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Michuraza declares full Uncondtionary War


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Due to the fire of a nuke upon our fair city, we have ordred a full evacuation of the Michuraza government and will head to the Zargathian capital if they shall allow us to do so, and we hope the AUP put's their attention to this action that has done n on Michuraza.

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All forces in the Holy Imperium to DEFCON 2. Nuclear missiles are to be armed and readied for any potential attack. All citizens are to be reminded of their local blast centers and the orderly methods to get within said sanctuaries.


Any aggression against the Holy Imperium or her allies will be met with equal or greater retaliation. This is not limited to nuking the ocean.

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Michuraza real story is that we were doing a routine evacuation of Michuraza but before we could go back to the city after 30 minutes we saw a huge nuclear explosion on our fair city.

N ow which country could of launched a missile in 30 minutes.

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"What is this I don't even..."

"World news Sarah, what do you honestly expect."

"I guess I expect a trite bit better, but my God. At this rate there's not going to be a world left to blow up with all the goddamn idiots flinging nuclear bombs at each other." She waved her hand at the television and clicked the power button. The warm wind blew in from the beach outside. "Grigory, if any other nuclear wars, regular wars, or the like happen call out to me. I don't think I can turn my iPod up any higher to really get rid of the noise, but I can at least try."

"Of course Ladyship."

Sarah nodded her head and picked up a bottle of sunscreen as she walked out to the water. "Hey, hey, you, you......"

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Now it hard to believe that our allies the AUP did this and the possibility that it could be the nations of furon or Rebel army or that island nation now we know RA did not do it, Furon probably did not do so and the island we have no idea if this inncident was another plot by Furon well you know the outcome.

We will let Cochin, SST and Promised Land decide how to handle this.

Edited by lutai
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Now it hard to believe that our allies the AUP did this and the possibility could be the nations of furon or Rebel army or that island nation now we know RA did not do it, Furon probably did not do so and the island we have no idea if this inncident was another plot by Furon well you know the outcome.

We will let Cochin, SST and Promised Land decide how to handle this.

Wait, wut :huh:

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Michuraza real story is that we were doing a routine evacuation of Michuraza but before we could go back to the city after 30 minutes we saw a huge nuclear explosion on our fair city.

N ow which country could of launched a missile in 30 minutes.

OOC: You do routine evacuations of your nation? Wow. That was most unexpected.

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"Where has all these nukes been coming in from? The world has gone awry!"


All forces in the Holy Imperium to DEFCON 2. Nuclear missiles are to be armed and readied for any potential attack. All citizens are to be reminded of their local blast centers and the orderly methods to get within said sanctuaries.


Any aggression against the Holy Imperium or her allies will be met with equal or greater retaliation. This is not limited to nuking the ocean.

"We would also like to note to the world that any aggression against the Holy Imperium, our ally, will be treated as such against New England. And to put it simply, we will not like it."


All military forces, as well defense systems, all over New England were elevated to DEFCON 3. Port and airport security in the nation were placed on high alert. The Department of Defense and Department of State will monitor the situation for the time being, though.

And they say that Europe is a wasteland. Welcome to the life of a European nation, haters.

In Philadelphia, an anonymous RPer of CyberStates pasted this sentence into his forum account's signature, citing it as "epic!"

Edited by JEDCJT
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**breaking news**

It appears that the Michuraza government has been informed from one of their Naval cruisers of the Michuraza Royal Navy which was doing its daily patrol in Michurazian waters, saw the direction from were the nuke came from the smoke was traced towards to were SSR territorial waters were and now it is assured that the government of SSR did launch that nuclear missile on the Michuraza capital city of slavyanka.

The Michuraza government will make a response soon.

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Now it hard to believe that our allies the AUP did this and the possibility that it could be the nations of furon or Rebel army or that island nation now we know RA did not do it, Furon probably did not do so and the island we have no idea if this inncident was another plot by Furon well you know the outcome.

We will let Cochin, SST and Promised Land decide how to handle this.


Michuraza capital of Slavyanka has been nuked near by city's of SST and Zargathia may have been damaged by Nuclear radiation please reply to this notice Michuraza is in Defcon 1.

"Promised Land would help, but we are unable to at this time."

**breaking news**

It appears that the Michuraza government has been informed from one of their Naval cruisers of the Michuraza Royal Navy which was doing its daily patrol in Michurazian waters, saw the direction from were the nuke came from the smoke was traced towards to were SSR territorial waters were and now it is assured that the government of SSR did launch that nuclear missile on the Michuraza capital city of slavyanka.

The Michuraza government will make a response soon.

OOC: Wait...what does SSR stand for?

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