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Return of the Reich

Otto Verteidiger

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OOC: What the hell I don't even

IC: The Holy Imperium, pending the two parties sit down and TALK about the damned situation, will close all airspace and waters to foreign parties involved. The only information we have gleaned is Dragonisian Aircraft, flying over a Tahoan protectorate were told to turn around. They did not, and were shot at.

Somebody PLEASE inform us of what has occurred in Mexico.

"I believe you answered your own question."

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"They were not over Mexico. The Tahoe air force intercepted them 200 NM out from being over the Protectorate over the Pacific Ocean. The dialog broadcast on the Ham Radio ensued. Rather than continue discussion over the matter. our aircraft were fired upon by Tahoe." Tidus noted.

"Given how far out they were from the airspace and the speed of the bombers, an additional 15-30 minutes of conversation might have ensued before airspace was breached."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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So if that is the case, Dragonisia was flying over the sovereign territory of Tahoe, which they had been warned not to do?

"That is right. The Dragon Empire, however, is trying to deny that fact and is trying to portray Tahoe as the aggressor when it is clearly not the case here."

OOC: Closed to foreign parties involved? REMEMBER OUR TREATY LOVE! D=

Edited by JEDCJT
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Our satellite images show that, after what we assume was the aircraft being requested to turn back from Mexican airspace, the Tahoan aircraft fired upon your own. After reaching the edge of said airspace, the Dragonisian aircraft turned south into OUR territory. Correct?

Edited by Shadowsage
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"Correct. They could have discussed matters more with us, but chose to fire. We diverted course when they began firing seeing as there wouldn't be a diplomatic solution to the impasse. When they fired, of course, we defended ourselves." Stated the flight leader. "Flight time to airspace penetration we estimated as being 30 minutes to an hour given that we were still traveling at cruise speeds and not military burn. We hoped to work something out, they chose to fling missiles."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: I never violated their airspace, they turned me back. So if it's propaganda, sure.. if you're trying to base it on actual events in in the IC I must object. Tahoe intercepted prior to entering any sovereign airspace.

ic: "We hereby give notification of cancellation of the Eurasian Pact 24 hours notice in advance. It appears all Europe wanted to do was to use its former allies."

"You know what would have helped? If this was actually a defensive war. It's not. There's no mutual aggression clause."

-HRH King James I

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The pilot responded, "If you call not firing a shot while being in international airspace while trying to talk out a flight path aggression, then you're the most aggressive *********** alive. Our boys are floating in the water and Europe's turned its back our homeland. What a lot of cowards."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Classified to FRA:

The helicopters are mere transports. 
We can lend them for first aid/medical reasons. 

That said, we will send the first division towards the front and 
keep the two brigades on the left flanks. Let the first hold them 
in place as the anvil while the RRT Brigs be the hammer and strike.

Military operations

First division disembarks at Corpus and begins the move towards the front. The brigades touch down at San Antonio (OOC: Yay I live there! xD Please don't bomb the campus), and the helicopters are outfitted for casualty evac as soon as possible. They begin to move to the Left flank of the Mexican line.

Fighter-jets begin landing at Austin international airport and preparing for close-air-support missions at the Rio.

Peace talks have broken down. We are engaging. 
Request naval presence off coast of Mexico so that 
we may trap them between your navy and our military.
 Encirclement in the making.


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The helicopters are mere transports. 
We can lend them for first aid/medical reasons. 

That said, we will send the first division towards the front and 
keep the two brigades on the left flanks. Let the first hold them 
in place as the anvil while the RRT Brigs be the hammer and strike.

Military operations

First division disembarks at Corpus and begins the move towards the front. The brigades touch down at San Antonio (OOC: Yay I live there! xD Please don't bomb the campus), and the helicopters are outfitted for casualty evac as soon as possible. They begin to move to the Left flank of the Mexican line.

Fighter-jets begin landing at Austin international airport and preparing for close-air-support missions at the Rio.

Peace talks have broken down. We are engaging. 
Request naval presence off coast of Mexico so that 
we may trap them between your navy and our military.
 Encirclement in the making.


OOC: Just so you know our left flank is Reich territory now. Check the map.

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The crews and the remaining pilots in the Holy Imperium and their aircraft began work on shoring up their aircraft and getting them ready for flight. Of the original 20, about 12 remained. The engineers were working their repairs around the clock. Their orders were to continue to Texas from Holy Imperium and base at San Antonio.

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OOC: Just so you know our left flank is Reich territory now. Check the map.


...? No it's not. We landed in Corpus with 1st, and in SA with the brigades via helicopter. 1st is moving to the Rio to pin the forces down and the brigades are moving to the left flank of your forces on the rio (yes, I know it covers the entire border, but we're talking about the area surrounding Starr county, and the gulf here), not to the left of your entire COUNTRY.

For simplicity's sake:


That's not exact, but I'm showing you how I'm not anywhere near El Paso.

Regarding the map: Right, San Antonio and Corpus are way south of where I put em. My bad. lol. Google map shows all.

Edited by Germanic Republic
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The pilot responded, "If you call not firing a shot while being in international airspace while trying to talk out a flight path aggression, then you're the most aggressive *********** alive. Our boys are floating in the water and Europe's turned its back our homeland. What a lot of cowards."

"I call moving fighters and bombers on a path to go over Tahoan land to assist Tahoe's enemies aggression. Don't blame Europe for your problems. Blame your clearly careless and incompetent government."

-HRH King James I

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Peace talks have broken down. We are engaging. 
Request naval presence off coast of Mexico so that 
we may trap them between your navy and our military.
 Encirclement in the making.



Very well. The Navy shall assist your forces.

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"As there has yet to be any "true" war conducted we suggest that all parties particularly the Dragon Empire take time to meet with the leaders of Tahoe and discuss the matter at hand. It is absolutely absurd that a single pilot's life, and a relatively inexpensive piece of military hardware (next to the billions an all out war between Tahoe and the Dragon empire would cost); could truly warrant a war. If war is the ultimate result of this altogether trifling event then clearly there was a deeper motivation for a war (on the part of the Dragon Empire) and this outrage was nothing more than an excuse to satisfy that deeper motivation. That being said, if the parties are willing we offer to host a conference on Samoa a neutral meeting place for delegations from both nations. We also offer to cover any costs of housing during the conference. During that period the two nations can work out some sort of resolution and settle this without subjecting the people of either nation to unnecessary bloodshed." Ryn Atrevier; H.M the King

Edited by iamthey
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"As there has yet to be any "true" war conducted we suggest that all parties particularly the Dragon Empire take time to meet with the leaders of Tahoe and discuss the matter at hand. It is absolutely absurd that a single pilot's life, and a relatively inexpensive piece of military hardware (next to the billions an all out war between Tahoe and the Dragon empire would cost); could truly warrant a war. If war is the ultimate result of this altogether trifling event then clearly there was a deeper motivation for a war (on the part of the Dragon Empire) and this outrage was nothing more than an excuse to satisfy that deeper motivation. That being said, if the parties are willing we offer to host a conference on Samoa a neutral meeting place for delegations from both nations. We also offer to cover any costs of housing during the conference. During that period the two nations can work out some sort of resolution and settle this without subjecting the people of either nation to unnecessary bloodshed."

"We're willing to send a delegation." Tidus noted. "It definitely won't be one of the air force officers."

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