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Operation Chernorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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Foreign Minister Onatopp simply smiled, then pushed a button in the center of her pendant before entering the council room.

She then replied rather loudly: "I see that the undisciplined rabble that passes for your nation's army is rather welcoming. Your pathetic little attempts at intimidation are most amusing. So what do you have planned next?"

"You know..." Big Brother sat looking bored at the minister. "I would have loved to have you shot as soon as your piece of junk landed, but that unfortunately could not be done. As for undisciplined rabble, that term rather reminds me of you." he looked as though he were dreaming of giving the order to have Onatopp shot, and then said, "Yes, i could have done more than intimidate you, but no, I don't think i will. Not yet anyway. Oh, i don't believe you've been treated to our complimentary search down, have you?" he motioned for one of the soldiers to search the minister, which he did quite violently.

"The pendant." he pointed at it. "Remove it and place it on the table, 'minister'."

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Dr. Onatopp simply replied: "My answer to your request to remove my pendant is simple: No" The Minister simply laughed as she was searched knowing very well that Buryatia's government was aware of what was going on.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Dr. Onatopp simply replied: "My answer to your request to remove my pendant is simple: No"

"Is that so?" Big Brother smiled. Another soldier moved forward. "I would prefer if we did not have to remove it from you. It is obvious that you have used it for something." he then motioned to Kharkov, muttered something to him. Kharkov walked off quickly.


A mass deployment of anti-air guns and tanks and soldiers had surrounded Victory Square, along with jets making regular patrols around the area. Any unauthorized air vehicles will be shot down immediately.

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"Is that so?" Big Brother smiled. Another soldier moved forward. "I would prefer if we did not have to remove it from you. It is obvious that you have used it for something." he then motioned to Kharkov, muttered something to him. Kharkov walked off quickly.


A mass deployment of anti-air guns and tanks and soldiers had surrounded Victory Square, along with jets making regular patrols around the area. Any unauthorized air vehicles will be shot down immediately.

Buryatia's Foreign Minister simply sat there and smiled. At the Military High Command, the footage of what transpired, in the presence of the Haruhiist delegation no less, was transmitted around the world.


Inside Buryatia, the Air Force's F-22s and MiG 35s move to ready alert status and the Rocketry Corps places Buryatia's missiles on standby. The government orders the deployment of 110,000 Buryatian Soldiers along the border with Chernorussia. MiG 31s and Tupolev bombers are moved to bases close to the border with Chernorussia.

A squadron of 5 Buryatian A-50 Shmel AEW aircraft begin patrols near to Chernorussian airspace in an attempt to detect aircraft movements inside Chernorussian airspace. Buryatian peacekeepers on the ground inside Chernorussia take up a generally defensive posture, but continue to carry out their duties as normal

***Classified message to the government of Furon***

Situation regarding Chernorussia has deteriorated significantly, with the prospect of a conflict situation developing. We hereby formally submit a request for assistance to the government of Furon and afford them the use of three airbases in the south east of Buryatia. We will do everything possible to diffuse the situation with minimal casualties if possible

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: There isn't an HE delegate yet...

Suddenly, there was a beeping noise. Big Brother removed his cell phone from his pocket, which was now blaring. He grinned.

"So your aircraft came a little too close to Chernorussian airspace...unfortunate." he motioned for Kharkov to come over, and said "All aircraft not of Chernorussian make are to be shot down on sight in Chernorussian territory. Send click-18 amount of troops and click-6 amount of tanks to the border, and have click-2 AA guns there." he looked back at Onatopp. "You take a foolish action, Onatopp. War is not what we desire, yet you, being the barbaric and warmongering creature you are, have gone too far. Take her and her soldiers into custody immediately." 12 soldiers moved forward to disarm the soldiers.

Edited by Nagato the Great
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OOC: There isn't an HE delegate yet...

Suddenly, there was a beeping noise. Big Brother removed his cell phone from his pocket, which was now blaring. He grinned.

"So your aircraft came a little too close to Chernorussian airspace...unfortunate." he motioned for Kharkov to come over, and said "All aircraft not of Chernorussian make are to be shot down on sight in Chernorussian territory. Send click-18 amount of troops and click-6 amount of tanks to the border, and have click-2 AA guns there." he looked back at Onatopp. "You take a foolish action, Onatopp. War is not what we desire, yet you, being the barbaric and warmongering creature you are, have gone too far. Take her and her soldiers into custody immediately." 12 soldiers moved forward to disarm the soldiers.

OOC: Actually, Elrich's post will indicate that the Haruhiist Vice Empress accompanied FM Onatopp. Secondly my aircraft never even entered your airspace, nor do you have the capacity to detect all of the aircraft in question. I'll wait for you to edit your post before I post my next reply :)

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: Actually, Elrich's post will indicate that the Haruhiist Vice Empress accompanied FM Onatopp. Secondly my aircraft never even entered your airspace, nor do you have the capacity to detect all of the aircraft in question.

OOC: oh.

and you're aircraft flew dangerously close to the border. we can detect that.

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OOC: Actually I said:

A squadron of 5 Buryatian A-50 Shmel AEW aircraft begin patrols near to Chernorussian airspace. The A-50 Shmel can detect from a range up to 230km. What radar systems are you using, when were they deployed (on such short notice) and do they have that range? If they do, then I'll acknowledge that you detected the A-50s.

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OOC: Actually I said:

A squadron of 5 Buryatian A-50 Shmel AEW aircraft begin patrols near to Chernorussian airspace. The A-50 Shmel can detect from a range up to 230km. What radar systems are you using, when were they deployed (on such short notice) and do they have that range? If they do, then I'll acknowledge that you detected the A-50s.

OOC: near is enough. we use p-18 radars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-18_radar) which have a range of 250 km. we deployed them as soon as we got the territory as a precaution.

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We would be delighted. Even now, our airforce prepares. We will send a few troops, as well, in order to safeguard the bases, via C-130s. We thank you for contacting us.


7 Squadrons of F-22 Raptors and 4 Squadrons of Tupolev Tu-160 Bombers were prepared immediately, and began to make their way to three Buryatian airbases. C-130s were mobilized, as were Furion Airborne and Soldiers. They would make trips back and forth, until eventually, (ooc: not yet, but as the time of service goes on), 1,000 Furion soldiers would be in the Buryatian military bases.

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OOC: There isn't an HE delegate yet...

Suddenly, there was a beeping noise. Big Brother removed his cell phone from his pocket, which was now blaring. He grinned.

"So your aircraft came a little too close to Chernorussian airspace...unfortunate." he motioned for Kharkov to come over, and said "All aircraft not of Chernorussian make are to be shot down on sight in Chernorussian territory. Send click-18 amount of troops and click-6 amount of tanks to the border, and have click-2 AA guns there." he looked back at Onatopp. "You take a foolish action, Onatopp. War is not what we desire, yet you, being the barbaric and warmongering creature you are, have gone too far. Take her and her soldiers into custody immediately." 12 soldiers moved forward to disarm the soldiers.

OOC: Ignoring the radar bit for now. Once there's a GM ruling I'll edit this post accordingly

IC: As the 12 soldiers moved forward the 4 Buryatian Soldiers, they decided to go down fighting rather than suffer the dishonor of being captured. They drew their weapons and fired at the Chernorussian soldiers. Inside the room, Dr. Onatopp could not stop smiling. She glanced at her 'captors' and replied:

"Now that you have me in custody. What exactly were you planning to do next?"-Dr. Onatopp.

The Pendant, and the camera continued to record...

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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The Buryatian soldiers, skilled as they were, were outnumbered and killed. One of the soldiers then grabbed the pendant and threw it to the ground, grinding it down with his foot. Big Brother smiled back and said:

"Kill her."

The pendant was not there to record the sound of gunshots and the fall of Onatopps body.

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The Buryatian soldiers were killed, but not before managing to kill several of their opponents.

As Dr. Onatopp hit the ground, the camera embedded in her jacket captured the last moments as she was struck by a hail of bullets. With one final breath she shouted:

"Par Buryatia!" (For Buryatia)

At Buryatia's Military High Command, an immediate alarm went off as Dr. Onatopp's vital signs faded to nothing.

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Katerina Rokossovska received an altogether different pendant by air-post that day. As she opened the box she would withdraw a jade pendant trimmed in gold. The Jade was engraved with the figurine of an Imperial 5 toed dragon dancing in a Celtic Knot. She had received the first Loyal Asian Ally Pendant for her state. It's eyes seemed to glow green as she touched it and then fade to regular jade.

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OOC: :mellow: i intended for azenquor to say she was only injured. but whatever.

IC: Big Brother turned to Sakuya and her guards.

"You will follow these 12 soldiers now, to custody, or suffer their fate. Kharkov, maximize defenses. Send click-16 troops and click-8 tanks into the Buryatian military base, and send bombers as well."

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***Classified Message to the Furon Military Command***

We are moving to standby. We intend to begin with a primarily air based campaign. We have set up direct communication between our two Military Commands to ensure expedient and efficient cooperation. We will transmit a coded message to your command ten minutes before we begin the air campaign. We await your response.

***Message to the AUP, delivered by Buryatia’s Observer delegation***

“Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that Buryatia’s Foreign Minister has been assassinated by soldiers from Chernorussia. As a delegation from the Haruhiist Empire was set to accompany them and the Haruhiist Empire is a member nation of the AUP we thought to bring this matter to your urgent attention.”

The leader of the delegation then hands the AUP Congress a copy of the tape recorded by the camera in Onatopp’s jacket, and the pendant, as well as the medical reports from the High Command detailing the exact moments of her death.

***Buryatian Military Base***

As the Chernorussian soldiers approached the base, a loud speaker announced:

“You are approaching sovereign Buryatian territory. If you cross the boundary into the base we shall be forced to open fire. We repeat this is a sovereign Buryatian Military Base."

The 8 MiG 31 Interceptors are scrambled and begin patrols monitoring for any incoming aircraft. The Aircraft carrier leaves the base but remains close enough to launch fighters if necessary. As a preliminary step, 5 Su-33 Aircraft are launched from the Aircraft Carrier.

75 of the 100 Attack helicopters stationed at the base are scrambled into the air.

The Buryatian troops along the border (not at the base, but at the mainland border) remain on alert and wait for their marching orders.

===Buryatian Presidential Palace, Yakutsk, Buryatia===

President Rokossovska opened the box that arrived in the mail and gasped as she looked at the magnificent pendant before her.

"Who could have sent me this?"

As she traced the intricate design with her finger, she ran down a mental checklist of persons who could possibly have sent the pendant.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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