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Buryatian Democracy returns...but at what price?

Imperator Azenquor

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BCNA: Buryatia Joint Military-Civilian Committee resigns

“Today, at a special press conference called at the Presidential palace, the Joint Military Civilian Committee tendered its resignation and announced the restoration of democracy to Buryatia. General Zelin gave a short speech in which he stressed the necessity of the military’s intervention as well as highlighting the successes of the military junta’s administration. General Zelin explained that the joint military civilian committee had achieved its purpose and had restored full constitutional normality to the nation. He also stressed the various threats to the nation that had been thwarted by the swift action of the authorities. These threats included ‘acts of disorder perpetrated by the Pan Asian Party in their attempt to seize power’ as well as attacks on protests that resulted in many deaths both civilian and military.

General Zelin also made an unexpected announcement regarding the Former President Vladimir Zhukovsky. Ex President Zhukovsky was sentenced by a tribunal to life imprisonment for his part in the assassination of the Queen. Citing the controversy surrounding the Pan Asia Party, as well as President Zhukovsky’s popularity while in office, the last act of the Joint Military Civilian Committee reduced Mr. Zhukovsky’s sentence to a thirty (30) year ban from participating in politics as well as a life ban from entering Buryatia. This would mean that after Mr. Zhukovsky is released into exile, he would be unable to ever return to Buryatia. Should Mr. Zhukovksy set foot on Buryatian soil he would be re arrested and sent to serve his original life sentence. In reducing the sentence the Committee cited Zhukovsky’s presence in Buryatia as being a ‘destructive influence on the society’ and that he ‘represented the very worst of the political spectrum’. Human rights activists have claimed that the move to forcibly expel Mr. Zhukovsky is a violation of his human rights as well as a violation of Buryatia’s Constitution.

In response to the allegations, the Committee simply declared that Mr. Zhukovsky would have his Buryatian citizenship stripped once he left the country and would then not be entitled to ever return. The Buryatian Council for Human Rights (BCHR) has condemned the move vehemently and has called on the international community to join them in condemning the government of Buryatia. The government has so far refused to back down from its position and maintains that Zhukovsky will leave Buryatia tomorrow morning ‘willingly or otherwise’.

In a much more controversial decision, the government has seized control of the former President’s property and assets in the name of the state. Several million dollars stored in the Former President’s bank accounts have been transferred to the Treasury, and the government has stepped in to seize his home in Yakutsk. Reporters were on hand as soldiers arrived to evict the President’s wife and three year old daughter from the small residence in the upscale northern district of the capital. The soldiers gave the Former President’s wife fifteen minutes to gather the necessary documents and supplies before they were lead away to a waiting police car that sped off for the airport.

Mrs. Zhukovksy was hysterical and had to be comforted by neighbors as the soldiers began removing the contents of their home. When asked by reporters to explain themselves, the commander of the soldiers present, said that they were ‘simply securing the property of the state, as the state owns both the house and its contents’. Some neighbors of the Zhukovsky’s were not amused and hurled angry insults at the soldiers.

As one chapter draws to a close, a new one opens. The Buryatian Electoral Commission has announced that they are prepared to hold the first democratic election in Buryatia since the military junta overthrew President Zhukovsky. The Commission stated clearly in its initial public statement, that the Pan Asia Party is barred from participating in the poll. The elections are expected to be held in a few days and will be the key to an orderly transition.

Some Democracy activists who support the ousted President have called on the people of Buryatia to elect President Zhukovsky via write in vote or to deliberately spoil their ballots. It appears that the next election will be the key to determining Buryatia’s future. A low turnout would be disastrous for the government, but a high turnout would be considered a major vote of confidence in the actions of the junta. Some people are still concerned about the controversial constitutional reforms that were enacted ahead of the junta dissolving itself, but most accept the fact that the amendments will remain and the military shall forever have a say in the politics of the nation.

As the well known Buryatian Political Analyst wrote, ‘what is important now is to determine if it is the democratic government that shall control the military of if it will be the military that controls the government at the end of this election cycle’"


***News credits***

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"It's good to know our northern neighbors have stabilized once again. Any closer to anarchy and we may have had to consider intervention, but it's good the people pulled their government together. We welcome the new regime and would like to establish relations and normalize trade as promptly as possible."

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“Today the Buryatian Electoral Commission has released the official candidate and party roster for the upcoming election. The roster includes four parties, the newest of which is the Party of Labor (PoL). The Party of Labor and Party of Workers form a two party coalition called the “Buryatian Socialist Alternative” or BSA. Although election campaigning has only started today, the BSA has hit the ground running and has mobilized more than 40,000 party activists, called the Red Troupe, across the nation. These activists are out to rally support for the party, as well as to encourage those who haven’t registered to vote to do so.

The other main political parties have announced that their campaigns will kick off tomorrow. What is certain at this point is that this is going to be a hotly contested election. Pollsters are hurrying to gather initial data to publish opinion polls ahead of the election that some analysts have already called too close to call.”

Candidate Roster:

Party of Labor (PoL) – Left, 21st century Socialism with Buryatian Principles

Democratic Party of Buryatia (DPB) – Economic Liberal, Centrist

Buryatia Liberation Party (BLP) – Nationalist, Social Conservative

Party of Workers (PoW)- Left of center, Communism

Presidential Candidates:

Dr. Natalya Zhukova (BLP)

Mr. Aleksandar Altan-enkh (DPB)

Mr. Naranbatariin Ivaanjav (PoW)

Ms. Katerina Rokossova (PoL)

"In another key news item that we at BCNA have been following is the exile of former President Zhukovsky and his family. The President and his wife and daughter arrived at the Yakutsk International Airport fifteen minutes ago where a private plane was waiting for them. As he was led to the plane in handcuffs, Mr. Zhukovsky condemned the government and vowed that he would return to Buryatia and 'expose the lies of the junta'.

The soldiers escorting Mr. Zhukovsky ignored his protests and led him into the aircraft. His wife and daughter joined him moments later. With little ceremony, the aircraft took off from the airport and left Buryatian airspace. A spokesperson for the Zhukovsky family told some of his supporters that the Ex President and his family would be living 'temporarily' in exile in the neighboring protectorate region as Buryatian criminal law does not define the protectorate as being part of Buryatia's territory. Several Pro-Zhukovsky groups are meeting to come up with a united response to the exile of the former President. The groups are not as radical as the Pan Asia Party, and have already stated that any response from them will be fully legal under the law of Buryatia."

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"If the former President Zhukovsky wishes, he and his family will be granted asylum in Promised Land. The eviction of his family for any actions he may or may not of committed is just one of many actions of the recent Buryatian administration we condemn."

OOC: Someone needs to voice some opposition...might as well be me.

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Government Statements:

“The government of Buryatia feels that the government of Promised Land has made an irresponsible decision in offering an amnesty to a criminal with such little regard for the magnitude of the crimes he was found guilty of. Nonetheless, Mr. Zhukovsky is free to travel where he chooses provided that he does not set foot on Buryatian territory. We have no intention of preventing Mr. Zhukovsky from traveling to Promised Land to remain in exile.

Wherever he and his family decide to remain, once he sets foot on their territory his Buryatian citizenship will be canceled. It is our hope that the government of Promised Land will not permit Mr. Zhukovsky to carry out any kind of political activity during his exile."-FM Onatopp

Statement from a Spokesperson for the Zhukovskys:

"The Zhukovsky family is grateful for the offer from the government of Promised Land and has decided to accept this gracious offer. Mr. Zhukovsky maintains that he will do everything in his power to clear his name and expose the wrongdoings of the junta in Buryatia despite his exile. Mr. Zhukovsky has also wished to assure his supporters that he will return to Buryatia 'as soon as possible' and that he will 'never abandon his quest for the truth'.

Mrs. Zhukovsky wishes to announce that she will be challenging the government decision to seize the family's assets in Court as soon as possible. The plane carrying the Zhukovskys will be heading directly for Promised Land after a refueling stop in the protectorate region"

===International Airspace===

The plane carrying the Zhukovsky family headed towards Promised land. The flight was quiet as Mr. Zhukovsky stared blankly out of the window while his wife slept. The silence was broken by the voice of the pilot over the PA system.

"Sir, we are being tailed by two MiG 23 Interceptors."

He leapt to his feet as he saw the first MiG fly past the aircraft. He noticed the Fin Flash and roundel on the aircraft had been painted over to make it difficult to identify where the aircraft were from. Ignoring the danger, the pilot expertly maneuvered the aircraft into a lower altitude and continued towards Promised Land.

The Pilot grabbed the radio and attempted to contact Air Traffic Control in Promised Land.

"This is BA-01298C, Carrying the Zhukovsky family from Buryatia to Promised Land. We are en route to Promised Land and have been intercepted by two unidentified MiG 23 aircraft."

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the Hongan_Ji monks that caused such a religious uproar in Lu-Han china ,but it seems that Lu-Han wasn't enough the religious sect is now sending a group of missionaries to each part of Asia . 1 group went to Japan the original Hongan-Ji homeland southern China and to North Asia where some country's that have taken place the country they wanted to influence most was in Buryatia.

The Monks thought Buryatia would be a good place to start their northern religious mission to spread Buddha within that nation by starting gathering believers in the south of Buryatia.They are now begnning the missionaries in Asia .




Their message to the public is that they only wish to bring Buddha to all of Asia in a peaceful way.

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the Hongan_Ji monks that caused such a religious uproar in Lu-Han china ,but it seems that Lu-Han wasn't enough the religious sect is now sending a group of missionaries to each part of Asia . 1 group went to Japan the original Hongan-Ji homeland southern China and to North Asia where some country's that have taken place the country they wanted to influence most was in Buryatia.

The Monks thought Buryatia would be a good place to start their northern religious mission to spread Buddha within that nation by starting gathering believers in the south of Buryatia.They are now begnning the missionaries in Asia .




Their message to the public is that they only wish to bring Buddha to all of Asia in a peaceful way.

OOC: cough, cough....wrong thread.... But I suppose both of these can be handled in this thread, so it's okay. I'll post an IC response once I wrap up the bit with Zhukovsky and Promised Land.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Government Statements:

"The government of Buryatia feels that the government of Promised Land has made an irresponsible decision in offering an amnesty to a criminal with such little regard for the magnitude of the crimes he was found guilty of. Nonetheless, Mr. Zhukovsky is free to travel where he chooses provided that he does not set foot on Buryatian territory. We have no intention of preventing Mr. Zhukovsky from traveling to Promised Land to remain in exile.

Wherever he and his family decide to remain, once he sets foot on their territory his Buryatian citizenship will be canceled. It is our hope that the government of Promised Land will not permit Mr. Zhukovsky to carry out any kind of political activity during his exile."-FM Onatopp

Statement from a Spokesperson for the Zhukovskys:

"The Zhukovsky family is grateful for the offer from the government of Promised Land and has decided to accept this gracious offer. Mr. Zhukovsky maintains that he will do everything in his power to clear his name and expose the wrongdoings of the junta in Buryatia despite his exile. Mr. Zhukovsky has also wished to assure his supporters that he will return to Buryatia 'as soon as possible' and that he will 'never abandon his quest for the truth'.

Mrs. Zhukovsky wishes to announce that she will be challenging the government decision to seize the family's assets in Court as soon as possible. The plane carrying the Zhukovskys will be heading directly for Promised Land after a refueling stop in the protectorate region"

===International Airspace===

The plane carrying the Zhukovsky family headed towards Promised land. The flight was quiet as Mr. Zhukovsky stared blankly out of the window while his wife slept. The silence was broken by the voice of the pilot over the PA system.

"Sir, we are being tailed by two MiG 23 Interceptors."

He leapt to his feet as he saw the first MiG fly past the aircraft. He noticed the Fin Flash and roundel on the aircraft had been painted over to make it difficult to identify where the aircraft were from. Ignoring the danger, the pilot expertly maneuvered the aircraft into a lower altitude and continued towards Promised Land.

The Pilot grabbed the radio and attempted to contact Air Traffic Control in Promised Land.

"This is BA-01298C, Carrying the Zhukovsky family from Buryatia to Promised Land. We are en route to Promised Land and have been intercepted by two unidentified MiG 23 aircraft."

The response to the Buryatian statement was as follows.

"To be frank, the whole affair is suspicious to us. The trials were over a little too quickly, as if someone was trying to rush them through before other evidence was discovered."

===International Airspace===

The transmission came through loud and clear. A patrolling carrier was the first to receive the message. They immediately launched a pair of F-22 Raptors. ETA was five minutes.

"We read you, BA-01298C. Fighters have been dispatched to protect you."

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===International Airspace===

Despite the tension on board the aircraft, the pilot managed to remain calm and on course for Promised Land. He relaxed slightly knowing that Promised Land’s fighters were on their way, but he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes now.

He received a message from one of the two MiG 23 Interceptors. The message was in Ancient Vaulian (OOC: Completely dead language known only by a handful of people). At first no one on board the plane understood the message, but when it was repeated, Mr. Zhukovsky took rapid notes and started to translate the information into Russian. She looked up at her husband with fear in her eyes as she translated:

“Vladimir Zhukovsky, do you fear death? Pray to whatever God you believe in that he shall save your soul.”

===3mins 24 seconds===

The second MiG Interceptor pulled ahead of the aircraft and remained in view of the pilot in the cockpit. The first MiG armed his weapons and pulled back behind the plane. He aimed at the passenger cabin and centered it on his cursor. He then transmitted a short message in Ancient Vaulian:

"Prepare to meet thy destiny"

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The pair of pilots picked up the message, but being in a dead language, they could not understand it.

"Sir? I'm getting a message that can't be translated."

"Ignore that for now. Those planes can't have friendly intent, whatever they are saying."

The lead pilot prayed they could get there in time. They put on an extra burst of speed, despite that fact that it might increase wear and tear on their craft. Saving lives was more important.

"Unknown aircraft, cease and desist whatever you are planning. You cannot hope to survive this encounter, so turn back now."

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OOC: cough, cough....wrong thread.... But I suppose both of these can be handled in this thread, so it's okay. I'll post an IC response once I wrap up the bit with Zhukovsky and Promised Land.

OOC:...oh i thought u said this one ... oook sorryz about that ... hmm ok ill assemble a new thread for the monks .

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To Lu-Chan:

"The Empire wonders if we could have some of your monks over in New Berlin to help spread the word of a Peaceful religion to our Asian community. (Granted its less then 2% of the entire country, we still would love to have them.)

To kreig empire

Sure we will send a group of Hongan-Ji Monk's to your country as soon as possible.

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OOC:...oh i thought u said this one ... oook sorryz about that ... hmm ok ill assemble a new thread for the monks .

The thread for the issue with the monks is this one: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67542



Once the message from the Promised Land aircraft was detected, the pilots of the two MiGs replied in English, then Russian:

"We are monitoring the aircraft carrying the ousted President of Buryatia. We are in international airspace, and we guarantee you that if you engage us you will sincerely regret it."

The two MiGs pulled into formation behind the aircraft and waited for a response from the Promised Land Aircraft. Unknown to those present, the entire exchange was being monitored on a series of cameras mounted on the MiG Interceptors.

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"If monitering is all you are doing, then by all means, continue, and we apologize for the mistake. But if he should be shot down, you will be held responsible."

As long as everyone was talking, no one would be shooting--and more time would be bought for the fighters to arrive and prevent any hostile action. They currently had less than a minute to get there...

4 mins 8 sec

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OOC: Sorry Subtle, I forgot to update this thread


Detecting the incoming Promised Land fighters, the two MiG Interceptors halted their pursuit of the Former President’s plane and changed formation. The first MiG executed a Split-S maneuver and retreated in the direction of the Buryatian protectorate, while the second aircraft changed course towards the incoming Promised Land aircraft.

The pilot armed his complement of Vympel R-27 Air to air missiles and executed a quick altitude climb. Once he leveled of his assent, one of the Promised Land fighters was in range. Without hesitating, he fired two of the R-27s, then activated the timer on an on-board self destruct device.

As the timer clicked closer and closer to zero, the MiG moved closer and closer to the Former President’s aircraft. He would try to remain as close to the aircraft as possible so that he would be difficult to shoot down, and the explosion would also destroy the nearby plane. He knew he was no match for the Promised Land aircraft, but only time would tell.


Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"What the...I've got a missile lock!"

The pilot targeted couldn't believe it at first, but he still responded to the threat by diving almost vertically, than banking sharply to the right and deploying his chaff at the appropriate range. One of the missiles was fooled outright, the second was confused enuugh that it hit exploded on the surface of the ocean near the craft, inflicting minor damage.

The first continued on, pushing his aircraft to the maximum speed.

Seeing the proximity of the remaining enemy, the wing leader transmitted a tightly-controlled message to the passenger craft. "The enemy fighter, should it explode where it is, might take you out too. On my mark, bank as sharply as you can to the right."

He armed his missiles as the time counted down, searching for a lock on the enemy fighter. Immediately upon obtaining it, he called out, "mark!" and released two missiles at the unknown fighter.

OOC: No problem...gives me a chance to catch up everywhere else. :)

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