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I could post an extremely long post but that will cut into my study time for important exams regarding my future, but I'll keep it simple.

I've found someone to take over SDF after a few days so recently I could let go of the reigns. Emperor Stranger is taking charge of the SDF (I know some of you don't like him, but I don't care what you think because these exams mean more to me). I will possibly be returning next round to start fresh.

I wish you all the best as well as the SDF and ES.

Shout-out to:

Roman Empire and Tiberius

TPF and Gabrial

SDF and Emperor Stranger

and anyone else I'm to lazy to mention or forgot but deserves the best.

Bye bye now.

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Damn, he got to it before me! Anyways, here's what I was going to post:

Andrew is temporarily resigning as head of SDF. He has asked that I take over for probably until next round. Trust me, I didn't exactly take this position with great enthusiasm. Andrew is a great guy, and a good friend. Had I realized that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have started the coup or the war. So over the next few days, I will be reforming SDF's government. SDF has seen a loss in government members. This is unacceptable. I will not rest (not literally) until SDF once again has a functioning government.

And alright everyone, I know that a lot of people hate me, but remember that just because SDF is under my command now doesn't mean that I will be abusing this position of power. SDF is a great alliance and the founder is a good friend. I don't plan on changing much in the way it is viewed by the world. TPF, I still dislike you to death, but I will be willing to put our differences aside for SDF.

Let it be known that once my reign [of terror] is done in SDF and Andrew is back, I will continue the coup, and I will probably continue to be disliked. Until that time, if you have any problems with me, take it out on my nation and leave SDF out of it. (Really, I am honestly not caring if my nation is slaughtered at this point. If I did, I wouldn't have taken on TPF, AZTEC and LE (by extension) by myself.)

tl;dr, if you hate me, kill my nation. Leave SDF out of it.

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Damn, he got to it before me! Anyways, here's what I was going to post:

tl;dr, if you hate me, kill my nation. Leave SDF out of it.

If anyone hated SDF, they'll do everything in their power to keep you at the helm.

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Good luck with your RL exams and gratz to ES, though in all honesty, with him being at war like he is, wouldn't there have been a better choice for a leader? i hope that TPF and the others leave SDF out of this fight with ES.

As I said, I am putting aside all of my differences with TPF and trying to keep SDF out of it. I sent out peace offers a few hours ago to everyone I am at war with with the reason that I surrender, and publicly stated that I am holding off the coup until Andrew comes back.

Yes, I realize that this would be the perfect opportunity to use SDF as a tool in my coup; I also realize that Andrew spent a lot of time building up SDF to get it sanctioned. I am not going to waste his time destroying the alliance he worked to build.

I really hope that TPF does leave SDF out of the fight. I am having troubles considering what I would do if they didn't. On one hand, I started the fight this morning and I don't expect it to be forgotten easily. On the other hand, SDF needs a leader. (Of course, had I known that SDF was going to need me, I wouldn't have started this new fun in the first place. -_- )

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As I said, I am putting aside all of my differences with TPF and trying to keep SDF out of it.


I really hope that TPF does leave SDF out of the fight. I am having troubles considering what I would do if they didn't. On one hand, I started the fight this morning and I don't expect it to be forgotten easily. On the other hand, SDF needs a leader. (Of course, had I known that SDF was going to need me, I wouldn't have started this new fun in the first place. -_- )

We weren't going to bother with you. None of our nations were ordered to hit you and we figured AZTEC would just kill you all by themselves. LE attacked you because they are protecting AZTEC, as they promised they would. Kind of an honorable move on their part, I think. As far as TPF goes, you just weren't very important, much less any kind of threat.

I imagine we won't be bothering SDF either. SDF and Andrew have usually been on good terms with TPF, as shown by his thanking of Gabryal in the OP. The only reason we would mess with SDF is if their new leader continues to do stupid things.

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then why are you in an alliance ;)

Because a good friend asked me to take over. What am I going to tell him, that I would rather watch his alliance burn so I can continue my fun?

We weren't going to bother with you. None of our nations were ordered to hit you and we figured AZTEC would just kill you all by themselves. LE attacked you because they are protecting AZTEC, as they promised they would. Kind of an honorable move on their part, I think. As far as TPF goes, you just weren't very important, much less any kind of threat.

I imagine we won't be bothering SDF either. SDF and Andrew have usually been on good terms with TPF, as shown by his thanking of Gabryal in the OP. The only reason we would mess with SDF is if their new leader continues to do stupid things.

According to Mayzie, not many of AZTEC could actually fight back. I found that to be true after actually viewing the infrastructure and troops levels of the nations I declared war on. (Yes, I completely forgot that AZTEC just got out of war. I haven't been on the forums much lately, so it's a little understandable.)

As the new leader of SDF, TPF won't be having any problems with me. I may rant about TPF and WOLF on the OWF, but keep in mind that I am a viceroy, and my opinions probably don't reflect SDF's. ;)

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Let's not make this thread about ES and that whole bucket of dramaz. This thread is about Andrew and his retirement. Let's show some respect.

Andrew, you're a great guy, and a good leader. I hope you come back after your exams are done (I can sympathize). SDF is where it is today because of you. Good luck, and godspeed.

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Wise words from Tibs and agreed.

Take care of yourself Andrew and study hard. Real life always comes first. You were an honorable leader of SDF and I look foward to your return (if you want to come back, of course) once things settle down.

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Let's not make this thread about ES and that whole bucket of dramaz. This thread is about Andrew and his retirement. Let's show some respect.

Andrew, you're a great guy, and a good leader. I hope you come back after your exams are done (I can sympathize). SDF is where it is today because of you. Good luck, and godspeed.

Thanks, Tibs. I knew there was a reason I still respect you. :P

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I could post an extremely long post but that will cut into my study time for important exams regarding my future, but I'll keep it simple.

I've found someone to take over SDF after a few days so recently I could let go of the reigns. Emperor Stranger is taking charge of the SDF (I know some of you don't like him, but I don't care what you think because these exams mean more to me). I will possibly be returning next round to start fresh.

I wish you all the best as well as the SDF and ES.

Shout-out to:

Roman Empire and Tiberius

TPF and Gabrial

SDF and Emperor Stranger

and anyone else I'm to lazy to mention or forgot but deserves the best.

Bye bye now.

I'm sorry for SDF....

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I'm sorry for SDF....

Funnily enough, the SDF members feel quite the opposite. After my first announcement, I have seen excellent feedback. I have even heard someone say that they are glad that Andrew is gone (adding no offense before saying that).

I find it funny that everyone here is putting me down and labeling me before they even see what I can do, when so far all the members of SDF are feeling contrary to that. They are giving me a chance, and I respect them for that.

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Thanks for the support, hopefully I can carry that to the exams. And guys listen I know about the happenings with ES but I think he's a good leader and I'd rather have him as leader than to keep trailing the SDF into destruction because I didn't have the time to log in. What were to happen if someone declared on us? Chaos and probably disbandment; at least with ES that have a fighting if not good chance of holding strong and from the comments from my members so far about ES being a better leader than I have the past few days/weeks I understand and apologize for not doing this a little earlier when I started to put my attention into something else.

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Thanks for the support, hopefully I can carry that to the exams. And guys listen I know about the happenings with ES but I think he's a good leader and I'd rather have him as leader than to keep trailing the SDF into destruction because I didn't have the time to log in. What were to happen if someone declared on us? Chaos and probably disbandment; at least with ES that have a fighting if not good chance of holding strong and from the comments from my members so far about ES being a better leader than I have the past few days/weeks I understand and apologize for not doing this a little earlier when I started to put my attention into something else.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. :D

You know, everyone here seems to respect Andrew a lot. My question is, why does everyone here not respect his decision to appoint me to be the leader of SDF? He obviously didn't do it out of [complete] desperation; the decision he made was a rational one. If you respect him, then respect his decision. If you don't respect his decision, then how much do you respect him? It's that simple.

Edited by Emperor Stranger
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You know, everyone here seems to respect Andrew a lot. My question is, why does everyone here not respect his decision to appoint me to be the leader of SDF? He obviously didn't do it out of [complete] desperation; the decision he made was a rational one. If you respect him, then respect his decision. If you don't respect his decision, then how much do you respect him? It's that simple.

It's not that simple. For example right there on your profile it still says this:

CN:TE Alliance Name:

Ruler of TPF

As a member of TPF I see no reason to respect that, much less you. There is nothing at all to respect there. It would also seem that judging by various responses, I doubt the members of TPF are alone on that. It seems to be a nearly unanimous opinion. As an alliance leader you will learn quickly that your actions have repercussions - especially if they are not respectable.

There will be no grudges against SDF of course, our respect for Andrew alone would preclude that.

You, on the other hand, will have a lot to do to prove yourself.

Starting with changing the above.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence. :D

You know, everyone here seems to respect Andrew a lot. My question is, why does everyone here not respect his decision to appoint me to be the leader of SDF? He obviously didn't do it out of [complete] desperation; the decision he made was a rational one. If you respect him, then respect his decision. If you don't respect his decision, then how much do you respect him? It's that simple.

This is not true ES. Your personal choices have formed the opinion most have of you. Andrew's opinion and skills as a leader has lead TPF towards a good friendship with SDF. Andrew deciding to appoint you in his absence is viewed as a personal choice. Maybe, you were good to him. But none of us are him and you have not been good to us.

Your views of TPF are plastered all over the OWF as well as your recent action. So, perhaps Andrew's view of you is different then the rest of ours. Both views may or may not be true. So as much as we like Andrew and SDF, we are looking at you with a very skeptical eye, due to your own words and actions. No one else is responsible for that but you. I am not closed minded to giving you a chance to do SDF a good turn and am totally willing to talk anytime with you, to begin a fresh dialog on behalf of TPF and SDF.

One note* Please do not bring up Wolf or Gabby... Your opinion's have been heard and appropriately dismissed.

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It's not that simple. For example right there on your profile it still says this:

As a member of TPF I see no reason to respect that, much less you. There is nothing at all to respect there. It would also seem that judging by various responses, I doubt the members of TPF are alone on that. It seems to be a nearly unanimous opinion. As an alliance leader you will learn quickly that your actions have repercussions - especially if they are not respectable.

There will be no grudges against SDF of course, our respect for Andrew alone would preclude that.

You, on the other hand, will have a lot to do to prove yourself.

Starting with changing the above.

I know, this is not my first time being an alliance leader. Put yourself in my position, though: One day, you are bored, so you decide to stir things up. A few hours later, a good friend tells you that he has personal matters to attend to and can't run his alliance anymore, and that he wants you to run it in his stead. What do you do? Do you let your friend down by refusing? Do you just let his alliance that he worked hard to build die?

And I wasn't saying respect me, I said respect his decision. I could careless if you respect me, as long as you respect Andrew and you respect SDF.

As for my profile, I completely forgot that it was there. I have been having a rather busy life myself; trying to deal with people on the OWF hasn't helped. Bare with me. It's a bit difficult to go from a no one to the twelfth most powerful person in the game in one day.

This is not true ES. Your personal choices have formed the opinion most have of you. Andrew's opinion and skills as a leader has lead TPF towards a good friendship with SDF. Andrew deciding to appoint you in his absence is viewed as a personal choice. Maybe, you were good to him. But none of us are him and you have not been good to us.

Ever since I left OB, TPF hasn't been good to me except to allow me to stay in the WOLF IRC channel until some dick in RE decided to stir things up. (Note: I don't blame RE, and I never stopped liking RE. That one person, however, I dislike.)

Your views of TPF are plastered all over the OWF as well as your recent action. So, perhaps Andrew's view of you is different then the rest of ours. Both views may or may not be true. So as much as we like Andrew and SDF, we are looking at you with a very skeptical eye, due to your own words and actions. No one else is responsible for that but you. I am not closed minded to giving you a chance to do SDF a good turn and am totally willing to talk anytime with you, to begin a fresh dialog on behalf of TPF and SDF.

One note* Please do not bring up Wolf or Gabby... Your opinion's have been heard and appropriately dismissed.

I will talk on behalf of SDF in a diplomatic manner that suits it in the past with TPF, but that's as far as it goes. On a personal level, I still dislike TPF, but I will not let my personal opinions get in the way of bettering SDF's relationship with TPF; that would be completely unfair to my alliance, and it would be completely unfair to Andrew.

I have big plans for SDF; it might take a few days to start working on them, but I plan to take SDF out of the gutters and put it back into the top five.

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