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In Defense of Our Homeland

Sarah Tintagyl

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It would seem as though the Huns or the Mongols of old were coming across the waves to destroy everything that the legacy that Tintagyl, Asgeirsson, Harlem, and others had created in just a short span of time. Only a month had passed since the foundation of the Queendom of Australia and it seemed that its baptism of fire was on the gates of its foundations, which meant that when the word did finally reach the messenger's hands to take to Lillia Palace it would cause quite the rush in the new Queen's mind. The chamberlain was small, frail, he shivered as he walked to the great wooden doors that lead into the throne room of Her Majesty. Against the walls, Lillian Guards stood, unmoving, their eyes already knowing what he carried in his hands and their faces betrayed no sign of wishing him, 'good luck'. A quick knock on the door was received, by two Royal Guards opening and allowing the man entrance.

The throne room was long, gilded windows on both sides, while a thunder storm shook the palace from outside. A flash of lightening boomed outside and lit the hallway up in an eerie white light and there at the end of the hall, a pair of unmoving green eyes stared back at him. He shivered again, scared off what he saw and wanted to turn back. Oh how he wanted to turn back.


"Yes Your Majesty, my apologies." The Chamberlain bowed and then held up the message from the Polynesian Network Systems. "The Black Ravens, Your Highness they claim that a woman named Valerie is inside the Queendom, they have declared war on us because of it and are sending an invasion force."

Hannah's eyes widened. "The Black Ravens? The people I offered to help? THE PEOPLE I GAVE SOLACE TO!"

"Yes, Your Highness." He looked at the ground. "I believe we have already alerted the navy and coastal guards. They shouldn't be able to get past the coast."

"Yes, but my dear chamberlain." Hannah said walking down from the throne. "All of our major cities are on the coast. Therefore they must not be allowed to reach the coast is that clear. Send word to the Grand Duke and Alice Springs that I want immediate discussion on how to solve this. Is that understood?"

"Of course Highness."

Hannah walked to the window and stared out at the rain, another flash illuminating her features almost to the point of being demonic. "Also, this woman that caused them to invade? Where is she?"

"I'm not sure Majesty. I'm sure that we cou-"

"Tell Valeria to get on it immediately. I want her head on the stake of my throne."

"Majesty? She's an innocent. We can't kill an innocent."

"And I promise no one is going to know about it either. This Queen Valkyrie has caused enough problems in the world, the world is better off with her dead. I want her head. Is that understood?"

"Y..yes Highness."

"Good. You are dismissed then."

As the chamberlain left the throne room, he ran when the sound of cackled laughter echoed through the room, he never looked back.


Minutes later, after the proper media had been called up. Hannah appeared at the steps of Lillia Palace her features friendly and warming.

People of the world. I do not always like asking for aid as I am a firm believer in the ability to stand up for ones self. However the vile demons that have decided to attempt to raid Australia's shores are much worse than anything this world can comprehend. These Black Raven Mercenaries have caused nothing but trouble for this Queendom since its conception and therefore I am asking the world to help us in all ways to rid the world of this boil on the face of the planet. In addition, to this, I demand that an eternal declaration of war be place on the Helzan and all incarnations of this horrible country. Every where they go they create instability, they nuke the innocents, and when I offer these mercenaries solace what do they do. Betrayal. I accept the Black Raven's declaration of war and understand that you will all die, there will be no quarter, there will be no imprisonment, there will be death and only death for the wrongs that you have caused this Queendom and the world.

Also, intelligence has reported that the woman they are after, the War Criminal, Queen Valkyrie, is inside the Queendom's borders. If she is found, she is to be shot on sight and there is an order to all SWORD, Crimson Shields and Lillian Guards that she is to be brought to justice without mercy. Thank you.


Immediately upon receiving the messages, the Royal Navy was dispatched towards the east coast of Australia, along with the full 250,000 soldiers stationed in the Duchy of Brisbane placed on full alert for any movement along the horizon. The HMS Hannah Asgeirsson, Nemesis, and Brisbane were immediately sent towards the Black Raven's island of operations to blockade if necessary, or to engage the advancing Raven forces. Meanwhile in Brisbane harbor, the HMS Valkyrie, and Helsinki moved out to guard the front coast of the Queendom. The seventy air squadrons of the old Hanseatic air force were scattered into the sky to engage the advancing mercenaries as well. In time they would be joined by detachments led by Promised Land commanders and the full force of the Royal Army, Navy, and Air Force would be there to destroy everything about the Black Raven Mercenaries.

Meanwhile in the shade of darkness, Valeria Sangral began her search to kill the war criminal known as Queen Valkyrie.

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To: Catherine Renzov
From: HRH Hannah Asgeirsson

Please, make haste, we will be thank off of any and all reinforcements to our lines. Make your way to Brisbane or at least the Duchy itself, after you land we will be able to make an allied command to thoroughly destroy these terrorists.

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The Kingdom of Cochin is willing to send a battalion of our 23rd RCSF regiment of commandos to Australia and a battalion of 1st Airborne Division to combat this heinous threat. We are also willing to send 3 Mig35 fighters to take the aerial part of the threat. If accepted they would need an airfield to land and orient themselves after which they would be ready to assist Australian actions very quickly. Two Karachi class Missile Boats and the corvette CNS Sabre from RCNB Gangothri is also on its way to Australia.

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TO: Cochin Military Command
From: HRH Hannah Asgeirsson

All assistance is helpful in combating this horrid threat. Please deploy your soldiers to Northern Brisbane, as in the Duchy and begin marching towards the front. I don't want your soldiers getting harmed in the process of deployment. Cochin has and always will be a loyal ally of Australia and of the old Commonwealth.

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An alarm was what woke David from a sound sleep. He had given the pilots the day off, so he was sleeping in. He smacked his head on the low ceiling and cursed. Rolling to the side and out of bed, he pulled on his flight suit quickly and sprinted to his computer. Pulling up the screen, he saw the alert:

All pilots, to your briefing rooms.

"$%&@! It was my day off you !@#$%^&*!" The echo of his voice was the only thing that answered him. He typed quickly and fired off a message to the Black Knights. "Meet in Briefing Room 7. ASAP."

Five minutes later, the Black Knights, all in various stages of dress, were gathered in Briefing Room 7. "Listen up," David began, "The Queendom is under attack. I don't know by who or by what as of yet, but we're the teachers of these guys... and they aren't ready yet. We're going to help." A hand raised in the back.

"Do we have clearance for that?" It was Lieutenant Sam Cutler.

"I am giving you a direct order to help the Queendom's pilots, Lieutenant. Is that clear?"

"Yessir." David turned back to the rest of the pilots.

"I've already got the techs painting over our Federation markings and fueling us up, along with arming us. We launch in 20 minutes. Clear?" Another hand raised from Lieutenant Cutler. "No, they won't be painting over your kills, Lieutenant." The hand went down. "Now move."

Twenty five minutes later, the twelve Black Knights, all having their flags and markings painted over, were in the air. "Queendom Control, this is Colonel David Atkinson, Black Knight One. Let the Queen know the cavalry has arrived. Awaiting orders."

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5 Mig35s from RF16 regiment of RCAF were the first unit to deploy for Brisbane with 2 Merat AWACS, 2 Merat Tankers and 5 Halob support aircrafts. Soon they were followed by Merats, Metacs and Halobs of 1/3 Battalion of the 1st Airborne Division, the Royal Cochin Airborne with their MH53, Blackhawk , Bell 212 assault helicopters and Piranha gunships. The Charlie Battalion of the 23rd regiment of Royal Cochin Special Forces were also on their way to Brisbane.

The first to arrive at Brisbane would be the lead tanker of RCAF deployment followed by Mig35s, Halobs and Merats. Soon joined by the Airborne Battalion who would move to immediately reassemble their helicopters for the soon to start assault missions. The RCSF battalion would join the Airborne soldiers in devising tactical plans to support the Australian Military.

The forces in Brisbane were soon informed that they would soon be supported for their missions by the Helicopter carrier, CNS Emden, H05 which would soon reach Brisbane coast with escort from CNS Sabre, CV01, frigate CNS Sekhon, FR06 and three Karachi Class missile boats which were on a speed run from RCNG Gangothri in Antarctica.

As they waited for the naval contingent the senior officer of the deployment, Lt. Col. Thomas Chacko, the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 1st Airborne Division attempted to contact the Australian military authorities to try to find out what is going on and to figure out the attack plan.

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The Eggman Empire does not take lightly the attack on an ally. We are sending the Filoviridae super-carrier battle group in conjunction with the 10th Marine division to assist the Queendom of Australia. Our allies can rest assured knowing that we will not rest until this threat against them is defeated.

-Emperor Sammyace Kintober



To:Queen Hannah Asgeirsson

From:Emperor Kintober.

My lady, perhaps you've heard, perhaps you haven't, but I'm sending a Naval carrier group and elements from a Marine assault division to your aid. What I did not say publicly, is that I'm also sending a Battalion from the 9th Ex Division consisting mostly of Happy Smilers. Basically, it's a "Here if you need us" situation. The taskforce is more then happy to attack the moment it arrives, however, they are waiting for your signal. I don't want to make it look like we're taking advantage of your situation to grab some land. The man in charge of the force is one Admiral Trenton, whom you should contact ASAP. Btw, ETA for the task force is 24 hours. I hope this taskforce will be helpful in crushing this disgusting attack on your nation.

-your ally, Emperor Kintober

PS:We've been looking for an opportunity to test our Pox Gungnir missile system to see how effective it is. Mind if we lob a few at Mercenary Island? If we can, what munitions would you like us to use?Conventional, Biological, or Chemical?

OOC:Is the line broken now?

Edited by DrKintobor
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Terror Mountain, Antarctica

Seeing the activity going on to the north, twelve F-46 squadrons took off from the secret facility on the island that had been captured from Vostok SSR forces several months ago. They were on a plot course to assault whatever transportation was bringing troops to the Queendom.

A message was sent, from Artemis Global Services, to the Queendom: "Always your servant."

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An attack had not been expected from the east, but naval units would be rushed there as quickly as possible. Fully three-quarters of the navy from old Promised Land would be deployed in defense against this attack with minimal left behind to ensure defense agains any other attack, but at the moment, only a single aircraft carrier, one submarine, two battleships, and two destroyers were stationed there already. It would take time for the rest of the vessels to arrive.

In Space, satellites were already swinging into postion--two were geostationary, one over Alice Springs, the other over Perth. This war would not be lost due to bad intelligence.

A full fifty squadrons of fighters were scrambled from Alice Springs, and five more dispatched from Adelaide, with an ETA put at about half an hour at top speed, along with four squadrons of bombers that would hopefully be able to at least harrass the enemy ships.

The full 250,000 troops stationed in the Duchy of Darwin immediately began deployment to Brisbane, along with a sizeable chunk of the queendom's armored forces--at least 2000 main battle tanks were deployed, along with an equal number of suport vehicles. ETA, two days at top speed. In the Duchy of Adelaide, 200,000 troops would be transferred, with 50,000 kept in reserve, and another 1500 tanks and an equal number of support vehicles dispatched. ETA, two days at top speed.

***Royal Palace, Darwin***

Shortly after the Queen's speech, Anthony Harlem might have looked furious, and few would have wondered why, really. But it wasn't just fury that prompted him to stried boldly up the stairs. He flashed a symbol at the guards, for a brief second only, and told them to step aside, and not let anyone else in. They did so without question.

As soon as he was sure he and the queen were alone, he stared at her with a clenched jaw. "Believe me, Your Majesty," he stated almost calmly, "few feel more betrayed than I do. But this last order you gave, the one to terminate the life of an innocent woman..." he clenched his fists.

"I can't blame you for not knowing--you don't have the pieces of intelligence I do, but that order could very easily jeopardize the union of the state!"

***Duchy of Perth***

Troops here were ordered to remain here--in the event of another attack, they needed to remain on alert.

But in the home of Duke Westly Davies, bedlam reigned. He'd seen the speech along with the rest of the nation, and his hands gripped the arms of his chair so tightly his knuckles turned white. His face turned from pale to full red, and he stormed out of the room in fury.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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***Royal Palace, Darwin***

Shortly after the Queen's speech, Anthony Harlem might have looked furious, and few would have wondered why, really. But it wasn't just fury that prompted him to stried boldly up the stairs. He flashed a symbol at the guards, for a brief second only, and told them to step aside, and not let anyone else in. They did so without question.

As soon as he was sure he and the queen were alone, he stared at her with a clenched jaw. "Believe me, Your Majesty," he stated almost calmly, "few feel more betrayed than I do. But this last order you gave, the one to terminate the life of an innocent woman..." he clenched his fists.

"I can't blame you for not knowing--you don't have the pieces of intelligence I do, but that order could very easily jeopardize the union of the state!"

"Innocent?" Hannah flashed manically. "Innocent! The woman nuked how many countries? She is a menace to every land she visits and now ours. Antarctica, she was in Indochina, in North America, they say death follows Tintagyl, well I must say that this woman is much, much worse. She comes here and causes a war to develop against us. Even if I don't execute her, the world is crying out for her head anyways and honestly, so am I."

Hannah turned back around. "And I know full well about Davies' marriage, but maybe he should have known something about this as well. The man that shot biological missiles at Somalia. This defense is looking worse and worse by the minute Anthony. So this intelligence that you have, had better be very, very influential."

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Hannah turned back around. "And I know full well about Davies' marriage, but maybe he should have known something about this as well. The man that shot biological missiles at Somalia. This defense is looking worse and worse by the minute Anthony. So this intelligence that you have, had better be very, very influential."

"Innocent? Innocent! The woman nuked how many countries? She is a menace to every land she visits and now ours. Antarctica, she was in Indochina, in North America, they say death follows Tintagyl, well I must say that this woman is much, much worse. She comes here and causes a war to develop against us. Even if I don't execute her, the world is crying out for her head anyways and honestly, so am I."

His next words were very, very quiet, but she could hear the strain keeping calm put on him. "In Antarctica, she was a scared teenager. In Indochina, her double was the one who assassinated the Dragon Empire's emmisary. And she did not order those nuclear attacks. I went through the records of immigration, and they clearly place her in Perth a full four days before Helzan fired off the nuclear missiles. Don't believe me?! Here!" He finally shouted, thrusting the papers in question forcibly toward her.

"And I know full well about Davies' marriage, but maybe he should have known something about this as well. The man that shot biological missiles at Somalia. This defense is looking worse and worse by the minute Anthony. So this intelligence that you have, had better be very, very influential."

"And before you go dragging Davies into this, get your facts straight, Your Highness. He did not fire biological missiles at Somal. He ordered a chemical attack on military targets, and Orlov changed those orders, using agents that were supposed to be training Somal's own intelligence agency to carry them out!"

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"In Antarctica, she was a scared teenager. In Indochina, her double was the one who assassinated the Dragon Empire's emmisary. And she did not order those nuclear attacks. I went through the records of immigration, and they clearly place her in Perth a full four days before Helzan fired off the nuclear missiles. Don't believe me?! Here!"

Hannah glanced down at the reports if only for a second before tossing them to the side. "She is a menace to society and she is a menace to this Queendom, because, directly or not, she caused this war to occur and every man and woman that dies here is because of her. She walks and death follows her. Immaturity, doubles, and this, all excuses, all excuses so that she can survive." The Queen sighed as she walked back up to her throne and sat down. "As to Davies, forgive me, but the world sees what it wants to see and we need to reflect that. Also, if Davies poses any threat to this Union..." Her eyes flared up in anger. "He will morn the day he crosses me."

She sighed and looked down at the Grand Duke. "Our union is more important than this woman's life, however I will not allow her to go free. Send word to Sangral that she is to be taken into custody and interrogated. Then I will decide what to do with her. Is that understood? I can't say that she will escape my sword, but I will give her the chance. But every mercenary, every single one, I want dead and if I so as much hear the word Helzan. I want it destroyed. Is that understood."

"And if Davies dares does anything to jeopardize this country. I will kill him as well."

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Understood, I'll relay the orders right away

-Catherine Reznov

6 Hours after last coded message.

5 Yuktobanian C-5B Galaxy Transports were flying over the Coral Sea, they had already traversed down the Pacific Ocean, careful to avoid flying over the airspace of any nations, and the soldiers in the transports, part of the 13th Varyag Airborne Battalion, were calm and collected, and ready for battle.

One such soldier was Sgt. Ludmilla Gorbackin, a recruit who had passed selection several months ago. She was fair skinned, almost pale for a 24 year old. She was not too tall, not to short, and very skinny. Ludmilla was a redhead who was all too familiar with the Yuktobanian military. Her brother, Toscha, served as tank commander during the Yuktobanian Civil War. She would be one of 1500 troops sent from Yuktobania to assist her ally in Australia.

Their destination would be the Australian port city of Brisbane, a city all to familiar to Yuktobania, every time the Hansa had a situation in Australia, the first place Yuktobanian military commanders would go to would be Brisbane, the heart of the Hansa in Australia and a major cultural center.

The commander of the 13th Varyag Airborne, Major Mikhail Petrov, was a gruff man, but a competent soldier and a bold leader. He told his men and women. “Today, we are called to assist our closest ally in the defense of their nation from terrorists. We will show them that anyone who mess with Australia, mess with the Wolves of Yuktobania, and there isn’t a d%$#ed soul who dare mess with the Wolves.”

The soldiers responded by saying in unison, “Sir, yes sir.”

It would be some time before the Yuktobanian forces will arrive at the objective area.

OOC: Has Kevs already attacked Brisbane or are we still waiting?

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The entire RF16 regiment of 50 Mig35s has now arrived at Brisbane and waiting to commence operations. The RCN contingent have neared Australian coast and getting ready for combat, the missile boats forming pickets and the corvettes standing sentry for the Helicopter Carrier.

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"In Antarctica, she was a scared teenager. In Indochina, her double was the one who assassinated the Dragon Empire's emmisary. And she did not order those nuclear attacks. I went through the records of immigration, and they clearly place her in Perth a full four days before Helzan fired off the nuclear missiles. Don't believe me?! Here!"

Hannah glanced down at the reports if only for a second before tossing them to the side. "She is a menace to society and she is a menace to this Queendom, because, directly or not, she caused this war to occur and every man and woman that dies here is because of her. She walks and death follows her. Immaturity, doubles, and this, all excuses, all excuses so that she can survive." The Queen sighed as she walked back up to her throne and sat down. "As to Davies, forgive me, but the world sees what it wants to see and we need to reflect that. Also, if Davies poses any threat to this Union..." Her eyes flared up in anger. "He will morn the day he crosses me."

She sighed and looked down at the Grand Duke. "Our union is more important than this woman's life, however I will not allow her to go free. Send word to Sangral that she is to be taken into custody and interrogated. Then I will decide what to do with her. Is that understood? I can't say that she will escape my sword, but I will give her the chance. But every mercenary, every single one, I want dead and if I so as much hear the word Helzan. I want it destroyed. Is that understood."

"And if Davies dares does anything to jeopardize this country. I will kill him as well."

"I have no issue with destroying our attackers, Your majesty. And I think you'll find our troops have a bit extra motivation to destroy those they see as having betrayed them."

"I will order the arrest of this woman at once. And I doubt Davies will do anything rash--he won't want to leave his children without a father."

He swept out of the room as quickly as he had come, to do as he had promised.

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"I have no issue with destroying our attackers, Your majesty. And I think you'll find our troops have a bit extra motivation to destroy those they see as having betrayed them."

"I will order the arrest of this woman at once. And I doubt Davies will do anything rash--he won't want to leave his children without a father."

He swept out of the room as quickly as he had come, to do as he had promised.

Or, would you rather this evil woman assassinated? We can do that very well.

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