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Scottish Declaration of Victory and Unification

Proxian Empire

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10:50 AM Scottish Broadcasting Corporation (SBC):

This morning King Douglas gathered the Scottish press to announce a series of bold new ventures and wonderful news for Scottish citizens and her allies alike.

"My loyal subjects, I am most pleased to announce today that the Scottish military has successfully infiltrated the rogue Krieg 'government' as of this morning. As if their atrocious disregard for human rights, pitiful excuse for governance, and miserable living conditions were not enough for these criminals, MI6 has discovered evidence that the Krieg 'government' was in allegiance with the terrorist organisation known as España," the King said.*

"We cannot allow terrorists to threaten our brave nation, nor our Iberian Pact allies. As such I authorised the capture and detainment of these terrorist scum to be imprisoned in the most secure location following their trial. The rogue state known as the Krieg is no more, and has effectively ground itself to dust following the success of our most highly trained officials. I assure you that as long as I breath, Scotland shall be free." The King received a gesture of applause from those in the crowd.

"Today is a day for celebration! Not only have we put an end to the greatest threat we have known since the Stockholm War**, but I have another important announcement to make. Effective today, the Kingdom of Wales has officially decided to re-unite with the Kingdom of Scotland and make our island whole once more. Let us embrace our brothers and sisters, so that the whole world may hear our voice! God bless Scotland the brave!"

*España once threatened the lives of millions of innocent Scottish citizens, including a terrorist attack on the Scottish government. King Douglas was held hostage over a year ago by Lee Mercer Jr., believed to be the leader of the España terrorist movement. He along with fellow España criminals had been released into the Krieg wasteland, and reportedly began to plot a new assault upon Scottish sovereignty.

** Years ago, Scotland once controlled the city of Stockholm as sovereign Scottish territory. The Uberstein Empire attempted to illegally obtain the city, and the Scottish answered their challenge with war. The war resulted in Baron Uberstein nuking several of his own cities, and was resolved when a third party (MyKep) negotiated a cease fire.

Edited by King Penchuk
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And so the island of Great Britain is once again unified under the banner of Scotland. A most pleasing development.

The Bailiwick of Conti has already made its opinion clear about the collapse of Krieg, a regime it has always refused to recognise. [...] Scotland's contribution to the demise of this dangerous rogue state has been decisive and greatly appreciated in Conti.

We can only join Euzkadi in wishing inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula a peaceful and prosperous future now that this threat has been permanently removed.

Edited by Council of Ten
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Dipartimento degli Affari Esteri - Gran Consiglio del Fascismo

Department of Foreign Affairs - Great Council of Fascism

The Fascist Regime expresses its regret for reunification. This is the result of the hostile attitude of your government towards our.

Renato Foggia, Consul General of MVSN and Chief of Department of Foreign Affairs

Edited by Arathog
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"We congratulate Scotland on the unification, however would like to request the proof of the Kriegian ties with España to be made public as well. Your disposition towards the Empire of Krieg has been... far from neutral."

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"Considering the fact that the Lee Mercer incident was the reason for Queen Amyante to leave for Rathlin Island -- and ultimately Manchuria -- in the first place, and that we were holding a trade agreement with the Krieg at the moment of their fall, it is information we would indeed wish to see with our own eyes, yes."

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To commemorate this occasion, France presents Scotland with this statue of Brittania, sculpted by arts students of the University of Paris using materials collected by volunteers from the English Channel. It was delivered to the Scottish government along with an official statement from the Parliament of France commending King Douglas on his exemplary leadership that have ensured the freedom and prosperity of Scotland. Noting the long history of friendship that had existed between the two nations since the Auld Alliance was first concluded 700 years ago, French commitments to continuing good relations was also expressed.

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The Aether Empire sends the following message.

Zarfef: Ha ha... hAH HA HA! BWAH MWAH HA HA HA!!! YOU overthrew Krieg. Or was it Rebel Army? After all, it is was you, why were they needed to quell the chaos? Couldn't handle what you bit off? But. It is a shame to see the Krieg Empire gone, especially given how much power they had in driving your daily life in circles, we were hoping to video tape your day to day routines about yapping about Krieg... and post them on YouTube!

Zarfef: I do no know what happened to the Krieg Empire, but I do not believe YOU were powerful enough to stop it. Instead, we have our own suspicions as to who the REAL culprits are!


Zarfef: They even forced our puppet government figure posing as Krieg, Old Man Williams, to join them in their petty journeys to stop crime. AND WE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO! Bah.

Zarfef: YOU WIN THIS TIME! BUT NOT THE NEXT TIME PROXIA! Mwah ha, hoo hah ha ha!

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