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Press conference to be held in Cinigrad

Razgriz 2K9

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OOC: Due to the ending of Part 1, this will be a press conference reviewing the events of Part 1 and will set the stage for part 2.

IC: General Zhukov II stood up on a podium, looking out to the crowd of reporters from many different nations. As far as safety is concerned. The Yuke Army and Air Forces is keeping any potential threats in check.

"I am ready to answer any questions you give me." Zhukov said confidently.

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A reporter from the Haruhiist Empire, Yamamoto Osaka, held up her hand and prepared her question for the General.

"Zhukov II, as you know a power bloc hasn't recently been formed for Asian Unity, what are your thoughts on this. Do you think Yuktobania will join such a treaty?"

Yuktobania is highly supportive of Asian Unity, and we are willing to join such a treaty, however, due to pressing circumstances, Yuktobania will delay its joining of the bloc until our internal affairs have been settled.

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A Kitexian reporter stood up "I have a couple of questions for you. First, What do you think of the world's recent interest in Antarctica? Secondly, Will you actively seek out friends and allies? Finally, what are your thoughts on the nation of Kitex?"

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OOC: I lol over the fact that none of these have anything to do with the civil war, but still......


A Kitexian reporter stood up "I have a couple of questions for you. First, What do you think of the world's recent interest in Antarctica? Secondly, Will you actively seek out friends and allies? Finally, what are your thoughts on the nation of Kitex?"

Antartica has become what most people call the "Last Frontier on Earth." There may be supplies in there that is not found elsewhere. That's why they are after the proverbial White gold mines of Antartica.

Secondly, The Yuktobanian government is always actively seeking out allies, we were close allies with the Hanseatic Commonwealth, but now we are leaning towards an alliance with Buryatia and Diadochoi.

Lastly, The nation of Kitex is the only indigenous nation in Antartica proper. Though many Yuktobanians do not know about this wonderous country, we believe that they are the one true Antartican regional power.

A CAU reporter stands up as well. "Do you approve of the MDP between the Kreig and the CAU?"

Unlike many nations, we are tolerable of countries that have a different government than us, unlike many countries in Europe that are afraid of fascism. Though we have no qualms against the type of government, there will be problems if a nation endangered the national sovreignty of another, for example, Dranagg's recent invasion of the Netherlands. Therefore, we approve of the MDP between the Kreig and the CAU.

OOC: Though it would help to know where the CAU is......

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Unlike many nations, we are tolerable of countries that have a different government than us, unlike many countries in Europe that are afraid of fascism. Though we have no qualms against the type of government, there will be problems if a nation endangered the national sovreignty of another, for example, Dranagg's recent invasion of the Netherlands. Therefore, we approve of the MDP between the Kreig and the CAU.

OOC: Though it would help to know where the CAU is......

OOC: Central USA.

IC: Jotting this down, he follows up with "Do you think if the CAU had interved, that the civil war's outcome would have been different?"

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Yamamoto Osaka stood up, preparing to ask another question.

"What are your positions on the Haruhiist Empire. Our God-Empress apparently had made remarks towards establishing close ties with Yuktobania. Also, what shall the civil war have impact-wise on foreign relations, or your government?"

We wish to establish close ties with the Haruhiist Empire, it was actually on the agenda of Prime Minister Catherine Reznov before the assassination attempt that put her in a coma. We still wish for ties with the Empire. But on foriegn relations with many of our friends and allied countries, it has not changed, but we hope to find support for our friends and allies.

Jotting this down, he follows up with "Do you think if the CAU had interved, that the civil war's outcome would have been different?"

Truthfully, I do not know yet. The Military Strength of the Eagles of Dawn, formerly known as the Pan-Asian Party, is unknown but is constantly growing with each day. Our military is doing the best we can but, I don't know how long this war will drag on.

Still, we welcome any support anyone is willing to offer us.

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What are your thoughts on the Malvinas?

also what is your governments official stance behind the provokation of such monsterous acts of Terrorism?

I admit, Yuktobanians don't know much about the Malvinas but we can arrange a opening of relations between the two countries.

As for terror, we condemn all acts of terrorism across the world. It is because of terror groups like the Eagles of Dawn that we are fighting this war right now.

Joseph Unimportant, Channel 69 News

"What are your thought on Groenlandia and its new territory in Antarctica. Also, caek or pie?"

"We congratulate Groenlandia on acquiring its new territory in Antarctica and we wish them the best of luck. And Just between you and me, I prefer caek." (Laughter)

Yamamoto stood up and motioned to Zhukov II, a paper waving in his hand, neatly tucked into an envelope.

"Mr. Zhukov, This letter has been asked by God-Empress Haruhi to be delivered to you. Will you allow me to hand it to you?"

"I would allow you to do so, madam."

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A Zargathian reporter stood up as well.

"Given that the Pan Asia Party originated in Buryatia, will you be requesting their assistance -- and that of other neighboring countries -- in this war against terrorism or would you prefer to keep this contained as an internal Yuktobanian matter?"

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Yamamoto Osaka stood up, and walked forward. She handed the letter to General Zhukov II.

The back was sealed with the royal seal of the Haruhiist Empire. Written below it: Deliver Personally.

Inside it read:

General Zhukov II,

If you've received this letter, than you have met Yamamoto Osaka. Consider this a private invitation to Haruhigrad in the future. We view Yuktobania as a key ally in the future, considering your closeness to our region. Hopefully you'll write back to this.


God-Empress Haruhi Suzumiya

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Zhukov placed the letter in his hand. "Thank you Ms. Osaka."

"Given that the Pan Asia Party originated in Buryatia, will you be requesting their assistance -- and that of other neighboring countries -- in this war against terrorism or would you prefer to keep this contained as an internal Yuktobanian matter?"

We will be requesting assistance from other countries for aid. This extremist group threatened both Yuktobania and Buryatia, so we will most likely be requesting military support on Buryatia once we get in contact with them.

OOC: Which makes me wonder, does IA ever check his PM box?

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The Kitexian reporter stood up preparing to ask another question "President Nouri Shiznay of Kitex is watching this interview live over the internet and he had the Department of Defense email me this question to ask you: Would you be willing to accept military help from Kitex in defeating these terrorists in your nation as the President wants to establish diplomatic relations with your nation."

OOC: Where are you on the world map?

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OOC: I do check my PMs. However I didn’t respond to the first PM because you already had the PM land elsewhere, and as for the second PM. I’m responding to that here.


***Classified response to the Private Communique sent by the government of Yuktobania***

Dear Georgy Zhukov II,

We watch the situation developing in Yuktobania with the utmost level of concern. While the groups causing unrest inside Yuktobania claim to be affiliated with the former Pan Asia Party, we request that the government of Yuktobania provide detailed identification from those members of the Eagles of Dawn that have been identified. Should any of these persons belong to the Pan Asia Party in Buryatia, we will prepare to respond accordingly.

While it is not the policy of my government to intervene in the internal affairs of another sovereign nation, we see the threats to Yuktobania’s government as a possible source of instability in the region. The option of Buryatian intervention will be discussed by the relevant authorities as soon as possible My government is prepared to guarantee logistical and air support to the Yuktobanian government at this time.

Despite the trans-national claims of this group, we are certain that they have an extremely limited ability to carry out any actions in Buryatia. To monitor the situation, and to provide a more direct channel of communication, we have dispatched Lt. General Sergei Trubachev to serve as Buryatia’s military liaison to Buryatia.


President-elect Rokossovska

A Tupolev civilian aircraft takes off for Yuktobania with Lt. General Trubachev on board. A fleet of C-130 aircraft is loaded with 4,500 Buryatian soldiers.

Message from Vladimir Zhukovsky, Ex President of Buryatia (PAP):

“I condemn the attacks on Yuktobania in the strongest of terms. These individuals do not represent the Pan Asia Party and are a fringe group. I fully support the government of Yuktobania in this matter and hope that they can restore order shortly. I also take this opportunity to demand that the government of Buryatia release the tens of thousands of persons who were imprisoned without charge for protesting the illegal removal of the government.”

Message from the Chairman of the Buryatian Liberation Party (BLP):

"While any act of terrorism is a regrettable thing, our government should not be concerned about the internal matters of another nation. The situation in Yuktobania should only become an issue with our government if it spreads across onto our territory."

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A Colonel from the Yuke Army gave Zhukov the news from Buryatia. Zhukov was happy about the news, Buryatia now knows the scope of the emergency and sent in logistical support.

Turning back to the view of the public, Zhukov said, "I am still open to a few more questions before I take my leave."

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"Would Yuktobania be willing to accept help from another HEU nation, specifically, Aiginor, in dealing with the rebels?"

"We are willing to accept help from other nations, as had been stated before with Kitex.

Thank you for these questions, and I wish you safe travels.

I declare this Press Coference over."

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