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A Free Trade Summit

Galen Arsenius

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"I bring forth a message from the King, addressed to all."- Lord Krzy Asn


TO: All

FROM: Lord Galen, King of the Holy Kingdom of Arsenia, Head of the House of Habsburg-Purple

January 3rd, 2011

It seems that as a new nation, I have little to work with. My country lacks modernized cities, an experienced armed forces, or the technology to compare with most nations. But what I have found is that if I can do all that I can to strengthen and build my country, then I have succeeded. So that is why I have decided to hold a Free Trade Summit here in Arsenia, the Capital of The Kingdom, to entertain the idea of a Free trade Pact between Arsenia and any nation that will listen. Economy is the heart of any nation, and Free trade benefits all involved, stimulating trade, increasing friendly relations, and increasing production.

Should you wish to be interested, feel free to contact Lord Baldwin, Minister of Economics, Lord Krzy Asn, Minister of Foreign and Domestic Policy, or Lord Petrov, Minister of Trade Policy and Transportation(OOC: Through this thread)

I look forward to your reply, and await your response.

Edited by Galen Arsenius
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TO: All Who Have Responded To The Summitt Offer

FROM: Lord Galen, King of the Holy Kingdom of Arsenia, Head of the House of Habsburg-Purple

January 18rd, 2011

It seems that the turnout to my most gracious offer has not been as widely received as I would have hoped. But putting that aside, I invite all those willing to send a representative to a Meeting at the Arsenian National Consortium. Should you agree, the meeting will be set for March 18th, two months from today. I can have each of your flights scheduled, and have diplomatic visas and limousines waiting for your arrival. Each representative will also be given 2500 AS Dollars, to, should I say, let my foreign guests experience Arsenia for all its worth.

Please contact Lord Krzy Asn, Minister of Foreign and Domestic Policy, whether you can, or cannot attend the conference. Also, any other party, who may or may not have officially responded to the offer before this message may attend, as long as they confirm arrival into Arsenia at least two weeks before the Meeting.

I look forward to your reply, and await your response.

Promised Land will send a representative, but we cannot guarantee anything will come of this meeting unless the tricky situatuion of trade routes can be solved. You are locked in by other nations, after all.

It can all be discussed at the summit.

Special Envoy of France Lorelei sent a handwritten fax message to Lord Petrov, requesting a diplomatic visa for entry into the Kingdom.

"The King has prepared a message for all willing to attend. It should describe everything. If you do still have a question, feel free to ask."-Petrov

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