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Union of Communist Republics- Recognition of War


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Brengstklau: i attacked you.

UCR: wow you guys suck



Brengstklau: Thats it. For defending yourself we get 100 tech, 1,000,000,000 dollars, some new shoes, a gun, another list of things, and a book that will help us with our ego issues.

UCR: Up yours you attacked first and you disobeyed your own law.

Brengstklau: Ok since were bigging and stronger we dont care. Were gonna attack you.

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Also, slong, this is just a suggestion but provide screens or logs of them demanding 100 tech from you.

And did you attempt to diplomatically solve the issue before ordering your nations to attack the tech raider?

There should be a screenshot available shortly, I wasn't sent the letter so I can't screenshot it.

No, I did not attempt to diplomatically solve the issue because I checked their raiding policy and saw that the nation was on his own and would not be supported by his alliance.

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Don't you dare try to downplay the severity of this. The UCR was unjustly attacked by your protectorate and then extorted by the very same. What you are telling this alliance to do is "get over it." I'm disgusted and outraged. This offense is not to be marginalized and forgotten. At least by me it won't, and rest assured my good sir, GDA will be remembered as the alliance that condoned this injustice and made it possible for the offender to pull it off.

Wait, what? I'm not sure if you're trying to put words in my mouth, or if you have some personal vendetta against us, or if you've simply misunderstood the events leading up to this declaration.

The offending nation, the one who has been in an alliance for only 18 days, the one who's 37 days old, is still new to this game. He made a mistake. UCR then decides to declare war on him, ICB asks them to stop while they discuss the matter. UCR refuses. ICB gets tired of UCR wasting their time, and then asks for reps (which I have said in my "Official stance" that I do not condone). And here we are.

Now, I don't know if you do it differently, but if someone raids a GDA nation, I head on over to the offending party's IRC channel, let someone know about it, we discuss reparations, and we both go on our merry way. I do not send 3 nations to counterattack, because that just escalates the situation. And I think it's safe to say, about 90% of raids out there are simply nations who do not know the general rules of CN and have no other malicious intent.

I have said I am working on a solution, and I am hopeful that this can resolve peacefully, as I have said before. For the last time (because someone will probably miss this part) the reparations asked by ICB are something I don't agree with.

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There should be a screenshot available shortly, I wasn't sent the letter so I can't screenshot it.

No, I did not attempt to diplomatically solve the issue because I checked their raiding policy and saw that the nation was on his own and would not be supported by his alliance.

Why the hell not? Did you want a war?

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Why the hell not? Did you want a war?

why did you not highlight this part:

There should be a screenshot available shortly, I wasn't sent the letter so I can't screenshot it.

No, I did not attempt to diplomatically solve the issue because I checked their raiding policy and saw that the nation was on his own and would not be supported by his alliance.

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Wait, what? I'm not sure if you're trying to put words in my mouth, or if you have some personal vendetta against us, or if you've simply misunderstood the events leading up to this declaration.

The offending nation, the one who has been in an alliance for only 18 days, the one who's 37 days old, is still new to this game. He made a mistake. UCR then decides to declare war on him, ICB asks them to stop while they discuss the matter. UCR refuses. ICB gets tired of UCR wasting their time, and then asks for reps (which I have said in my "Official stance" that I do not condone). And here we are.

Now, I don't know if you do it differently, but if someone raids a GDA nation, I head on over to the offending party's IRC channel, let someone know about it, we discuss reparations, and we both go on our merry way. I do not send 3 nations to counterattack, because that just escalates the situation. And I think it's safe to say, about 90% of raids out there are simply nations who do not know the general rules of CN and have no other malicious intent.

I have said I am working on a solution, and I am hopeful that this can resolve peacefully, as I have said before. For the last time (because someone will probably miss this part) the reparations asked by ICB are something I don't agree with.

First off, it doesn't look like a mistake. It seems perfectly clear that as the reason for the war is a "moral dispute", my alliance member was attacked because he was a Communist. Second, ICB demanded reparations at the same time as they asked for a ceasefire.

Also, we did not "send" 3 nations to attack. The UCR government gave the green light for nations to attack the offending party, and 2 nations decided to take the offer. (the only 2 in strength range)

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Master Fod you wanted war like a !@#$% because you knew they were small alliance. SO if you want backing from everyone its not gonna happen. We all will see the UCR victorious

Actually UCR is woefully outnumbered and no one wishes to offer support. So seems like they're just going to get curbstomped.

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Well lets put it this way. The UCR is the vitim. Your member raided one of theres so they responded in a natural way in which everyone else would respond. Of course you knew that your member broke the rules but you still wanted them to pay for the damages even though the alliance was just protecting itself. So your alliance is just war mongers, who think they dont have to go by the rules because the other guy is smaller.

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First off, it doesn't look like a mistake. It seems perfectly clear that as the reason for the war is a "moral dispute", my alliance member was attacked because he was a Communist. Second, ICB demanded reparations at the same time as they asked for a ceasefire.

Also, we did not "send" 3 nations to attack. The UCR government gave the green light for nations to attack the offending party, and 2 nations decided to take the offer. (the only 2 in strength range)


I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

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