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Ordo Paradoxia Victory


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I would agree that if any alliances were going to enter the war at this point, the "fairest" thing for them to do would be to side with OP. I think both sides are doing an excellent job of fighting, and I respect both for it.

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I would agree that if any alliances were going to enter the war at this point, the "fairest" thing for them to do would be to side with OP. I think both sides are doing an excellent job of fighting, and I respect both for it.

Fair? How "Fair" was it when we were getting curb-stomped by a 400 nation alliance? All the sudden people are screaming for equality?


Ordo Paradoxia


Lafayette Escadrille

We are Perth Army

Most Harmful Alliance

Orange Destruction Network


Purple Unity


The Flying Kiwis

Rodentia Dominatus

It is a victory in itself that it takes 9 alliances, 5 of them sanctioned for you to come at us.

Paradoxia Vult!

LE would have fought OP 1 on 1, and the majority of us would have taken our lumps, and not whined about it.... It's who we are. Most of TE knows this. So it took 9 alliances to = or slightly pass your(OP) mega alliance strength.....It doesn't really matter because the fact is, you had a head start. All alliances involved, with the exception of OP, and LE have had staggered declarations, which in turn allows OP to get a few more shots in unanswered, before our friends "eventually" evened the odds in the war.

EDIT: Had the quotes flip/flopped.

Edited by Ferrie
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I wasn't aware Lafayette Escadrille had a MAP with 8 other alliances.

They don't. That's why it's not a coalition or a bloc IMO, just a bunch of people who all happen to be on the same side for various reasons. They have treaties with a couple of the other alliances, and some of them have friends, and a couple of the allies seem to be just here for grins and giggles. At least this appears to be how things are going.

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Have you read the MHA DoW?

Why yes...Yes sir, I have. Doesn't change my view.

Of course the other alliances of TE aren't going to let such a curb stomp happen. However, for instance, if they were to allow it happen(because, as some of your members put it, "we have no friends), we would be the last AA to whine about it.

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Why yes...Yes sir, I have. Doesn't change my view.

Of course the other alliances of TE aren't going to let such a curb stomp happen. However, for instance, if they were to allow it happen(because, as some of your members put it, "we have no friends), we would be the last AA to whine about it.

"LE would have fought OP 1 on 1, and the majority of us would have taken our lumps, and not whined about it...."

From the DoW: "LE asked for help (me being former LE wanted to help them)"

I can see why he was inclined to believe it was strange to hear the first quote after reading that. That implies you reached out to other alliances, not that they came in to help you without being asked.

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Of course we asked for help. We'd be fools not to. All I'm saying is that we would be the last alliance to whine about it. Even though it took a matter of 5 days to even this war up, nearly ALL the whining has come from your side.

Now I'll just wait for Elbo to find this thread... I'm sure he'll have something constructive to add. :)

Edited by Ferrie
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There is no doubt LE would have been destroyed if they were left alone to fight OP. And by destroyed, I mean they would have been reduced to an alliance full of 1k ns nations and very little infra. There's no doubt they would have kept fighting though.

SO yes, OP could beat LE in a 1 v 1 battle, even if LE got the first attacks in. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the advantages of having 400 nations go up against 80. Also, the avg ns of both alliances were similar, and OP vastly outnumbered LE in nuke count.

LE has been around a long time. They are highly valued and respected in the TE community. It wasn't too difficult for them to find allies/ get help despite a lack of treaties. OP is brand new, nobody knows them. And it doesn't help that they are a huge and aggressive alliance.

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Why yes...Yes sir, I have. Doesn't change my view.

Of course the other alliances of TE aren't going to let such a curb stomp happen. However, for instance, if they were to allow it happen(because, as some of your members put it, "we have no friends), we would be the last AA to whine about it.

[shakes head] If only LE could have somehow avoided that unfair attack on them. :lol1:

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[shakes head] If only LE could have somehow avoided that unfair attack on them. :lol1:

Now seriously, Jim(may I call you Jim?). Where would the fun in that be? I'm haveing a good time... You?

This is what were here for. WAHR!!


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It is a victory in itself that it takes 9 alliances, 5 of them sanctioned for you to come at us.

Paradoxia Vult!

"Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack." Rule of Acquisition Number 109.

Might not want to declare victory until your opponents are no longer able to fight.

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In terms of a war victory sure, we can still claim a moral victory at this point (regardless of who argues against that we can still feel however we want about the situation).

We'll wait a few days (no idea how long the war will last actually) until the first type of victory is decided.

Edited by Drai
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In terms of a war victory sure, we can still claim a moral victory at this point (regardless of who argues against that we can still feel however we want about the situation).

We'll wait a few days (no idea how long the war will last actually) until the first type of victory is decided.

First post I've agreed with you on Drai. You can feel anyway you want about it. I'm glad you guys can find a positive in the current situation. My positive is that I'm sure to beat my previous rounds casualty count. This may be the first round I have to reroll. AND I LOVE IT!

But I do have a point to make. Why do you get to feel about it however you want, yet when others feel that OP started this mess, or that someone believes there is no 'coalition' (I'm not trying to start a debate on these), why do you insist time and time and time again with repeated posts (that say the exact same thing) to force your opinion of the situation on them?

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Lafayette Escadrille as a matter of constitution has no treaties of any sort. Many friends, all of which we like to battle against as well as with. Personally, given my druthers, we would have been left alone to battle OP and it would have been a long war, but not one which we would have retired from.

We have beaten alliances 2 or 3 times our size before, even when blitzed, so it is not without precedence. Regardless, all of my OP foes have fought well, and it has been a good war! Let the Games continue!

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First post I've agreed with you on Drai. You can feel anyway you want about it. I'm glad you guys can find a positive in the current situation. My positive is that I'm sure to beat my previous rounds casualty count. This may be the first round I have to reroll. AND I LOVE IT!

But I do have a point to make. Why do you get to feel about it however you want, yet when others feel that OP started this mess, or that someone believes there is no 'coalition' (I'm not trying to start a debate on these), why do you insist time and time and time again with repeated posts (that say the exact same thing) to force your opinion of the situation on them?

Because a moral victory for us is different than a situational scenario that I am usually debating about.

One is subjective while the other is more or less fact/fiction.

And I already explained to you why my posts are for the most part repeated. If you want to continue to bring it up then I won't stop you but it's a bit annoying to have you pester me on that point when the vast majority of arguments from "the other side" are repeating themselves too.

Edited by Drai
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I dont understand is Valor in this war? I have been attacked by three Phoenix Federation nations. They say its a tech raid but seeing how they are bombing and launching cruise missles at me it isnt a tech raid.

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I dont understand is Valor in this war? I have been attacked by three Phoenix Federation nations. They say its a tech raid but seeing how they are bombing and launching cruise missles at me it isnt a tech raid.

Every alliance has some bad apples, what can i say. -_-

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If TPF were an apple tree, it would probably be cut down and burned as diseased because of all the bad apples.

Edited by Ammon
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LOL at people that think this isn't a bloc/coalition. Still fun though.

Also, let's start including anarchy stastics:

Ordo Paradoxia: 170/392 (43.4%), 34 per day (8.7%)

Lafayette Escadrille: 50/84 (59.5%), 10 per day (12.0%)

Mostly Harmful Alliance: 19/106 (17.9%), 6.33 per day (6.0%)

Orange Destruction Network: 5/81 (6.1%), 2.5 per day (3.1%)

We Are Perth Army: 22/51 (43.1%), 5.5 per day (10.8%)

RnR: 9/28 (32.1%), 3 per day (10.7%)

The Flying Kiwis: 6/22 (27.3%), 2 per day (9.1%)

Blackwater: 3/29 (10.3%), 3 per day (10.3%)

Allies Total: 114/401 (28.4%), 32.33 per day (8.1%)

Considering Paradoxia's full war slots, plus the amount of allied nations (especially MHA) that aren't fighting, it's pretty damn even.

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First post I've agreed with you on Drai. You can feel anyway you want about it. I'm glad you guys can find a positive in the current situation. My positive is that I'm sure to beat my previous rounds casualty count. This may be the first round I have to reroll. AND I LOVE IT!

But I do have a point to make. Why do you get to feel about it however you want, yet when others feel that OP started this mess, or that someone believes there is no 'coalition' (I'm not trying to start a debate on these), why do you insist time and time and time again with repeated posts (that say the exact same thing) to force your opinion of the situation on them?

We aren't forcing our opinion on anyone. We're bringing to light the facts.

Also, LOL at LE stating they can fight this war alone. Guess no one read MHA's DoW?

Edited by Titus Pullo
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Also, LOL at LE stating they can fight this war alone. Guess no one read MHA's DoW?

umm, yeah we can fight it alone. we cant win it alone, obviously. and being the competitive people we are, why wouldnt we have allies help us?

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We aren't forcing our opinion on anyone. We're bringing to light the facts.

Also, LOL at LE stating they can fight this war alone. Guess no one read MHA's DoW?

OMG, are you guys flipping morons? We NEVER stated that we CAN fight this war alone. I, and others stated that if no jumped in on our behalf, WE WOULD FIGHT IT TIL' THE BLOODY END WITHOUT CRYING IN THE OWF ABOUT IT!

Can you understand that? or do I need to say it slower this time? Geeze, for someone who speaks so intelligently(at times), you sure have a way of only understanding what you want to, and using it to argue in circles.

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