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join the "Destroy the spartans" alliance

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This is the recruiting centre for the "destroy the spartans" alliance.This is a secret alliance that operates in secrecy.We have one simple objective(or maybe not that simple) DESTROY THE SPARTAN ALLIANCE AND ALL OF THEIR MEMBERS!!!.We cant just attack them because inevitably we would lose.The only way to destroy them is from the inside.They operate chiefly on the trust of one another.We just have to

destroy the trust and get the alliance to destroy itself.If you join this alliance you will get 3 mil in starting aid to build up your nation and have

protection.Apply here but you must 1.Not be in any wars 2.Your nation must be at least 30 days old 3. you must not be in anarchy 4.You must have a hatrid of the spartans.I am currently looking for one nation to be my second in command.You will have power over all the members of the alliance and be involved with secret operations against the spartans.

Heres a sample app

Nation name:

Nation ruler:




past alliances:

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance:

Do you have an allies:

How old is your nation:

If possible how many wars have you been in:

Reason for hating the spartans:

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i'm interested in joining! how can i help to infiltrate the alliance? i already have a position as ephor of foreign affairs, which i feel goves me enough access to really reveal their evil plans. let me know if you want me in your noble alliance!

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Nation name: Flatcoin

Nation ruler: Rickyman1984

strength: 24,593.263

infrastructure: 2,999.99

technology: 2,285.17

past alliances: GGA, Nemesis

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: I feel as if this alliance is going places and I want to be part of it before it gets sanctioned.

Do you have an allies: No, Yawoo and Draov both hate me. :(

How old is your nation: 468 days old

If possible how many wars have you been in: Numerous

Reason for hating the spartans: I've been late in establishing a Nemesis Embassy there, and if we completely destroyed them it'd save me from putting in the work to request one. Also, I hate all black team nations and alliances.

You know what, gimme a day to think about this, I need to see about that embassy first.

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Nation name: Superhate

Nation ruler: *classified*

strength: cannot reveal this it is secret military information

infrastructure: can't remember

technology: almost 4k already yay

past alliances: ACDC BDC NPO CB DE Athens

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: I wish to continue the Peloponnesian War and do so in secrecy.

Do you have an allies: Sparta, CnG bloc, Londo, some other guys i know

How old is your nation: like a lot, maybe over 9000 hours

If possible how many wars have you been in: 50

Reason for hating the spartans:

<King_Aristodemus[sparta]> I'm applying :D
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Nation name: Plataea

Nation ruler: King Aristodemus

strength: 51,253.645

infrastructure: 10,220.20

technology: 2,920.00

past alliances: Sparta, ONOS

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: I want to destroy the Spartans!!!!!

Do you have an allies: I'm pretty sure Darklink would follow me whereever I go, we're close like that.

How old is your nation: 806 days old

If possible how many wars have you been in: Well, I have 602 total casualties.... about four wars would you say?

Reason for hating the spartans: Tulak Hord has always oppressed me, not once has he failed to drunk dial me and pretend to be a pretty girl but then let me down in the end, nor invite me to his parties and then have them a day before that, and let's not forget about when he kicked me out of government D:

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Nation name: Lübeck

Nation ruler: Franz Ferdinand

strength: 38,631.439

infrastructure: 6,999.99

technology: 1,329.08

past alliances: The German Empire/Austro-Hungarian Empire/The German Empire/Ragnarok/Eclipse/Apocalypse/Black Dragons/The Sasori Initiative/NES/New Sith Order/Magna Europa/Monolith/Republic of Aquisgrana

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: To become ruler of it, and subsequently get it sanctioned.

Do you have an allies: Do you have an axis?

How old is your nation: 678 days old

If possible how many wars have you been in: Over 9000

Reason for hating the spartans: They don't even get dental care.

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Nation name: Bartix

Nation ruler: Abokasee

strength: Speed and Agility

infrastructure: Some tap water and a bath plug

technology: Coat hangers and sticky back plastic

past alliances: Alchohol

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: I want my gas cooker back.

Do you have any allies: The stuffed kitten on my shelf

How old is your nation: Bowt 100 years.

If possible how many wars have you been in: You weren't there man (far glazed look in my eye)

Reason for hating the spartans: They dumped all there Persians on my lawn.

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Nation name: Ragequit Imminent

Nation ruler: Louisa

strength: 33.000

infrastructure: 1.00

technology: 0.00

past alliances: LOSS, squintyface, NpO, GOONS, TOP, no u, The Polesotechnic League

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: well it is like this: guarantee me that second in command job and I am in; if you refuse to give me that job I am afraid I will just put you on my hit list next to Sparta, ok?

Do you have an allies: an alias? (sorry no) any allies? (well you for a start :) )

How old is your nation: 8/19/2009 3:28:40 PM (45 days old) -- my original country began in October 2006 if that helps?

If possible how many wars have you been in: 35, 40 or so

Reason for hating the spartans: they are evil trade-cancellers and cannot be trusted, always deseerting to make "circles" and things :mad:

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Nation name: Avian

Nation ruler: Murtagh

strength: Yes

infrastructure: Yes

technology: Yes

past alliances: Sparta, NpO, tDP

Reason of joining the "destroy the spartans" alliance: Clealy this is Sparta's greatest fear finally coming to the surface; it was Destiny we meet. <_<

Do you have an allies: Trick question! It is not possible to have a singular 'allies'. He has out smarted you all in his IQ test.

How old is your nation: 5

If possible how many wars have you been in: This is not possible.

Reason for hating the spartans: They are devious masterminds bent on ruling the world. Only a brave, intellectual as yourself has a chance of stopping such hieracy. All hail. o/

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Nation name: Nation of Midgard

Nation ruler: Darklink7748

strength: 76,328.945

infrastructure: 8,999

technology: 5,128

past alliances: Sparta

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: Because deep down in side, I hate Sparta to the core. Especially Wilhelm The Demented, he's pretty much a failure.

Do you have an allies: Yes, tons of them. Particularly the Hate the Athens alliance, The Orange Juice Coalition on White, the Wolverines, and the Trilateral Quadratic Coalition.

How old is your nation: 2 years, give or take a day.

If possible how many wars have you been in: more then I can count, near 40-50.

Reason for hating the spartans: Because I can no longer stand their tyranny!

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Nation: Medina Empire

Ruler: King Louis the II

Infra: over 1,000

Tech: over 300

past alliances: Sparta

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: Because you made me see the light oh great leader and warrior. Also because I see that you are the chosen one to destroy the second more powerful; (with some controversies...I particularly thinh Sparta is the 1st). Who think 500 people would pose any resistence? specially for someone so powerful as you.

But what really inspired me was the "secret" character of your alliance. pssss...I will not tell anyone.

Do you have an allies: Yes, Sparta and their allies like MHA (one of the tope three alliances of the game), the family, the brigade, Athens, alpha omega, RIA, TCI, FoA, GOD....

I don,t think we should be concearned with that....me and you can take the two thousand members together really easyly. I trust in your intelligence oh hooliness...

How old is your nation: less than one month.

If possible how many wars have you been in: I have anarchized 3 guys the last week

Reason for hating the spartans: Because they make fun of stupid people, which is not nice.

Edited by King Louis the II
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Nation name: Shinpah

Nation ruler: Shinpah1

strength: 77 Thousand

infrastructure: 13.4 thousand

technology: 6 thousand

past alliances: =WE= thousand, Federation of one thousand

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: I've been slowly destroying Sparta for the last year and a half, I figured I could use all the help I could get

Do you have an allies: Sparta, Complaints and Grievances Union, The Immortals

How old is your nation: 7 thousand days

If possible how many wars have you been in: 4

Reason for hating the spartans: They won't elect a diplomat into a government position <_<

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Nation name: SSV Normandy

Nation ruler: John Shepard

strength: + the world = me!

infrastructure: THE WHOLEZ WORLD! :o

technology: Space Craft, Empire State Building, London Clock, F-22's, Cars, Stargate rings.

past alliances: United Nations

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: BECAUSE I WANT TO BE UNABLE TO SPELL LIKE U! :D

Do you have an allies: me and your mum goes well together.

How old is your nation: 45 days old.

If possible how many wars have you been in: Well I died in each war so I lost track. There's WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Reason for hating the spartans: "coz wez h8tin nd wez ridin dirty"

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Nation name: Land of Phoenix

Nation ruler: Phoenix2392

strength: 12,357.078

infrastructure: 2,999.99

technology: 50.38

past alliances: Athens

Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: My reason must be kept secret so those evil Spartans will never find out!

Do you have an allies: I have an Allies. One's a Llama you know!

How old is your nation: 210 Days

If possible how many wars have you been in: Over 9000.

Reason for hating the spartans: That guy loving King_Aristodemus makes me angry and Wilhelm never gave me hops. Nuff said.

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Nation name:HappyHappyAntiSpartaLand

Nation ruler:AntiSparta




past alliances:DestroytheHitchhikers,DestroytheParadoxians.DestroytheGramlins.Destroy


Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance:

Do you have an allies:Does my puppy count?

How old is your nation:10000days.

If possible how many wars have you been in:2

Reason for hating the spartans:Because the Spartans ate my puppy.

I hope I get in!

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This is TOP SECRET, CLASSIFIED AND NOT TO BE SEEN BY THE HUMAN EYE (thats why I am put this in a PUBLIC forum

Because all CN alliances are really scared with this powerful supersecret alliance, Sparta, Athens, MHA, FoB, Alpha and Omega and The family hired the best spies of Planet BOB to investigate the powerful DTS. After a exceptional work of a coalition of spies, they were able to identify the organization of such secret and outstanding alliance. The information that we gathered about the powerful DTS is:


President: 061mozart123

vice president: 061mozart123

Minister of Finance: 061mozart123's hamster

Minister of Defence: 061mozart123's teddy bear

Marine Biologist: (they think is very important for an alliance to have a marine biologist), 061mozart123's uncle

Cooker: 061mozart123's mom

Minister of scare tactics: hiring, the former one (061mozart123) was fired because he was not effcient.

President advisors: all the voices that 061mozart123 hear saying that Sparta is evil.

Minister of internal affairs: 061mozart123

Minster of Health: 061mozart123's shrink

Ministers of Comedy: That is the strenght of the alliance, since he made we all have good laughs.. I knew that he couldn't be so successful of that alone. So our spies found out that he is being helped by: Jay Leno, Bill Maher, Jerry Lewis, Jimmy Kimmel, Chevy Chase, Steve Martin and others that we couldn't identify.

Recruiter: 061mozart123

PS. Thank you very much man. You gave all of us really good laughs. Good luck and enjoy the game. Don't be mad. The game is to have fun and not to build hate inside yourself. You dont wont to have a heart attack at 30 yrs old right?

Take it easy...

best wishes (the PS and the best wishes were sincere and I am not being ironic)

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