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A unique union


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The Peoples of Wales and Portugal have come together today... they have come together through two people... The Queen of Wales, Cheryl Cole and the King of Portugal, King Ashley (both not ruling monarchs) today announce that they have wedded. Their bond has created a unique new union on the European continent. The Cole Family today would like to announce they've had their independence guaranteed by the Kingdom of Scotland... today we see a new nation take her place in the concert of Europe. The United Kingdom of Greater Wales and Portugal (UK).

The Cole Family Will take their place on the thrones of this new European power.



Capital City: Cardiff, Wales

Largest City: Lisbon, Portugal

Rulers: King Ashley and Queen Cheryl

Currency: The Scottish Pound (until further notice)

Today, as a new nation we offer our hand of friendship to everyone around the world. Join us today and help us create a brighter tomorrow.

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"We are proud to welcome our historical allies back to the world as the United Kingdom of Greater Wales and Portugal. Should our friends ever need anything from Scotland, all they must do is ask," King Douglas stated proudly.

Scottish economists recommend that the new nation retain the Scottish Pound as the national currency to simplify trading.

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"It is not every day that two people can not only come together in Holy Matrimony, but as well to come together to lead two of the most exemplary nations in the world. Australia's hearts and hands go out to the King and Queen of this greater Union and from our Hanseatic Welsh population, they are overjoyed to see Wales return to its rightful place as an independent nation. God Bless."

-HRH Hannah Asgeirsson, Queen of Australia

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Dozens of thousands of citizens filled the streets of Carthaginian Spain, many of them waving crudely made flags of the UK. Unofficial parades were thrown all across Carthaginian Spain as authorities looked the other way in the jubilation of the celebrations. All across the internet in Carthage, miniature flags and banners were selling out quickly and there was even disruptions in the House as three Portugese and Welsh members took a few minutes to declare something honoring the new country.

President Obama excitedly welcomes the new nation to the world stage.

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A message from the Union of Belarus (Soyuz Belarussii)

"A warm welcome to a promising new nation in Europe! May we establish diplomatic relations?"

"Thank You and yes of course. Once we've got the beurocracy under control, we'll send one of our finest representatives over." King Ash

"We are proud to welcome our historical allies back to the world as the United Kingdom of Greater Wales and Portugal. Should our friends ever need anything from Scotland, all they must do is ask," King Douglas stated proudly.

Scottish economists recommend that the new nation retain the Scottish Pound as the national currency to simplify trading.

"We have no plans for the immediate future to chance. We thank you for your kind words... as always, the Welsh military is the Scottish military if the case ever came" - Her Majesty Cheryl Cole.

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The Republic of Finland welcomes the Welsh back to the political stage.

"Don't think I don't remember you all, I need my art zeppelin back." -President Uberstein

"What Zeppelin :P" - Queen Cheryl Cole

Dozens of thousands of citizens filled the streets of Carthaginian Spain, many of them waving crudely made flags of the UK. Unofficial parades were thrown all across Carthaginian Spain as authorities looked the other way in the jubilation of the celebrations. All across the internet in Carthage, miniature flags and banners were selling out quickly and there was even disruptions in the House as three Portugese and Welsh members took a few minutes to declare something honoring the new country.

President Obama excitedly welcomes the new nation to the world stage.

"We thank you for Mr Obama's kind words, I look forward to building good relations with you in the near future." - HM Cheryl Cole

We welcome the nation onto the international community.

OOC: WEEELSH! :awesome:

"Thank You" - Royal Response

OOC: Negato!! :o I didn't know you RPd!

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"What Zeppelin :P" - Queen Cheryl Cole

"You know damn well 'what zeppelin'. It's big, size of four Hindenburgs strapped together? Used as a museum? Has my personal art collection aboard? Was the mobile capital of the first European Union? Besides, I'm sure there is something I can trade for it." -President Uberstein

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"You know damn well 'what zeppelin'. It's big, size of four Hindenburgs strapped together? Used as a museum? Has my personal art collection aboard? Was the mobile capital of the first European Union? Besides, I'm sure there is something I can trade for it." -President Uberstein

"Nope, beats me." The Queen let out a smirk and looked over to her office's far wall, where resting was a Uberstein oil painting.

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