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STA Press Conference


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real question: are there any alliances you wish to form relations w/ (or treatied) in the coming months and if so, why?

fun question: since Dragons and Tigers are once known as being rivals in ancient folklore - how does STA feel about dragons? (just for kicks)

either way, :wub: you guys

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what is STA's stance on Athen's tech raid

We think it was a stupid mistake, and are glad they they have great friends like MK and Vanguard to help them through their tough times. We, too, are allied to MK and Vanguard, and are confident that with them by their side, Athens will rectify the situation and the problem that allowed the situation to happen in a very favorable way.

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real question: are there any alliances you wish to form relations w/ (or treatied) in the coming months and if so, why?

fun question: since Dragons and Tigers are once known as being rivals in ancient folklore - how does STA feel about dragons? (just for kicks)

either way, :wub: you guys

We're pretty happy with our current list of allies, and aren't close enough with anyone else to consider any new treaties at this time. Should we make friends with an alliance that we aren't currently allied with, we're certainly willing to consider it.

Siberian Tigers live up in Siberia, far away from the reach of those horrible horrible dragons. *Insert obligatory reference to the dragons on the Valhallan flag here.*

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We're pretty happy with our current list of allies, and aren't close enough with anyone else to consider any new treaties at this time. Should we make friends with an alliance that we aren't currently allied with, we're certainly willing to consider it.

Siberian Tigers live up in Siberia, far away from the reach of those horrible horrible dragons. *Insert obligatory reference to the dragons on the Valhallan flag here.*

thnx for the reply

though not all dragons are bad (like Argent for example :wub:) though Valhalla's I'm not sure of (at least dragon-wise) also - wasn't there ice dragons in the far north (Siberia possibly, who knows though I'm just rambling. hard to keep track of all the dragons these days, even for me :P) plus we had a good member a while back though hopefully he'll be back soon (tigersgo - who's big on tigers and I'm big of dragons and we got along fine)

edit: typing errors

Edited by dragonknight1000
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We're pretty happy with our current list of allies, and aren't close enough with anyone else to consider any new treaties at this time. Should we make friends with an alliance that we aren't currently allied with, we're certainly willing to consider it.

Siberian Tigers live up in Siberia, far away from the reach of those horrible horrible dragons. *Insert obligatory reference to the dragons on the Valhallan flag here.*

:P Everyone knows who would win if a dragon and a tiger crossed swords. Valhallan dragons' sword skills are second to none.

Q. Has anyone in the STA ever read "The Life of Pi"? Its about a 16 yr old kid shipwrecked, in a lifeboat in the pacific ocean. Oh yeah and the other survivor on board this tiny lifeboat is a tiger...

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what is STA's favorite alliance and why?

As an alliance as a whole is, and always has been NpO. We've been extremely close via a shared history since STA's inception, and our alliances have happily taken bullets for each other in the past, and most assuredly will again in the future.

Individually, I'm sure we all have our own favorites. I'm particularly partial to MK, for example.

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Would you say STA has an objective or a goal that it would like to achieve in reshaping the political landscape of digiterra? If so, what is it?

No. We most definitely do not. We are very content to sit in our corner of the Cyberverse with our allies and keep out of trouble. We do enjoy our popcorn, though.

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Hi pez, how are you today?

Does the STA ever ask allies or even allies of allies to tone down the constant grief given to the NSO?

Seems like as close as FB is it has to be a bit annoying to say the least.

The vast majority of folks seem to love Polar and have great respect for STA...why do you think all the sour grapes anytime NSO is in the spotlight? Seems rather undeserved.

Any thoughts on the recent IRON/Legion treaty?

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Can I have a Twinkie?

Sure, but you have to get Tyga to move his fat butt away from the twinkie safe.

Hi pez, how are you today?

Does the STA ever ask allies or even allies of allies to tone down the constant grief given to the NSO?

Seems like as close as FB is it has to be a bit annoying to say the least.

The vast majority of folks seem to love Polar and have great respect for STA...why do you think all the sour grapes anytime NSO is in the spotlight? Seems rather undeserved.

Any thoughts on the recent IRON/Legion treaty?

I'm pretty good! Yourself?

I can't recall ever asking anyone to tone down their grief toward NSO. NSO is more than capable of handling themselves, and I daresay they'd be offended if we thought so little of them as to tell the bullies to leave them be. I do wish that the rest of the Cyberverse knew how great they are, but our opinion isn't going to change. They are our friends, and we know them better than anyone. Because we know them better than anyone, we're obviously going to listen to our own judgment, rather than the judgment of the Cyberverse.

We have no thoughts whatsoever about the IRON/Legion treaty. In all honesty, we pay very little attention to that side of the web.

If there were to be a war between STA's close allies, would STA go neutral, or would they choose a side based on the reasons behind the conflict?

It would be a very tough situation. I can't even speculate, because nothing like that has ever happened. I'll say that, just as NpO will honor our treaty over all others, I'd be inclined to say that we feel the same about them. I think it's a bridge we'd have to cross when we get there. Maybe Tyga has some thoughts on this. I honestly can't imagine us turning our back on an ally. Also, all of our allies are friends.

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This is an old question, but how does the STA feel about "color united" movements?

I think they are useless. A trading sphere is precisely that, a trading sphere. All that is needed is open trade between alliances on that sphere and some common sense with regards to senate sanctions.

Political uniformity is not a prerequisite for alliances on a trading sphere to cooperate with each other with regards to trade and senate sanctions. In fact, alliances pushing for political uniformity by way of defensive treaties actually create more issues within that sphere which is counter to the "unity" they claim to be working towards.

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If there were to be a war between STA's close allies, would STA go neutral, or would they choose a side based on the reasons behind the conflict?

It would, of course, depend on the situation that caused the conflict and how it developed. I would not like to speculate on what we would do without knowing those specifics.

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