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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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Minilla Island wishes to formally apply for membership in the AUP.

"Promised Land sees no issue with this."

Big Brother suddenly said.

"It appears that there has been a misunderstanding. We will not be joining the AUP yet and rescind the original request, which appears to have been sent without my consent at all. I hope this does not anger you."

"Not at all, not at all."

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"I have just received confirmation that some of the land between Buryatia and Yuktobania has been granted to Chernorussia." Big Brother said after some time had passed with no incident. "With that confirmation i would like to once again request that Chernorussia be allowed into the AUP."

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"Now that Chernorussia has Buryatia's approval, we may consider it an independent state. As such, we no longer have any objections to their application for membership, and vote 'Aye'. As for Minilla Island, the AUP has had the pleasure of dealing with them before, during the negotiations for the transfer of part of the AUP protectorate to them, and has proven itself most cordial during these meetings. We therefore vote 'Aye' on their application for membership as well."

Edited by Amyante
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"Thank you." Big Brother said. "Now, i have a slight concern relating to the recent assassination attempt on Sakuya Hayashi. I have here a recently procured and quite grisly picture as well as a something of a story about the Crown Empress brutally killing her would-be assassin. You understand what may happen if a picture of it leaks into international media, even worse, with a caption saying something along the lines of "The true face of the AUP". If that happens, it will affect us all." he paused. "I hope this is not a habit of yours? Torturing and brutally murdering criminals?"

Edited by Nagato the Great
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"Thank you." Big Brother said. "Now, i have a slight concern relating to the recent assassination attempt on Sakuya Hayashi. I have here a recently procured and quite grisly picture as well as a something of a story about the Crown Empress brutally killing her would-be assassin. You understand what may happen if a picture of it leaks into international media, even worse, with a caption saying something along the lines of "The true face of the AUP". If that happens, it will affect us all." he paused. "I hope this is not a habit of yours? Torturing and brutally murdering criminals?"

OOC: The incidents there are private, and are not known to the public world. The only pictures they could have are of her with the bloody sword.


"The Empire does not normally brutally torture criminals, or kill them in such a manner. The incident supposedly reported at the Palace was because of the nature of the crime. It was absolute treason, and an attempt on the life of a high-ranking royal family member."

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OOC: oh. okay. XD should i change my post then?

IC: "I do not challenge your policies." Big Brother assured the empress. "I am merely saying that i do not think that any crime constitutes such a painful and slow death." he thought for a moment, then said: "I will also let you know that I will not speak with this Vice-Empress Hayashi nor make any dealings with the Haruhiist Empire through her. As much as I agree you should decide how to deal with your criminals, I do not consider her actions anything less than torture and murder, thus I will not deal with her. I hope this does not hurt relations between us."

Edited by Nagato the Great
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OOC: oh. okay. XD should i change my post then?

IC: "I do not challenge your policies." Big Brother assured the empress. "I am merely saying that i do not think that any crime constitutes such a painful and slow death." he thought for a moment, then said: "I will also let you know that I will not speak with this Vice-Empress Hayashi nor make any dealings with the Haruhiist Empire through her. As much as I agree you should decide how to deal with your criminals, I do not consider her actions anything less than torture and murder, thus I will not deal with her. I hope this does not hurt relations between us."

"Vice-Empress Hayashi handles all external affairs straightforward. This includes most dealings for the AUP." Kagami stood there, and then shook her head at this man's idiocy. "She is a very competent person, and her actions can be justified. It is not murder, nor torture. For the moment it happened, she lost control of her own soul, and anger took hold. Your saying, that she didn't have the right to act according to her own choices?"

"Your words ring close to saying, we shouldn't have cared that an attempt to assassinate her took place."

Observer Status for Buryatia: Granted.

List of Observers:

- Groenlandia

- Buryatia

- The Dragon Empire

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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"Vice-Empress Hayashi handles all external affairs straightforward. This includes most dealings for the AUP." Kagami stood there, and then shook her head at this man's idiocy. "She is a very competent person, and her actions can be justified. It is not murder, nor torture. For the moment it happened, she lost control of her own soul, and anger took hold. Your saying, that she didn't have the right to act according to her own choices?"

"Your words ring close to saying, we shouldn't have cared that an attempt to assassinate her took place."

"No, I am positive that the man deserved to have a blade shoved down his throat, his face sliced apart, his tendons and wrists cut to pieces, and finally have his throat slit for attempting to shoot this 'Vice Empress'." his voice turned cold as he saw Kagami shake her head like he was an idiot. "Someone who gets their enjoyment out of things like that belong nowhere near a government office: they belong in an asylum. Never have I seen nor heard of anyone defending such actions, even worse, by Royalty. This person is no ruler, she's nothing more than a sadistic psychotic."

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"I would suggest you hold your tongue, it is dangerous to speak like that..."

"I'm sorry. I have a terrible temper. But you surely cannot agree that someone who gets their kicks out of stuffing swords down people's throats should actually hold a government post?" he took a deep breath. "I apologize. I mean no offense to anyone. I got...riled up, I suppose."

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"I'm sorry. I have a terrible temper. But you surely cannot agree that someone who gets their kicks out of stuffing swords down people's throats should actually hold a government post?" he took a deep breath. "I apologize. I mean no offense to anyone. I got...riled up, I suppose."

Kagami hisses slightly under he tongue, and stares at this individual.

"What makes you think she always gets a kick out of such things? The only reason she got a kick out of it this time, was because it was someone who tried to make her suffer and endure pain. She returned the favor. Our Vice-Empress hates blood, and hates causing pain. This was a case where that rule was an exception, and she had to mentally prepare herself before even thinking of personally harming this man."

She then huffed a little, and prepared to say the most important thing she would say.

"Considering your government apparently had not even left our nation, and was secretive to those within the room"

She prepared herself.

"It must means your nation has spies within ours. If this is the case, admit to it now, or be barred entry from the AUP. Blatantly spying on a member nation could reward harsher consequences from that."

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We would like to know what is going on? If someone was actually assassinated or executed or whatever it is news to all of us... and we were at the coronation. We'd also like to know where chernorussia got their information; unless they are spying on the Haruhiist empire or were the ones who carried out the assassination attempt they shouldn't even be aware of the events...

Edited by iamthey
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"Still, one has to admit that these rumors are particularly detailed given that the matter would fall under Haruhiist State Security. Also, given the overwhelming amount of testimonies that the perpetrator had a gun we find it highly unlikely that Vice Empress Sakuya deliberately went out to kill a gunner with a sword. This is not an anime, no spells were cast and it is therefore our opinion that a second attempt thwarted by self defense would be much more likely."

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"Considering your testimony's detail, as noted by Amyante, it's rather clear that you have spies within our Empire. As such, the Empire hereby detains all Chernorussian civilians within it's borders. An investigation into espionage shall go underway, and those found guilty will receive punishment for espionage, and infiltration into our borders. Unless you wish to come forward, and state who these people were openly, this will take longer than it could."

Kagami smirked, this was truth.

"We despise showing hostility to your people, except, due to the strange cirumstances arising as of late, this is a required measure. Your "laptop" and the one with you, will be detained in this room. As for the depth of your reports, i would like pictures, and any other information you've received from your sources here. If you really do want to see these trials go faster, and see the perpetrators dealt with quickly so that your civilians must not suffer, then feel free to do so."

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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"Considering your testimony's detail, as noted by Amyante, it's rather clear that you have spies within our Empire. As such, the Empire hereby detains all Chernorussian civilians within it's borders. An investigation into espionage shall go underway, and those found guilty will receive punishment for espionage, and infiltration into our borders. Unless you wish to come forward, and state who these people were openly, this will take longer than it could."

Kagami smirked, this was truth.

"We despise showing hostility to your people, except, due to the strange cirumstances arising as of late, this is a required measure. Your "laptop" and the one with you, will be detained in this room. As for the depth of your reports, i would like pictures, and any other information you've received from your sources here. If you really do want to see these trials go faster, and see the perpetrators dealt with quickly so that your civilians must not suffer, then feel free to do so."

Before the girl who called herself a minister got to "this will take longer" the screen had gone black, and the representative had quickly left. A note was left on the screen: If the Haruhiist Empire does not release any Chernorussians in their custody we will do the same for your civilians in our nation.

Back in Chernorussia, Big Brother rolled his eyes: what did he expect from a nation run by children? Even worse, bloodthirsty psychopathic children. He shook his head, and made sure the order to arrest all Haruhiists within Chernorrusia was given. His threat had been empty anyway: as far as he knew, no airlines to the Haruhiist Empire had been made, so no Chernorussians could have possibly been arrested anyway.

Edited by Nagato the Great
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