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  1. As the State delegation from Disparu got closer to the area where the mini spaceship had landed, a ordinary looking man came running up from behind the trees. The Disparuean guards almost automatically reacted, thinking it to be an intruder. But however the Disparuean delegation spotted a distinctly Eagleian looking badge on his shirt. And he seemed to be wearing some sort of naval style uniform. Three more men, also in uniform appeared. "This way" said one of them and moved into an area hidden behind trees. When the delegation followed them, they saw an Eagleian spaceship waiting. A sign on the spaceship's door said "[url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Military"]Space Force of the Federation[/url] - ESS Eagleia - Miniship A". The spaceship was relatively tiny in relation to what the Disparuean delegation was about to see. The miniship was shaped like a rectangular object with a rounded glass front. When the entire delegation was inside. The door shut. The delegation had not yet seen any of [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/People_of_Eagleia"]Eagleia's species[/url] other than human, as all the officers on board the miniship were humans. "Ready for lift off sir" said one of the officers. The Second Officer replied: "Then let's go!" and then said formally: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the honorable State delegation from Disparu, please put your seat belts on." The delegation was seated on seats which resembled those of an ordinary commercial airplane. The seat belts were easy to find and as soon as everyone had put them on the Officer gave the order to go. Soon enough, the spaceship lifted into the air, positioned itself upwards and blasted off into space. The miniship continued to keep going even after leaving Planet Bob's atmosphere. About 10 to 15 minutes later it went beyond Planet Bob's moon and slowed down. In the distance the Disparuean delegation saw an enourmous spaceship about the size of forty to fifty large cargo vessels. On it's two sides were similar looking ships, but about half each in size of the main one. The big one said "ESS Eagle" on it's side, the other two said "ESS Andromeda" and "ESS Union" on their sides. The spaceships were roughly arrow-ish/rectangular shaped, with a huge area at their middle back areas coming out and at it's near top an area which looked like the control zone. Second Officer James Cook wondered what the members of the Disparuean delegation were thinking as they sat speechless as the miniship approached ESS Eagle. The miniship docked inside an area in ESS Eagle. As the door opened and the delegation were guided outside, they were greeted. But this time not only by humans. But by other creatures, some who looked somewhat alien like, some who looked like normal animals from Planet Bob except with a high level of intelligence of course, and some humans as well. The captain of the ESS Eagle, who was also the admiral of the 1st Fleet, as well as overall Commander of Eagleia's Space Force, stepped forward. He was small in comparison to humans, only about one-fifth the size of an average human face. He spoke in English, "Welcome aboard. This spaceship will take you to Eagleia, cruising at maximum speed, we can reach [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Planet_Eagleia"]Planet Eagleia[/url], which lies in one of the arms of the Andromeda galaxy, in about half a day. We will ensure you will be as comfortable as possible during this journey." Immediately following the captain's statement, a small giraffe looking creature the height of a average human's head and neck stepped up. He was followed by a much larger, normal looking girrafe. "Hello and welcome aboard" said the smaller giraffe, "I am the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Council_of_Ministers"]Minister for Foreign Affairs & Tourism of Eagleia[/url]. And this is my deputy" he said pointing to the larger giraffe. "I hope you will enjoy your journey to Planet Eagleia, and the entire State visit in general. Some officers will be along shortly to show you to your rooms. Oh, yes, and you'll all might be interested in this," he said, handing out little booklets to everyone in the Disparuean delegation. The booklet was titled "A Quick Look at Eagleia": [quote] [size="6"][u]A Quick Look at Eagleia[/u][/size] [size="5"][url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/History_of_Eagleia"]History[/url]:[/size] Planet Eagleia is a planet about the size and age of Planet Bob. Around 10,000 years ago two advanced civilizations emerged on this planet. One was the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Sunnia"]Sunnian[/url] civilization and the other the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Goldentine"]Goldentinian[/url] civilization. The Sunnian civilization's peoples consisted of mostly intelligent species other than humans, while the Goldentinian civilization consisted of mostly humans. Around 5000 years ago, these two civilizations started interacting with each other. Sometimes there were war, and at other times peaceful trade between the two. A diplomatic capital was established in neutral area, and started as small village called Eagleton (which has since grown to become Eagleia's largest city and national capital), in which to conduct diplomatic affairs in. Around a 1000 years back, in the [Earthian Standard Year] AD 1013, these two countries put aside their differences and united into one nation under the name of Eagleia, which was adopted as it was used by both Sunnians and Goldentinians to refer to the planet. In these early days only some of the main Eagleian continent had been discovered. Over the years Sunnia & Goldentine built up an huge empire encompassing the planet. Recently, the old imperial and colonial system of governance in Eagleia was reformed when Eagleia was restructured into "[url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/States_and_Territories_of_Eagleia"]the Federation of Eagleia[/url]", which today consists of 4 states (Sunnia, Goldetine, Einea, & Northia), 2 incorporated territories (Queensland & Corona), and the federal capital of Eagleton. The Federation of Eagleia also holds complete sovereignty over the whole of Planet Eagleia. A rough political Map of Eagleia about 100 years ago: [spoiler][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100406130252/eagleia/images/9/9a/Map_of_Eagleia-Olden.PNG[/img][/spoiler] [size="5"][url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Geography_of_Eagleia"]Geography:[/url][/size] Maps: [spoiler] Physical: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100406125343/eagleia/images/5/57/Map_of_Eagleia_-_physical.PNG[/img] Political: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100406130523/eagleia/images/2/2d/Map_of_Eagleia-Political.PNG[/img] [/spoiler] [size="5"][url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/People_of_Eagleia"]People & Society:[/url][/size] Eagleian society is much like that of human society on Planet Bob. The major difference is that Eagleia's peoples do not consist of only one species, but many who have attained a level of intelligence to that of human beings. Trivia fact: Although Eagleia has many intelligent species, not all members of a certain species are intelligent to the level of a human being. For example, while a giraffe a in Eagleia's Cabinet, there are other giraffes who simply live in the wild and act and have a level of intelligence to that of giraffes on Planet Bob. [size="5"][url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Government_of_Eagleia"]Government[/url] & more:[/size] Government: Eagleia is a federation, a constitutional monarchy, and a parliamentary style democracy (although Eagleia's national legislature is called [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Congress_of_Eagleia"]Congress[/url], not parliament). Democracy is important in Eagleia, and citizens participate around 4 times a year in free and fair elections: to elect the national Congress, their state/territorial legislatures, their provincial legislatures (applicable if only in a state), and their local level government. The main job of Eagleia's Crown - consisting of a Sovereign, Governor-General, and State Governors, as well as their assistants - is to protect Eagleia's democracy and upload it's values such as liberty and justice. ------------------- More: Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about Eagleia from the Foreign Minister who will be available through a quick call from your room. [/quote] After the booklet was handed out to every member of Disparu's state delegation. The entire delegation was led to waiting lounge, where they could privately discuss their thoughts with each other. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Over to you again Pika. =P Let's see the thoughts of the Disparuean delegation about everything so far.
  2. [b]Office of the Foreign Affairs & Tourism Minister, Foreign Affairs and Tourism Ministry building, Eagleton, DV, Eagleia:[/b] Longus Girrafus drank the last of his lemonade drink as he relaxed in his office at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs & Tourism, there was an unexpected heatwave in [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Eagleton"]Eagleton[/url]. "So, it seems our Disparuean friends want to cover up Eagleia's existence to the other world." Girrafus said to his deputy minister. Girrafus was a physic. He knew exactly what happened in Disparu's Executive Council debate chamber. "Hmm, well, perhaps they may have reason for doing so, because if the general public on the other world found out, it might be chaos, well maybe. And we are quite different from them after all. Both you and I are what humans on that other world would cast aside as simply 'dumb animals', while on Planet Eagleia, the human species in not the only species with an advanced level of intelligence. Us, and most of our leaders, with the notable exception of some such as the sovereign and governor-general, are living proof of that." replied Girrafus's deputy, who was also a Giraffe as his boss. "Hmm, your quite right, but I wonder how long they [i]can[/i] cover it up. For example, many of Disparu's citizens may be wondering about our embassy in Jubilife. They must be confused and wondering where is the nation called Eagleia." Girrafus paused while he drank a cup of cool water and put the A/C to full power. He continued: "We even have to ensure that only members of Eagleia's human species are ever allowed to visit any nation on their planet. And we have to land our spacecrafts in some forest or other deserted area and avoid any form of detection from them, out of fear they may find out about our Planet's existence. But I really wonder if there is even a need for this. Why can't we reveal ourselves to them? We're not that different to them in many aspects. Many of cultures are very similar to theirs, we even have the English language, and so much more, as we've already had some contact with the other planet. Which has been covered up or forgotten. We aren't so much ahead of them in technology or civilization either. We've only begun to master space travel for example. All our afore contact with their planet in the days before relied on our secret society of priests, who are able to create portals to the other world on rare request." "Oh well" said Girrafus. "Let's see how this state visit goes. It shall be interesting for both us and them" ------------------------------------------------ [b]Meanwhile, near Planet Bob:[/b] "We're approaching their planet, Captain" exclaimed the First Officer of the Eagleia's flag spaceship, the ESS (Eagleian Space Ship) Eagle. "Good. That's close enough. We don't want this ship to be detected by their satellite or anything. Launch our main pod, instead of them all. That will make things easier for our Disparuean friends. Head for the coordinates we have been given. Try to enter Planet Bob's atmosphere with the least possible detection." Soon the main pod of the flag spaceship had been launched. It entered Planet Bob's atmosphere and landed at the given coordinates without much detection. Second Officer James Cook looked at his watch, set to the time in Disparu. It read 5:25 PM. In 5 more minutes the Disparuean delegation was expected. Cook rested in the control chair while he looked curiously at the water sprayers, mirrors and lenses, which he could see from the control screen showing the outside.... ---------------------------- OCC: Over to you Pika. =P
  3. Background: Following interest between [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Eagleia"]Eagleia[/url] and [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Disparu"]Disparu[/url], which have had bilateral relations since around August 2009, for a State Visit between the two countries, the Eagleian Government has sent an official invitation to the Government of Disparu welcoming a State visit to Eagleia from Disparu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Public Message) [center][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100419151907/eagleia/images/9/9e/Coat_of_Arms_of_Eagleia_Small.PNG[/img] [b]OFFICE OF THE [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Governor_General_of_Eagleia"]GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION OF EAGLEIA[/url][/b][/center] To the King & Government of the Federation of Disparu, We are pleased to invite an official State delegation from Disparu, consisting of either the Head of State or both Head of State and Head of Government of Disparu and any other officials, to conduct a State Visit to the Federation of Eagleia. We hope the State Visit will help foster ties between our two nations, and result in agreements beneficial to both Disparu and Eagleia. We look forward to delegation from Disparu, Signed, [i][url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Knowzilla"]Sir Knowzilla[/url][/i], [size="1"]Governor-General of Eagleia, Commander-in-Chief of the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Military_of_Eagleia"]Armed Forces of Eagleia[/url], President of the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Privy_Council"]Privy Council[/url] of Eagleia, 1st Chairman of the Union Council, Principal Companion and Chancellor of the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Order_of_Eagleia"]Order of Eagleia[/url][/size] ------------------------------------------------------------ (Private Message) [b][i]Office of the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Council_of_Ministers"]Foreign Minister of Eagleia[/url][/i][/b] To the Government of Disparu, We are delighted to hear that Disparu would be conducting a State Visit to Eagleia. But however for the delegation from Disparu to reach Eagleia, as it situated on [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Planet_Eagleia"]another planet[/url] a space fleet will arrive at Jubilife to pick up the delegation, and will probably land nearby the city in the clearing. We would also be interested to know whether the delegation consists of the King & Chancellor as well as ministers of Disparu, or only the King of Disparu, so we properly prepare the needed security. The Space Fleet should arrive tomorrow, which will take the State delegation of Disparu to [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Eagleton"]Eagleton[/url]. The fleet will take about half a day to travel there. I, and my fellow ministers look forward to the visit, Signed, [i]Longus Girrafus[/i], [size="1"]Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister of the [url="http://eagleia.wikia.com/wiki/Council_of_Ministers"]Federal Cabinet of Eagleia[/url][/size]
  4. The Territories of Queensland and Corona were officially created today. Today also marks the addition of new land to the Provinces of Northia, Goldentine, Sunnia, and Einea (Goldentine also ceded some land to Queensland). The Governor-General and Deputy Governor General both attend the ceremonies & celebrations in both Queensland and Corona. The Federal Prime Minister, Prefect of Einea and the Prefect of Goldentine attended the ceremony in Queensland. The Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Prefect of Sunnia and the Prefect of Northia attended the ceremony in Corona. In both ceremonies, the Deputy Governor General arrived as planes flew overhead at the site of where the Territorial Council Buildings are going to be, soon followed by the Governor General who read out the Proclaimation of the creation of the respective Territory. Then the Deputy Governor General administrated the Oath of Office to the new Prefects of Queensland and Corona (at the respective ceremonies in the new capitals of the Territories). The officials left after attending several celebrations in the territorial capitals. Both Territories have been allocated about 100 million Eglots each to begin development. *You can read about how the Territories are governed here.
  5. The Committee announced full details to the public today. The following is how the map of Eagleia is expected to look soon: Two news Territories by the names of "Corona" (the latin root word for Crown; named as such becuase of a valley which has mountains encircling in the shape of a coronet) and Queensland (named for the current Sovereign of Eagleia), shall be created the following day. Furthermore, after the Provinces set up a Committe themselves making reasonable requests for additional territory to their respective provinces, tommorow shall not only be the creation of Eagleia's first Territories, but also the addition of new land to the Provinces of Northia, Sunnia, Einea and Goldentine (Goldentine shall also be handing some land over to the new Territory of Queensland; compare maps for change.) The House of Representives passed the Act this morning, while the House of Lords passed it as well after going through everything to make sure there are no mistakes or anything unlawful in the plans. The Parliaments of Goldentine, Northia, Sunnia, and Einea also passed the Act. The Act shall collectively be known as "The Territories & Land Change Act (Eliz. 56)", which was passed onto the Governor General for Royal Assent, which was granted after discussion with Supreme Court Justices & the Federal Cabinet. Details on the government of the Territories shall be released soon.
  6. OCC: Ok. Thanks. IC: In latest news, no Premier of any Province voiced outright opposition against this plan. Nor did any debates opposing the Territories Plan be begun in any Provincial Parliament. A deadline has been set for all issues to be resolved by 11:00 PM (Eagleton time) 29th August. The final details will be given then. It is expected that at 12 Midnight on 29th/30th August that the Territories will be created, if everything goes as planned. Information leaks from the Congressional Committee overseeing all this indicates that two Territories are likely to be created, one in a desert or nearby Sunnia, one Island Territory or on one of the two western continents. A sub-committee will soon forward it's final candidates for the positions of Territorial Commissioners to Congress, which will be in turn forwarded to the Governor General for actual approval. The Committee is expected to release nearly all details tomorrow. Stay tuned.
  7. OCC: Thanks, but it would seem that much of areas which I would be interested in/have meaning for me, are already taken. Again, I would feel I would be betraying years of developing "Eagleia" as it stands today. I think I'll be keeping to this. IC: EBC News is expecting statements from the Offices of the Premiers of Sunnia, Goldentine & Northia soon. As well as the thoughts of several Congressmen and Provincial MPs.
  8. OCC: , not sure what to do, I'll be continuing with this RP though, if it's ok with the forum rules.
  9. OCC: I'm not completely sure what you mean? Since the CNRP universe seems to be the entity in which other RP nations exist, I guess so. However if having your nation on another planet (which, as I told before, is dearly important to mine), is not allowed for some reason in CNRP, then guess not.
  10. An ok example of a proposal (Although no name proposal has been sent along with this submission from a Sunnian citizen): In other news, the Office of the Prime Minister stated that the PM "would not oppose this plan, as along as it's for the better good of the nation". The Office of Premier of Einea also made a statement on the issue, stating that Sir Rabbitisterdon "does not support or oppose this plan at this point" and that he "shall wait until it develops more to see if it effect Einea in any way".
  11. Additional: If anyone is interested they are welcome to propose names and areas for the Territories/Territory. Make sure it is not too big or too small, as, if successful, they may one day become Provinces, which require they not exceed the size of Northia, nor are too much smaller than Einea. For the names, please read about Eagleia, and think of names related to Eagleian heritage, culture or history. Or alternative, related to the majority physical features in the area (for what the physical features mean on the Eagleian physical map, please see here.). You do not have to follow this guideline, so please feel free to be creative! For the areas, following physical boundaries is recommended, but not necessary. All of these submitions shall be considered very highly by the Committee, as they would come from Heads of State of other nations.
  12. Latest Update: Ceremonies & Celebrations as the Territories of Queensland and Corona are created Greetings to the international community. I shall now present before you an issue which will soon (or for some Eagleian leaders, are already) be facing leaders of the Federation of Eagleia today and in the weeks (or even months) to follow. However, before I introduce this issue, because some may wonder "where in the world is Eagleia??!?". Good question! Eagleia does not exist on Planet Bob, we are from a Planet far off, in the neighbouring Galaxy, Andromeda (Click here to read Information Booklet on Planet Eagleia) Planet Eagleia is inhabited by many species, many similar to Earth/Planet Bob. A distinct difference from Planet Bob being that instead of just one dominate species (humans!), Planet Eagleia has several species (including humans, thank goodness!) which have a level of intelligence much like the Human Species on Planet Bob. Therefore society is distinctly different from Planet Bob on Planet Eagleia. Our planet came in contact with Planet Bob a few Earth months back. And don't worry: We come in Peace! Now onto the ISSUE: Those of you who may have read about Eagleia will know we are a planet-nation and a Federation compromised of 4 Provinces (and one Federal District), over the past few weeks there has been an increasing number of people (when I refer to people, again, I refer to all those on Planet Eagleia who are of adequate intelligence level) who are petitioning to be able to explore/settle in new parts of Eagleia (it is forbidden under law to settle in any land area of Eagleia which is not a Province, a Territory or the Federal District. It is forbidden to explore any of those other areas without a hard-to-get permit). The Congress (the federal legislature) has been thinking about this idea for a while. However it is not that easy, if the Parliament of an existing Province objects to make a new Territory, well, it won't happen. So, a small committee has been formed to gather opinions, deciding to first find out what nations on Planet Bob think. Current Political Map of Eagleia: Somewhat simplified physical Map of Eagleia: We shall be posting the latest opinions from Eagleian leaders on the issue and any other things related to this issue soon. Stay tuned!
  13. We too congratulate Buryatia for the restoration of democracy to their nation.
  14. "We shall remain neutral on whether not this should have been carried out. However we do hope the criminal was rightly convicted. It would be horrible to find out later that he was innocent. If he most certainly is one of those reponsible for the criminal acts, we do feel he should have most certainly been sentenced to life in prison, but, again, we shall not comment on the execution."
  15. The Government of Eagleia has relaunched two websites, at eagleia.gov.ea and eagleiagb.gov.ea (OCC: eagleia.weebly.com & eagleiagov.weebly.com - You can actually view these, please do). The first one deals with Eagleia in general, and acts as website where people from other nations can learn and find out about Eagleia. The second contains blogs from the Offices of several leaders of the nation. -- EBC News OCC: Tell me what you think about the sites, you can comment on specific posts on the blogs at eagleiagov.weebly.com or comment about the sites in general here. Please do comment and tell me if I've set them up well enough (for starters that is) and is convincingly government like. Links to two latest 'goverment' blog posts: Parliament Open! - by 'the Governor of Goldentine' Parliament open; Bell Bill - by 'the Prefect of Goldentine' And do check them at any time, they'll most likely be updated. Good day all.
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