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Who would ever want to be king?


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This thread will be my one indulgence to attention-whoring; I think I've earned it. I'm going to blather on about my time as Emperor of the Roman Empire, and then I'll make some brilliant-sounding observations about Tournament Edition.

I created the Empire in Round 2. We were pathetically small, mostly due to the fact that I was an incompetent noob. We were constantly raided, but it helped us to learn. Come Round 3, we launched what I consider to be the most effective recruiting drive in Tournament Edition history, gaining some 100 nations on the first day alone. I had help with that, from my two deputies ActionPacMan and Starchaser. Together we set the foundations of the alliance that you see today. In time, they left, and I was mostly alone, guiding a sanctioned alliance through war, rebuilding, betrayal, and isolation. We survived, we grew, we prospered. In time, we began to take a more prominent position on the world stage, culminating with our toppling of Harmful and ascension to the top spot. Round 6 was truly the golden age of our alliance, a true Pax Romana. Our power was unmatched, our enemies disorganized and scattered. I had grand plans, glorious plans for a new Tournament Edition, and it was all to start in Round 7. I thought us invincible, untouchable. I thought I had planned for all eventualities, readied us for any threat. I was wrong, though just barely. I did not anticipate Frostbite, that wild card, who's appearance changed the balance of power more then I could adjust to. I know that, were it not for Frostbite, the recent war would have had a hugely different result. Without Frostbite, we would have won. But it was not to be. Rome lost, WOLF lost, and the path of Tournament Edition changed. Fate makes a mockery of our dreams, a lesson I learned too late. Woe for what has been lost, but Rome endures. Rome always endures. There is only one thing I really regret, the destruction of The Shadowmen. I overreacted, and I apologize for my actions, though mere words cannot rebuild what I destroyed.

Now for some utterly brilliant observations! These are opinions only, keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that anything I say no longer represents official Roman policy.

1. To those of you who think Tournament was put here for mindless fighting: you will destroy this game. You will drive more and more players out until there are too few left for Admin to justify the costs of the extra server.

2. Tournament Edition cycles. I've been here long enough to observe those cycles. A superpower rises, a coalition forms, the superpower falls, and the victors rise to take their place. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again".

3. The mixing of Standard and Tournament is dangerous. I'm slightly hypocritical in that area, but I believe it to be true. Be careful, lest this become Bob 2.0

4. People are far too concerned with "fair" wars. War is never fair. I believe that every resource you have should be brought to bear against your enemies. If you think differently, fine, but don't change your opinion as soon as morality becomes inconvenient for your grand plans. Stick with your principles.

In closing, I'd like to thank some people without whom I could never have brought Rome to what it is now.

Folger, my right hand man and heir. Your support has helped me through the hardest times of Tournament and life.

Carpatus, my tech genius and longtime friend. You've been loyal far longer then I deserve.

JRoix, you've been with me from the very beginning. You've always helped whenever I needed it. I thank you.

Ed, my protege in all things military. You'll do well with the new Military Command.

Rand alThor, your depth of experience was a valuable asset and your wisdom was far more valuable then you'll ever know.

Mazzarin, you helped me set up our new military system, and your loyalty goes beyond anything I've ever known.

Aragorn, you and I have gone through a lot together, and we've been friends since Rome was created.

Kaiser Milch, I see a lot of myself in you. Your future is bright, wherever you go.

Spencer, you're one of the best people to fight alongside, and you've always been supportive. Thank you.

ADude, you worked hard to show your skill, and your efforts paid off. Congratulations.

Easton, I appreciate everything your hard work, and the fervent support you've always shown me.

Kingneptune, you've showed a lot of potential. I hope you'll stay with RE.

If I missed anyone, I'm sorry. This is a post about the Roman Empire, so only Romans were included, though there are many others who helped me.

In conclusion, I'm not leaving entirely. I'll still be around, just a lot less. I trust that the Empire will continue to be strong under my successors. I will miss leading the Empire, but RL must come first.

Hail the Empire, Hail the new Emperors, Hail a new era for Rome!

Tiberius12, Emperor Emeritus, Founder of the Roman Empire, Most Hated Leader in Tournament Edition

Edited by Tiberius12
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Sorry to see, Tiberius. I've been through only 2 rounds but you're a huge part of TE. It won't be quite the same.

Btw: You're observations were exactly on target.

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Tiberius you are a great leader... If you don't remember I was one of your first allies when I was King of Warlordz... And I loved it :) Then I came back last round and I didn't like what I saw... You changed over the past few rounds... You got power hungry just like MI got... You are very right a superpower rises, a coalition forms, the superpower falls over and over... :P I hope to see you leading RE again so we can have some fun. ;)

Edited by HisK Owns You
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There is only one thing I really regret, the destruction of The Shadowmen. I overreacted, and I apologize for my actions, though mere words cannot rebuild what I destroyed.

Thank you Tiberius, it takes a real man to admit his own fault. I would also like to apologize for my childish acts against you, I also overreacted to our alliance being obliterated. I'm glad we had our little talk a few days ago and cleared everything up, maybe one day we can be friends :wub:

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Roman Empire has always been my second-fave TE alliance, in large part to you, Tibs. I love hanging out in your IRC channel, and I've always loved plotting ebil things with you behind everyone's backs. Every now and then, when no one's looking - I still run with scissors. Glad to see you'll be sticking around, and the guys you have picking up the slack are going to do great. There's a LOT of slack there without you around as much, but they've got the skills and they've got the knowledge. I think they'll do good and make you even prouder of them than you are now.

Cyas around the warz.

o/ Tibs

o/ RE

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Good luck Tibs with RL, I do appreciate your HONOR. Although thats a dirty word sometimes in TE, it is an attribute that you wear well... :wub: Look forward to you taking a leadership position again in the future.

Passes Folger a beer, Now then everything will be just fine... :awesome:

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There is a difference between power hungry and war hungry.

I think they are both good for TE because the former invariably attracts the latter.

Anything that fosters peace in TE is inherently bad for the game. Its not like I like beating rulers down or destroying nations but this is a tournament. Peace in TE would be akin to opponents in a chess game reluctant to cross the middle of the board regardless of how good the reasons offered were. The whole point is to mix it up, right?

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I think they are both good for TE because the former invariably attracts the latter.

Anything that fosters peace in TE is inherently bad for the game. Its not like I like beating rulers down or destroying nations but this is a tournament. Peace in TE would be akin to opponents in a chess game reluctant to cross the middle of the board regardless of how good the reasons offered were. The whole point is to mix it up, right?

The power hungry have a natural compulsion to protect what they already have. WOLF is one such example.

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Folger, my right hand man and heir. Your support has helped me through the hardest times of Tournament and life.

I can't think of anyone else I'd rather support, Tibs. Come on back when you're ready.

Passes Folger a beer, Now then everything will be just fine... :awesome:

Hahaha... I'll support Wiz on THAT one though!

Edited by Folger Soldier
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