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Dragon Empire monks arrested in Buryatia

Imperator Azenquor

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===Buryatia-Dragon Empire Border===

As the Hongan_Ji monks attempted to cross the border into Buryatia without visas or entry permits, they were seized by border guards and taken into custody for questioning. The monks are led to an interrogation room at a detention facility where they face a seven hour interrogation by Buryatian State Security.

===Interrogation Room===

A State Security Interrogator enters the room with a clipboard in hand and begins to ask the monks a series of questions:

“State your names and confirm your country of origin”

“Why did you attempt to illegally enter Buryatia?”

“What was the purpose of your trip to Buryatia?”

The Interrogator waited patiently for the monks to reply.

===Foreign Ministry, Buryatia===

State Security Forces immediately forwarded information regarding the incident to be reported to the Dragon Empire. Since the Dragon Empire did not have an embassy in Buryatia, the message was transmitted directly to the government of the Dragon Empire.

To: Gov’t of Dragon Empire

Fr: Gov’t of Buryatia (Ministry of Immigration and Customs)

Re: Illegal entry by DE Citizens into Buryatia

The government of Buryatia wishes to inform you that several citizens of the Dragon Empire illegally crossed the border into Buryatia today. These citizens were detained on the Buryatian side of the border and have been taken into custody in line with Buryatia National Security Law 1083 Section h). As is required by law in such situations, the government of Buryatia (through the relevant security agencies) will be launching a thorough and exhaustive investigation into this matter. Until the conclusion of the investigation, those in custody will remain in custody in Buryatia.

Understanding the nature of the situation, we are prepared to permit a Dragon Empire liaison to be sent to Buryatia to be kept informed of the progress of the investigation and to ensure the well being of the citizens while they are in custody. At this point we also wish to inquire how it is that these persons were permitted by the relevant Dragon Empire agencies to leave the country and to cross the border without the relevant paperwork.

It is our hope that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible.


Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

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To: Gov’t of Buryatia (Ministry of Immigration and Customs)

From: Dragon Empire Imperial Congress

Re: Illegal entry by DE Citizens into Buryatia

We shall be sending Mrs. CK Janu as an official liaison of Dragon Empire to Buryatia. We would like access to the detained individuals and also an account of the matter so far.


The Kingdom of Cochin,

Secretary, Dragon Empire Triumvirate.

Mrs. CK Janu, a senior diplomat in Cochin's Foreign Ministry is ready for travel to Buryatia in an RCAF Merat. She is waiting for approval from Buryatian authorities and information on where she has to come to.

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The Captured Hongan-Ji monks missionary leader Yoshiyune Jizhumanji told the Buryatian State Security Interrogator these words .

"We are the Hongan-Ji monks are country of origin was originally Japan but now we migrated to China and started our influence in Lu empire that was the Hongan-Ji monks first mission then after we toppled their original religion we started sending Hongan-Ji monk missionaries all over Asia and some country's in Europe ,Our leader Toshiyaki will lead his clan back to dominance and he will set us free and our purpose is to let all of Asia to learn the way of Buddha".

The Hongan-Ji supporters and the leader of the Hongan-Ji himself Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji, are outraged to this reaction created by the Buryatia and demands for them to be released immediately or riots will be ensued in Hongan-Ji influenced areas.

Lu-Han's foreign affairs Minister Zhuge Huang had this to say to the Buryatian government.

"Please!! you haft to send them back most of the influence the Hongan-Ji have in Asia is mostly in the DE state of Lu Empire and some parts of DE in the East West and Southern China Toshiyaki even sent some monks to the Kreig empire and we don't know how much Influence they have over their , please we begging you to set them free!.

~foreign affairs Minister Zhuge Huang .

(OOC: sorry for late post).

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===Interrogation Room===

The monks appeared to be somewhat cooperative, so the Internal Security Agents decided to wait until the DE Liaison arrived before continuing to question the monks. An agent entered the room holding a clipboard and spoke:

“Gentlemen, we have decided to discontinue this interview for today. You will be detained until we have resolved the situation regarding your illegal entry. The Dragon Empire has been notified of this incident and they will be sending a representative shortly. That is all”-Agent

The monks were then thoroughly searched then sent to a temporary detention facility in the capital city. Each of the monks was placed in a separate cell and informed that they would be summoned once the DE representative arrived.

===Buryatian Airspace===

Mrs. Janu’s aircraft is directed to land at the Yakutsk International Airport where a car would be waiting to take her to the Zhukov Tower to meet with the Foreign Minister. Once she arrived in Buryatia, the investigation process could proceed.

Another letter is dispatched to the Dragon Empire government explaining the detailed charges that the monks are accused of:

===Buryatian People’s District Court, Zenn Province, Buryatia===


Buryatia People's Distric Court, Zenn Province

The People’s Court of Buryatia has announced its intention to charge the following individuals:

The individuals are citizens of the Dragon Empire

Pending Charges:

1) Breaching Buryatia State Customs Regulations 12, 18, 27, 31 and 42 b.)

2) Breaching Buryatia Immigration Regulations 10 b.), 30 g), 29 a) and 57 c)

3) Breaching Buryatia National Security Regulations 5, 10 and 82 c)

4) Breaching Buryatia State Transport Regulation 5 e)

5) Breaching Buryatia Visa Regulation 8 d)

After the initial assessment is completed the decision will be taken about how to proceed. This serves as the initial notification that these are the regulations that the citizens in question are accused of breaching. We look forward to co-operating with the Dragon Empire in resolving the situation.


Buryatia People's Court

The Buryatian government issues the following responses:

To Minister Zhuge Huang:

“We have received confirmation that a liaison has been dispatched to Buryatia from the Dragon Empire. As such we consider this liaison to represent the Dragon Empire, so we will not comment on your statement.”

To Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji:

“The government of Buryatia does not respond to ultimatums and threats from religious leaders of any group. As we are certain of the limited influence of your ‘group’ in Buryatia we consider your threats to be as hollow and empty as your logic”

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Mrs. Janu arrived at Zhukov Tower and said to the Foreign Minister of Buryatia.

"Good morning, Minister. First of all let me say that we regret that such an incident happened in the first place. We would like to ascertain their motives for violating your borders. Since they appear to be monks I assume that there could very well be an innocent reason behind the whole confusion. As you know, theologists are not exactly quite world wise. Perhaps we may yet find a way to sort things out amicably?"

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In the Lu empire another huge riot was taking place many of the leaders of these riots were major Hongan-Ji supporters demanding for the Emperor to get the monks back from their captivity , but the situation was out of the Emperor's control so the Hongan-Ji supporters and the Hongan-Ji them self's started to form a rebel group called the Hongan-Ji clan, through the uprising caused by Hongan-ji in several territories in Lu-Han they captured the empires primary news station.

were Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji was about to broadcast his message throughout Asia


(OOC:only pick i can find of a Hongan-Ji that looks non crappy that is the original Kennyo Hongan-Ji of Sengoku Era Japan ,hes on SW3 ,sorry for the inconvenience.)


behind Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji as he sat down in a chair were he was going to make his speech was the Hongan-Ji clan symbol

"To all of East Asia I am Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji and i have a message for Buryatia , as warning from Lu's foreign minister warned you what would happen if our monks were not returned to us safely ,now with our uprisings within Lu have begun ,we have other monks who have been sent as missionaries in all of China who have been gathering Hongan-Ji monks supporters I will say this we do not take hostile actions against our way of religion we were stopped by the Oda in the past but this time we shall not fall again ,all praise Amida Buddha!!"

the broadcast stopped ,and it was not long for religious radicals of Hongan-Ji supporters started to tear Lu-Han apart .

Emperor Lu Tai of Lu was angered about this announcement and ordered a huge Anti Riot task force to take care of these Religious Rebels .

"Damn you Toshiyaki i allow u into Lu and this is what i get and all over some damn monks i will not let you have your way is shall stop your religious army,...argh but i cant do it alone Messengers!!!"

2 Messengers walked in front of Lu Tai.

"Messenger on the Right go to the Cochin state of DE and tell the King of Cochin I ask for his assistance in this matter ,and the Messenger on the left you go to Mael and tell him of this nuisance"

they shook their heads yes and went on.

Edited by lutai
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A letter returned shortly,

"If you want to crack down on the Monks within your state I'd be more than content to lend resources to the action, but I encourage you to be as kind and gentle as possible in the crackdown noting the violation sof the rule of law and the threat to Lu's State and National Security the monks have become. The first thing we must do is undermine their support by the people, when they are portrayed as radicals who threaten your people's very way of life, the desire to support them will fall dramatically. Our military assets are at your disposal, you need merely make a request of our high command for them to be deployed. Do you feel you need any other assistance at this time? Just in case, I'll send a handful of state intelligence agents to help you infiltrate the monks and get a feel for how they intend to act and move, this should remove many surprises from the table."



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The Anti Riot task force and the help from the rest of DE was able to push back the monks ,the riots were being suppressed ,but it would seem that Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji started to fear his enemy's that were getting close to him so he decides to flee the country while using his supporters as shields a he makes his escape .

Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji took off his Monkish clothing and put some ordinary clothing on and made it seem he was a an ordinary citizen.Soon after without his support the Hongan-Ji rebellion fell every leader or supporters were executed or taken prisoner.

The last known location of Toshiyaki Hongan-Ji was in Qing province were he is said to try to make a break for it to Japan so he can hide.

"Lu empire wish's that nation of Furon put border Patrol on high alert for this Dangerous Monk in this disguise ".


~Minster of Foreign Affairs :Zhuge Huang.

Lu empire sent special task force to find and kill him before he escapes to his homeland in Japan.

Emperor Lu Tai of Lu sent a transmission to the Buryatia Leader.

"Leader of Buryatia we have destroyed the Hongan-Ji in Lu-Han china and they have no more influence sense their leader has abandoned them ,so you can do what you like to those monks you have captured

Edited by lutai
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===Zhukov Tower===

The Foreign Minister entered the room and greeted the DE liaison. Once they sat down, Minister Onatopp got directly to the point:

“Mrs. Janu, we are especially concerned as this is not the first time that someone from the Lu Empire has illegally crossed a nation’s borders. I do not need to remind you about what happened with the Yellow turbans. We are alarmed that the authorities in the Lu Empire, and by extension the Dragon Empire, have not been able to exercise effective control over their border with Buryatia.

While dealing with this group has now resolved the situation, we still must ask why such a destructive group of people were allowed to remain, grow and recruit inside the Dragon Empire and why the relevant authorities waited until they attempted to expand beyond their borders to deal with them. While we would not presume to dictate what policies another nation should adopt, we hope that the government of the Dragon Empire can take concrete steps to ensure that a similar situation does not occur again in the future.

Now to the matter at hand, as the monks who crossed into Buryatia held Dragon Empire citizenship we notified your government of the charges against them as well as the incident leading to the pending charges. As the DE liaison, you will be granted supervised access to see the monks in custody. At this point in the investigation, we have decided to proceed to trial and have turned over the necessary paperwork to the Buryatian People’s Court with jurisdiction in these matters.

You are welcome to observe the trial if it is the wish of your government, and we also invite the Dragon Empire to appoint defense lawyers to aid their citizens. We would also like to request that the Dragon Empire turn over any non-classified documents regarding these monks and their activities.”-FM Onatopp

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===Zhukov Tower===

The Foreign Minister entered the room and greeted the DE liaison. Once they sat down, Minister Onatopp got directly to the point:

“Mrs. Janu, we are especially concerned as this is not the first time that someone from the Lu Empire has illegally crossed a nation’s borders. I do not need to remind you about what happened with the Yellow turbans. We are alarmed that the authorities in the Lu Empire, and by extension the Dragon Empire, have not been able to exercise effective control over their border with Buryatia.

While dealing with this group has now resolved the situation, we still must ask why such a destructive group of people were allowed to remain, grow and recruit inside the Dragon Empire and why the relevant authorities waited until they attempted to expand beyond their borders to deal with them. While we would not presume to dictate what policies another nation should adopt, we hope that the government of the Dragon Empire can take concrete steps to ensure that a similar situation does not occur again in the future.

Now to the matter at hand, as the monks who crossed into Buryatia held Dragon Empire citizenship we notified your government of the charges against them as well as the incident leading to the pending charges. As the DE liaison, you will be granted supervised access to see the monks in custody. At this point in the investigation, we have decided to proceed to trial and have turned over the necessary paperwork to the Buryatian People’s Court with jurisdiction in these matters.

You are welcome to observe the trial if it is the wish of your government, and we also invite the Dragon Empire to appoint defense lawyers to aid their citizens. We would also like to request that the Dragon Empire turn over any non-classified documents regarding these monks and their activities.”-FM Onatopp

"Minister Onatopp, Dragon Empire fully appreciates your concerns. However being free societies places some constraints on the level of monitoring we can impose on our people. Moreover these monks had till now never exhibited any violent behavior nor had they caused any mayhem to justify a law and order problem like this.

With regards to the Yellow Turbans those anarchists struck the Lu Empire at a very volatile period in Asian history when Lu Empire itself was facing grave threats both internally and externally. We are of the firm belief that both cases are aberrations rather than a systemic pattern which calls for increased measures. The Lu Empire has already taken very stern actions against those errant monks.

We do thank the Buryatian Govt for notifying us and allowing us to liaise with you. We would like to send some legal help to those citizens and would only hope for the law to take its full and just course. We shall assist your government to obtain evidences for use in the trial.

Aberrations like these are not truly representative of Dragon Empire. It would be extremely unfortunate if you would make that assumption.

We hope that the friendly relations between Dragon Empire and Buryatia would not be affected by these events."

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