourses within a linguistic activity as between the narrative voice and the characters in a novel

causeries= an informal talk or chat

In other words, "And we must encourage them to reveal the constant tension between center seeking and moving outward from the center forces of dialog carrying conflicting words resulting from its informal talk."

Make sense now? :blink:

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I'm apparently not as intelligent as Jacapo Saladin apparently is, so I had to find a dictionary to read this. For those who aren't as 'gifted' as Jacapo Saladin, here's what I found:

centripetal= center seeking

centrifugal= moving or directed outward from the center (opposed to centripetal ).

dialogized= to carry a dialog

heteroglossia= the existence of two or more voices within a text, esp. conflicting discourses within a linguistic activity as between the narrative voice and the characters in a novel

causeries= an informal talk or chat

In other words, "And we must encourage them to reveal the constant tension between center seeking and moving outward from the center forces of dialog carrying conflicting words resulting from its informal talk."

Make sense now? :blink:

and here i am asking the 8 ball. Thanks jon. Keeps telling me ask again later.

Edited by dogbite
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I honestly can't figure out what he even means. With his big fancy words explained or not, thanks by the way JonBoy16, the whole thing makes no sence. You have this big problem with TPF, but you give no reason as to why. I haven't been playing TE that long so maybe its just one of those "you'd have to have been there" things, but even then i mean if your gonna call someone out you should say what your calling them out about.

The number one thing i want to know is...


Post them here, for everyone to see. All you do when you say that

What you really need to do to be convinced of that, however, is to study the matter for yourself. I'll be happy to send you enough facts to get you started.
is "Here let me send you MY veiw. You don't need to here what anyone else is saying, because I am right." Your just trying to brain wash people and not even let us defend our selves. To me you just look like your self-righteous and egotistical.

*IMPORTANT*I do not speak for TPF or claim to speak for TPF. The only reason i even posted this was so i can get some understanding.*IMPORTANT*

Edited by CounterPart19
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Your just trying to brain wash people and not even let us defend our selves. To me you just look like your self-righteous and egotistical.

Firstly, you're*.

Secondly, of course to we look like that. You're on the other side. It's YOU who has been brainwashed. You haven't seen the evidence so how can you comment on the validity? Maybe it's sensitive info that TPF's regular drones aren't supposed to see. Maybe we're not placing it in front of your eyes for the better of you. Please have some common courtesy and keep in mind we may not just be posting for ourselves, but to keep the TE community safer and happier. We want to let you know so you can decide for yourself whose word is more trustworthy, that of those who force it into you, or that of those who rebel against the mainstream, because they have been shown the truth.

Note: I don't speak on behalf of Trouble, I just think it looks a lot better if I use "we" than "they".

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The only thing I have to say in defense of those threads is that they're funny. This one isn't..

I honestly can't figure out what he even means. With his big fancy words explained or not, thanks by the way JonBoy16, the whole thing makes no sence. You have this big problem with TPF, but you give no reason as to why. I haven't been playing TE that long so maybe its just one of those "you'd have to have been there" things, but even then i mean if your gonna call someone out you should say what your calling them out about.

The number one thing i want to know is...


Post them here, for everyone to see. All you do when you say that


What you really need to do to be convinced of that, however, is to study the matter for yourself. I'll be happy to send you enough facts to get you started. is "Here let me send you MY veiw. You don't need to here what anyone else is saying, because I am right." Your just trying to brain wash people and not even let us defend our selves. To me you just look like your self-righteous and egotistical.

*IMPORTANT*I do not speak for TPF or claim to speak for TPF. The only reason i even posted this was so i can get some understanding.*IMPORTANT*

as soon as I saw the gigantic letters my newbie alert went off ;)

good times, good times.

Edited by Lysander
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