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And then there were NONE


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These are dark times indeed.

There used to be a time on Steve, when a man knew friend from foe. But no longer.

Under the mask of ambiguity, the NONE unaligned aligned menace has skirted the harsh realities of the world. But no longer!

In a cold, callous, malicious, egregious, sacrilegious, sanctimonious, unacceptable, preposterous, outrageous, unbelievable, uncalled for attempt to be clever, the allied nations of "NONE" have attempted to hide behind the international mechanics of Steve. By listing their alliance as "NONE" they can scarcely be identified, let alone analyzed and targeted.

Well, I'm here to say. We've identified. We've analyzed. And I'm 64% sure we've managed to target at least 20% of the people who are actually in NONE.

NONE, we're all jacked up on Mountain Dew. We're gonna come at you like a spider monkey!


Your mother... what then?

Edited by Rooman33
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Im Nascar8fanga and I approve this message!

Go UJA and your attempt to purge this evil AA of "none"

o/ UJA

o/ PU

o/ Roo

Edit: I love getting first :D Lurking FTW

Edited by President Gunn
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i approve. plus i think ill be fighting the 1 percent we find. but i swear ill be on them like a spider monkey.

let us pray....

dear baby Jesus :)

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You cannot kill what's already dead. But by all means try like so many others before you. In the end, we will still be here and you will have less than what you started with.

See you in hell.

This is true, i've seen it before ;)


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You cannot kill what's already dead. But by all means try like so many others before you. In the end, we will still be here and you will have less than what you started with.

See you in hell.

We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.

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I wasn't sure about this...but I bought into it because you said it was sacrilegious AND sanctimonious. That is bad. And bad must be utterly destroyed.

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...the allied nations of "NONE" have attempted to hide behind the international mechanics of Steve. By listing their alliance as "NONE" they can scarcely be identified, let alone analyzed and targeted.

Well, I'm here to say. We've identified. We've analyzed. And I'm 64% sure we've managed to target at least 20% of the people who are actually in NONE...

Bless your heart. It says how to identify us at the top of our message board. Anyone can open a few of our nations, easily figure out who we are and avoid us if they like -- repeat customers are rare.
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Bless your heart. It says how to identify us at the top of our message board. Anyone can open a few of our nations, easily figure out who we are and avoid us if they like -- repeat customers are rare.

Good lord, even the lulzy DoW's get trolled these days. The DoW was merely pointing out that, through the game mechanics, NONE nations cannot be isolated, analyzed and targeted. No one knows how large your alliance is or what kind of force it possesses. Even with the list on your forums, some of those people are flying None, NoNe, and NONE AA's. And any type of targeting of your alliance (unlike every other alliance in the game) has to be done manually, nation for nation. It's quite impossible to view and analyze you as a collective - bless your heart. ;)

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It's quite easy. You leave nations alone that are not attacking you and yours and don't cry if you find yourself getting burned when you decide to victimize someone who has more backing than you hoped when you decided to start a fight.

Wanting of that, you might need to do some homework if you decide to beat and rob someone and want to keep the conflict confined. As it is, this attack has provided an opportunity for us to recruit.

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It's quite easy. You leave nations alone that are not attacking you and yours and don't cry if you find yourself getting burned when you decide to victimize someone who has more backing than you hoped when you decided to start a fight.

Wanting of that, you might need to do some homework if you decide to beat and rob someone and want to keep the conflict confined. As it is, this attack has provided an opportunity for us to recruit.

By our calculations, we were about even in active nation numbers and thought this would be a fair fight. If you feel we're roughing you up too bad, drop me a PM and I can pull the breaks on this rolling circus. We're not looking to curb stomp anyone here, we were looking for a nice 1 on 1 spar. If that's not what we got, let me know and we can re-evaluate.

Edited by Rooman33
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Spare me your pretense of chivalry here. Sparring implies and agreed-upon decision beforehand to have full contact combat with some sort of refereeing to take place. No, you sneak-attacked us. Your alliance vastly outnumbers us and has us out-gunned.

Beyond that, your OP makes it clear that UJA has joined the ranks of many stating that NONE should not be allowed to exist as it is, so we will be continually attacked until forced to play the game in a manner in which you approve.

Think again.

We will fight until you get tired of bleeding for nothing and withdraw or until our nations are at bill-lock/deletion. Surrender is not an option. As we have done many times before, we shall spit our blood in your eyes and after that we shall start spitting our teeth.

We ask for no mercy and will be offering none.

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Over 350 nations are unaligned or a (very small number of those) are NONE. Those unaligned have a score bigger than TOP on SE O.o

If they banded together, it would be hard to stop them :P

best wishes to NONE, fight the war with all your might

edit: fixed the link

Edited by tallah
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Spare me your pretense of chivalry here. Sparring implies and agreed-upon decision beforehand to have full contact combat with some sort of refereeing to take place. No, you sneak-attacked us.

Calm down cowboy. It's CN:TE... blitzes are part of the game - part of the spar. Many people play TE for the experience. Update blitzing (by the way, there were only about 20 declarations at our around update... so it wasn't much of a "sneak attack") is something everyone will have to do at some point. We have people in our ranks who wanted practice making target lists, people who wanted to learn how to bullfrog, people who had never even quad attacked before. We wanted a real-time blitz, and that's what we did - with moderate success. Telling you ahead of time that we were going to attack you would have been pointless. The experience everyone would have gotten would have been wholly unlike what they would experience in a normal blitz. What good would that do anyone?

Your alliance vastly outnumbers us and has us out-gunned.

There are 370 nations with "none" listed as their AA. We estimated about 70 of those to be in your alliance, and about half of those to be active. We have 63 members with the same number of activity... how is that, by any stretch of the imagination, "vastly out numbering you?" As I said... if we miscalculated, please let me know. I can have the guy that ran the numbers come in here and testify as to how he came up with the estimate he did.

Beyond that.. we're just supposed to trust some list you guys make as the sole source of identifying those in your alliance? This is one of the problems with the NONE alliance. We're just supposed to take you for your word that you're being upfront with everyone, whereas everyone else has their laundry out for all to see. That doesn't make you "wrong," it just means that's it's presumptuous to assume that we should trust your account of how large your alliance is.

OOC: It's like two nations in RL going to war and one has sonar and satellites and the other gets a hand written note from his enemy telling him to "trust" him. Who the heck is going to believe the personal note from the opponent? :lol1:

Beyond that, your OP makes it clear that UJA has joined the ranks of many stating that NONE should not be allowed to exist as it is, so we will be continually attacked until forced to play the game in a manner in which you approve.

My OP was supposed to be funny, apparently I failed... you can play however you like. I don't even know you. We have no bad blood with NONE... we just thought this would be a good fight. Though it would be even, and thought we might get to do a 1 v 1 fight for the first time this round. You were the only unengaged alliance of comparable size to us that we could target... and everyone else was fighting, so we figured, "Hey, this is TE, let's go start a fight."

Think again.

We will fight until you get tired of bleeding for nothing and withdraw or until our nations are at bill-lock/deletion.

If you wish. Again, we're not looking to embarrass or curb stomp you my friend. And we don't see this war as being for "nothing." It's a 1 v 1 war... it's chalked full of war experience for everyone involved. Our first war was one where the odds were dramatically in our favor. Our second war of the round had us facing 3:1 odds. We thought this would be our chance to try the 1:1 route. As I've already said, we will stop whenever you want us to stop. It was never our intention to bully you... we can end this at the end of the first round of fighting, next week. tomorrow... tonight... whenever you want. And if you don't want to set a time table, I'm sure our guys wouldn't mind setting one for you.

Surrender is not an option. As we have done many times before, we shall spit our blood in your eyes and after that we shall start spitting our teeth.

We ask for no mercy and will be offering none.

Graphic... lol

I respect that. As the ruler of a small SE alliance, I understand your perspective. We wouldn't have declared on you guys if we thought you were going to roll over and play dead. We want a fair fight. If this isn't a fair fight, say so. That's not surrendering, that's stating the nature of things. If you're of equal size and strength and you get stomped it's your fault, but if it's unfair from the off, then it's not. I'm adamantly opposed to one-sided curb stomps.

You have my word that if NONE starts beating us back, I will not bring in our allies. We picked this 1 on 1, we'll see it through to an honorable end. Win, lose or draw.

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The idea of a fair fight evaporated when the decision was taken to sneak-attack a group who did nothing to you. It is easy enough to figure out who we are and I frankly astonished that you would think we have even a fraction of the numbers you allege we have.

That being said, we are not complaining; fairness is not even an issue for us. We will defend ourselves if attacked and will stop fighting once the attacks cease. It's that simple.

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