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The Kingdom of Arsenia Official Statistics and Policies

Galen Arsenius

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To: All Current Nations

Subject: Declaration of Existence, Opening of Embassy

Today, the world is blessed with a new country, The Kingdom of Arsenia, ruled by a continuation of the European House of Habsburg, called the House of Habsburg-Purple. The new King, Lord Galen, has been chosen as the leader of this new country. With lands ceded from the United Kingdom of Buryatia, Lord Galen has been successful in building up the national army of the small country, as well as stabilizing it's economy. Lord Galen as opened trade with the nations of Shinsei Shikkoku Teikoku and Buryatia, and is looking for more soon. Classified as a third world country, Arsenia is on the edge of entering a modern stage of technology, but at this time is limited to mostly Soviet Cold-War era technology.

This country has been an idea in the making for some time now. Me and my associates have been wanting independence for awhile now, as we felt that we have grown to the point that we can make it on our own. Sure, the world is a dangerous place, but I think my people can handle it. The United Kingdom of Buryatia was very kind and helpful in the matter, offering us advice and help during every step. I am honored to have them as an ally.

As for our major military plans, we hope to establish an air force, as well as a navy. Currently, our standing army is at around 38,000 ground infantrymen with only about 4,000 tanks. Our tank division includes the IS-4 Heavy Tank, the T-80 Battle Tank, and the T-62 Battle Tank. We recently closed a deal with a former Soviet weapons contractor located in the Kingdom of Arsenia, which provided us with over 15,000 Ak47, leftovers from the arms buildup. We recognize the fact that we are behind in military technology and advancements, but due to our late formation, we have not had the time to catch up with the major superpowers we face today. Our top researchers are currently investigating new scientific achievements in the military tract, but due to budget constraints, the Royal Research Department, has had to work with only one research laboratory at this time. Hopefully, we will open a few more, but in the mean time, this is satisfactory. We would also like to investigate the possibility of Nuclear Weapons in the near future. We found that we are currently located on top of a Uranium mine, which gives us a predetermined motivation for Nuclear Weapons.

To support our civilian population of about 4.7 million, we focused on a major use of import export trade. There are a large number of coal and gem mines all throughout Arsenia, which we export for about 1.2 Billion. We also have a thriving steel industry, which we are hoping will be implemented into our military buildup. We currently only have two major trading partners, but we hope to expand our influence further into Eastern Europe as time progresses. --Lord Galen, King of Arsenia

The King has appointed numerous people to his Royal Ministry, which will serve as his advisers, as well as the heads of their respective departments. He has appointed Lord Thermaltake as the Minister of Education and Religion, Lord Baldwin as the Minister of Economics, Lord Krzy Asn as Minister of Foreign and Domestic Policy, and Lord Behringer as the Minister of Defense and Military Tactics.

The Kingdom is also hereby opening its own Embassy, located at #arsenia on coldfront. All are welcome. Lord Krzy Asn will be permanently residing at the Embassy, and will serve as a liaison for all foreign parties.

We are looking forward to see how The New Kingdom of Arsenia will do during these upcoming years, and wish Lord Galen the best of luck.

--The Arsenic Times

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The Corporation of Singapore will like to congratulate Lord Galem and his people for their newly found statehood. No doubt, your great nation will find it advantageous to open up trade with the global community. Our Board hence will like to propose a free trade agreement between Arsenia and the Territories of Singapore. We are also looking for an alternative supplier of construction steel, perhaps you can provide us with better import rates?

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To support our civilian population of about 4.7 million, we focused on a major use of import export trade. There are a large number of coal and gem mines all throughout Arsenia, which we export for about 1.2 Billion. We also have a thriving steel industry, which we are hoping will be implemented into our military buildup. We currently only have two major trading partners, but we hope to expand our influence further into Eastern Europe as time progresses. --Lord Galen, King of Arsenia[/font] [/i]

The French Government welcomes the return of the Royal House of Hapsburg's return to the world stage, and hope for peaceful relations between Arsenia and France. The Minister of Trade has sent the government of Arsenia an official inquiry regarding whether the Kingdom have plans to export to Western Europe.

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The Corporation of Singapore will like to congratulate Lord Galem and his people for their newly found statehood. No doubt, your great nation will find it advantageous to open up trade with the global community. Our Board hence will like to propose a free trade agreement between Arsenia and the Territories of Singapore. We are also looking for an alternative supplier of construction steel, perhaps you can provide us with better import rates?

I, Lord Galen, thank you for your support. We would like to open up trade between our great nations. As for steel, what are your current import rates? My country can offer a tariff-less free trade scenario to help stimulate the economy in Arsenia.

"Austria welcomes the Kingdom of Arsenia to the world stage, though we do wonder how a Habsburg house found themselves in Russia.

Nontheless, welcome to independence."

Thank you. My grandfather was of Royal bloodline in the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, and following my father's birth, he was sent off into the Russian frontier to investigate the possibility of a continuation of our line. My father married a Russian Princess of the House of Romanov-Purple, and thus, the House of Habsburg-Purple was extended into this part of Europe.

The Kingdom of Cochin welcomes Arsenia to the world.

Thank you.

The Shinsei Shikkoku Teikoku is proud to have found trade partners in the Kingdom of Arsenia.

We formally recognize your independence, publically, and wish you luck.

Thank you, and I look forward to a most profitable trade.

The French Government welcomes the return of the Royal House of Hapsburg's return to the world stage, and hope for peaceful relations between Arsenia and France. The Minister of Trade has sent the government of Arsenia an official inquiry regarding whether the Kingdom have plans to export to Western Europe.

I thank you for your support. I have sent my Minister of Economics, Lord Baldwin, Westward, to create friendly ties with the Western European countries. The Holy Kingdom does plan on exporting Westward, most probably in the steel and gem industry.

TO: The French Government
FROM: Lord Baldwin, Minister of Economics, The Holy Kingdom of Arsenia

I have come bearing a proposal authorized by the Lord King of Arsenia, Lord Galen. He believes it would be most wise for our nations to open trade betwixt our great nations. I am authorized to offer Steel at the rate of $250 USD/ tonn. We also can export Sapphires at the price of $120 USD per carat.

Edited by Galen Arsenius
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This thread shall serve as a reference page for all of the Holy Kingdom's Policies.


To: All Current Nations

Subject: Declaration of Existence, Opening of Embassy

Today, the world is blessed with a new country, The Kingdom of Arsenia, ruled by a continuation of the European House of Habsburg, called the House of Habsburg-Purple. The new King, Lord Galen, has been chosen as the leader of this new country. With lands ceded from the United Kingdom of Buryatia, Lord Galen has been successful in building up the national army of the small country, as well as stabilizing it's economy. Lord Galen as opened trade with the nations of Shinsei Shikkoku Teikoku and Buryatia, and is looking for more soon. Classified as a third world country, Arsenia is on the edge of entering a modern stage of technology, but at this time is limited to mostly Soviet Cold-War era technology.

This country has been an idea in the making for some time now. Me and my associates have been wanting independence for awhile now, as we felt that we have grown to the point that we can make it on our own. Sure, the world is a dangerous place, but I think my people can handle it. The United Kingdom of Buryatia was very kind and helpful in the matter, offering us advice and help during every step. I am honored to have them as an ally.

As for our major military plans, we hope to establish an air force, as well as a navy. Currently, our standing army is at around 38,000 ground infantrymen with only about 4,000 tanks. Our tank division includes the IS-4 Heavy Tank, the T-80 Battle Tank, and the T-62 Battle Tank. We recently closed a deal with a former Soviet weapons contractor located in the Kingdom of Arsenia, which provided us with over 15,000 Ak47, leftovers from the arms buildup. We recognize the fact that we are behind in military technology and advancements, but due to our late formation, we have not had the time to catch up with the major superpowers we face today. Our top researchers are currently investigating new scientific achievements in the military tract, but due to budget constraints, the Royal Research Department, has had to work with only one research laboratory at this time. Hopefully, we will open a few more, but in the mean time, this is satisfactory. We would also like to investigate the possibility of Nuclear Weapons in the near future. We found that we are currently located on top of a Uranium mine, which gives us a predetermined motivation for Nuclear Weapons.

To support our civilian population of about 4.7 million, we focused on a major use of import export trade. There are a large number of coal and gem mines all throughout Arsenia, which we export for about 1.2 Billion. We also have a thriving steel industry, which we are hoping will be implemented into our military buildup. We currently only have two major trading partners, but we hope to expand our influence further into Eastern Europe as time progresses. --Lord Galen, King of Arsenia

The King has appointed numerous people to his Royal Ministry, which will serve as his advisers, as well as the heads of their respective departments. He has appointed Lord Thermaltake as the Minister of Education and Religion, Lord Baldwin as the Minister of Economics, Lord Krzy Asn as Minister of Foreign and Domestic Policy, and Lord Behringer as the Minister of Defense and Military Tactics.

The Kingdom is also hereby opening its own Embassy, located at #arsenia on coldfront. All are welcome. Lord Krzy Asn will be permanently residing at the Embassy, and will serve as a liaison for all foreign parties.

We are looking forward to see how The New Kingdom of Arsenia will do during these upcoming years, and wish Lord Galen the best of luck.

--The Arsenic Times


The Kingdom of Arsenia


Lord Galen of Arsenius, King of the Holy Kingdom of Arsenia, Head of the House of Habsburg-Purple

Lord Thermaltake, Minister of Education and Religious Instruction

Lord Baldwin, Minister of Economics

Lord Behringer, Minister of Defense and Military Tactics

Lord Krzy Asn, Minister of Foreign and Domestic Policy

Lord Petrov, Minister of Trade Policy and Transportation

All diplomatic dealings can be done either through King Galen himself through Private Message, or through Lord Krzy Asn, through the use of the Arsenic Embassy, located in #Arsenia.


The people of the Holy Kingdom currently use the Arsean system of currency. It's current rate is at 1 As/ 1.25 USD.


Downtown Arsenia, New Arsenic Stock Exchange

We are also exporting Finished Steel Product at the Price of $200 USD/ tonn. We also can export Sapphires at the price of $85 USD per carat. Certain countries may receive extra discounts, and all trade may be subject to international tariffs.


The breakdown of the Arsenic Military Forces:

25,000--Standing Army

15,000 Ground Infantry (15 Divisions, 30 Battalions)

2,500 Special Forces (25 Divisions, 250 Teams)

7,500 Marine Force Recon (75 Divisions, 300 Teams)

15,000--Reserve Forces

10,000 Ground Infantry (2 Reserve Divisions)

5,000 National Militia (2 Reserve Divisions)

4000 Tanks

750 IS-4 Heavy Tank (3 Divisions)

1250 T-80 Battle Tank (5 Divisions)

2000 T-62 Battle Tank (8 Divisions)

Military Command

Lord Behringer, Minister of Defense and Military Tactic, Commander of The Arsenic Armed Forces

General LeMay, Duke of Purple, Joint Chief of Staff

General Petroliev, Duke of Habsburg, Joint Chief of Staff

General Brolinov, Five Star General, Deputy Commander of The Arsenic Armed Forces


General LeMay meeting with General Brolinov at The Arsenic National Communications Center


Lord Thermaltake has commissioned the opening of a New Arsenic University, The National University of Greater Arsenic Studies. He also created the new, Education Reformation Act, passed last week, which will increase the number of years each child will go to school from 10 to 13 years, starting at age 6. Arsenia hopes to improve it's education system, which will help increase the economy of Arsenia, as well create an importance for jobs involving greater knowledge and learning.


Located in Arsenia, Capital of The Kingdom of Arsenia

The Kingdom's Announcement's

Petition to the Government of Buryatia, Regarding Independence

A Message To The House of Habsburg-Lorraine, Austria

Free Trade Summit

Edited by Galen Arsenius
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Thank you. My grandfather was of Royal bloodline in the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, and following my father's birth, he was sent off into the Russian frontier to investigate the possibility of a continuation of our line. My father married a Russian Princess of the House of Romanov-Purple, and thus, the House of Habsburg-Purple was extended into this part of Europe.

"Interestingly, our King is of the Habsburg-Lorraine bloodline, as well. Perhaps your father and his Highness are relatives?"

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"Congratulations with your marriage. We hope your first child is a male."

The idiot who said this was tranquilized and a more dignified man in a suit with a clean face came to the microphone.

"On the behalf of The Commonwealth of Texas, I welcome you to the world! Please ignore the idiots who managed to find their way into politics."

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"Interestingly, our King is of the Habsburg-Lorraine bloodline, as well. Perhaps your father and his Highness are relatives?"

"Perhaps. If such occurrence were to be true, then The Kingdom would be most gratuitous to this relative House. The King invites your Royal Highness over to The Customs House to enjoy an afternoon of Fine Dining, and to talk about this event. Should he accept, a First Class limousine will be awaiting you at the Altec Airport in St Russos." -Lord Krzy Asn

Edited by Galen Arsenius
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Promised Land recognizes Arsenia, and wishes it a peaceful and prosperous future.
"New England officially recognizes the Kingdom of Arsenia, and welcomes it to the world. We wish you well."

"Thank you. Lord Galen will be inviting diplomats or officials from several countries in the near future, to discuss the possibility of a Trade Pact."-Lord Krzy Asn

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TO: The French Government
FROM: Lord Baldwin, Minister of Economics, The Holy Kingdom of Arsenia

I have come bearing a proposal authorized by the Lord King of Arsenia, Lord Galen. He believes it would be most wise for our nations to open trade betwixt our great nations. I am authorized to offer Steel at the rate of $250 USD/ tonn. We also can export Sapphires at the price of $120 USD per carat.

His Majesty's words are wise and far-sighted indeed. France will be honoured to long term steel and jewellery trade with the Holy Kingdom under the nominated terms. We are confident that these trade deals will bring mutual prosperity and lay the foundation for bonds of friendship befitting of European brothers.

Jean-Baptiste Cheysson, Ministère des Affaires étrangères.

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*@ Mods* Can I get this thread renamed to, "The Kingdom of Arsenia Official Statistics and Policies"

Unless you're lucky and one reads this, you'd have to post it in the mod sections, however for something this small I'd just start a new thread rather than bother them.

Edited by iKrolm
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*@ Mods* Can I get this thread renamed to, "The Kingdom of Arsenia Official Statistics and Policies"
OOC: Unless you're lucky and one reads this, you'd have to post it in the mod sections, however for something this small I'd just start a new thread rather than bother them.

He got lucky. I am reading it.

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