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An Announcement from the Republic of Sovereign States


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Grand Convocation Chambers, Senate Rotunda, Coruscant - "Today is a grand day for the Republic," said Chief of State Acheron following his opening speech before delegates the galaxy over, and ushering in the celebration of the first annual "Republic Day". This day marks the announcement of the Republic of Sovereign States as a legitimate organization, and ushers yet another alliance into Planet Bob.

The full text of the speech of the Chief of State can be found below:

Senators of the Republic, fellow citizens of Planet Bob. I come before you to proclaim a momentous message. I stand here, to announce to you all the declaration of the existence of the Republic Sovereign States! After many weeks and months of labor and strife, here we stand at the crest of a new beginning for old principles.

With this new Republic, and through our new Constitution, our sacred mission is the promotion of the virtues and principles which we hold so dear to our hearts both within our ranks and in places abroad. It is these founding morals that give us our strength to endure the tempest and shatter the storm that designs us to be no more. We are greater than these things, and, as surely as we arise, so shall we endure to ensure the blessings of this Republic last throughout ages yet unseen. Let all those who desire liberty, take part in our freedom; Let all those who crave justice, be enfranchised. Let all those who seek refuge find refuge under our banner.

Friends and senators, the Republic is here. The Republic is now. Let the stars sing! Let the planets shout! Let the Republic begin!

This grand announcement by the Office of the Chief of State and the Senate coincides with the announcement of Nueva Vida making known the newly acquired protectorate status of the Republic.

Most recently, the Senate of the Republic has passed a complete overhaul of its governmental system. Made manifest in the Constitution of the Republic, the passage of such historic legislation has completed the ground work for the foundation of the Republic of Sovereign States (see full text below).


The Constitution of the Republic of Sovereign States

Res Publica Primoris


We, the collected Senate of the Republic of Sovereign States, united under a common purpose to ensure freedom, equality, brotherhood, and unity under the principles of merit, justice, peace, and representation, do establish this Republic for the provision of protection during conflict, assistance when in need, and haven during peace. Let this, the Constitution of the Republic of Sovereign States, bind us to these founding ideals so long as the Republic stands.

Article I: The Senate of the Republic of Sovereign States

Section 1. The Senate will hold supreme legislative power within the Republic, over all diplomatic treaties and pacts, acts of the Senate, and amendments to the Constitution of the Republic. The Senate shall legislate in the following manner:

  • A) All manner of acts and diplomatic treaties and pacts will require a minimum 48 hour discussion period by the Senate, followed by a minimum 48 hour vote by the Senate with a minimum of 66%+1 (two-thirds) majority in favor of the legislation prior to passage.
  • B) Should legislation be vetoed by the Chief of State, the Senate may reconsider a vote on the same legislation, which will require a minimum of 75%+1 majority in favor of passage to declare the legislation fully valid.
  • C) Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Sovereign States shall be carried out only by the Senate. A minimum of 72 hours discussion and 72 hours voting period shall be required before the amendment(s) shall be considered law. A minimum of 75%+1 majority in favor of the amendment is required for passage.
  • D) Once passage has been acquired, it shall be finalized with the placement of the Seal of the Republic of Sovereign States upon the document.

Section 2. The Senate will be enabled to Declare War and to enter into peace treaties. Should war be declared, all activities pertaining to the waging of warfare will fall to the Chief of State and the Minister of Defense until the conclusion of the conflict by vote of peace by the Senate on a particular treaty.

Section 3. The Senate shall be composed of all registered members of the Republic; upon acceptance into the Republic they shall be known under the title of "Senator of the Republic of Sovereign States" and shall be afforded all the rights and privileges of such.

Section 4. The Senate shall shall make no law nor enter into any treaty with the intention to suspend the Constitution of the Republic of Sovereign States at any time for any reason.

Section 5. The Senate shall elect a new Executive Council of the Republic every two (2) months. Campaigns may begin up to a month prior to the elections. The elections themselves shall last a total of three days. The candidate with the most votes for their respective office shall be deemed victor. Each candidate may only run for one office at any time.

Section 6. The Senate shall elect a new Chief of State every four (4) months beginning on the day of the ratification of the Constitution. Campaigns may begin up to a month prior to the elections. The elections themselves shall last a total of three days. Upon announcing their candidacy and designating his Chancellor, no candidate is to be engaged in election for a separate office. No person shall be elected to the Office of Chief of State for no more than two consecutive terms at a time.

Section 7. The Senate may, at any time, propose and/or vote on the impeachment of any member(s) of either the Executive Council of the Republic or the Office of the Chief of State on any grounds deemed sufficient by the Senate to move to a binding vote.

  • A) The impeachment process shall follow that of amendments, save the exclusion of the Chief of State's usage veto.
  • B) Once the impeachment process is complete, the Chancellor shall assume the title and duties of Chief of State of the Republic of Sovereign States for the remainder of the former holder's term.
  • C) During this time, the Chief of State pro tempore shall designate a new Chancellor to serve the remainder of the Chief of State's term.

Article II: The Executive Council of the Republic

Section 1. The Executive Council of the Republic shall consist of:

  • A) The Minister of State and Deputy Minister of State, whom shall take charge of all external, diplomatic affairs of the Republic.
  • B) The Minister of the Interior and Deputy Minister of the Interior, whom shall take charge of all recruitment and educational duties and forum moderation efforts of the Republic via the Senate Bureau of Security.
  • C) The Minister of Commerce and Deputy Minister of Commerce, whom shall take charge of all economic duties and their management within the Republic.
  • D) The Minister of Defense and Grand Marshal of the Republic, whom shall take charge of all military affairs of the Republic and shall be chosen for office by the Chief of State and confirmed by the Senate, for the duration of his life or his resignation or impeachment.

Section 2. The Executive Council of the Republic shall hold executive power within the Republic over the various ministries therein. Within these ministries, ministers may operate as seen fit and required in execution of their elected duties provided adherence to the Constitution of the Republic and Senate legislation.

Section 3. The Executive Council of the Republic shall work in unison with the Office of the Chief of State to execute their elected duties to their fullest, provided adherence to the Constitution and Senate legislation.

Section 4. The Executive Council of the Republic shall be elected by the Senate of the Republic as specified in Article I, Section 5, with exemption to the Minister of Defense. Upon election, each minister shall designate a deputy minister to serve in his stead should he be rendered unavailable or impeached.

Section 5. The Executive Council of the Republic may have any member(s) impeached by the Senate of the Republic as specified in Article I, Section 6.

Article III: The Office of the Chief of State

Section 1. The Office of Chief of State shall be composed of the Chief of State of the Republic and the Chancellor. He shall hold the title of Head of State and shall be, in conjunction with the Minister of State, be known as First Diplomat.

Section 2. The Office of the Chief of State shall hold supreme executive power within the Republic and over the various ministries therein. Within these ministries, the Chief of State may operate as seen fit and required in execution of his elected duties provided adherence to the Constitution of the Republic and Senate legislation.

Section 3. The Office of the Chief of State shall work in unison with the Executive Council of the Republic to execute their elected duties to their fullest, provided adherence to the Constitution and Senate legislation.

Section 4. The Deputy Chief of State shall be chosen by the Chief of State, and shall be charged to operate in the Chief of State's stead should be deemed absent or be impeached.

Section 5. The Chief of State shall from time to time give the Senate a report on the State of the Republic and of the aims for the remainder of his term thereon.

Article IV: The Rights of Sentience

Section 1. All members of the Republic of Sovereign States are entitled to the enumerated rights below:

  • A) Neither the Senate of the Republic, nor the Executive Council of the Republic, nor the Office of the Chief of State shall make a law or order which affects one's right to freedom of expression and opinion.
  • B) Neither the Senate of the Republic, nor the Executive Council of the Republic, nor the Office of the Chief of State shall make a law or order which affects one's right to protection from aggression both outside and within the Republic.
  • C) Neither the Senate of the Republic, nor the Executive Council of the Republic, nor the Office of the Chief of State shall make a law or order which affects one's right to equal representation and opportunity within the Republic.
  • D) Neither the Senate of the Republic, nor the Executive Council of the Republic, nor the Office of the Chief of State shall make a law or order which affects one's right to due process under Republic law.

Section 2. Neither the Senate of the Republic, nor the Executive Council of the Republic, nor the Office of the Chief of State shall make a law or order, or enter into any treaty with the intention of the suspension or abolition of the Rights of Sentience.

...end transmission.

We're looking forward eagerly to a splendid career here in CN, and look forward to working with you all! Stop by our forums: http://z6.invisionfree.com/RSS_Forum , or our IRC channel #REP. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Edited by Acheron
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It is my pleasure to congratulate the Republic of Sovereign States on their entrance to Planet Bob. I have heard nothing but good things about both Acheron and Darth Andrew, and I am positive this alliance has a bright future ahead of it.

It is with that thought that Nueva Vida accepts RSS' entrance into the Nueva Sangre Protectorate Bloc. Glad to have you on board guys!

Signed for Nueva Vida;

Nelchael, Emperor

Hizzy, Lord of Brotherhood

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