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Voodoo Nova

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I have a question that needs to be answered. Does the aerodynamic properties of aircrafts function in space? For example are the Space Shuttle's wings only for its gliding performance in atmosphere or does its control surfaces work in space?

Space is a near-vacuum.

Wings work only in atmosphere.

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Radar; if you can buy a thing for your car that can detect radar beams, shouldnt AWACS craft be able to detect incoming radar beams as well?

Like, I don't think it has to actually do with detecting radar, but the extreme angle the beams travel. AWACS detect radars from incoming fighters and land stations, they aren't used to having something shoot radar at them from straight up, as no aircraft can safely do that long enough.

I'm not sure though, and would love an expert's opinion.

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I have a question that needs to be answered. Does the aerodynamic properties of aircrafts function in space? For example are the Space Shuttle's wings only for its gliding performance in atmosphere or does its control surfaces work in space?
Space is a near-vacuum.

Wings work only in atmosphere.

This. Wings only serve a function in atmosphere.

In space, all that matters is propulsion and gravity for influencing direction and speed.

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In RP, is it feasible for a nation to create something akin to a land-cruiser? Think somthing like the Ratte that Germany was thinking up during WWII.


Yeah. Even WWII Germany could've done that.

Is it useful at all? No. Huge tanks are too slow. Too easily destroyed.

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Yeah. Even WWII Germany could've done that.

Is it useful at all? No. Huge tanks are too slow. Too easily destroyed.

Huh. Ok. Because i just spent all school day designing a random land-cruiser design. and i was wondering if it might be possible for my country to start work on it. It'd be a loooooooong project no doubt, but i was just wondering. :)

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I've fantasized often about how as soon as I reach first world tech, I shall build a pair of UEF Fatboy Land Cruisers, bar the shield generator and on-board manufacturing suite, of course.

SOM's recent posts of the Russian mobile nuclear plants have cemented that fantasy. I am hell bent on it.

The only thing its really vulnerable to is either 1) Massed Cruise Missile strikes, 2) Aircraft heavy ordinance, 3) Heavy Artillery, all of which i think are solved by giving it supreme close-range AA/AO defence, like a bunch of C-RAM's dedicated to shooting at Missiles, bombs and shells.

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The only thing its really vulnerable to is either 1) Massed Cruise Missile strikes, 2) Aircraft heavy ordinance, 3) Heavy Artillery, all of which i think are solved by giving it supreme close-range AA/AO defence, like a bunch of C-RAM's dedicated to shooting at Missiles, bombs and shells.

Not really. A few well-placed anti-tank misiles to the treads or simply a dozen tanks with the proper guns can take that thing out while costing a fraction of what this massive thing would cost.

There's a reason these things were never built IRL and will never be built.

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Not really. A few well-placed anti-tank misiles to the treads or simply a dozen tanks with the proper guns can take that thing out while costing a fraction of what this massive thing would cost.

There's a reason these things were never built IRL and will never be built.

You've obviously never played Supreme Commander before :P

In all seriousness now, this thing would be the size of a pocket aircraft carrier. The treads of these things would be built to crush standard tanks, at least, my iteration. Simply so big that only cruise/bomb ordinance levels would damage it (I assume you meant man-portable Javelin or TOW ATGM's, but if not i apologize).

It would need to be build in the desert or other wide open areas, and only really perform as a mobile staging platform for helicopters and VTOL, propaganda, and as an Assault spearhead for a massive force accompanying it in the wide open fields, leaving it only really vulnerable to tactical nukes. There's no way a thing like this would be left to fight alone.

(Possibly have these as escorts XD, prolly not)

Not to mention, this thing would have EW systems coming out of everywhere.

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It's not like Supreme Commander is only a game, right?

Anyways. Look at the Ratte Landkreuzer that we Krauts planned in WWII. It was immense, 42 meters long with ship-guns. That one of the biggest vehicles you could possibly build.


Because it's too goddamned heavy. It would literally sink into the ground unless half its body were treads.

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It's not like Supreme Commander is only a game, right?

Anyways. Look at the Ratte Landkreuzer that we Krauts planned in WWII. It was immense, 42 meters long with ship-guns. That one of the biggest vehicles you could possibly build.


Because it's too goddamned heavy. It would literally sink into the ground unless half its body were treads.

Yes, using WWII technology, the thing would suck. The Ratte was made out of Steel... not fancy super alloys, ceramics and other light high tech goodies. And the Fatboy has treads the size of a combined 2/3 of the entire base.

Besides, this is CNRP, i do believe someone had a flying air base a while back... Lavo has AT-AT's, etc...

Its going to be a long time before i hit that 1,500 + mark, don't crush my dreams T-T

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It's not like Supreme Commander is only a game, right?

Anyways. Look at the Ratte Landkreuzer that we Krauts planned in WWII. It was immense, 42 meters long with ship-guns. That one of the biggest vehicles you could possibly build.


Because it's too goddamned heavy. It would literally sink into the ground unless half its body were treads.

Replace most of the armoring with carbon fiber/nanotubes along with light weight bullet-proof gel. There, now a large chunk of the weight is gone. I used carbon fiber/nanotubes along with the gel in a few of my tanks so they don't weight nearly 150 tons while being able to survive heavy HE shell showers.

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Yes, using WWII technology, the thing would suck. The Ratte was made out of Steel... not fancy super alloys, ceramics and other light high tech goodies. And the Fatboy has treads the size of a combined 2/3 of the entire base.

Besides, this is CNRP, i do believe someone had a flying air base a while back... Lavo has AT-AT's, etc...

Its going to be a long time before i hit that 1,500 + mark, don't crush my dreams T-T

The flying airbase was shot down.

Lavo has insane tech, and those AT ATs are essentially grandfathered.

Replace most of the armoring with carbon fiber/nanotubes along with light weight bullet-proof gel. There, now a large chunk of the weight is gone. I used carbon fiber/nanotubes along with the gel in a few of my tanks so they don't weight nearly 150 tons while being able to survive heavy HE shell showers.

You can't replace every bit of steel with carbon fiber, etc. Depending on the size of the tank and your actual tech and RP, you'll be able to save between 10 and 40% in weight.

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The flying airbase was shot down.

Lavo has insane tech, and those AT ATs are essentially grandfathered.

You can't replace every bit of steel with carbon fiber, etc. Depending on the size of the tank and your actual tech and RP, you'll be able to save between 10 and 40% in weight.

Personnally, the way i see it, once you pass that 1,500 mark, if you've got the time and the 'knowledge' (i use that sparingly), if you are reasonably reasonable, its doable.

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You can't replace every bit of steel with carbon fiber, etc. Depending on the size of the tank and your actual tech and RP, you'll be able to save between 10 and 40% in weight.

I thought it would be okay in the armoring for it to be carbon nanotubes stiffen with carbon fiber mesh (so the armoring doesn't cave in and sandwiches the people inside, along with ammunition, fuel, engine, and other internal parts.

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I thought it would be okay in the armoring for it to be carbon nanotubes stiffen with carbon fiber mesh (so the armoring doesn't cave in and sandwiches the people inside, along with ammunition, fuel, engine, and other internal parts.

No fuel. Mobile nuclear reactors, remember? Spare rods can be airlifted in.

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Is it okay for me to use weather warfare weapons as long as I RP the development of such weapons? Link to sources (History Channel videos):

Earthquake generation in unstable area: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZFKBCkNPs...feature=related

Igniting droughts: (same video, starts at 4 minutes, 45 seconds)

Igniting floods: (again, same video, starts at 7 minutes, 20 seconds)

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Personnally, the way i see it, once you pass that 1,500 mark, if you've got the time and the 'knowledge' (i use that sparingly), if you are reasonably reasonable, its doable.

Some of the problems of giant things like this were touch upon on the final season of Battlestar Galactica.

When you have something of that size, its inner frame needs to be strong. I'm sure you'll build it really, REALLY strong, but that still means that over time, as various heavy weapons that aren't strong enough to puncture it explode on the surface, the superstructure of the... giant object will begin to be affected and damaged. Subtle for a period of time, but eventually the small little in perfections will take effect.

But I'm no expert on the subject. I just think it makes sense that the frames inside would get damaged from the successive blast waves. I still wonder how it would be cost effective, largely because of how fast it can move and what kinds of climates it can move in. I bet that with the same budget it take to build that tank that you could buy enough weapons and vehicles to destroy it. Several times over.

Question: would the blasts affect the air inside, in terms of pressure? Assume its going to be heavy duty ordnance doing the damage.

Heh, reminds me of an architect that planned out a giant, three mile high pyramid-shaped super building that could house three million people, and other than the building costs and the amount of materials needed, is a perfectly plausible building.

It also reminds me of this.

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Some of the problems of giant things like this were touch upon on the final season of Battlestar Galactica.

When you have something of that size, its inner frame needs to be strong. I'm sure you'll build it really, REALLY strong, but that still means that over time, as various heavy weapons that aren't strong enough to puncture it explode on the surface, the superstructure of the... giant object will begin to be affected and damaged. Subtle for a period of time, but eventually the small little in perfections will take effect.

But I'm no expert on the subject. I just think it makes sense that the frames inside would get damaged from the successive blast waves. I still wonder how it would be cost effective, largely because of how fast it can move and what kinds of climates it can move in. I bet that with the same budget it take to build that tank that you could buy enough weapons and vehicles to destroy it. Several times over.

Question: would the blasts affect the air inside, in terms of pressure? Assume its going to be heavy duty ordnance doing the damage.

Heh, reminds me of an architect that planned out a giant, three mile high pyramid-shaped super building that could house three million people, and other than the building costs and the amount of materials needed, is a perfectly plausible building.

It also reminds me of this.

Well, the UEF Fatboy, the thing I base this on, was amphibious.... it crawled along at the bottom of the water, as such it is designed to handle pressure like a deep-sea submarine. I don't know if mine would do that, should i make one, but it could explain its resiliency.

I've been thinking about having the inner most superstructure be similar to the crawler-transporter made of series of internal cross bracings and honeycombs of titanium/rhenium/DU/carbon fibre, but only the treads will be wider and longer (each tread is 1/3 the entire base of the thing).

Surrounding it and making the bulk of the body of the thing would be grounded bulkheads to protect against EMI/EMP attacks, as well as controlled deformation sections and hull armour, as well as the subsystems/weaponry and control network and all their redundancies. To finish it, the outermost layer would be spaced armour, about 30cm wide of a gap of shock-absorbing gel under plating and layers of ERA tiles.

It is in the gel layer that large blast overpressure protection systems work to quickly compensate for pressure differences experienced outside the hull before it can affect the crew and other things pertaining to structural integrity.

Besides, heavy ordinance is always bigger to hit with defensive measures. I'm thinking of a network of overlapping CIWS designated solely for ordinance interdiction coupled with tonnes of EW systems.

In any case, this thing will be a nightmare, not just on the battlefield, able to bring extremely high calibre support and a staging ground for VTOL and helo support, but also in logistics (not going anywhere developed), maintenance, etc.

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Assuming I continue with my UEF Fatboy incarnation, I've been pondering on what to give it in place of its IG side mounted 'Riot' guns. Is it feasible to set up a 57mm gattling cannon similar to the GAU-8? 100mm? I understand these things will be immense, and there would be only two on them.

Edited by Executive Minister
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