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Dranagg in Australia


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In truth the only trucks on the road were parked trucks without escorts. The soldiers had offloaded large collections of assorted tools and some small scale construction equipment, then moved off road toward damaged buildings or damaged property.

In the Northern Suburbs a portable Salamander heater was melting asphalt in Barrels, which was then being taken to places in the road that needed repairing. And were then repaired with filled in asphalt. In fact most of the trucks apparently were carrying concrete and asphalt if it wasn't tools and food. This appeared to be happening in almost every location that the Dranaggan forces moved into. Groups would break off the main roads, and just start repairing stuff. Any citizens in the area would be kept strictly away from the repair work though, and often large dark half tents were used to block view and contain dust from work.

The attack though was not unexpected. Many trucks that were hit by bombs, and while over a hundred were destroyed it was hardly enough to dent the sheer massive numbers of trucks brought by the Dranaggans. The oddest point was that only the gasoline in their gas tanks seemed to be burning after being hit. There were no ammunition explosions or artillery rounds detonating from cooking off. Several trucks even put themselves out when the paper bags of concrete had their bags burned away and smothered the fires.

Work continued though. The "held positions" to be attacked in the open parks and on the beach were the first major losses due to the focus, and most of the bombs fell on "positions" that were simply where a large of a pile of construction materials had been dumped. Resulting in lost tools and equipment for the most part. Across the city no more than 350 Dranaggans were listed as casualties due to the extremely spread out nature of the work they were conducting. Of those more than half were simply wounded. Infantry had taken cover during the attack, but were back to work immediately after the planes had passed. Spread out as they were in all the side streets away from the trucks. They went about their duties. Smothering fires with sand, filling in the new holes in the roads with debris, aiding wounded, salvaging materials, and resuming constructions. They were quite simply, ignoring the attack.

*BZ-RK, 54th company, mobile HQ with 1st Division, 1st Company*

"Captain Mira, they've started"

Glancing at the Lieutenant she only nodded. "Thank you for the update, but it was already quite obvious they had. Has it interrupted the work much?"

"More than we first thought. The beach units report almost 80% of their stockpiles were destroyed by fighter bombers. Most of their units were in the city streets leading up to the beach searching for places that needed repair. I'm just about to re-order them to scrap the repair jobs and fill in the new craters on the beach."

"Good lieutenant, see that they do. What about the other districts?"

"Well North district is reporting the worst in casualties. Apparently large area bombs were used on their truck lines. I'd say they are already at half their starting ability. Solidor manor reports only some of their trucks were lost. Though most were parked in the road half unloaded. They should still have more than enough excess to finish their work at the manor, then head to the beach and augment their destroyed stockpiles."

"To be expected. Do be sure that all work orders are sent in the clear Lt. Arja. We want them to know just what they are doing. But now, what of OUR task here? Has the company been diligent in its efforts?"

"More than diligent Captain. We lost 3 Cho on the Beach, but the others have provided more than enough video recordings of the attack. Before, during, and after. The only unfortunate part is that the planes were moving at attack speeds, and until we get the videos analyzed we will not know who it was."

"That is not necessary Lt. Arja, I suggest you get a Cho onto sorting them all quickly, and transmitting the best, immediately to the world. Be sure to pick the most...graphic ones."

"At once Captain Mira. Vanaar-Jet"

"Vanaar-jet Lieutenant"

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A Video transmission was sent to several large world news agencies.

It contained scenes of Dranaggans doing repair work in Brisbane city, shortly before being bombed by fast moving fighters and trails of bombs that seem to have no warning before they hit. Scenes of trucks burning, and occasionally wounded soldiers, were shown in rather graphic detail along with destroyed houses, and civilians that were hit by rubble, then being helped by soldiers coming out of cover.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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OOC: I'm impressed that Dranagg is using this to try and bring opinion against Hansa. But putting it in the same thread as the invasion....not so much a good idea.

IC: As the video hit Yuktobanian Airwaves, most of the citizens passed this off as the Hansa reclaiming Queensland forces from Queenslandish forces, only military and certain political officials were in the loop as to what is going on.

The Yuktobanian Cabinet and Military knew that they don't want to view their old allies as a potential threat. Especially since they knew that Dranagg was the group who started it.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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OOC: I'm impressed that Dranagg is using this to try and bring opinion against Hansa. But putting it in the same thread as the invasion....not so much a good idea.

OOC: The thread is titled "Dranagg in Australia" not "Invasion of Australia" everyone is just acting on their own accord right now with no input from me :P

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Aboard the Taeunas ships, fire controls were activated. Missile launchers on the frigates were uncovered and readied, while the guns aboard the cruisers turned outward. On the Morrigan, the first squadron of Xerxes bombers lifted off and streaked out, their targets pinpointed by spy sats and radar on the ships. Flying high above, the stealthy bombers opened their payload doors and one by one, let their air launched Hydra anti-ship missiles fly. These dropped for several hundred feet before leveling out and screaming in on their targets at close to Mach 1.

Shoreward of the carrier and its flight operations, the frigates Harris, Yeats and Wilde launched three dozen Chimera cruise missiles at the beach forces. These were directed over targets by the IR laser designators on the overhead UAV's, then exploded, raining a total of 23,400 one pound submunitions down on the heads of the Dranagg forces there.

Near the Brisbane Port, a pair of Taeunas cruisers came within range of the transports still there and turned to unmask their 5" guns. These opened up, the rumble from the rapid fire booming over water as they shot. When a transport was hit, the gunners switched to a new target.

On the Raven and Blackbird, choppers were loaded up on deck. Preparations were made for an air assault in the areas of the airport and ship port.

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The scattered transports had spread over such a wide area, that the two dozen sunk by the anti-ship missiles were only those nearest Australia. Their dispersal being over more than just the immediate area, but almost the entire ocean sectors of South Pacific Australia, and Northern Antarctic Oceans. However these ships did still have very visible sailors that vainly tried to save their ships before a few managed to abandon. With the other ships so far, and in so much open ocean, it would of been better they had gone down with the ship.

The soldiers on the beach however, fared much worse than the earlier assault. Having been redirected to fill in the craters on the beach several hundred men were exposed while trying to repair the damaged sand. In a few short instants several hundred Dranaggan regulars were dead. Another video was soon uploaded to the world news agencies of the immense toll the missiles took. Only this time their obvious source was sitting just off shore.

As for the old transports still sitting out side the, one that had advanced in front took the 5'' shells, which tore into her hull, and then remained a float. There seemed to be no fires breaking out, no significant damage done, and no increased signs of life on the ship. It just seemed to absorb the shells into it.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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By the time the attack had been initiated, The South Wales Navy had fixes on almost all of the Dranaggan ships. The signatures being confirmed visually before being marked. Almost simultaniously, every vessel assigned to the duty opened fire. The A-class submarines unleashed no less than 24 torpedoes against the transports, while cruisers picked up the rest with anti-ship missiles. With an apparent lack of counter measures the ships were expected to be easy targets

Meanwhile, the battlegroup consisting of seven battleships began bombarding the beachheads. Scores of secondary explosions were recorded as shells impacted ammo and fuel stores.

The original contingent of 10,000 men prepared to defend against the Dranaggan assault. A large contingent was bearing down directly on them, and yet, none of them were opening fire. Using the loud hailers on the armoured vehicles, several orders to halt were relayed to the Dranaggan force, and warning shots were fired.

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"They're transmitting to the world the attack General. Supposedly this is humanitarian effort."

Hannah chuckled leaning back in her seat. "Well then don't you think that for all the times that they never answered our issues not to move into Brisbane, never describing what they were doing here, and the Dranaggian's previous trust destroyed by the attack in the Netherlands as well as their less than amicable nature towards our state. Are you giving them an excuse to be in this country when they are not welcome Sagittel?"

"No My Lady, my apologies."

"Communication is imperative in the world these days and if the other world governments want to cause problems, well then that's their concern, we'll make sure to send our own vessels to their countries and not explain what we're doing. You know?"

"So should we stop the attack?"

"Did they withdraw out of Brisbane?"


"Then no."


With the initial attack having gone so well, hundreds of Dranaggian convoys now aflame, the F-22s swung around the northern skies and came down for a second attack the same devastation being unleashed against the Dranaggian convoys and workmen outside repairing the roads. They had been told to leave the city, they had not, and now they would die. Firing the second JADMs in the Dranaggian positions, the explosions continued throughout the city leaving nothing but destruction and ruin in their wake. However with the Welsh infantry now approaching from the south, the attacks were much more concentrated on the northern end of Brisbane and around Soldior Manor, a combined attack that consisted of over one hundred missiles striking the convoys around the Manor and over one hundred missiles striking again around the suburbs of Northern Brisbane. A sheer beauty rising from the ashes of destroyed Dranaggian convoys.

Meanwhile, as a red evening set in, the vanguard of the Hanseatic army began to enter into the northern suburbs and around Soldior Manor. However, in fear of the Dranaggians spreading over the city, the Hanseatics arced around the workers positions, surrounding the northern suburbs and the residential areas around Solidor Manor. The beautiful thing about this was that with such vast numbers, once the arcs were completed there was virtually no way out. Solidor Manor laying on the western side of the city was given to the command of the army arriving from Blackall, these eighty thousand men immediately created a wide circle about five miles around Wights Mountain where the Manor was located, any Dranaggian soldiers located around here would be treated the way all Dranaggian soldiers would be at this point. They had one chance to get onto the ground surrender and be taken captive for later shipment back to Dranagg and they were told this mind you, or, they were shot. It was that simple. As the arcs began to move in, civilians were told to come out of their homes and were held in military installations and APCs until the Dranaggians were cleared from the city.

They would move in, from all areas repeating this movement, surrender or you will be fired upon. The struggle of course was to shoot them where it wouldn't be fatal, however if the wound was mortal or deadly, that was the risk that the invaders would have to pay for not being able to communicate their true intentions of being here and even at this point, their intentions were not clear. But they had the option to surrender, so in retrospect, it wasn't all that bad. For the Dranaggians who would surrender, they would be immediately have their hands bind and taken off to prisoner facilities laying outside of the city.

In the northern suburbs, particularly around Strathpine, considering that the Welsh had already taken the central city and the south, this meant the Queensland government was safe and what was even funnier was that if the northern suburbs needed repaired, especially since the epicenter of the nuke had been in the central part of city, they were repairing roads that municipal work would be able to take care off. Fifty-thousand men? And they wondered why they were being attacked. One hundred-fifty thousand however were given the job of taking hold of both the northern suburbs and the beaches, seventy-five thousand going to each. Once again, arcs were created and Dranaggians met along the way were given the same options as those near Solidor Manor, surrender or be attacked. Again civilians were escorted from their homes to be save from danger and for many of them, seeing the Hanseatic flag on a soldiers shoulder made the process much easier. This foreign and rebel excursion would finally end. Clearing the suburbs of McDowall, Fitzgibbon, Bald Hild on the southern end, Warner and Lawton on the northern end the mop-up would be over quickly.

On the Brisbane shore, which was already bombed to hell by the Taeunasian and Welsh fleets seventy-five thousand men followed the same arc though this time it would be much easier. Beginning the arc near the Port of Brisbane, where the Taeunasian cruisers had docked and extending through Nundah, Nudgee, Taigum, and Sandgate, once again the same process was repeated, civilians escorted and Dranaggians held or attacked, and pushed back into the sea from where they came.

All in all three large arcs now took up the northern section of the city, infantry commanders had also contacted air command in saying that if the Dranaggians began to fight back, the arcs would be halted while the Tu-160s still hovering in the sky would drop their payloads inside the arcs. In addition to the infantry troops, they were also being added by S-1 armor divisions, eight hundred seventy-five tanks for the arc assault on Solidor Manor, along with seventeen hundred fifty tanks spread out on the suburban arc and the shoreline arc.

In addition to what was already on the field, two E-3 Sentry planes, both equipped with radio and communication jamming devices flew out from Apophis airbase in the north, they would arrive in Brisbane in about an hour, just as the arcs were beginning to move in. The Dranaggian soldiers would now find their mission to incriminate, much as the Queenslanders and their puppet masters had done impossible.

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The videos were blocked from Imperial Computers with a single reply being send back to the sender; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI (OOC: Rick Roll).

Following this the Imperial Defensive Navy was placed on Defcon 1 and the Army moved to the Protectorate to conduct an attack on Dranagg in Antarctica.

In line with our protection over the Hanseatic Commonwealth we hereby declare war upon Dranagg.
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From the Morrigan, the order went out to cease shore bombardment, so as to not hit the allied forces moving in. If any transport tried to make it to the port, they would be blasted to scrap by the squadron of Jagatai attack fighters now lifting off. The views from the drones were remarkable. The clarity of the fires from the burning trucks and the scattered equipment showed full well the extent of the damage.

Near the port, the cruisers continued to shell the transports there, each gun position taking a different target. From their decks, two helos lifted off for a mid battle BDA run.


In Dublin, President DeSchaine looked grim as he was told of the videos being put out on the air. "So what?" was his reply. "They never once gave us ANY indication of their intent and roundly ignored our calls for them to cease. This is on THEIR heads. THEY are the ones that sent their people to die in droves like this. Bah! I may have to initiate the Ryan Doctrine after all."

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The rally point was filled with the rumble of trucks as they readied for deployment to objectives. Damp ground from the morning was turned into a thin layer of mud over everything and had slowed the process down, but the entire army was ready to move. Then the orders to move out came from Mira and the army started moving.

In ten different directions.

All of them were decidedly Southern, and all of them towards points in Brisbane. Easy observation revealed some of the more obvious destinations. Almost 5 companies alone were heading toward Solidor Manor, almost half a Division toward the main Government districts. At least one company each was heading toward major public buildings and parks. Two companies were also heading toward the beaches.

They were not moving particularly fast. Rather at a slow pace of steady march. All of the groups had almost 7 times the regular number of military transport trucks with them as well. Another reason it had taken so long to even land everyone. Much of the army seemed to be behind a truck's steering wheel.

It doesn't take long before the first companies are entering the edges of the suburbs of Brisbane. Where several companies from the force actually break off and move to less obvious places, with their trucks. Stop. And take out tools?

TO: All Allied Commanders
From: Hanseatic Supreme Command

Destroy these invaders that seek to defile Brisbane.

Taeunas/Welsh Navies - Bombard Dranagg divisions taking the beach front, in addition we will be sending out recon planes to assist you in finding enemy transports on the open ocean. Though given the blockade, this shouldn't be too hard.

Welsh Infantry Command - The Dranaggians have arrived in Northern Brisbane, push them out of the city, we will provide air superiority. Our bombers and fighters are already on their ways.

Promised Lander Infantry Command - Continue to make your way towards Brisbane, have have three armies totaling around two-hundred fifty thousand soldiers marching south and should arrive in another day or so.

Good Luck and happy hunting!

-General Hannah Asgeirsson

TO: Hanseatic Supreme Comand
FROM: General Sergai Gogol


End Message

A Video transmission was sent to several large world news agencies.

It contained scenes of Dranaggans doing repair work in Brisbane city, shortly before being bombed by fast moving fighters and trails of bombs that seem to have no warning before they hit. Scenes of trucks burning, and occasionally wounded soldiers, were shown in rather graphic detail along with destroyed houses, and civilians that were hit by rubble, then being helped by soldiers coming out of cover.

"Never, once, did the Dranaggians voice their intent. What is a nation supposed to think when 50,000 troops enter their sovereign soil and give no word, no reply when hailed?"

~Richard Anderson

The Army would actually arrive near the shorline approximately two miles north of Brisbane, behind any Dranagg forces. They cautiously advanced, about the same time the Hanseatic forces arrived, actually intermingling and unintentionally causing a little confusion. It was quickly sorted out, however, and they advanced with their allies into the city.

The Aircraft had been redirected to cover the western and southern routes out of the city.

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*Out at sea*

Most of the other transports had received the S.O.S. signals by the other troop and equipment transports as they were attacked. This caused most of the ships to simply be abandoned. The crews taking motorized life boats, with possibilities for sail assist, off the ships, and let them be sunk by the submarines and missiles. Full count of ships lost would be 122 additional transports lost, or about 3/4th the entire transport fleet. However no lives were lost due to the abandonment of these ships, and the time given by their scattered patterns to allow the sailors to escape. The sea borne sailors seeming to have planned for this event and steering their lifeboats toward a central collection location.

In front of the port an odd sight was occurring. The forward ship, that had taken the first shells, had taken more. Finally a large hole was visible in it, which quickly filled with a fire resistant type of foam. Apparently the ship was packed with crates of it, and the shells would break them open making it almost completely filled with expansion foam, thus explaining why it seemed to not sink. The other ships were much stranger. One ship spilled cargo of neon orange dye. Making a large patch of bright orange ocean as it sank. Another seemed to be filled with rubber ducks. Sending thousands of the tiny toy ducks all over the ocean. Ship after old ship filled with a strange cargo each. However, there did not appear to be any sailors at all in these ships. So how they were operated, and by whom, was a mystery. Which wasn't being solved by sinking.

*Central city*

As South Wales forces advanced, they met small groups of Dranaggans, most of whom were apparently collecting unburnt lumber and mostly intact concrete from around the edges of the destroyed government sector in platoons 10-20 in size. As each one was found they simply looked at the South Wales forces, then, dropping their tools. Sat down. Each group that was rounded up had the same odd fact. No one had a single gun, and few even had anything more than a utility knife. Besides the tools they were working with they appeared to be unarmed. The sheer number of groups being found though was slowing the South Wales advance extremely slowly if they wished to process all of the instant prisoners. By being in small groups it meant that as one group was finished being organized after surrendering, the next group would be found and require a repeat of the entire process again. Over and over again.

*Northern Suburbs, Solidor manor, and beach*

With most of the asphalt trucks already burning, road repair, in the Northern Surburbs, had become simply dump rubble in, or dig loose dirt out to fight fires. Still when the F-22s came again another 231 Dranaggans were killed, and significant damage dealt to the city again.

As Hanseatic forces moved into the area they would run into similar situations as the South Wales forces. Dranaggans would cease all work and simply sit down. All of them, every trooper and army officer, was completely unarmed besides the tools the were using at the time they dropped them. This method of instantly stopping what they were doing had detrimental effects though. The beaches were effectively forced into a large hospital, and the wounded or dead were almost a even mix of Dranaggan and Civilians. As Hanseatic forces arrived, doctors would stop working on what ever patient they were on, Dranaggan or Brisbaner, and not continue. In the suburbs, where fires burned without water to douse, lines of troopers formed dirt bucket brigades. Often times the Hanseatic finding them trying to put out the fire on a house containing people, and the troopers simply drop the buckets and sit down. The house then left to burn unhindered.

The slowing effect of the sheer number of scattered groups also contributed to a slowing factor for the advancing forces in these areas. Only small groups would be found, except in field hospitals were a large number of wounded civilians and military were located, but over all the effect was a constant find, process, advance, find, process, advance repeated over and over again. For their part the Dranaggan soldiers did no try to avoid any questions asked of them, or make things go slower. It was simply a problem of sheer numbers of surrendering forces met in hundreds of dozens of small groups.

*BZ-RK 54th company hq, 1st Division, 1st company Dranagg regulars* **located near the Airport access road in a field**


"How are the reports Arja?"

"The reports are good Captain. They have finally started to move in. Mission Tviir seems to almost totally incomplete. Only 11% of the devices were actually placed, and of those 1/4th were possibly destroyed."

A look of slight agitation over this news passed over Mira's face, but was quickly suppressed by her next question.

"What of operations Abbiss?"

"Completely on schedual. With the delay bought by the surrendering masses we should have more than enough time to finish the project. I believe the 1st company is finishing it up. I've even taken the liberty of recalling all of the Cho's to be ready for Abbiss activation."

"Ah, excellent news Arja. I also see Operation Cho was a success. No one jams uselessly. Be sure to destroy the equipment before you join Abbiss. Vanaar-jet."

"Yes ma'am Captain Mira! Vanaar-jet!"


Around the city, shoulder held cameras, with battery packs and short wave transmitters, were being found. The equipment was always already destroyed, and some appeared to have been stabbed by long bladed weapons that none of the Dranaggan troopers seemed to carry. Whoever had carried the cameras was no where to be found.

In a field near Airport road, just North and a little East of the Airport the single platoon of Light tanks, the only tanks the army had brought, explode without having been attacked. Large antennas that had been mounted on their Chassis fell as acrid gasoline smoke blackened the sky further with the fires of the city. Near by a large camo-tent was standing with troopers continuously bringing wood and chunks of intact concrete into it. Along with cannisters from a lone transport truck that had not detonated with the tanks. With the majority of the army everywhere else this group had been able to work unnoticed and unmolested.

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Attention, allied forces against these mislead soldiers, I ask you to stop your attack as I prepare for a national broadcast, please. 

[i]Queen Ava Jones of Acca Dacca[/i]

What is the purpose of pushing your attacks on these soldiers if they arent acting like soldiers? They are unarmed and by the looks of it are attempting to rebuild Brisbane. You continuing to attack is not only harming unarmed soldiers who seem to be without a leader and focusing only on the mission, laying down thier arms in hopes of possible surrender...

Just go arrest them. If you dont wish to do it for them, do it for Brisbane, for it is slowly burning to the ground now.

Edited by Acca Dacca
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It was a quick capture and the plan proceeded as normal, with the sheer amount of troops that had entered Brisbane tending to Dranggian Prisoners and the wounded would not be a problem. As with every army, the Hanseatics had a well staffed medical corps to deal with even the Dranaggians who had been wounded, it was a shame that they had not listened to the allied commanders, all of this could have been avoided. So as Hanseatic troops advanced where the Dranaggians would trying to put out fires, the Hanseatics doubled the men that were currently working on putting the fires out, rescuing civilians and so on, while the wounded were immediately taken by the medical corps to field hospitals outside of the city. These were not barbarians, they just wanted what was rightfully theirs out of the hands of foreigners. The fact that the Dranaggians didn't fight back made it much smoother.

At Solidor Manor and in Northern Brisbane, the clean up was quick. Those Dranaggians who had not been wounded were immediately bound and captured, taken like the wounded to holding camps outside of Brisbane, monitored by soldiers who were transferred to military police. With the roundup happening all ready, ground commanders, through a stream of command of messengers that lay outside of where Brisbane radioed for convoy ships to begin to make their way down towards Brisbane and would arrive by the next morning. After that, all imprisoned Dranaggian workers would be loaded onto these transports and shipped to Dranagg. In the passing hours, Northern Brisbane was secure, in addition to Soldior Manor, and the rest of the central city. In the central city, where the Welsh numbers were advancing slowly due to the sheer numbers of Dranaggian troops, as the one hundred and eighty thousand soldiers of the northern and western armies finished their jobs they began to sweep back through the city bolstering Welsh and Promised Land numbers and with very little wounded here and damage already done from the nuke, mop-up was a simple binding and transporting.

On the beaches however it took much longer. The amount of wounded and dying here was much larger than in the city itself and so the work was slower, but as the strength from the other armies were joined, clean up went faster and finally the beaches were secured. Slowly, the Dranaggian Command Post was surrounded by the Hanseatic army and armored divisions, guns on the ready, bindings as well, waiting to finally have the invaders out.

In the Hospital and Holding Camps a few mile out of Brisbane the captured workers were guarded by around thirty thousand Hanseatic soldiers from the Solidor Manor Area. As Commander Halendor, who had been in charge of the western flank of the Hanseatic army approached. "Gentlemen, I understand you are confused and I understand what you were trying to do was in interest of our Commonwealth. However we had asked you multiple times to leave and you did not. Whether your government is irresponsible as we believe they are or your commanders simply chose to ignore us, understand you will not be harmed unless we need to. Tomorrow you will be transported back to your homeland, it is a shame that this has happened, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this now. Your headquarters is currently under assault by our men and this will be over with."

In Apophis, ten transport ships set sail towards Brisbane Harbor, this small problem of total Hanseatic unification would end soon.

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What is the purpose of pushing your attacks on these soldiers if they arent acting like soldiers? They are unarmed and by the looks of it are attempting to rebuild Brisbane. You continuing to attack is not only harming unarmed soldiers who seem to be without a leader and focusing only on the mission, laying down thier arms in hopes of possible surrender...

Just go arrest them. If you dont wish to do it for them, do it for Brisbane, for it is slowly burning to the ground now.

"We are arresting them. When our planes were launched we did not know the full reasons of why they were entering our territory. As we know now, they will not be harmed and simply escorted from the country. Not harmed and will full respect. But you must understand, we tried to connect them multiple times as well as issued that Dranaggians WERE NOT ALLOWED into to Brisbane as per the Queensland Republic's surrender. We are not trying to be in the wrong here and while yes, we wished it had been another way. What would you do if fifty-thousand soldiers showed up in your country, not explaining why they were there, would not listen to you? What would you do? Maybe you would let them enter your cities but what if they weren't carrying tools, what if they weren't here to help? There was no way to know this and therefore, we acted accordingly. Tomorrow they will be transported back to their homeland."

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Of course, take drastic action, but if they are not firing and not armed the first order should have been arrest and treated like illegal immigrants with domestic charges including enforced entry into the country. They are criminals, and shouldnt have been fired upon. i understand there was a large amount of miscommunication mostly on the soldiers side but I am simply stating after what i have seen from the tapes, as I was not officially involved in this occupation or allied forces against it, that this could have been handled a little better.

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"Then my apologies to the Acca Daccan Government. The next time that fifty-thousand soldiers enter into our lands and do not explain to our government why they arrived, we will send endless messages to them asking for their reasoning. To explain this, we DID attempt to contact what appeared to be a large force that may have been hostile, may have been because I refuse to take any chances with foreign troops inside my country. The Welsh responded, the Promised Landers responded but yet for some reason Dranagg did not. In lieu of this, not wanting to put our own troops at risk we attacked them from the air. Casualties were delivered and we now have possession of the city. As to Brisbane burning to the ground? The fires have been put out and the wounded treated, I think for the 'poor' start of this operation, it has been handled much better than it could have been."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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*By the airport road*

The command post in the field next to the Brisbane Airport was almost totally devoid of life, but not devoid of the signs of life having been there. The entire 1st division 1st company was dead on the ground for one. Colonel Ester, commander of the Dranagg regular army, and veteran of the Netherlands action, is among the dead of 1st company, along with his entire staff. They all appear to have been stabbed in vital, fast death, points on the body. Some even appear to have had the chance to run, but did not make it very far. In fact the only living person in the area is a single man watching the platoon of tanks that are still burning, along with the communications and transmitting equipment those tanks contained. He appeared to have a wound that was causing his dark uniform to stain darker on his stomach, but otherwise seemed perfectly calm and unconcerned. He also only had nine fingers.

The tent that had been erected was in taters now. Embers from the burning tank setting it ablaze along with some of the wood that the 1st company had gathered before they were all killed by a force that seems to have not gone through the military cordon that is shrinking around them. With a light pop and a small bang the last supply truck not destroyed ignites from a delayed fuse and burns next to the tent.

The lone man watches the fires.

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The city was taken, Brisbane was once again back in allied hands, so to be turned over fully to the Hanseatics and therefore a success. But while soldiers were tending Dranaggian wounded, civilians who had been displaced from their homes, and fire patrol from the bombing attacks the vanguard of the eastern arc heading towards the beaches began to approach where the Dranaggian command post was supposed to be. Captain Aku Lenahii marched his men into the sector. They were to be the first ones there and when they arrived, the men nearly drew back in fear from what they saw. On the ground, lay various dead bodies, stabbed only once in very exact parts of their persons to cause quick death it almost seemed like a type of Masada, after knowing that capture would be promised they had decided to take their own lives instead. Though it did seem odd that they seemed to at least be running away from some mysterious force. Lenahii sighed and shook his head. He had studied Masada, the Jewish rebellion there, they seemed to at least have a peaceful death. These men, definitely not.

As the company continued walked through the airport sector, they saw the tent, tanks, and Dranaggian equipment burning eerily into the night sky. Near the fires, the shadow of a Dranggian officer stands, silhouetted against the flames.

"Get me a medic lieutenant, the man's bleeding."

"Yes sir."

Slowly Lenahii and ten other soldiers began walking up to the man, one taking out bindings, just in case. "Excuse me sir, you're going to have to come with us. You are now a prisoner of the Hanseatic army, however you will be treated for any injuries or wounds." The captain looked down at the officer's stomach. "As you seem to be bleeding. We have a medic on the way right now, but before he comes, do you mind telling me what happened here. All these dead bodies, these weren't from our bombings, so either they killed themselves or they were killed by another force. You're going to have to explain yourself? How you aren't with them."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Along the beach, Taeunas SFHC troops jumped from their choppers to the sand only a couple feet below. First they checked the area for unexploded ordinance. Then moved about to secure the area and check on survivors. A small team cleared debris from an area large enough to land for choppers at a time to load wounded and transport them back to the fleet medical ship TNS Búanann. A race track pattern was started, with choppers landing, troops debarking, wounded being loaded and the helo's heading back to the fleet. Small groups of HCT's in their distinctive dark gray armor with the Taeunas battle flag on the right shoulder went out in Puma UATV's to make contact with the patrols from the other nations.


On the Morrigan, Adm. Coohan, the fleet commander grunted as he watched the video feeds. One screen was international news, another had the view from the choppers over the now defunct transports near the port, and two more were broke up into split screen views from several bomber still aloft, looking for the rest of the scattered transports. He grunted at the view from the helos. "I wonder if its possible to sue a government for littering." he mused quietly. "Order the cruisers to put lots of holes in the sides of any transports still afloat, but make them ABOVE the waterline. I think we need to board them and see what the hell is in them."

"Aye sir."


The first of the still floating transports was turned it something looking like swiss cheese by the Hurson and Doherty. Naval Assault Infantry looked down at the deck of the ship from the chopper, making sure no tripwires were there. They then dropped equipment cases weighing a couple hundred pounds each onto the deck, making sure there were no pressure plate triggered explosives on the landing site. If they didn't get blown up, the troops would zip line down to the deck.


In Dublin, Christos looked at the note from Acca Dacca and snorted "A fat lot of help they were through this. NOW they want to stick their noses in it? HA!" He sat down and scribbled a note quickly. "Send this... along with a pair of cotton briefs... to Queen Jones." He handed the note to an aid who read it and blanched. The president laughed at the reaction. "Good, thats what I was looking for. Dismissed."


Your majesty,

Enclosed please find a pair of knickers to replace the ones you seem to have gotten all in a bunch over something you have no part of.


Christos DeSchaine,

President of Taeunas

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