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Dento do Reino

Sarah Tintagyl

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His Royal Highness, Joao the Sixth of the Aviz Family sat looking down the oaken table in the middle of the Grand Hall of his palace in Lisboa. He yawned as rubbed his eyes with his forefingers as the light from the morning sky shown in through the brand new glass windows that faced the eastern sky, providing a marvelous view of the city and the markets below the palace. Since Independence Day, which had only been a few days ago, the palace and the city of Lisbon itself had gone under a massive renovation, not state-sponsored by any means, it was more that the people who starved for their own destiny, now finally had the chance to return to their Portuguese roots. All around the city, and in all cities throughout the country it was easy to begin to see the change. Scottish flags were taken down with great respect and Portuguese banners hoisted high in their stead. The workers in the countryside and in the cities began to breath easier knowing that they that were being taken care of by their own kind and not the government in Edinburgh. Even in the palaces and villas in and around Lisboa, statues and busts of men like King Douglas, William Wallace, and statues of the late Empress Catherine Jones were placed into museums and private parks, only to be replaced by likings of men as Prince Henry the Navigator, Joao himself, and other figures throughout Portuguese history.

The Grand Hall seemed much cozier now as well, Joao smiled as he looked around at the red and green tapestries that hung from the ceiling, giving the palace that medieval and Renaissance look that he so longed for. Looking down at the table, he stroked his thin red mustache and smiled at the men that he called his advisors. The three Patriarchs of the Old Families, along with many of their sons, and his eldest boy Alfonso were gathered around in the brightening sunlight. Towards the end of the table, sat two members of the Great Council who had been tasked with attended His Majesty's meetings in the palace; Horas and Leao.

Joao leaned back and yawned again. He was beginning to get on in years and after today, these early meetings would stop, unless they were of the utmost importance and by his council holding their tongues to begin, he figured that anything anyone had to say wasn't going to be much more than hot air.

"Would you like to start us of Casimiro?" He turned to the elder of the Aio Family. "Or am I just going to fall asleep right here?"

Casimiro feigned a smile. None of the Patriarchs enjoyed the fact that they had to be given orders by anyone and they deemed the Royal Family as just another Family to be contended with in the scheme of regional and now world politics. However, for the shortcomings, Joao did trust Casimiro and his family the most, at least they hadn't been known to murder to achieve their goals. "At the moment Your Majesty." He said fixing his glasses, that rested on the bridge of his nose. "I don't think any of us have much to say. The world has been warm in their welcoming our nation into the sphere of nations and for that I think we should be most thankful. Though unfortunately I expect nothing but disdain from our neighbors to the north?"

"Krieg?" Said Prince Alfonso.

"Si. But between the Scottish and the Krieg, who Portugal should have closer ties with. I think you would have to be brain dead to answer that question wrong." The council laughed heartily, before Joao waved his hand silencing them.

"Gentlemen, if you please, I would like to know things that I don't already understand. Otherwise, I don't see that my presence is fully needed here."

Faustino Malagria, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Raul Malagria's son of thirty years rose from the table and passed down three letters that Joao had seen earlier in the week. Joao looked up for a minute, annoyed that he had already seen the contents, but Faustino only smiled. "We have audiences scheduled between the President of Euzkadi and the Imperial Union for better relations, as well, it is my opinion that if by the end of the week we are not nominated for membership in the Iberian Pact that we apply for it ourselves. As patriotic as our people are, we need friends that can support us."

"My thoughts exactly Faustino, thank you." Joao turned down the table to Horas and Leao. "Do the gentlemen of the Council have anything to add to this meeting? However short it was." He said with a chuckle.

"Yesterday, Your Majesty, there was extensive flooding at the city of Faro, the council dispatched the necessary crews for clean up though the port was damaged and should take a few weeks to repair."



"Then I don't see a reason to worry. This country must have faith in its government and it its leaders." He couldn't even begin to fathom the words coming out of his mouth, the Aio's, Vechima's, and Malagria's hated either other and the Council hated all four factions in power making keeping the country unified Joao's primary task. But as long as he could keep the Patriarchs fighting each other, then he wouldn't have to worry about them challenging him and he had his tricks. But those would come later, yawning again, Joao got up from the table and stretched. "Now, gentlemen, if you will excuse me I am going to return to my quarters. When the first foreign nationals arrive please have my servants wake me."

The council bowed as they too left from the table, the games would start soon enough.

OOC: This will be my thread for an kind of meeting with Joao, just simply post that your representative has arrived in Lisbon and they will be taken to the palace for their meeting. Thank you.

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Vikram Kerala Varma had received orders from his uncle to proceed to Portugal after the festivities of Haruhiist Empire. Hours of flight and almost halfway across the world, the weary Prince landed at the airport in Lisbon. He hoped that the Foreign Ministry had informed the Portugal Govt of his arrival. He was tasked to meet the King Joao of Portugal and convey the regards from his uncle, the King of Cochin.

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--Euskal News Agency--

President Maria Eiguren departed from Bilbao airport less than an hour ago, she is expected to arrive in Lisbon in due course and will be holding meetings with the Portuguese court tomorrow morning. Prior to her departure she issued a statement to the press:

I have the pleasure to inform you all that i shall be in Lisbon for the next couple of days to expand links between the Portuguese and ourselves. We are confident that Portugal's entry into the Iberian pact will follow forthwith, furthermore we shall also look to forge extensive economic links. The Basque's and the Portuguese are indigenous to Iberia and should stand together in unity, and i am fully confident that will become a reality.
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Vikram Kerala Varma had received orders from his uncle to proceed to Portugal after the festivities of Haruhiist Empire. Hours of flight and almost halfway across the world, the weary Prince landed at the airport in Lisbon. He hoped that the Foreign Ministry had informed the Portugal Govt of his arrival. He was tasked to meet the King Joao of Portugal and convey the regards from his uncle, the King of Cochin.
President Maria Eiguren departed from Bilbao airport less than an hour ago, she is expected to arrive in Lisbon in due course and will be holding meetings with the Portuguese court tomorrow morning.
The Curristan Ambassador to Portugal James Day had landed at Lisbon Airport and was now waiting to be picked up. He had instructions to deliver a document from the Curristan President and ask questions she had prepared for him.

Upon arrival, all leaders and or ambassadors would be taken by personal limousine bearing the coat-of-arms of the Portuguese Royal Family towards the palace in the center of Lisbon. Along the way, they would pass through the small narrow streets of the city and through small town squares where the population looked at the jet black vehicle with diplomatic flags waving in awe. So this was what it was like to live in a true capital city, to see the powerful of foreign populations traveling through on their way to meet the King, his family, and the council of ministers. Reaching the gates of the palace, the iron black gate opened and the limousines would pull into a paved circle, with fountains of angels and other figures from Christianity looked onward in safety of the Royal Family. Palace guards walked down from the doors leading into the palace and from their escorted the individual leaders towards the Great Hall, where Joao, who had been woken up once again, awaited the audience.

The leaders would be taken into the room, where Joao waited sitting a long his council's oaken table. He sat along side the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faustino Malagria, while the Patriarchs of the Old Families stood along the edges of the room looking on.

Joao and Faustino would both greet the ambassadors or the leaders with a beaming smile and a hearty handshake.

"Welcome to Lisboa." Said Joao, smiling. "Welcome to Portugal and my Palace. What business do we have to discuss?"

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Upon arrival, all leaders and or ambassadors would be taken by personal limousine bearing the coat-of-arms of the Portuguese Royal Family towards the palace in the center of Lisbon. Along the way, they would pass through the small narrow streets of the city and through small town squares where the population looked at the jet black vehicle with diplomatic flags waving in awe. So this was what it was like to live in a true capital city, to see the powerful of foreign populations traveling through on their way to meet the King, his family, and the council of ministers. Reaching the gates of the palace, the iron black gate opened and the limousines would pull into a paved circle, with fountains of angels and other figures from Christianity looked onward in safety of the Royal Family. Palace guards walked down from the doors leading into the palace and from their escorted the individual leaders towards the Great Hall, where Joao, who had been woken up once again, awaited the audience.

The leaders would be taken into the room, where Joao waited sitting a long his council's oaken table. He sat along side the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faustino Malagria, while the Patriarchs of the Old Families stood along the edges of the room looking on.

Joao and Faustino would both greet the ambassadors or the leaders with a beaming smile and a hearty handshake.

"Welcome to Lisboa." Said Joao, smiling. "Welcome to Portugal and my Palace. What business do we have to discuss?"

Ambassador James Day spoke first. "Thank you your majesty. I would like to discuss what future relations Curristan and Portugal can have. Also i would like to also discuss a possible friendship treaty."

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"Your Excellency, I bring the regards and good will from the Kingdom of Cochin and the Dragon Empire. I am here as a mark of respect to your newly formed nation," Prince Vikram Kerala Varma said.

Joao sat back down in the chair as the Cochin Prince spoke and then began to pull on his mustache and smiled. "A mark of respect eh? I believe it was Cochin that first gave both their Kingdom's respect and the Empire's respect to the foundation of the Portuguese Nation and for that we are very thankful. As I said in my response prior, we know much of the exploits of the Empire in Asia and I can tell that you hold a very strong influence in not only the workings of the lands beyond the deserts, but across Eurasia and across the world. I look forward to dealing with you in the future Prince. Do you have any other business and will you been staying in Lisboa as the official ambassador?"

Ambassador James Day spoke first. "Thank you your majesty. I would like to discuss what future relations Curristan and Portugal can have. Also i would like to also discuss a possible friendship treaty."

Faustino turned to Day and smiled. "Well as to future relations, while Portugal is more than welcome to the creation of strong trade routes, especially across the Atlantic. However, at the moment we would be hard pressed to sign anything else. Therefore, we are not interested in Defense pacts with anyone besides our immediate neighbors in the Iberian Pact. However as to the Friendship Treaty?" He smiled. "I am positive and I think we would be happy to oblige."

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Joao sat back down in the chair as the Cochin Prince spoke and then began to pull on his mustache and smiled. "A mark of respect eh? I believe it was Cochin that first gave both their Kingdom's respect and the Empire's respect to the foundation of the Portuguese Nation and for that we are very thankful. As I said in my response prior, we know much of the exploits of the Empire in Asia and I can tell that you hold a very strong influence in not only the workings of the lands beyond the deserts, but across Eurasia and across the world. I look forward to dealing with you in the future Prince. Do you have any other business and will you been staying in Lisboa as the official ambassador?"

Unfortunately I will not be able to stay long in your country, I am about to commence my naval training. With your permission, I must leave now.

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Faustino turned to Day and smiled. "Well as to future relations, while Portugal is more than welcome to the creation of strong trade routes, especially across the Atlantic. However, at the moment we would be hard pressed to sign anything else. Therefore, we are not interested in Defense pacts with anyone besides our immediate neighbors in the Iberian Pact. However as to the Friendship Treaty?" He smiled. "I am positive and I think we would be happy to oblige."

"I am authorised to give Portugal under the friendship treaty a clause that allows Portuguese shipping free access to the ports of Washington and Montevideo. All we need to know is what goods you wish to trade with us in exchange for Curristan goods and currency."

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(Buenos Aires International, Imperial Union)

Nadine had been looking forward to this moment for the first time in months she would return back to Europe return back to friendly faces rather than fascist ones. As she was escorted by her guards to the gate of the Imperial Private Jet codenamed Imperial Air One a very luxurious one with secured communications, quarters for long trips and the standard luxury on an executive jet, once they arrived many people had assembled to catch a glimpse of the Empress before she departed. Which wouldn't take too long. As the plane left the airport it was escorted by a small group of Fighters until they would enter Portugese airspace. To make this possible they would be refueled regularly. After a trip of hours a message was send to the local authorities.

"Imperial Air One requesting escort to planned landing airport... Carrying Her Imperial Highness Nadine A. Peacecraft"

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Unfortunately I will not be able to stay long in your country, I am about to commence my naval training. With your permission, I must leave now.

Joao frowned as he got back up to shake the Prince's hand. "I'm sorry that you have to leave so soon after you have only arrived. I hope to see you in Lisboa one day soon Prince, along with your countrymen. The majesty of Cathay and the beauty of Europe should not be kept away from each other. But yes, you have my permission. Go as you please."

"I am authorised to give Portugal under the friendship treaty a clause that allows Portuguese shipping free access to the ports of Washington and Montevideo. All we need to know is what goods you wish to trade with us in exchange for Curristan goods and currency."

Faustino's eyes widened upon being asked the question. "As to trades? Oh, well if you'll excuse me for only a moment, I can bring you someone who is much better antiquated with matters as economics." Getting up from the table, he walked over to the elder of the Aio family and bowed his head as the two gentlemen talked, often looking back to Day and nodding their heads. A moment later, the elder disappeared into the bowels of the castle only to return with his son, Marco Aio, the Minister of Economics.

Marco smiled as he sat down across from Day and after shaking his head produced a fold that had been kept under his arm. "I understand that the Friendship treaty has a trading clause and you need to know the economic production for the country. This should everything that you're looking for." He said handing Day the folder and inside was a list of the agricultural and industrial products being produced around the country.


grain, potatoes, tomatoes, olives, grapes; sheep, cattle, goats, swine, poultry, dairy products; fish


textiles, clothing, footwear, wood and cork, paper, diary products, wine and other foods, porcelain and ceramics, glassware

"Though I should tell you that that is only a small list of our economic power. I would need to take you on a tour of the country to bring you any more in depth about the inner workings of the Portuguese economy."

(Buenos Aires International, Imperial Union)

Nadine had been looking forward to this moment for the first time in months she would return back to Europe return back to friendly faces rather than fascist ones. As she was escorted by her guards to the gate of the Imperial Private Jet codenamed Imperial Air One a very luxurious one with secured communications, quarters for long trips and the standard luxury on an executive jet, once they arrived many people had assembled to catch a glimpse of the Empress before she departed. Which wouldn't take too long. As the plane left the airport it was escorted by a small group of Fighters until they would enter Portugese airspace. To make this possible they would be refueled regularly. After a trip of hours a message was send to the local authorities.

"Imperial Air One requesting escort to planned landing airport... Carrying Her Imperial Highness Nadine A. Peacecraft"

"This is Lisboa International. Imperial Air, you have clearance to land. We've been expecting you."

As the plane came to a stop on the runaway, as was only cordial with a foreign empress and ruler, not only had the King dispatched his personal vehicle, but Nadine was also to be received by his wife, Catherine, the Crown Regent of Portugal. Standing next to the limousine, Catherine bowed while five Portuguese Royal Guards, accompanying her, stood at attention and saluted as Nadine exited the plane.

"Your Highness, it is an absolute pleasure to have you gracing Lisboa with your presence. I am Catherine Aviz, Crown Regent of this country. Welcome to Portugal. My husband, His Highness is expecting you at the palace."

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"This is Lisboa International. Imperial Air, you have clearance to land. We've been expecting you."

As the plane came to a stop on the runaway, as was only cordial with a foreign empress and ruler, not only had the King dispatched his personal vehicle, but Nadine was also to be received by his wife, Catherine, the Crown Regent of Portugal. Standing next to the limousine, Catherine bowed while five Portuguese Royal Guards, accompanying her, stood at attention and saluted as Nadine exited the plane.

"Your Highness, it is an absolute pleasure to have you gracing Lisboa with your presence. I am Catherine Aviz, Crown Regent of this country. Welcome to Portugal. My husband, His Highness is expecting you at the palace."

As the plane landed she ordered all but her Personal Lieutenant of the guards to stay on the plane, after which she slowly descended from the plane and slightly bowed at the salute of the Crown Regent.

"Thank you, it is a pleasure to taste the European air with freedom again"she said.

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A Black C130 with the Romanov Coat of Arms nears Portugese Airpace, flanked by two jet black F1 Fighters.

"Kingdom of Portugal, this is the Molakian Air Force. We have the Tsarina in route to meet with your countries goverment. Please transmit all information on where we may land. Flying from Finland to here is not great on Fuel Tanks..." The lead fighter squaks out, Dropping the reserve tanks it has into the ocean.

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"These products are needed by the Curristan Market at the moment. Due to the conflict we have lost 200 Million Curristan Dollars of value. So the trade you give us will help the Curristan Market recover as many of these goods will have good target markets." He paused and then said "I would like to tour Portugal at some point with you. I would return the favour sometime." He smiled at Marco.

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As the plane landed she ordered all but her Personal Lieutenant of the guards to stay on the plane, after which she slowly descended from the plane and slightly bowed at the salute of the Crown Regent.

"Thank you, it is a pleasure to taste the European air with freedom again"she said.

"We would like to agree Your Highness." Catherine said smiling as she walked back towards the limousine, her olive skin and jet black hair hanging down her back. "The shimmering star on Europe's coast, that's exactly what we're aiming for. I know Joao is dying to meet you, so we'll have much to talk about at the palace. Please, this way. The Regent led Nadine into the limousine as they rode off down the freeways outside of Lisboa into the old city itself. The Atlantic shone brightly in the mid-day sunlight as the harbor bustled with activity that could be seen as they entered through the gates of the palace.

As they drove onto the paved circle outside the doors, Catherine sighed as she looked at the line of foreign flags all ready displayed around the avenue. "This place must have exploded while we were gone. I hadn't expected that a new nation of our size could get so much press time for foreigners. But then you'll have to forgive me, I am only married to a politician."

Catherine led Nadine inside the palace and into the Great Hall, where everything was driven to frenzy between regional and international ambassadors and leaders coming and going. Joao sat alone at the table, just having freed himself from the Cochin Prince as his wife approached.

"Catherine welcome back. Though I'm afraid I will have to send you out again, the Molakian Tsarina has just arrived."

Catherine sighed but bowed in respect. "Its not a problem, I enjoy the car rides, perhaps when I get back then we will be able to properly entertain our guests. As I may introduce, Nadine Peacecraft, the Empress of the Imperial Union of South America."

Joao took Nadine's hand and kissed it. "It is a pleasure milady. What brings you to Lisboa?"

A Black C130 with the Romanov Coat of Arms nears Portugese Airpace, flanked by two jet black F1 Fighters.

"Kingdom of Portugal, this is the Molakian Air Force. We have the Tsarina in route to meet with your countries goverment. Please transmit all information on where we may land. Flying from Finland to here is not great on Fuel Tanks..." The lead fighter squaks out, Dropping the reserve tanks it has into the ocean.

"Molakia, this is Lisboa International, you are cleared to land on our runways. His Majesty is expecting you."

Due to the sheer amount of running around and people that needed to be bringing in guests, much like a ball would be held, even the Patriarchs of the Old Families were being used to greet foreign dignitaries. Such was the reason that Casimiro Aio stood alone on the runway waiting for the Molakians to land, next to him, five Royal Guards and a limousine belonging to the King. He wasn't a diplomat, but could easily function as one, after all, Family politics in Portugal were nearly just as gritty as European politics on the world stage, just as much murder and intrigue after all.

But he would wait for the Tsarina to step out with a smile on his face to take her to the palace in the Old City.

"These products are needed by the Curristan Market at the moment. Due to the conflict we have lost 200 Million Curristan Dollars of value. So the trade you give us will help the Curristan Market recover as many of these goods will have good target markets." He paused and then said "I would like to tour Portugal at some point with you. I would return the favour sometime." He smiled at Marco.

"I'm afraid I can't give you a tour at the moment Ambassador Day, at least not today. But if you would stay in Lisboa for a few more nights, I would be more than happy to oblige you at a later date to get our Friendship treaty secured on all fronts. But at the moment, I'm not sure what else needs done around the Kingdom and to put my services away from one task only might cause problems. I'm sure you understand. But I would definitely be interested in touring Curristan in the future, especially after the war that you just exited out of."

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"I'm afraid I can't give you a tour at the moment Ambassador Day, at least not today. But if you would stay in Lisboa for a few more nights, I would be more than happy to oblige you at a later date to get our Friendship treaty secured on all fronts. But at the moment, I'm not sure what else needs done around the Kingdom and to put my services away from one task only might cause problems. I'm sure you understand. But I would definitely be interested in touring Curristan in the future, especially after the war that you just exited out of."

I can stay a few more nights. I understand you are busy. This is my first Ambassador assignment so i am new to this sort of thing." He laughed. "A tour of Curristan i can arrange for you when you have time off from work maybe?"

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The two Fighters land first, taxing off to the side. The C130 transport lands with a nice thud as the wheels hit the ground. It takes a little time for the engines to stop moving. The Back Hatch opens and the Tsarina walks out, several AK101 equipped soldiers in tow. The Tsarina saunders over to the delegation.

"Ah, finally, land! I am Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov, Queen of Molakia and her protector. It is an honor to meet you and your people." the Tsarina says, offering her hand.

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I can stay a few more nights. I understand you are busy. This is my first Ambassador assignment so i am new to this sort of thing." He laughed. "A tour of Curristan i can arrange for you when you have time off from work maybe?"

Marco smiled and bowed his head. "That would be the best option for all of us Ambassador Day, thank you for being so understanding. Hopefully I'll be able to tour with you, perhaps tomorrow or the next day."

The two Fighters land first, taxing off to the side. The C130 transport lands with a nice thud as the wheels hit the ground. It takes a little time for the engines to stop moving. The Back Hatch opens and the Tsarina walks out, several AK101 equipped soldiers in tow. The Tsarina saunders over to the delegation.

"Ah, finally, land! I am Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov, Queen of Molakia and her protector. It is an honor to meet you and your people." the Tsarina says, offering her hand.

Casimiro smiled as he kissed the Tsarina's hand. "Your Highness, welcome to Portugal. I am Casimiro Aio, the Patriarch of the Aio Family and one of His Majesty's advisors and it would be my honor to escort you to the palace today." He said stroking his thick brown mustache. "If you will follow me, there is a limousine to take you to the palace, right this way."

He led Anna into the vehicle and they drove off into Lisboa proper and after a half hour or so of driving, entered the crowded courtyard of the Royal Palace. Helping the Tsarina out, Casimiro led her into the palace itself and through the crowds of people, ambassadors and regional rulers to where, Catherine, Joao, and Nadine were already deep in conversation. Clearing his throat and bowing his head, as only a stout advisor who bit his tongue could do. "Your Majesty, my I present, Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov of the Kingdom of Molakia."

Joao turned and smiled and adjusted his suit. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Romanov. My I introduce my wife, Catherine, and the Empress of the Imperial Union of South America, Nadine Peacecraft. I asked her the same question, as I will you." He said happily. "What brings you to Portugal today?"

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"We would like to agree Your Highness." Catherine said smiling as she walked back towards the limousine, her olive skin and jet black hair hanging down her back. "The shimmering star on Europe's coast, that's exactly what we're aiming for. I know Joao is dying to meet you, so we'll have much to talk about at the palace. Please, this way. The Regent led Nadine into the limousine as they rode off down the freeways outside of Lisboa into the old city itself. The Atlantic shone brightly in the mid-day sunlight as the harbor bustled with activity that could be seen as they entered through the gates of the palace.

As they drove onto the paved circle outside the doors, Catherine sighed as she looked at the line of foreign flags all ready displayed around the avenue. "This place must have exploded while we were gone. I hadn't expected that a new nation of our size could get so much press time for foreigners. But then you'll have to forgive me, I am only married to a politician."

Catherine led Nadine inside the palace and into the Great Hall, where everything was driven to frenzy between regional and international ambassadors and leaders coming and going. Joao sat alone at the table, just having freed himself from the Cochin Prince as his wife approached.

"Catherine welcome back. Though I'm afraid I will have to send you out again, the Molakian Tsarina has just arrived."

Catherine sighed but bowed in respect. "Its not a problem, I enjoy the car rides, perhaps when I get back then we will be able to properly entertain our guests. As I may introduce, Nadine Peacecraft, the Empress of the Imperial Union of South America."

Joao took Nadine's hand and kissed it. "It is a pleasure milady. What brings you to Lisboa?"

The trip was beautiful and she truly felt back at home here. While they were moving one she started to think about how vulnerable this country still was. The Eurasian influence could do three things. 1. Invade it, 2. Change it's ideology to a more nordic one and in the best case 3. Strenghten it's resolve and find friends elsewhere for protection. This was something she had learned the hard way. She would not let the same thing happen to the ancestors of many of her people. As Joao kissed Nadine's hand she bowed.

"The pleasure is mine, I am here to enjoy the land and discuss possible relations between our nations."

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OOC: A typo in your title - if you meant "Inside the Kingdom", then it ought to be "Dentro do Reino".

IC: Celso Amorim, Viniland's Minister of External Affairs, and several senior diplomats are currently making their way to Portugal through a commercial airline - due to arrive at the end of the day.

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"The pleasure is mine, I am here to enjoy the land and discuss possible relations between our nations."

"Wonderful." He said looking back up at her. "It is a beautiful land and my family has called the Atlantic coast of Iberia home since the time of the immortals, Portugal is too beautiful a nation to be run by anyone besides Portuguese and now our dreams have finally come true. As to furthering relations between the Imperial Union, my government is open to all type of deals, besides at the moment of military treaties. We would like to maintain close ties to the Iberian Peninsula for now before forging too far out in the world. But as to that, I am open to just about anything Nadine. Prosperity between our peoples is what is most important right now."

OOC: A typo in your title - if you meant "Inside the Kingdom", then it ought to be "Dentro do Reino".

Celso Amorim, Viniland's Minister of External Affairs, and several senior diplomats are currently making their way to Portugal through a commercial airline - due to arrive at the end of the day.

OOC: Sorry V, I'm using a translator so its the best I can do, but if you're online before I post a topic I'll be sure to ask you first :wub:

IC: The diplomats would be received as soon as they arrived by an honor guard of Portuguese soldiers and diplomats from the council to be taken to the palace in Lisboa.

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Promised Land is interested in sending someone to meet with the Portuguese. No agenda is in mind...Administrator Richard Anderson just wishes to initiate talks and see what happens from there.


"Sir, you can't seriously think of going in person!" the aide protested, quite vociferously.

Anderson rather thought they looked like a buffoon, waving their arms around like that, but his reply gave away nothing of that sentiment. "I bloody well am," he calmly stated. "Those people in Krieg didn't try anything, despite what the world says about them...why should the Portuguese?"

His next words carried a tone of amusement, and a smile graced his lips as he spoke again. "The Iberians claim to be better than Krieg, and if they want to prove it, they won't let anything happen to me, and they'll even welcome me the same way the Krieg Empire did."

"Besides," he added, cuttiong off another protest. "Subtleknifewielder can run the country fine himself for a day or two, can't he? He's done it before."


Despite all protests to the contrary, Anderson found himself several hours later on the plane. looking down at Lisbon as they came dowen for a landing. he wondered what kind of reception he'd find...

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Marco smiled and bowed his head. "That would be the best option for all of us Ambassador Day, thank you for being so understanding. Hopefully I'll be able to tour with you, perhaps tomorrow or the next day."

Casimiro smiled as he kissed the Tsarina's hand. "Your Highness, welcome to Portugal. I am Casimiro Aio, the Patriarch of the Aio Family and one of His Majesty's advisors and it would be my honor to escort you to the palace today." He said stroking his thick brown mustache. "If you will follow me, there is a limousine to take you to the palace, right this way."

He led Anna into the vehicle and they drove off into Lisboa proper and after a half hour or so of driving, entered the crowded courtyard of the Royal Palace. Helping the Tsarina out, Casimiro led her into the palace itself and through the crowds of people, ambassadors and regional rulers to where, Catherine, Joao, and Nadine were already deep in conversation. Clearing his throat and bowing his head, as only a stout advisor who bit his tongue could do. "Your Majesty, my I present, Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov of the Kingdom of Molakia."

Joao turned and smiled and adjusted his suit. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Romanov. My I introduce my wife, Catherine, and the Empress of the Imperial Union of South America, Nadine Peacecraft. I asked her the same question, as I will you." He said happily. "What brings you to Portugal today?"

Anna extends her hand to Catherine and Nadine, while bowing to Joao.

"I am here to sow the seeds of our peoples future together. Molakia would like to open relations with your nation, be them Military, Diplomatic or Economic. But, before any buisness, let us discuss more about your nation. How is your Goverment set up? Many places seem to have Monarchs with no power...I assume you are not one?"

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Despite all protests to the contrary, Anderson found himself several hours later on the plane. looking down at Lisbon as they came dowen for a landing. he wondered what kind of reception he'd find...

By the time of the arrival of the Promised Land representative, things had died down in Lisbon to a considerable degree. The hot summer sun of the Atlantic had taken refuge under the horizon to be replaced by a bright moon that placed an eerie light over the shrubs and bushes on the outskirts of the airport, which passed over the ground and out onto the ocean into the distance. As the plane landed, Faustino Malagria looked up into the air and breathed in the cool air around him. Everything had gone so well thus far today, the palace was booming at the moment as all the Old Families, many of the members of the council, and all the foreign delegations had begun to partake of a more festive atmosphere. But he was happy to get away from the castle for a moment to breathe again. Tapping his watch, the twenty-five year old looked over as the doors opened and Anderson walked down onto the tarmac.

"Representative Anderson I presume?" Faustino said taking a bow. "It is a pleasure to me you Your Excellency and I would like to welcome you to Lisboa and the Kingdom of Portugal. My name is Faustino Malagria, His Majesty's Minister of Foreign Affairs. If you would step this way, we have a limousine prepared to take you to the palace in the capital." He turned his head behind him and looked at the bright moon settling on the distant waves of the ocean. "It is a beautiful night and many of the guests have retired to the gardens, so I do hope that this venture is not solely for business."

He smiled again and opened the door after hearing the response of the Representative and after getting into the limousine they sped away down the freeways into the Old City, which was bustling in the rising dusk, cafe, theatres, and salons ushered people in and out as couples laughed happily while they walked down the street, staring at the limousine non-intently as it passed and entered into the gates of the palace.

When Faustino said that the seriousness of the first diplomatic meetings had subsided to something more festive, he couldn't be more right as Portuguese aristocrats walked around the inner courtyard of the palace, with glasses of red wine while servants carried small platters and the smell of slaughtered lamb came from inside the palace.

Faustino led Anderson into the Great Hall where Joao sat conversing with Catherine, and the other rulers who were still at the palace and a few members of the gentry, while their families wandered around the Hall and the gardens outside and taking him directly up to Joao, the Minister bowed. "Your Majesty, my I present, Richard Anderson, of Promised Land."

Joao turned and took Anderson by the hand in a strong grip. "Ah, Mr. Anderson, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, I was anxious to meet our Australian neighbors, after all ready meeting our Dragon Empire representative. May I welcome you to Lisboa, and Portugal."

Anna extends her hand to Catherine and Nadine, while bowing to Joao.

"I am here to sow the seeds of our peoples future together. Molakia would like to open relations with your nation, be them Military, Diplomatic or Economic. But, before any buisness, let us discuss more about your nation. How is your Goverment set up? Many places seem to have Monarchs with no power...I assume you are not one?"

Turning back to Anna, Joao stroked his mustache for a moment before speaking again. "Well to start with the government, I am a monarch and I do enjoy a degree of limited power, though I am not an absolute monarch by no means. Portugal I think would like to boast itself to be a democratic and progressive nation that seeks to give its people the highest amount of political freedom possible." He chuckled. "Though I'm sure you've heard that all before, so I guess we'll have to prove ourselves that we aren't the monarchies of old Europe. But there is a reason that monarchies are established that that is because we do have a degree of wisdom fit for politics and statecraft, those monarchies with no power make me laugh, people clinging to old titles, even you must think it is humorous Anna, and I assume you are not one of those rulers either."

"As to your treaty question, I can tell you that Portugal is very interested in building our diplomatic relations with the world, but at the moment only Diplomatic and Economic treaties will do, but then it has always been my believe that you didn't need to have a piece of paper to show friendship."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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