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"Per order of King Douglas of Scotland, Scottish troops have been ordered to garrison and defend the former Kingdom of Spain. Troops are en route as we speak," the Scottish Broadcasting Corporation reported today.


10,000 Scottish troops have flown into Spain passing over Galicia to re-establish the Scottish protectorate in the Kingdom of Spain. This territory shall remain under Scottish jurisdiction until further notice.

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Statement from the League Foreign Office

Should the Kingdom of Scotland require assistance in caring for civilians in teh affected areas, medical and humanitarian aide resources can be made available.

-Uberto Gallivati

Junior Deputy Aide to the Junior Undersecretary for European Affairs

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Valencia is glad to see peace restored in Iberia and that the situation did not escalate. We offer support or aid if Scotland needs it.


Troops begin to move away from Valencia/Kingdom of Spain border. DefCon moved back to 5.

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Molakia offers to send some troops for assistance. We havnt had a chance to use our forces like this in awhile, and their skills are getting rusty. However, if Finnish Aid is accepted (in terms of troops), due to...potential issues, we must recall any of our own troops back.

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Scotland's interest in Iberia is for the benefit of all Iberian peoples, whether Castilian speaking or other. We would like to remind Vestfjara as well it was we who granted you independence in the first place, and we do not appreciate these negative statements against us.

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Scotland's interest in Iberia is for the benefit of all Iberian peoples, whether Castilian speaking or other. We would like to remind Vestfjara as well it was we who granted you independence in the first place, and we do not appreciate these negative statements against us.

A tissue and a dead fish were sent to Scotland, courtesy of King James II.

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Scotland's interest in Iberia is for the benefit of all Iberian peoples, whether Castilian speaking or other. We would like to remind Vestfjara as well it was we who granted you independence in the first place, and we do not appreciate these negative statements against us.

Again, your interest in Iberia is what confuses us. The fact that we had to be granted independence by a non-Iberian nation is a strange thing. We are beginning to think that Iberia is just a part of the Scottish Empire.

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Again, your interest in Iberia is what confuses us. The fact that we had to be granted independence by a non-Iberian nation is a strange thing. We are beginning to think that Iberia is just a part of the Scottish Empire.

Iberia as well as the majority of France was part of the Scottish Empire at many points throughout history. We have benevolently granted independence to the peoples of these territories in hopes to see them grow on their own. Our interest to maintain stability in Iberia is because we care about Iberians, even if they are no longer Scottish citizens. Evidence to support the fact that we have no intention of maintaining an 'empire' as you claim is evident due to the fact that we have not annexed any Iberian territory.

Your lack of gratitude is of course duly noted.

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Much like a Colonial power seeks to "maintain control" in their colonies. We see right through the haze, as no other nation does. As our ungratefulness is noted, your bullying is as well.

"lolnord" - Vesfjaran blogger in response to the new eden blogger.

OOC: I edited it to be less offensive and more offensive at the same time. Sorry to those I offended <3

Edited by VinceSixx
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Archives Ident. 2010/001

Stability in the Iberian Peninsula is not only a concern for Scotland, I dare say it a concern for all signatories of the Iberian Pact… Conti included. It is our view imperative that this mission succeeds.

We pride ourselves for always honouring our treaty obligations and standing by our partners. This will be no exception. Should Scotland request any military assistance in securing peace in the former Kingdom of Spain, the Bailiwick will be happy to oblige. The Council of Ten has instructed the Admiralty of Conti to prepare an adequate action plan. […] Conti stands ready to despatch the Naval Infantry Regiment to the troubled region.

Cllr Charles de Kervaen, Bailiff of Conti and Chancellor of Justice, Member of the Council of Ten


Naval Infantry Regiment

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