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Recruit Me


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So, I'm looking for an alliance to join.

Some things about me:

*I'm not willing to switch from green

*I won't be (that) active on your forums, but I'll be on your IRC almost 24/7*

*(That being said, I got couped from my last alliance for inactivity and didn't notice for two weeks)

*Um ya....recruit me. Past alliances I've been in are GGA and EG.

Edit: I guess I should add that I was the MoF in the GGA for a while

Edit2: Your alliance better have stand alone forums, I refuse to put up with invisionfree.

*Assuming my server operator doesn't screw up ZNC again.

Edited by yetanothername
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Partopian Alliance

FORUMS: http://www.Partopian.com

IRC: #partopian

Be as active as YOU want... and IRC is really good!

MISSION: The Partopian Alliance is dedicated to providing a friendly and inviting alliance for any nation that wishes to join. It will not pressure or intimidate its members as some large alliances do, and will do everything in its power to contribute to their success. It will collect taxes from its members in a timely and responsible manner, the funds of which would go towards government salaries and government provided aid. Finally, the Partopian Alliance will provide a culture of friendly, active, and helpful nations, which will allow for its members to participate in various activities, both CN related and not. In other words, the PA pledges to create and maintain an alliance of friends, both in CyberNations and on the forums.

Edited by Demago
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I would like to formally invite you to join Paix.

The following link is our recruitng thread,as well as some general information.

Paix Recruitment Thread

We are a SMALL alliance just starting out,but have high hopes for success.So,gives us a chance.And most importantly...we are GREEN!

And we need a "MOFA"...we have plenty of open govt positions for those new members who wish to make a difference and make Paix the best alliance it can be!

Thanks for the consideration...Have a great day!

Edited by Sateus
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Yam, you don't have to be green to be a GUNner. I need a buddy in my IRC channel anyway. In the off chance we throw you out, I will personally make sure you know it(that isn't a threat). Plus, if you want you can work on our website. :)

You know where to find me.

EDIT: Also, elections are coming up, and you can always apply for a deputy position.

Edited by Chocolate Cookies
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Hello yetanothername, good to see ya. :) Let's see if I can adress some of the points you bring up.

Color: While purple is prefered and Invicta does offer trade services, it is not required, especially for large nations who are already established in a circle. In fact, Miles Green is a green nation himself, former GPA'er if memory serves.

Activity: Again, while forum activity is encouraged, it is not a requirement. And a little liveliness injected into #invicta is always fun. :D

We've got a great bunch of people here and always welcome to have more people in the family. If there's anything else you'd like to know about Invicta I'd be glad to answer; you can stop by our forums and say hi if you'd wish: http://forums.cn-invicta.com/

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Join VE. We are t3h secksi:


As long as you are active on IRC, we aren't going to kick you out of the alliance, and our private channel is generally pretty active with a range of people (including Wimminz). It's also home to a diverse set of topic choices, so we can talk about sports, video games, politics, etc...and CN politics usually aren't the main topic of conversation!

Although, being forum active does entitle you to more benefits.

Also, I think this is the wrong forum for this...

EDIT: oh, yeah, did I mention we're on GREEN! D:

Edited by Lord GVChamp
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So then


You can find us on #gato in IRC

Our forums are GATO

We of the Brown Spanish Cats are the oldest alliance in the CN world and survived a many a curbstomping.

You can stay green and "lurk" on our forums seems 110% of us do anyway.

We do have a working democratic government (which drives me insane) and sound systems such as tech, banks and defence

But hey all up to you.


BAT Com - Ministry of Defence

Ambassador to the Almighty (lolz ;) ) NPO

Ambassador to TIO

Honourary Consul to CCC

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Yam, you don't have to be green to be a GUNner. I need a buddy in my IRC channel anyway. In the off chance we throw you out, I will personally make sure you know it(that isn't a threat). Plus, if you want you can work on our website. :)

You know where to find me.

EDIT: Also, elections are coming up, and you can always apply for a deputy position.

Come to think of it like a fifth of us are still green IIRC.

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Partopian Alliance

Collecting taxes from your members, really?

Join the GPA! We're green, and you can quietly build your nation in peace and comfort.

Sounds interesting. Tell me more

I would like to formally invite you to join Paix.

Generally, offering .gov positions to brand new members isn't a good idea.

Yam, you don't have to be green to be a GUNner. I need a buddy in my IRC channel anyway. In the off chance we throw you out, I will personally make sure you know it(that isn't a threat). Plus, if you want you can work on our website. :)

Gah, you know how much I hate web design ;)

Activity: Again, while forum activity is encouraged, it is not a requirement. And a little liveliness injected into #invicta is always fun.

Does that mean your IRC channel is typically dull?

...They truly have everything...


You asked, I posted. Join TPF

Why should I join TPF over anyone else in this thread?

As long as you are active on IRC, we aren't going to kick you out of the alliance, and our private channel is generally pretty active with a range of people (including Wimminz). It's also home to a diverse set of topic choices, so we can talk about sports, video games, politics, etc...and CN politics usually aren't the main topic of conversation!

Although, being forum active does entitle you to more benefits.

I like an active channel :lol1:

But what does being active on the forum give you?

You can stay green and "lurk" on our forums seems 110% of us do anyway.

We do have a working democratic government (which drives me insane) and sound systems such as tech, banks and defence

Ha nice, I love inactive forums :P

But, democratic governments don't work IRL, let alone in an online game.

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Does that mean your IRC channel is typically dull?

Depends on the time of day. Generally nights get more activity. Still, I wouldn't say it's active as alliances with more members, to be perfectly honest. If we're going solely by chans, I'd have to reccomend IAA or NPO over us, really. :P

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Sounds interesting. Tell me more

The Green Protection Agency is the oldest and largest alliance in the green sphere. Our defining feature is our neutrality; we are neutral in all foreign affairs, and can thus assure you a peaceful environment in which to grow your nation to its full potential. We do not insist on our members being active, though we do appreciate it. If all you want to do is farm infra and collect taxes, that's fine with us. :)

Our public IRC channel is #gpa on Coldfront. Come chat!

The links to our main site and forums are in my sig below.

You can find our Charter here.

If you have any questions, hit me up here, ingame, on the GPA forums, on IRC, etc. Doesn't really matter to me. :awesome:

Hope to see you around!

EDIT: And our forums are not on invisionfree. :D

Edited by dy Cazaril
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Hey Raydin. I may be a little biased, but I think that IAA fits right into your criteria for an alliance you're looking for.

When it comes to IRC activity, I feel like IAA has one of the best proportionate IRC activities out there. We have around 40 members who use IRC once a week or so, and probably 25 who are what someone would call "IRC Active", and that's still nowhere near where we want it. IRC activity is one of IAA's biggest and most-pushed towards goals. Our public channel is over 70 members pretty much every night, and you can always find something crazy or fun going on in #iaa.

As far as treaties go, IAA isn't an alliance that makes a policy out of signing treaties out of mere convenience. We don't fit into the school of thought that believes treaties are tools to be used to get ahead in the game; our mindset is one that requires mutual friendship and trust between ourselves and our allies, and I think our current treaties and any future ones do and will continue to reflect that mindset.

The environment isn't something I can describe to someone who hasn't experienced it. IAA is blessed with over 35 members of our 110 member community having been high government in alliances previous to IAA, so we bring a unique blend of political backgrounds and immense intelligence into everything we do. This is not, however, to say we're not fun. For most of our 3 years on CN, we've been classified by those who don't know as a "lulz" alliance (that should tell you everything you need to know about how much fun we have). Lately, we've started monthly Imperial themes, with new forum skins, themes, and inactive members going "wtf, why is there a pirate on my screen" every time they log into the boards. It's a lot of fun. (For reference, the two themes the past two months have been Communism and this month is Pirate).

Forum Activity - At the moment, our alliance of 110 has about 15 discussion-related topics ongoing, coupled with dozens more in the military, in our dozens of constantly active embassies, and our world-famous spam forums. Like I said, the community is something I have a hard time describing to a non-IAAer, but maybe a few statistics will help - since IAA reformed 3 months ago, we have over 25 members with 1000 posts already.

Quality over quantity: as a leader, I would far rather have 110 productive and good members than 1000 ones who are useless to the alliance as anything but statistics. While we don't screen recruits too selectively (I prefer to view new nations and new members as teachable nations and teachable rulers rather than something to be avoided), the upcoming implementation of a comprehensive Mentor and Buddy System coupled with an extensive Academy will provide for both quality AND quantity.

When it comes to having jobs to do, anyone who wants to help can help. I personally feel like it is IAA's goal to assemble the finest team of leadership and members in the game, and with a community who has such a long history of alliance leadership, there is always work being done in every facet of the alliance, from the military to the economy to diplomacy. There's never a day in the Empire where something isn't accomplished by someone, and those who want to help will never be excluded from service.

To sum it all up, Raydin, I think what you are searching for and what IAA offers coincide directly, but at the same time, you'll need to see for yourself. Please come over to our IRC at #iaa and talk to us a little, and go to our boards at http://forums.theimperialassault.com to check out our headquarters. You'd be an absolute boon to the Empire, and I hope you consider us when you're making a decision for your next home!

-Chimaera, Emperor of IAA

Read that. That was in the recruit me topic I posted earlier this week. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=69438

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Collecting taxes from your members, really?

Sounds interesting. Tell me more

Generally, offering .gov positions to brand new members isn't a good idea.

Gah, you know how much I hate web design ;)

Does that mean your IRC channel is typically dull?


Why should I join TPF over anyone else in this thread?

I like an active channel :lol1:

But what does being active on the forum give you?

Ha nice, I love inactive forums :P

But, democratic governments don't work IRL, let alone in an online game.

That is true...But,since you have been around awhile,being in a couple alliances...the offer was there.

Edited by Sateus
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Join the United Earth Directorate! We are a well based red team alliance (you dont need to change colors) that has survived through the storm of what is the red team. We have a active membership base and our forum is a SMF Forum hosted on my server: www.ued.22web.net

We are a benevolent dictatorship with ministers and if you would like to know more, let me know!

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Well, as I'm sure you know, I do not typically respond to such "recruit me" ads. However, considering the author, and the fact we have both served in a like alliance, feel free to stop by http://badge.club.officelive.com

I'm not going to make a case one way or the other about joining BADGE as I feel the information you will find at the above link will be sufficient of your requirements except that we use Zeta (owned by IF). So there ya go, check it out if you wish. Thanks for your time, and I hope you appreciate mine :P


Edit: non-essential characters :P

Edited by BearerofTruth
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