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If you won't give us a home then we will just take one

King Kevz

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The mercenaries who had been denied existance of Australian soil were angered at the response but decided to keep their anger in check for now and wait or the right time to let it be known not to mess with them. So after a quick embarkation onto waiting transport ships which had been taken by quickly and silently killing their captains, the mercenaries left with all the supplies they could take and all for free thanks to Subtleknifewielder. The ships now crewed by the mercenaries made their way out of the Australian docks loaded down with supplies and building materials.

The ships sailed in convoy for three days until they reached a small island located due east of Australia and New Zealand. The island itself was not very populated managing roughly five hundred inhabitants at the most and they lived in one small but modern town. It was perfect and on an early morning as the first fishermen started to head for their boats they came onto the sight of a number of transport ships docked in their port as well as the sight of unloading military men and equipment.

The men stood staring at this strange spectacle and so they never stood a chance as the mercenaries opened fire on them. This wasn't an attempt to work with the locals instead they were being replaced. The automatic weapons fire slaughtered many of the fishermen and others who came to see what was happening. However, as soon as the majority of the survivors had fled the mercs moved into the home's of the locals and cut all their inhabitants down except for the very young, they were instead taken alive ready to be processed and turned into the next generation of soldiers.

A small amount of locals made it out into the countryside and the mercenaries were forced to send out armoured patrols to deal with these escapees. Luckily the speed of the armoured strykers meant all of the escaping towns people were found and killed and the island was now in their possession. The first thing that was put in place was a good patrol system in case somehow some other nation found out about this event.

Next the supplies were moved off of the boats and onto dry land before being sent to a nearby set of warehouses for storage. A number of residential buildings with wide open back yards were turned into barracks and shooting ranges for the soldiers whilst the town's only police station was turned into the command headquarters.

With the town secure the mercenary commanders pooled their minds together on what next to produce, build or convert. After a lengthy discussion plans were put in place for a half completed factory to be fully built but modified so it could produce basic infantry weapons and ammunition. Those mercenaries who had construction experience prior to their military service were put in charge of the construction and it was expected that the factory would be finished in a single day.

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OOC: Where is the island, because it either belongs to Australia or Greater Pacifica.

OOC: Heh its a tiny little island that I guess wouldn't appear on the map. Its not on the map but I need somewhere to RP and I am not going to some stupid ice territory at the bottom of the world somehwere.

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OOC: And even if the island exists it has to have a real-life name and location. For all we know, Kevz is choosing an important island that somebody owns and RPs on..

OOC: Sargun :( You know I wouldn't do that. I just desire a small island for just over ten thousand people to live and function from. In fact my whole nation will be the size of one single city. Can't I just have this one tiny little island to RP from?

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC: Sargun :( You know I wouldn't do that. I just desire a small island for just over ten thousand people to live and function from. In fact my whole nation will be the size of one single city. Can't I just have this one tiny little island to RP from?

OOC: RPs for RP sake...the island is small, 10,000 people, unclaimed by Australia or Pacifica. I have no problem with this as Australia, if we need to we can also ask Iamthey, he should have say in this as well. But I say let it slide.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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OOC: Sargun :( You know I wouldn't do that. I just desire a small island for just over ten thousand people to live and function from. In fact my whole nation will be the size of one single city. Can't I just have this one tiny little island to RP from?

OOC: I'm not saying you can't have it I'm just saying that if it is a real-life island you have to specify which one it is. If it isn't, go and have fun.

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OOC: I'm not saying you can't have it I'm just saying that if it is a real-life island you have to specify which one it is. If it isn't, go and have fun.

OOC: I had to make it up as I didn't want to steal anyone's pixels. So yeah it isn't a real one from Earth.

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OOC: I'm not saying you can't have it I'm just saying that if it is a real-life island you have to specify which one it is. If it isn't, go and have fun.
OOC: I had to make it up as I didn't want to steal anyone's pixels. So yeah it isn't a real one from Earth.
OOC: Then it doesn't exist and you can't claim it.

OOC: Look guys, as Kevz, myself, Sarah, and iamthey are the only ones affected by this in any way, period, don;t you think that decision is up to us? Let it be.

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OOC: Is it really that important to you that he can't make up a lost island somewhere in the Pacific to use for 10,000 people? Seriously?

OOC: The actual island is unimportant to me. What is important is that is sets a bad precedent. There's a saying by Publilius Syrus that fits here; Pardon one offense, and you encourage the commission of many.

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The factory was now fully built and orders were made to different companies around the world for raw materials from which weapons would be produced. The next building on the list to be constructed was an Intelligence Agency building where dedicated Intelligence trained mercenaries would work to produce dossier's on current conflicts and important persons. It was expected to take between one to two days to build. Meanwhile an order wa splaced over in Australia for a few thousand computers as well as a payment for an internet provider.

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The factory was now fully built and orders were made to different companies around the world for raw materials from which weapons would be produced. The next building on the list to be constructed was an Intelligence Agency building where dedicated Intelligence trained mercenaries would work to produce dossier's on current conflicts and important persons. It was expected to take between one to two days to build. Meanwhile an order wa splaced over in Australia for a few thousand computers as well as a payment for an internet provider.

It would not be free, this time, but the prices would be reduced to the minimum possible to still allow for a profit by the companies in question.

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The Intelligence Agency building had been fully completed and was now having the neccessary equipment moved inside so that the building could begin functioning. The building would have a compliment of one hundred agents plus a minor security force. The next building on the list was to repair the minor damage to had been inflicted on the harbour side. With the equipment from Promised Land also having been purchased and delievered it was installed and booted up allowing the mercenaries access to the internet.

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OOC: The island exists, unfortunately, it's also the future staging grounds for the first Greco-Soviet OMP test (tease).


Upon hearing rumors of this island, the Greco-Soviet states are stunned. Some of the commanders who were held over from the Great War of Arabia conjectured that this might be the re-rise of Zarfef, but it was determined by the CPSU was not such the case... not that it mattered much, but it was somewhat disturbing to say the least that mercenaries had formed their own nation.

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The dockyard repairs were completed and the stray debris that had been littering the roads and quays was picked up and taken away for disposal or to be re used in some other area. This allowed the reopening of the dockside facilities and advertisements were made across the internet about an opening for any shipping company to fill and though many requests were made it was in fact just a cover and the company that was slected was a minor one that had almost no vessels and was in fact on the mercenaries payroll. With the method of transportation aquired the docksides quickly became busy and gained a higher security clearence as smuggler holds were made out of the ship's cargo holds.

Meanwhile construction began on a number of buildings including at least one bank and a police station, whilst no civilians were on the island anymore it was expected that some would be picked up in the future as families and loved ones of the mercenaries would be moved to the island. That is if any survived the destruction of Helzan.

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Construction on the bank and police station have been finished and now all construction equipment is being sent just out of the capital to a nearby civilian airfield which will be converted into a fully functioning military airbase from which Mercenary aircraft will be able to operate from.

Also thanks to the new website that has been set up by the mercenaries employment has started to rise, with both actual combat mercenaries and civilian employees being recruited. The total number of combat mercenaries now reaches fifteen thousand and a total of five thousand civilian employees have been employed.

Edited by King Kevz
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