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Missiles over Mandalore


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**4 hours later**

Yemen pirates on a speed boat headed towards the stern of merchant ship. They had visible assault rifles pointed at the ship. The stern machine gunner fired at the pirates, whom quickly sped off to the Novakian shore.

The merchant ship continued it's investigation as scheduled.

Unless in the case of pirate attack, of course. <_<

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Decisions made in haste and paranoia aren’t going to help the situation - International Diplomacy 101, even a sixteen-year-old girl understands that much. Instead of unnecessarily escalating an already broken situation, why don’t you all stop posturing and step back and address the current situation logically. Utilizing our intelligence resources, in concert our various friends and connections, pool together whatever evidence we come across to determine what nation(s) or group(s) are responsible before turning on each other in suspicion and fear.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

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The XA-1's descended altitude drastically, reports of loud booms began arriving from rural NoN settlements North East of Addis Ababa.

Inside the weapons bays of the XA-1's, the Internal Asylum Ordinance projectors rotated ominously. Inside the honeycombed structures, hundreds (OOC: :P Lavo) dozens of 20 kg DU rods were held in place.

*NoN Executive Ministry*

What ever do you mean?

Edited by Executive Minister
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--Official Anoouncement from the Caliphate of Libya--

The Caliphate of Libya today has ceased diplomatic recognition of Maladore. As such, we are closing our border with "Maladore" permanently.


4000 men are being moved to the Maladore Border, along with various Artillery and Armour Pieces. The Border is to be comletely sealed. No one is to get in or out.

Libyan Troops off to the Front


Libyan T-90 Tank on its way to The border


The Libyan Airforce has been ordered to step up patrols over the reigon.

Libyan Wasps on Patrols


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OOC: They came from Libya. That already is incriminating. Then this.

OOC: That only proves they came from Libya. Not that it was a government action. The beefing up of border defenses could be for any reason. For all you know IC-wise, it's to prevent such attacks from happening again.

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The twin radar signatures, that under normal circumstances be the size of a barn, showing up on radar as the size of a barn door, suddenly veered off course towards the nation of Mandalore. If allowed to continue on their present course, they would fly over massing Libyan ground forces.

In the lead craft, a single SARAH-37 accompanied by twin SIR-73 AA missiles performed their test sequences, their housings rotating within the confines of the XA-1's cargobay.

Edited by Executive Minister
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"Prove the missiles as Furonese. . ."
There’s plenty of evidence if you know where to find it, I even heard there’s a private international investigation regarding the subject. . .

. . .I have your evidence right here. . .

"Austria - or, the HRE by now - will gladly continue contribute whatever information is available regarding these missiles.

Further sat intel, records and images will be transferred immediately to Procinctia. Timestamps are included as standard. There's even a video of one of the missiles being launched smongst these records."

Any battle instigated between Nation of Nod and Rebel Army over Mandalore is likely part of a larger Furon plot, I suggest you both stand down before initiating additional hostilities.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

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"Baker 2-1LFS, do you see the target, over?"

"Copy Baseplate, we can see the target. You should be getting a live feed now."


"Uh...we aren't seeing anything. Oh, nevermind ,we just got it. Zoom in on Mandalore, over."

"Copy that, zooming in on Mandalore."


"Baseplate, what is the current diplomatic situation between Libya and Mandalore, over?"

"Uh...one minute...Libya has ceased to recognize Mandalore and is treadting them as a rebel state."

"Well, that explains the men on the border."

"Baker 2-1LFS, zoom in on the Mandalore-Libya border, over."

"Copy, zooming in."


"What the-?"

"What is it, Baker 2-1LFS?"

"Uh... low-flying satellite's gone offline, all it's showing is static."


"Don't know. It looks like...looks like it was shot down."

"Shot down? By what?"

"Dunno, probably a missile...I don't know if it even was shot down."

"Well damn. Alright, cease operation. We'll get al-Fulani on the phone, ask him to get a recovery team out there."

"Copy that."

*Private to Mandalore*

One of our satellites has gone down inside your borders. We request a search team be sent in by us to recover the craft and bring it back to the Empire.

- Kahled al-Fulani


*news report shown on international news networks*

"..Army commander Kahled al-Fulani of the Johto Empire today requested a search team go into Mandalore to search for a downed low-flying satellite. al-Fulani has told us that he believes the satellite was shot down by Libyan anti-aircraft fire, but will not say it was until a full investigation has been completed."

Edited by N Reeki
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