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they dont sign treaties etc etc so it would be hard to find an alliance willing to help them out unless they were war hungry themselves or just are generous and would help them

That sounds just like us. :awesome:

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It's only stupid if you don't play to win.

Yes but cowarding away from the big bad wolf because you love your pixels too much. I mean what kind of world is that? I mean who could be next after AZTEC. If LE carries on like this with easy kills then there will be nobody to attack them.

Ever thought of that in account.

Edited by Hassman
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I never stated we don't have friends...nor are we opposed to making new ones. I was also eluding towards the fact, that due to this not being the first nor last incident of random aggression towards our alliance. We could by all intents and purposes end up changing our playing style; if TE only respects power and politics, we can begin to project both. We don't want too; we'd much rather continue to play like we've always have done in the past. But it seems every round we play, our way of life is targeted and assaulted by opportunistic aggressors. And if the only thing to keep aggressors at bay are power & politics, we will shift our style of play to protect our members and way of life.

Unfortunately leaders in TE often do not have the luxury of leading in an idealistic manner. It would be great if you could but in the end a leader is responsible for finding a way to insure his members will not continuously be on the rough side of a beatdown. If that means you have to slacken your ideals then that is what you have to do if you are fed up with the same thing happening over and over.

Honestly, I understand your viewpoint but in the end I am a pragmatist and first and foremost one has to change in order to overcome adversity, especially if it is an adversity you are continuously having to face.

Best of luck in whatever plan you decide to go forth with from this point.

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Unfortunately leaders in TE often do not have the luxury of leading in an idealistic manner. It would be great if you could but in the end a leader is responsible for finding a way to insure his members will not continuously be on the rough side of a beatdown. If that means you have to slacken your ideals then that is what you have to do if you are fed up with the same thing happening over and over.

Honestly, I understand your viewpoint but in the end I am a pragmatist and first and foremost one has to change in order to overcome adversity, especially if it is an adversity you are continuously having to face.

Best of luck in whatever plan you decide to go forth with from this point.

First off, it's great too see a familiar face in TE; even more so a higher quality poster...we need more intelligent posters in TE. Now with that said, I do agree with everything you've said...and if I were leading AZTEC as I did during the first 3 rounds. I would take measures to end this...repeating cycle. However, I am not a leader; just an intelligent commentator and member. However, I'm confident our current leadership will find a way to fix our current issue as well as continue to uphold our ideals and culture.

Lastly, thank you for your well wishes HeinousOne. I extend the same sentiments over to you all in Frostbite.

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It's only stupid if you don't play to win.

Why bother play to win? My chances of winning are already as slim as winning the lottery. I KNOW I don't have the skills to beat everyone in nation building. My "winning" is beating the next person I go to war with into a pulp.

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I doubt LE will keep you at war for more than a few days. So why the bickering? In TE, people attack people. It's not like LE got 50 allies together and hit you. Just enjoy fighting for a bit and then move on.


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I doubt LE will keep you at war for more than a few days. So why the bickering? In TE, people attack people. It's not like LE got 50 allies together and hit you. Just enjoy fighting for a bit and then move on.


Because we like winning our wars, picking our wars, and doing things on our own terms. If you were sitting around, running an experiment with a nation to view some outcomes; and some alliance out of the blue blitzes you, completely screwing over the test you ran as well as screwing over every other member of your alliance. Without an official recognition of war, or stated reason. You'll !@#$%* about it. It doesn't help that the war your fighting isn't by any stretch of the mind winnable nor have any official peace terms been discussed.

And as far as I have been told, by a member of LE at least. The reason for this war were actions we supposedly (I was not here for this duration, and don't remember any of it) took in round 5-6 "You guys kerbstomped us a while back when we were attaked 2-1 by the fellowship (could have been TPF) You waited until we were beat down and then you declared on us." And thus I should "Think on it as a giant tech raid and ask yourself why we never sent cruise and nukes in"...Except I've been CM'd from the start, and have still been being smashed past the point of defending myself.

So, as a former friend of LE's and one who once held them in high regard. I don't count there actions as honorable, tactful, or appreciated.

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Because we like winning our wars, picking our wars, and doing things on our own terms. If you were sitting around, running an experiment with a nation to view some outcomes; and some alliance out of the blue blitzes you, completely screwing over the test you ran.....

1. If every alliance only fought offensive and winnable wars, then there would be no war, as there always has to be someone defending and losing.

2. TE is not CN Beta, accept it.

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1. If every alliance only fought offensive and winnable wars, then there would be no war, as there always has to be someone defending and losing.

2. TE is not CN Beta, accept it.

1. Do you realize you just made no sense...at all. If an alliance fights an "Offensive" or "Winnable" war...there fighting a war. Irregardless to the defender initiating it or not.

2. No, it's CN Beta 2.1; I'll call it CN Lite. Scroll down to the bottom of the in-game page and tell me what you read besides "All Rights Reserved" before trying to make a point.

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And as far as I have been told, by a member of LE at least. The reason for this war were actions we supposedly (I was not here for this duration, and don't remember any of it) took in round 5-6 "You guys kerbstomped us a while back when we were attaked 2-1 by the fellowship (could have been TPF) You waited until we were beat down and then you declared on us." And thus I should "Think on it as a giant tech raid and ask yourself why we never sent cruise and nukes in"...Except I've been CM'd from the start, and have still been being smashed past the point of defending myself.

So much for all that, 'don't hold grudges over rounds' talk that used to go around, eh?

Round six, we were at war with The Red Guard at the beginning and The Northern Lights, Neverland Ranch and NoWedge from about midway through, right until the end.

I don't really recall there being much memorable happen in round five, but I've been in AZTEC every round since TE began and the only time I remember warring LE was back when you were in charge of AZTEC and they declared on us. As for the curbstomping, as far as I can recall, we've never been bigger than LE, nor one for declaring war on people for the sake of curbstomping them so that seems highly unlikely and looking back at the sanction race for Round 5, LE were bigger than us from the beginning to the end.

Looks to me like it's a case of mistaken identity. If I remember correctly, it was TPF who hit them twice last round, once at the beginning, once towards the end.

Edited by Mayzie
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So much for all that, 'don't hold grudges over rounds' talk that used to go around, eh?

Round six, we were at war with The Red Guard at the beginning and The Northern Lights, Neverland Ranch and NoWedge from about midway through, right until the end.

I don't really recall there being much memorable happen in round five, but I've been in AZTEC every round since TE began and the only time I remember warring LE was back when you were in charge of AZTEC and they declared on us. As for the curbstomping, as far as I can recall, we've never been bigger than LE, nor one for declaring war on people for the sake of curbstomping them so that seems highly unlikely and looking back at the sanction race for Round 5, LE were bigger than us from the beginning to the end.

Looks to me like it's a case of mistaken identity. If I remember correctly, it was TPF who hit them twice last round, once at the beginning, once towards the end.

Indeed, I lead during rounds 1-4 and we went to war with LE to defend ourselves. The latter rounds, you were in charge...So I'm as dumbfounded as you are as to this reason. I'm hoping Roan, or some other LE government member can break there silence on posting on these forums and offer some evidence to support this claim. Maybe it's a case of mistaken identity, maybe it's a fabrication, maybe it's the truth. But I'd love to see some evidence supporting it as fact; as you and I are the "Faces" of AZTEC and neither of us can remember the event taking place.

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A bit of development on the finding out what the hell is going off.

To: Ren Hoek From: red baron Date: 9/14/2009 3:27:46 PM

Subject: leader?

Message: Who is Aztec's leader?

To: red baron From: Ren Hoek Date: 9/14/2009 6:45:59 PM

Subject: RE: leader?

Message: I'm suprised you think we have a leader, you didn't recognise us as a sovereign alliance otherwise you'd have bothered to post a declaration of war on the TE OWF.

Instead you claim this to be a mass tech raid, except with the use of planes and cruise missiles, essentially decimating an alliance 1/3 of your size.

You might want to try contacting Paulh83 and Tak178.

To: Ren Hoek From: red baron Date: 9/14/2009 8:03:41 PM

Subject: RE: leader?

Message: LE has claimed nothing as far as tech raid or anything goes.

Please try to keep facts straight and don't tey and read anything into us based on your POV

Why did 5 of Aztec raid us when TPF had pounded us into the dirt end of last round. Did you think we would forget?

This was supposed to be only a visit back, and it has escalated.

We'd like to end it quickly, we had no intention of doing this much damage to you guys.

For that, I am sorry

So whoever said treat it as a tech raid, is wrong and I (you / them) should get the facts straight.

The next part of that message, well... :facepalm:

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This was about vengeance from another round. Wow. Sooo basicly the above post from Mayzie's sexy post is that you guys are tech raiding but your not admitting to it.

I don't get that. That's like robbing a bank while looking at the camera being arrested on the camera and going to court and saying "not guitly".

What would you think you would get when blitzing an alliance?

Edited by Hassman
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It's war now so stop all the greeting and fight.

If you can hold your own with LE in TE your learning the game,especially as there are not normally nukes flying around.

It's only pixels ladies. It's a game of strategy and nation building and fighting wars. WAR the opperative word.

I enjoy it anyway and love fighting with and against LE

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I guess everyone puts their own spin on things, don't they?

LE got hammered by TPF, nuked to death! We held on so when the 7 days expired we could still make a showing for ourselves. When the original wars were ending we were declaring on TPF and they on us as fast as we could though admittedly only on their lower half as thats all we could reach at that point (NS wise)

5 Aztek raided (?) us in the last 4 days of the round... 20% of your alliance at that time. You took advantage. Fair enough. We decided to say hello this round.

I'll admit it went further than anticipated, mostly because I chose not to DOW or talk to Aztec leadership. In that I was wrong. I should have contacted Aztek leadership.

Oh well, here we are, lets have some fun! We're dancing gentlemen, today WAPA has lead!

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I guess everyone puts their own spin on things, don't they?

5 Aztek raided (?) us in the last 4 days of the round... 20% of your alliance at that time. You took advantage. Fair enough. We decided to say hello this round.

I'll admit it went further than anticipated, mostly because I chose not to DOW or talk to Aztec leadership. In that I was wrong. I should have contacted Aztek leadership.

They certainly do, I just checked the sanction race for Round 6, just a few days before the end of the round, when the last update was done, we had 56 members. Makes your 20% of our alliance look like a little bit of a spin to me. ;)

Yes it was wrong, holding a grudge over rounds over a few tech raids or as De Caelo put it ''last few days all out warfare'' is quite honestly, petty and ridiculous.

What you're saying is you thought you'd just roll us, anarchy almost the entire alliance in three days then decide to talk about peace and no-one would notice that you'd just crushed a small alliance? Heaven forbid we might bring it to the attention of the public, to the attention of our friends and actually attempt to fight back, even from anarchy, against an alliance far superior than our own.

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Was always going to be the case. I think all but a handful of our nations had to take on nations larger than ourselves. Aztec was already wasted when we joined in. But, hey-ho, Aztec are our mates.

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win or lose ur backing up ur mates and thats what counts

Indeed, we never intended on dragging this out because of a feint hope of victory. It's a matter of principle, WAPA and ourselves are standing up for what we believe is an injustice. We'll be beaten, but we'll fight on and on until we bash our point across. Which could be argued is the reason LE hit us...but due to only 5 members out of a 50+ member alliance hit them; they took it to a whole new level by hitting our entire alliance. Thus why we fight...

The point is a simple one, don't !@#$ on our porch, we won't !@#$ on yours.

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