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RSSN Public Press Conference

Mergerberger II

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In an effort to make relations between the RSSN and other European nations which the Netherlands has traditionally opposed better, Prime Minister Sebastian Saviri has decided to hold a press conference in Amsterdam for all nations of the world to ask questions. No question is 'off limits' so long as it is in good taste and does not pertain to classified information.

He has also decided to make it known, before the press conference, that:

  • Belarus does not suck. That statement is retracted.
  • The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, who made the "Belarus Sucks" and many of the anti-Belarus comments, has been sacked.
  • The Dutch Diplomatic Team has been sacked
  • The Dutch Diplomatic Translator Team has been sacked
  • Dutch Foreign Policy is expected to turn a more favorable eye to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia in the future.
  • No, the Healthcare bill will not pass with the stuff people wanted it to have, Obama will not be re-elected, and yes, America will suffer in 2012-2016.[/ooc]

Ask Away!

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"If a public apology to Belarus for the previous "Belarus Sucks" comments is issued, Belarus will be willing to reengage the RSSN in diplomatic talks. Will the RSSN consider this?"

-Yulia Dzerzhinskaya, BIA Novosti Reporter.

"Of course. The Government of the Netherlands does officially apologize for the comments made regarding Belarus, and the world may consider them unofficial and condemned by the RSSN. We are quite elated to reopen diplomatic talks with Belarus, and look forward to more formal relations in the future."

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Cannabis is legal to grow, sell, and consume in the RSSN, however international sale and export to nations which prohibit the drug's use or importation is strictly prohibited and a $4 fine.

"Where's the best place to get an ounce? And how much?" the reporter asked.

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"What's the RSSN's view on Rational Communism?

What is the RSSN's stance on Science and advancing Mankind?

Does the population of the RSSN like huge robots that beat the hell out of each other?

Why the hell is it freezing cold in here? I should've put on a warmer cloak."

Edited by Lynneth
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"What's the RSSN's view on Rational Communism?"

"The RSSN's position on Rational Communism is a very favorable one. We feel that Revolutionary Socialism and Rational Communism are very closely related. Both of our systems preach the rights of the people, and true democracy, and are instead merely economic systems, and economic systems that make sense and are possible. While the details of our systems are very different, Rational Communism and Revolutionary Socialism's concepts are very similar.

What is the RSSN's stance on Science and advancing Mankind?

The RSSN values science above all else. We feel that education and science are very important pieces of the puzzle that is our future, which is why the government pays for all higher education for those that qualify for higher education, and is willing to continue to fund education for those that are interested.

Does the population of the RSSN like huge robots that beat the hell out of each other?

I don't know of anyone who calls himself a human that doesn't like that.

Why the hell is it freezing cold in here? I should've put on a warmer cloak."

Heat's off. We're trying to save the planet. What are YOU doing?

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"The RSSN's position on Rational Communism is a very favorable one. We feel that Revolutionary Socialism and Rational Communism are very closely related. Both of our systems preach the rights of the people, and true democracy, and are instead merely economic systems, and economic systems that make sense and are possible. While the details of our systems are very different, Rational Communism and Revolutionary Socialism's concepts are very similar.

"Well, that's good to hear."

The RSSN values science above all else. We feel that education and science are very important pieces of the puzzle that is our future, which is why the government pays for all higher education for those that qualify for higher education, and is willing to continue to fund education for those that are interested.

"Science for the masses.

What does the RSSN feel about recent developments of the GDR and its predecessors, such as the NIA computer-brain interface, the HAL exosuit and other such things?"

(OOC: Check zees link for them )

I don't know of anyone who calls himself a human that doesn't like that.


Heat's off. We're trying to save the planet. What are YOU doing?

"We're busy building fusion power plants in South America after finishing the construction of enough fusion plants to power our entire nation, including all electric cars and everything else. We're exporting electric power, cheaper and cleaner than anything else you'll find on this world, thereby making coal power and other such polluting power sources less useful, in turn saving the planet."

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"Belarus looks forward to better relations with the RSSN as well."

-Foreign Ministry of the Union of Belarus and Moldova

"Dude.. awesome... you know what, I'm gonna get some of that crunk right now... I'll be back later, ok?"

The reporter walks off, but you can hear her say "man you can't get this stuff in Belarus!"

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"Are there any nations outside Europe that the RSSN would be willing to open diplomatic channels with?"

Of course we look outside of Europe for possible friends and allies. Recently we signed a treaty with the Tahoe Republic, and looking to other nations from other continents is certainly high on our Foreign Policy agenda.

What is the RSSN's opinion on countries with a European culture that exist outside of Europe?

What is the RSSN's opinion on controlled whaling?

We have no opinion of countries with a European culture outside of Europe. That is an internal matter, not one we need concern ourselves with.

Whilst whaling does not affect the RSSN, we do not support whaling, as whales are commonly considered an endangered species and we feel that there are other, more effective, less harmful ways of obtaining resources for the same purpose.

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