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Missiles over Furon


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"Zargathia condemns this nuclear attack, and wishes to offer its assistance to Furon by sending teams to help clean up the radiation."

OOC: Rad Cleanup bonus resource, in case you were looking at my tech level and assumed i was doing so with specialized vacuum cleaners...

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“We are greatly shocked and saddened by these cowardly nuclear attacks against Furon. We severely condemn these cowards behind such attacks and offer our assistance and support in finding these responsible for the attacks. We will be sending a task force to Furon as soon as possible. Any attack or hostile acts against the task force, including stopping or even attempting to stop our ships, will be considered as an act of war and treated as accordingly.”

In Guantanamo Bay and Bermuda, a task force was hurriedly assembled and then dispatched toward the Panama Canal, its destination: Furon. Five landing ships and five corvettes—all carrying as much food, supplies, and equipment as possible—escorted by a cruiser and two destroyers steamed toward Furon. For good measure, an aircraft carrier of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy-class was dispatched alongside the task force and four squadrons of F-40s and F-50s was also sent. Task Force Furon (TFF) was on its way.

OOC: <3

Edited by JEDCJT
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"No, of course not. Nationalistic men and women of the Armed Services are the backbone of any self respecting nation...

However, it IS your fault that said soldiers had access to obviously, Executive-Access-Only systems. Unless, this launch came from higher up in the Chain of Command.

In either case, it is our conclusion that you are solely to blame for your collective fates. Subsequent actions of other nations, whether in favor of Mandalore or vehemently opposed to it simply acted in kind once a nuclear asset was engaged."

Might it be noted that, the missile operative was held at gunpoint and was forced to launch the missile?

<\Classified\Communique\Holy Imperium of Man>

Furon would like to personally thank the Holy Imperium for willing to help our beleaguered nation in this time of great need. If there is anything we can do to repay the kindness, please, just name it.

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Might it be noted that, the missile operative was held at gunpoint and was forced to launch the missile?

As you wish, however that still falls under our first categorization.

Had the well known fact that modern Strategic Weapons systems have multiple fail safes to ensure that the exact scenario you have outlined would be impossible to carry out been a fallacy, then maybe your justification would be relevent.

Again, you are responsible for your fates. Perhaps this shall teach you a lesson in National Security. We can only hope that at least THIS can be some good to emerge from the unfolding tragedy.

Edited by Executive Minister
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"Zargathia condemns this nuclear attack, and wishes to offer its assistance to Furon by sending teams to help clean up the radiation."

OOC: Rad Cleanup bonus resource, in case you were looking at my tech level and assumed i was doing so with specialized vacuum cleaners...

Furon would gladly accept the help, although we must caution that it is extremely radioactive. We may be being redundant, but a fair warning has been given.

“We are greatly shocked and saddened by these cowardly nuclear attacks against Furon. We severely condemn these cowards behind such attacks and offer our assistance and support in finding these responsible for the attacks. We will be sending a task force to Furon as soon as possible. Any attack or hostile acts against the task force, including stopping or even attempting to stop our ships, will be considered as an act of war and treated as accordingly.”

In Guantanamo Bay and Bermuda, a task force was hurriedly assembled and then dispatched toward the Panama Canal, its destination: Furon. Five landing ships and five corvettes—all carrying as much food, supplies, and equipment as possible—escorted by a cruiser and two destroyers steamed toward Furon. For good measure, an aircraft carrier of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy-class was dispatched alongside the task force and four squadrons of F-40s and F-50s was also sent. Task Force Furon (TFF) was on its way.

OOC: <3

<\Classified\Communique\New England>

Furon is deeply indebted to the generosity that both New England, and the Holy Imperium have shown us. Once more, if there is anything we can do to help you, anything at all, do not hesitate to ask. It is the least we could do, in light of your extreme generosity.

OOC: <3

Get on IRC. :v:

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As you wish, however that still falls under our first categorization.

Had the well known fact that modern Strategic Weapons systems have multiple fail safes to ensure that the exact scenario you have outlined would be impossible to carry out been a fallacy, then maybe your justification would be relevent.

Again, you are responsible for your fates. Perhaps this shall teach you a lesson in National Security. We can only hope that at least THIS can be some good to emerge from the unfolding tragedy.

So you blame us, for the death of millions of Furion citizens? How heartless are you?

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So you blame us, for the death of millions of Furion citizens? How heartless are you?

"We blame your blatant disregard for even the most basic of military security for allowing a band of rogues to singlehandedly start a conflict that has already killed its fair share of human beings on this planet. Furion or non-Furion alike."

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We point out to Nod that the nations nuclear weapons may not have been under civilian control, or that the military itself may have had a non-civilian commander in cheif. There are numerous explanations for what happened.

Edited by iamthey
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We are distressed by the news of Furon's suffering. A naval task force has been dispatched from wellington to assist with the efforts to contain the destruction. We also offer whatever assistance is needed to mend the suffering of your people.

Also we point out to Nod that the nations nuclear weapons may not have been under civilian control, or that the military itself may have had a non-civilian commander in cheif. There are numerous explanations for what happened.

"Either way, one cannot simply initiate a deployment of a Strategic Weapon solely by commandeering physical controls by force.... that is simply ludicrous.

We are giving the Furion the benefit of the doubt when we stop at formally declaring their COMPLETE and TOTAL compliancy with the initial launch against Mandalore. It is the most we can do when we simply dismiss the obvious and allow the absurdity that Furon had extremely lax security measures surrounding their weapons permeate the airwaves."

Edited by Executive Minister
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While the government Furon has been implicated, and according to my current interpretation of limited available information regarding the subject, likely culpable in state sponsored terrorism. . . the peoples of Japan didn’t deserve this.

While the citizens of Furon have our deepest sympathy, Procinctia lacks sufficient recourses to provide any assistance, but we would if we could.

May justice reign on those responsible for this unnecessary tragedy.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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While the government Furon has been implicated, and according to my current interpretation limited available information, likely culpable in state sponsored terrorism. . . the peoples of Japan didn’t deserve this. While the citizens of Furon have our deepest sympathy, Procinctia lacks sufficient recourses to provide any assistance, but we would if we could. May justice reign on those responsible for this unnecessary tragedy.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

We mirror this belief.

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PRIVATE FOR READ ONLY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PRIVATE FOR READ ONLY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

HRH King Raymond II is spending the day with Queen Melinda on the grounds of the Royal Palace, she is hosting the Minya Junior League, while the King is enjoying a game of Quaranta with his staff over Onion strings, Hiroshima wings (the real hot stuff) and a beer ball. While finishing off a round, the King gets a phone call from Air Force General Barrett.


HRH King Raymond II- Yeah.


Barret- Your Highness, did you read the morning paper yet?


HRH- No, why?


Barrett- Well, Furon got nuked last night. Millions are reported dead. Real bad situation over in Tokyo.


HRH- Furon nuked, huh? (Chuckles) Could not have happened to better people.


Barrett- Its not funny. Furon is blaming us for the attack!


HRH facepalms as he is chuckling


HRH- Blaming us? Are they insane? They pissed off the whole blazing universe by nuking a virtually defenseless nation. They rattle their sabres like they are the second coming of Nobunaga's army, and they whine when someone says "Enough!"? Please, spare me the histrionics.


Barrett- But, Your Highness, millions of people are dead, and we are getting blamed for it.


HRH- Liz, are all missiles accounted for?


Barrett- Yes.


HRH- So we will send our condolences for their loss. If they rattle sabres and attack us, or have us attacked, we will respond with savage fury.



COMMUNIQUE TO FURON (To be released publicly)

We are saddened to hear that you were the victims of a nuclear attack last night. Though we condemned you for nuking a defenseless land, we also believe that two wrongs do not make a right. We are ready, willing, and able to offer any assistance that is necessary for you in this difficult time.

HRH King Raymond II

Edited by Minilla Island
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OOC: Nagato, I've asked you to stay out of the thread already. If you two are going to continue bickering, you can both stay out. It's been the same thing for the last ~8 pages of the Missiles over Mandalore thread.

That goes for you too, Drake.

OOC: Aren't they allowed to Baaaaawww in any thread they like? :v:

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You blamed Caucaisa for something they didnot do. You made up a story about them ruining your city, which inturn got them nuked. Dont play innocent when you clearly are not.

"So if you say you believe a certain person is responsible for an atrocity, then some third party just happens to believe you and carry out a retaliation of their own free will, that makes you culpable. Right. That makes sense."

"We offer our sympathies to Furon, and note that if we were capable of helping them re-build, we would."

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We advise the world at large not to listen to Caucasia and Libya's flawed logic. They believe, that by our pointing out that they bombed us, we encouraged Helzan to nuke them and thus they believe we are responsible. Which is a load of crap.

"Because Helzan totally would have nuked us if there hadn't been any rumors about this."

-HRH King James I

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"Because Helzan totally would have nuked us if there hadn't been any rumors about this."

-HRH King James I

Even if Mandalore really is throwing accusations randomly, since when has that been considered a war crime? I distinctly recall public statements from Generalissimo’s administration of Procinctia regarding international affairs to consist entirely of wild mass guessing, yet very few people had problems with Generalissimo’s irresponsible antics.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

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Even if Mandalore really is throwing accusations randomly, since when has that been considered a war crime? I distinctly recall public statements from Generalissimo’s administration of Procinctia regarding international affairs to consist entirely of wild mass guessing, yet very few people had problems with Generalissimo’s irresponsible antics.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

"Shouldn't you be out finding Generalissimo?"

-HRH King James I

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"What, a sixteen-year-old-girl is going to find a grown man in the frozen lands of the Arctic?"

"Do you have to contradict every communication we put out? I meant she should be overseeing finding the Generalissimo. That should have been implied."

-HRH King James I

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"Do you have to contradict every communication we put out? I meant she should be overseeing finding the Generalissimo. That should have been implied."

-HRH King James I

"We will continue to pick apart your words so long as you continue to do the same to others. And who, exactly, would she send out?"

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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