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King Kevz

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The discussions were over and the total result showed that the majority had voted to expand their lands by conquest rather than diplomacy and even though he was the Prime Minister of the Islands of Ice he couldn't force the military to halt their plans. Therefore he gathered his daughter and fled to his house away from any areas of civilisation thus making them safe from any sort of counter attack.

Meanwhile air bases across the whole nation were brimming with activity as ground crews prepared fighter aircraft for launch, ensuring they were fully equipped for air to air combat whilst bomber aircraft were mostly being equipped with air to surface missiles as they were to engage the Eggman Empire naval vessels once the recon birds had located them.

The said recon birds were even now approaching Eggman Empire airspace with the sole purpose of finding and identifying Eggman Empire naval facilities and vessels. All of the recon birds had a live connection back to the Islands of Ice military command so that the offensive operations could begin immediatly without having to wait for the delay of returning recon aircraft.

On the ground ground to air missile batteries were being brought online as was long and short range radar systems so that the nation was prepared for any airborne counter attack by the Eggman Empire, mobile ground to air armoured vehicles were either on assigned patrol routes or were held back in reserve to counter any penetration into Islands of Ice airspace.

Ground forces consisting of both infantry and armour were ready for one of two possibilities, if the orginal plan succeded and the Eggman Empire's naval forces were destroyed or routed they would board invasion craft and launch a naval assault onto the beaches of the Empire whilst paratroopers secured exit routes from the beaches. If however, the aerial bombing assault failed then they would move into defensive positions through out the territory of Islands of Ice and ensure they were ready to repel any assault.

For extra early warning advanced teams of ground recon soldiers had been air lifted by helicopter onto the unoccupied islands to the east of Islands of Ice where the main counter offensive from the Eggman Empire was almost certain to come from, this way they could warn the military command about incoming numbers and direction of hostiles.

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Seeing as much of the fighting would likely take place directly between the Islands of Ice and Eggman Empire territory, in the maze of uninhabited islands in the Viniland Protectorate, all traffic (SCV and aircraft) from the Arctican mainland to Northern Lights would cease until hostilities ended. The Islands of Ice government was informed of Arctica's strong displeasure not only with this development, but with the fact they were performing an aggressive war of conquest and did not set an example as good neighbors.

Both sides were also sent messages affirming that neither combatant had authorization to enter Arctican airspace or territorial waters. The three ICBMs in NL (carrying atomic warheads) which had been secretly placed on standby in their camouflaged silos and aimed at known Eggmanite military bases (following the sudden launch of missiles from that country earlier) had a slight change in plan. One of the missiles was put back on normal alert condition while operators input the coordinates of the Islands of Ice capital into the other. The final missile remained aimed at the largest known Eggmanite military base. The Arcticans had no plans of launching them, but considering the close proximity of the fighting to NL, leadership felt it necessary to make plans for any eventuality.

The situation was tense in Northern Lights, for soldiers and scientists alike. One of Arctica's three SCVs was stranded at the tiny archipelago, and the threat of war hung over the isolationist nation's head like a sword.

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*Announcement by Sammyace Kintober*

"Citizens of the Empire! Even as we deal with the treacherous attacks from a hidden enemy inside our own borders, a new enemy has sought to reveal itself." The forces of King Kevz has seen our weakness and decided to take advantage of it. With our defenses in the state they are currently, they might be successful in setting troops inside our borders. Even now, our spy satellites show their forces circle our country, waiting for the time to strike. I ask that when they do strike, every able bodied citizen pick up arms and repel the invaders! Drive them from our homes and lands! We shall make them regret ever even considering the possibility of attacking us! Be advised however, as they have not yet actually attacked us, but are merely eying our lands. Therefore, I have placed our military on high alert. If they do attack, we will be ready!"


"Sir, our forces are in disarray. We can't hope to drive a strong offense back. Our armies are still spread thin, hunting down the last of Jack's troops. Even rallying them will be difficult as Jack's parting gift was poisoning the transport routes with chemical weapons. It will be slow going to say the least." Phil Ryst; Head Minister of Defense, said. Kintober nodded.

"Well, centralize our forces the best you can. I want all our military back in their former positions ASAP. What's the status on our recon bases?"

"Jack did a number on them. He destroyed nearly 1/5, leaving us with some forty odd bases." Phil replied.

"Well, they're more important now that parts of the country side have been contaminated, so I guess that makes up for it. How are the cities defenses?" Kintober asked.

"Isen is a mess. Jack pounded the hell out of that place. There is a silver lining, though. All civilians have been evacuated and our positions are heavily dug in. Most of the other cities are fully staffed. We're ready. All things considered, I think we could've got worse." Phil stated.

"Well, I guess now we wait and see what Kevz does." Kintober said.


OOC: I'm going of to the field for 4 days. Kevz knows. See you all when I get back.

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**Message to Eggman Empire**

We many not be the best of friends, but we will not have Greenland attacked by a foreign invader. You will have our military assistance should you request it.


FRG remains in DefCon 2. The Navy has been recalled to Greenland and the 200,000 Atyrau troops have arrived in Greenland.

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"The government of Kitex condemns the IoI military for invading the Eggman Empire!"

OOC: Kevz clearly states that the military wants to invade.

The discussions were over and the total result showed that the majority had voted to expand their lands by conquest rather than diplomacy and even though he was the Prime Minister of the Islands of Ice he couldn't force the military to halt their plans. Therefore he gathered his daughter and fled to his house away from any areas of civilisation thus making them safe from any sort of counter attack.

Not saying anyone did anything IC, but just want to really clarify that is all.

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"The government of Kitex condemns the IoI military for invading the Eggman Empire!"

OOC: Kevz clearly states that the military wants to invade.

Not saying anyone did anything IC, but just want to really clarify that is all.

OOC: It's kind of a cop out, last resort pull-the-plug style thing.


Islands of Ice cannot even control their own military. A pity. We saw this coming.

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"This is nothing more than a blatant act of aggression. What, do your people have no room to live on your home?"

OOC: Also, Sammy, for when you get back...King Kevz may be the forum name and ingame ruler name, but that's not his RP nation's ruler's name. :(

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Statement From Islands of Ice

"Yes this is an imperialistic move by us for more land, and we welcome your condemnation of our actions. Regardless we seek more land, land which the Eggman Empire inhabits and from which we shall take".

"Your logic allows no room for the sovereignty of other nations or even the welfare of Eggmanite citizens. Islands of Ice has proven that it will initiate an unprovoked war for some breathing room. What assurances can you make that you will not continue to attack neighboring nations?"

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"Your logic allows no room for the sovereignty of other nations or even the welfare of Eggmanite citizens. Islands of Ice has proven that it will initiate an unprovoked war for some breathing room. What assurances can you make that you will not continue to attack neighboring nations?"

"Any citizens will be inducted and given the best treatment avaliable, they would become citizens of our nation. As for assurances the state of our military will most likly not be in any condition to continue any form of aggression. For all we now this attack itself may fail".

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"Any citizens will be inducted and given the best treatment avaliable, they would become citizens of our nation. As for assurances the state of our military will most likly not be in any condition to continue any form of aggression. For all we now this attack itself may fail".

"What if their desire is independence and the continuation of their government? What if they do not want to become citizens of an invading force?"

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As for assurances the state of our military will most likly not be in any condition to continue any form of aggression. For all we now this attack itself may fail".

"Are you saying that your conquest of neighboring territories will continue for as long as your military is in fighting shape?"

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"Carthage condemns this unnecessary and imperialistic war."

"Look at the pot calling the kettle black. :P Last i checked Carthage also waged an IMPERIALISTIC war in northern Africa. Tisk Tisk"

The Kingdom of Serca condemns this act of imperialism.

Edited by Serg92
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"Are you saying that your conquest of neighboring territories will continue for as long as your military is in fighting shape?"

"Negative. Once either a satisfactory amount of land has been achieved or our military offensive force is reduced to less than fifty percent attack strength then we shall cease offensive operations and will pay reparations to the Eggman Empire".

Golekh will send military aid to assist the Eggman Empire in fighting off the cowards.

"Any Golekh vessel now identified within one hundred nautical miles of the Eggman Empire shall be engaged and destroyed witout warning".

"Look at the pot calling the kettle black. :P Last i checked Carthage also waged an IMPERIALISTIC war in northern Africa. Tisk Tisk"

The Kingdom of Serca condemns this act of imperialism.

"Your condemnation has been noted and recorded".

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