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Epicurean - The Good Life Alliance

New to the game? Been playing a while but feel like it's time to move on? Then you should consider making Epicurean your new home! As stated in our the preamble of our Charter, "Epicurean is an alliance dedicated to fun, growth and friendly relations with the other alliances and individuals on Planet Bob. We believe an active community is essential to building a strong alliance, so we value participation and activity both within the alliance and the cyberverse."

You can view our Charter in full (it's an easy ready, we promise), here: http://www.cn-epicurean.com/index.php?showtopic=3

Aid and Growth

Aid and growth are important to Epicurean. Strictly speaking, we do not provide start up aid to our members, but we do generously reward activity and loyalty. For those of you who are new to the game and need help, we our friendly members will do what they can to give you hints and tips or direct you to an appropriate guide on our forums. Epicurean also aims to maintain a minimum standard, in relation to technology and infrastructure, for all of it's members. To achieve this, we have a series of programs in place which includes both monetary aid and technology.

War and Politics

Epicurean does not aim to portray itself as an aggressive alliance, however, should diplomacy fail, we will do everything in our power to protect our members, friends and allies. In the world of politics, we aim to evaluate each situation one at a time and not rely on the predetermined prejudices of others when choosing an appropriate course of action. Whilst not neutral, we prefer to see the nations of Planet Bob flourish peacefully and only use war as a last resort.

Getting in Touch and Becoming a Member

If you'd like to get in touch with us, feel free to visit our forums or chat to us on IRC (where we have many active members):

IRC: #cn-epicurean on irc.coldfront.net

Forums: http://www.cn-epicurean.com

Alternatively, feel free to PM any of our government, in game, for more information:

If Epicurean sounds like the alliance for you, then we look forward to you registering on our boards and applying for membership at: http://www.cn-epicurean.com/index.php?showtopic=1

Edited by TailsK
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What the hell, I'll give you guys a friendly bump.

With the bump, comes a price :P. A question!

You guys don't have a Ministry of Defence...? Or is that under IA/FA?

We haven't allocated those positions yet. We're hoping to find some players with a bit more military experience for those positions. Being a small alliance, our alliance is still very manageable, without a Minister of Defence at this time.

Thanks for the question!

Edited by TailsK
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