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The Asiatic Unity Pact

Elrich von Richt

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OOC: Well if someone makes a compliment. what did you expect the answer to be ICly? There's a difference between not denying something and loudly proclaiming it yourself. I agreed with Cochin when he said 'The world is occasionally wary and antagonistic towards a successful phenomena.' If you'd take a closer look at his actual post you would have noticed he calls the AUP successful. This does not automatically default to powerful, though admittedly you proclaiming so energetically that we aren't makes me think you're belittling others to make your own ego seem bigger by comparison. As Cochin said 'You basically measure any entity's success by the level of hostility it receives.', then maybe we're powerful after all. Thanks for the compliment then :)


"The news reports of two countries being militarily taken over in the span of four days without any prior warning, provocation or declaration of war, yes. Somehow respecting the sovereignty of your country is a tad harder to do when you so obviously have not. But as we announced, Zargathia consider the status of your nation probational until we feel satisfied that this has indeed changed for the better."

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OOC: Lol.


It is with a great sadness that Furon suspends all travel with the Haruhiist Empire. Your citizens will be banned from any and all Furion land possessions, and they will be promptly deported back to the Haruhiist Empire. As said before, we are greatly saddened at having to do this to a fellow Asian nation, but we believe it must be done, in order to contain the virus that is the Haruhiist Empire and the AUP.

Let it be known, however, that we do not view all AUP nations as part of the virus, misguided though they are.

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OOC: Egos? I don't believe the bloc powerful, i'd say about ALMOST half the strength of the DE, or equivalent to it. As far as most things go, i don't try to inflate egos, nor do i create them. Now for the love of god, stop flaming this thread both OOC and IC.

OOC: Taking your total NS it currently = 59593. I bet DE are about 40k more NS easily, and just one or two nations could wipe your bloc of the face of Bob. Lol

IC: "We are really unhappy how some nations from our own continent are acting with such aggression just because they have a couple of members supporting them. The nation of Carthage, you have our support in this unneeded aggressive talk by the Haruhiist Empire."

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OOC: I'm aggressive? I'm giving off aggressive talk? Show me where, and how. I'm just responding to Carthage's comments in a formal manner, and delivering his own cruel talk towards the bloc, and my nation, with perspective return. I never said we could wipe anyone off the map. As of now, no. In the future, no. Not for a LONG time. Building a truly successful bloc takes time, as this one will. Whether it shall stand the test of time, no one knows. Honestly, we need to solve this issue rather fast, before it escalates.

IC: Crown-Princess, and Vice-Empress of the Haruhiist Empire Sakuya Hayashi urges all sides to come to a mutual understanding, and if possible, a diplomatic meeting to resolve these problems. She views the recent rise in tensions over this to be nothing more than an argument over the AUP gone haywire. While she herself is saddened by the comments made by Furon, and the comments made by other nations as a whole, we view that they should try to solve this problem diplomatically. Drastic measures, and further escalation can only lead to a negative course. Sakuya has taken neccessary measures to rule out to Haruhi that her actions, and personal words were both daft, and harmful to foreign relations. She hopes she can function as the voice of reason at this point.

Sakuya views than an emergency summit among AUP members should be held to resolve the problematic systems within it. We believe that the bloc has lost some it's firmness, and needs to be tightened up again. Entrance procedures are also to be discussed, as are charter changes.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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OOC: Taking your total NS it currently = 59593. I bet DE are about 40k more NS easily, and just one or two nations could wipe your bloc of the face of Bob. Lol

IC: "We are really unhappy how some nations from our own continent are acting with such aggression just because they have a couple of members supporting them. The nation of Carthage, you have our support in this unneeded aggressive talk by the Haruhiist Empire."

OOC: And sadly, nearly half of that NS is mine. :P

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"Yes, the opinion of one member reflects the bloc as a whole. The bloc allows that member in, and in doing so ensures that they agree with the member and endorses their membership."

"incorrect. You'll note that not every member of a bloc always agrees with everything else every other member of said bloc says. Your argument already fails."

"Carthage is now on the blacklist for our citizens. Any Carthaginian found within our borders has three days to leave."

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"I quote..."

The purpose of the Asiatic Unity Pact is to promote friendship and understanding among Asian nations, as well as establish unity.

"If one member of the bloc disagrees with another, than the Asiatic Unity Pact has failed. I am acting under the assumption that the bloc works in unity, as a whole - otherwise the bloc does not exist as directed by the first sentence of the charter itself."

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"Wrong again. You cannot make words and definitions up to suit yourself."


1. The state or quality of being one; singleness.

2. The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.


3a. The combination or arrangement of parts into a whole; unification.

3b. A combination or union thus formed.

4. Singleness or constancy of purpose or action; continuity: “In an army you need unity of purpose” (Emmeline Pankhurst).

Edited by Sargun
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"Wrong again. You cannot make words and definitions up to suit yourself."

Did we state we made words to define ourselves? We did not. Our purpose is united, our causes are united. However each government and nation is entitled to their own opinions, and rights. Thus, freedom exists. When we believe in a single course of action, unity becomes apparent through our statements and the united response behind it.

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Did we state we made words to define ourselves? We did not. Our purpose is united, our causes are united. However each government and nation is entitled to their own opinions, and rights. Thus, freedom exists. When we believe in a single course of action, unity becomes apparent through our statements and the united response behind it.

"You said unity is never 100% cohesive, when in fact the very definition of unity is 100% cohesive. You are a bloc of unity - no matter how much you try to hide behind false definitions, you claim to be unified. That's 100% complete singleness, harmony, cohesiveness. By defining yourself as unified, you have stated that you are one. All members are accountable for the actions of one."

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OOC: Taking your total NS it currently = 59593. I bet DE are about 40k more NS easily, and just one or two nations could wipe your bloc of the face of Bob. Lol

OOC: Drakoria and I alone make up that 59593, you probably just didn't count him or myself I guess and if you did count both of us it is an obvious math fail. Also DE is really that weak? Never bothered to really add up their numbers so I have no idea how strong they are.

"You said unity is never 100% cohesive, when in fact the very definition of unity is 100% cohesive. You are a bloc of unity - no matter how much you try to hide behind false definitions, you claim to be unified. That's 100% complete singleness, harmony, cohesiveness. By defining yourself as unified, you have stated that you are one. All members are accountable for the actions of one."

OOC: Go say that to the European Union and the United Nations because everyone knows they agree with each other 100% all the time. Your logic is retarded, a definition that does not apply in real life would make sense if it did not apply in here. I am sure there are countless more examples than just those two as well.

Edited by Jerahoam
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Drakoria and I alone make up that 59593, you probably just didn't count him or myself I guess and if you did count both of us it is an obvious math fail. Also DE is really that weak? Never bothered to really add up their numbers so I have no idea how strong they are.

Go say that to the European Union and the United Nations because everyone knows they agree with each other 100% all the time. Your logic is retarded, a definition that does not apply in real life would make sense if it did not apply in here. I am sure there are countless more examples than just those two as well.

OOC: My mistake, you guys are 88895 including Jeahoam. I didn't count you sorry <_<. Dragon Empire is currently- 99239. So yea all it needs to take out the AUP as one large Nation or a couple of medium range nations lol. DE, will be 4 Medium Nations or so.

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Drakoria and I alone make up that 59593, you probably just didn't count him or myself I guess and if you did count both of us it is an obvious math fail. Also DE is really that weak? Never bothered to really add up their numbers so I have no idea how strong they are.

Go say that to the European Union and the United Nations because everyone knows they agree with each other 100% all the time. Your logic is retarded, a definition that does not apply in real life would make sense if it did not apply in here. I am sure there are countless more examples than just those two as well.

OOC: I don't know what the hell you're ranting on about, but there seems to be a lot of OOC in there, so please, for the sake of jesus, use OOC tags.

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"You said unity is never 100% cohesive, when in fact the very definition of unity is 100% cohesive. You are a bloc of unity - no matter how much you try to hide behind false definitions, you claim to be unified. That's 100% complete singleness, harmony, cohesiveness. By defining yourself as unified, you have stated that you are one. All members are accountable for the actions of one."

"Unity does not mean everyone thinks exactly the same way. When people think along different lines, disagreements on minor things are bound to happen. In matter of security, however, they are united, and they will remain cordial to each other even if they do disagree on something."

OOC: Also, no response to the blacklist? :P

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OOC: I don't see anyone claiming that unity does not mean 100% cohesiveness in real life, because it's wrong. He said something wrong and I corrected him, if you get your knickers in a twist over it try saying things that are correct instead of lies.

As for the blacklist, why would Carthage care about a blacklist from other countries? None of their citizens are legally allowed to leave the country yet. :P

Anyway, that's all for now. This would be an IC post but I'm responding directly to an OOC post. See ya later.

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OOC: I don't see anyone claiming that unity does not mean 100% cohesiveness in real life, because it's wrong. He said something wrong and I corrected him, if you get your knickers in a twist over it try saying things that are correct instead of lies.

As for the blacklist, why would Carthage care about a blacklist from other countries? None of their citizens are legally allowed to leave the country yet. :P

Anyway, that's all for now. This would be an IC post but I'm responding directly to an OOC post. See ya later.

OOC: Excuse me, but you failed to notice the OOC is only the last sentence of my post. The rest of it is completely IC, and I would appreciate it if you answered as such.

And if the blacklist means nothing, why did you respond to Elrich's similar action earlier?

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OOC: Excuse me, but you failed to notice the OOC is only the last sentence of my post. The rest of it is completely IC, and I would appreciate it if you answered as such.

And if the blacklist means nothing, why did you respond to Elrich's similar action earlier?

OOC: I wasn't responding to you and only you, get the hell off of your throne.

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