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TGE Aggression


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If you really want me to walk you through it I can. Though if you joined #tsi or #roa you could probably get about one hundred different ways of doing it since that's where all the evil saboteurs and coup planners lurk (as labeled by your government mind you). Hell, you could even ask Scheer or whatever he's calling himself these days. He was almost the military portion of a coup until he misplaced his balls. I'm honestly surprised he's back in there again considering his tenancy to waffle so frequently and violently.

I don't know what's going on with #tsi I'll admit that but yes, RoA is considered "Traitors to the Empire". And we generalized the alliance. I don't agree with everything TGE does, heck, I doubt that you agree with everything your alliance does but that's the way it is unless something changes. And the change you want is the removal of Fritz, and that my friend will not happen unless he wants it to happen. I stick with an alliance unless something goes horribly wrong or I am kicked out. That's loyalty and honorable, you have to admit that. I just don't understand why, you, re-joined TGE and then left. That shows me you have no honor or loyalty to anyone but yourself. hey, If i was in NPO for heaven's sake i would still be in there unless they kicked me out or whatever!

Let's be realistic here. Unless you are a re roll, you have been here for a few months. You cannot possibly have a rounded understanding of who I am or what TGE has done under the flawed Kaiser's leadership. I've been in TGE twice and both times worked for the betterment of the alliance. Please, please do not speak of things you have no knowledge of. And you should know that nothing makes me happier than dealing with the next batch of TGE's yes-men. You complete me.

First off, I have been in planet bob before. I have had my own alliance and have gone through the first couple great wars, my sig has a lot of what I have done and who i am. READ!

Technically, any time you join an alliance it will better it anyways. You join and you give that alliance more Infa/tech/military.

Actually, I have a good understanding of what TGE has done. Problem is, I am still learning. You are not learning anything of the present because you are not in TGE right this very minute.

Please, please don't speak of things you have no knowledge of for the present.

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When speaking on the OWF and answering criticism, whether constructive or otherwise, you need to use a certain amount of decorum as you represent your alliance here. OOC attacks on people don't win you brownie point nor does perambulating around the idea of how to coup your leader. As I wrote swathes of the current constitution myself, the reality is that TGE role-play an actual Empire where the monarch holds power until such time as he dies or abdicates. As he has always been the forum moderator you could set up your own and call yourself TGE mark II if you wish. Thats the reality. Simply put, you can't coup him because it then stops being TGE (which is more or less copyrighted to Fred) and I doubt very much WAPA will get involved in a civil war. The only other option is forming your own Alliance.

And no, I'm not back in TGE. I have my own little alliance in accordance to what I said above. Excuse the waffle.

I was actually hoping you where on my side but anyways time to talk.

1)I was not criticizing, it was the truth. And it will be the truth unless he denies it, which he has not.

2)I don't actually want to coup Fritz, as i stated before, I was asking him on how he would do it. And it was basically a double question. it is impossible to coup Fritz as you stated.

3) TGE has said before that they RP most of the time. That's fine with me, but people just don't seem to get that nor understand that post they made a long time ago.

[ot]You may doubt but I say that they would, and I would be glad if they did because it shows that it is loyalty over their own....... agendas. As they have done in the KARMA War.[/ot]

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The only reason I withdrew it was because I worded it wrong and i didn't know as much as you did. Also, there where some hurtful things I said in there and so I didn't want that up there any longer.

I fail to understand why you're emphasizing the word "did" in this instance. I've proven that I happen to know about some nasty stuff. Who says I don't know more?

I have done some (More) research into this matter from both sides of the argument and found that the reason for the black out was because RoA was trying to bait us. Why? I have absolutely no clue. That's why this is happening and that's the end of it.

Oh wow. Just wow. Here's a hint as to the comms bans and the reason they get repeatedly put into place: If people from TGE who don't know about the history go and talk to the banned persons/alliances they might find out Frederick II, Karl I, President Chris and others are blindingly incompetent ego-driven maniacs. The comms ban against RoA was another case of sour grapes.

I'm also a little shocked as to why people hate TGE so much. Oh wait now i remember, thing is I can't say it here (I may make it a bit rude so i don't want the Mods to get me ;) )

I don't hate TGE - it's more like the town you grew up in consistently proving what a disappointing place it is with backward policies and poor government. I keep hoping it will get better. It keeps letting me down.

Listen, many people don't like Fred; if that is why you hate TGE, you don't have a sense of good judgement. As everyone knows every person is different. heck, if I was in Fred's position, I would be doing a lot of things differently. It's all on a person's views. So, if you wish to attack Fred (Verbally) fine, but don't generalize TGE. We are a bunch of good, hardworking people. I would also like to point out that TGE has mostly remain silent during this debate. Why? because this is the same debate as when TGE announced the new charter. Same thing. I leave now hopping that this doesn't become more violent.


One thing - when I'm going to "get violent" you'll see missiles flying.

As for the alliance as a whole, the alliance is based on Frederick II's ego. Prove everyone wrong about that and maybe opinions will start changing.

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I don't know what's going on with #tsi
And the change you want is the removal of Fritz, and that my friend will not happen unless he wants it to happen.
I just don't understand why, you, re-joined TGE and then left. That shows me you have no honor or loyalty to anyone but yourself.
Please, please don't speak of things you have no knowledge of for the present.

If you're going to mockingly repeat the things I'm saying to you, at least try not to spout over and over again about things you are not aware of. You keep saying "I don't know" and "I don't understand" and yet are alluding that I am the one that is confused. You do not have an understanding of the situation beyond what has been told to you from your leadership. That is an extremely one sided view and largely tainted by spin. You say TGE has changed without knowing the original state. You say it has changed and yet this very thread revealed yet another flawed and downright wrong practice of TGE and your flawed Kaiser.

I don't know how much more I'm going to entertain your naivety but if you want to PM me I'd be more than willing to go over those coup methods with you.

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I fail to understand why you're emphasizing the word "did" in this instance. I've proven that I happen to know about some nasty stuff. Who says I don't know more?

Because you don't know what's going on NOW inside TGE.

Oh wow. Just wow. Here's a hint as to the comms bans and the reason they get repeatedly put into place: If people from TGE who don't know about the history go and talk to the banned persons/alliances they might find out Frederick II, Karl I, President Chris and others are blindingly incompetent ego-driven maniacs. The comms ban against RoA was another case of sour grapes.
I don't hate TGE - it's more like the town you grew up in consistently proving what a disappointing place it is with backward policies and poor government. I keep hoping it will get better. It keeps letting me down.

you keep hoping, but if you continue on what you are doing, you are being a hypocrite. You don't act like your hoping or wanting change, you are attacking (Verbally) TGE. Just look at the quote in red.

tell me, is that not attacking tge verbally?

One other thing, Baron (Minister of propaganda) is not ego-driven. I have/am working with him and he has no goals as to what you are saying.

One thing - when I'm going to "get violent" you'll see missiles flying.

As for the alliance as a whole, the alliance is based on Frederick II's ego. Prove everyone wrong about that and maybe opinions will start changing.

When I see missile flying, you just started another war for NPO and NPO had one war that hurt them to much. Don't try to flex your "Guns" when you can't do anything. nice try though, before I saw you where in NPO, you did scare me a little.

So i am based on Fred's ego? HAHAHAHAHAHA :lol1::lol1::lol1:

trust me, I am not, I question him and pester him like a bug, I am not based on his "Ego". But NPO should know about ego, it crushed them, so don't use that ether.

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When I looked at your nation last night Mr Scheer your alliance was TGE

My Nation

Check again and then alliance seniority.

I was actually hoping you where on my side but anyways time to talk.

I have my own side these days and it isn't a very popular or populated place but I seem to be managing ok. And I'm not criticizing you only lending a hand to this winsome debate. If you are the chosen flakman for TGE than I commend your efforts or if you are simply baiting people, you'll have hours of fun awaiting you.

I don't know what's going on with #tsi I'll admit that but yes, RoA is considered "Traitors to the Empire".

You should really just sit down and talk to them as ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. If that doesn't work, then just go about your business. I have never been a fan of blackouts as you need to judge people individually and not in a group. If I happily set up an Orwellian nightmare in TGE, I think it best to dismantle that now that I am gone. Again, my opinion.

I just don't understand why, you, re-joined TGE and then left.

He left because he was deeply dissatisfied with how TGE was run, wanted to kick out Fred and install a new government but I informed on him before his coup got off the ground. I think that covers the broad details sans la wafflé. A quick PM will cover the rest of the details.

Edited by Reinhard Scheer
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If you're going to mockingly repeat the things I'm saying to you, at least try not to spout over and over again about things you are not aware of. You keep saying "I don't know" and "I don't understand" and yet are alluding that I am the one that is confused. You do not have an understanding of the situation beyond what has been told to you from your leadership. That is an extremely one sided view and largely tainted by spin. You say TGE has changed without knowing the original state. You say it has changed and yet this very thread revealed yet another flawed and downright wrong practice of TGE and your flawed Kaiser.

I don't know how much more I'm going to entertain your naivety but if you want to PM me I'd be more than willing to go over those coup methods with you.

What I am saying is that you don't know what it's like NOW. Just as I don't know much back when TGE FIRST started. I know what was going on starting from about 5 months ago. Take then and compare it with now, and you see changes.

I have also talked not just to TGE leaders but to other "Ordinary" people. From NPO, to NSO. Nice try, but when I want to learn something, I ask away like crazy. I also annoy people when I ask questions like I do.

I will NEVER, EVER try to coup ANY leader from any alliance let along the one i am currently in. That shows lack of judgment on your part, along with dis-loyalty to anyone, and you are un-honorable for you to even suggest that seriously. I asked you how I could Coup Fred. I gave you a double question. I never meant to do it, it was also for hahas too. I also asked you that question because there is no way to coup him, and I am glad for that. I like him, you may not and I am fine with that. It's all on opinion.

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What I am saying is that you don't know what it's like NOW. Just as I don't know much back when TGE FIRST started. I know what was going on starting from about 5 months ago. Take then and compare it with now, and you see changes.

So what has changed in the last five months?

I will NEVER, EVER try to coup ANY leader from any alliance let along the one i am currently in. That shows lack of judgment on your part, along with dis-loyalty to anyone, and you are un-honorable for you to even suggest that seriously. I asked you how I could Coup Fred. I gave you a double question. I never meant to do it, it was also for hahas too. I also asked you that question because there is no way to coup him, and I am glad for that. I like him, you may not and I am fine with that. It's all on opinion.

I understand you have to cover for yourself now. I'll keep this to our PM conversation.

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Good stuff.

Ivan III, I don't know you well enough to know if you're just messing with these guys or not, but there's a reason we mainly choose to ignore the ones you're interacting with here. It's the same thing over and over with these guys as evidenced in our constitution announcements earlier this month http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64970 <<all the same people spouting all the same things. It's really just comical and has nothing to do with the topic of the thread so much as it does slandering the Kaiser.

The topic has been addressed and EU is our friend, there's nothing left to say here.

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Ivan III,

Your saying some pretty mean and hurtful things man.

We were your government man. During the Karma war, we were the ones in charge.

I was Imperial Officer Army Group 4 (TGE's Apocalypse brigade, all Nuclear nations). Valdemar was your Chancellor and spent long hours negotiating for peace.

Nosoup4You was Imperial Officer of Army Group 1. Devilish was a senator.

Sherman was a field marshall. Kurt Von Equord was Deputy Minister of war.

Man we gave everything we had for the Empire. Many of us fought almost to ZI and some to ZI for the empire. You call us Traitors? WTF dude?

Why? When the war ended we were heralded as Heroes of the Empire.

We were branded Traitors for simply disagreeing with Fritz and leaving. Why? Because Valdemar promised The Foreign Division we would not nuke them.

Fritz Authorized a First Strike nuclear attack which we were barely capable of carrying out. An attack that went against what Valdemar promised. An attack that went against everything Valdemar and us stood for. mitteleuropa was another thing we disagreed with. We don't believe in aid farming (or member farming) any alliance or treating any alliance like "A Colony". Had Fritz gave us a redress of grievances none of this would have came to pass my friend.

Please look at the facts before saying mean and hurtful things Ivan III. Please.

Another thing that rubbed us wrong was President Chris going AWOL when the fight broke out, staying gone for the duration of the battle and coming back with the excuse that he "Had PC problems" and was hand delivered a high level position.

Again I ask you Ivan III please look at the facts of what transpired before saying hurtful things and before blaming us, please look within your own alliance. We love the Empire Ivan III. Many of us would still give it all for the Empire.

EDIT: Typo

Edited by Liman Von Sanders
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And to bring the Karma War up I am ashamed at the remaining gov of TGE(non RoA folks) becuz I was WAPA back then I was the one who told Vanadrien Failing and one of the firm members about the war and brought him to task about the war... they didnt listen to me, that is until they were removed from Power and replaced, WAPA then went to war. basically on my begging, I was the one who pretty much saved TGE's bacon... and look I get and got no respect from your precious Idol, Figurehead, Ego inflated nut Frederick WAPA and FOK saved TGE... without use you wouldve been ruined...

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And to bring the Karma War up I am ashamed at the remaining gov of TGE(non RoA folks) becuz I was WAPA back then I was the one who told Vanadrien Failing and one of the firm members about the war and brought him to task about the war... they didnt listen to me, that is until they were removed from Power and replaced, WAPA then went to war. basically on my begging, I was the one who pretty much saved TGE's bacon... and look I get and got no respect from your precious Idol, Figurehead, Ego inflated nut Frederick WAPA and FOK saved TGE... without use you wouldve been ruined...

Might I also add that your leader Fritz and your Chancellor (Then MoW) President Chris wouldn't allow small to midrange nations a warchest in the days leading up to the war (And many were denied war aid during the war). I mean it's not like we didn't have any warning. We knew days in advance a war was coming. Ironically when war did come, the small to midrange nations took the bulk of the beating. INT and FOK were working NATO and TFD's big nations. We were working some leadership, the banks and the membership. graniteknight isn't too far off. Our military was on the verge of at the least a partial collapse due to lack of funds and resources. At the least had Valdemar not negotiated white peace we would have been forced from the war. So Ivan III please take into consideration the sacrifices we made before branding us Traitors. Please think of all we gave.

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Oh this is just delicious.

When RoA first approached me about that stupid blackout I lol'd pretty hard. I mean seriously, who does that? Good times. But now to see what else sprung out of that? It's like the gift that keeps on giving.

Kudos to RoA's membership and leadership for maintaining your composure. NV's lurking around if you need anything ;)

As to that veiled threat towards graniteknight earlier... something about "keep running your mouth and see where it gets you"... I lol'd at that too.

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This has been great, just when things get boring along comes TGE, does something, well TGEish and cheers me up.

Charging someone to be a protectorate, priceless. Then to compound it all put a gagging order on some of the best (ex) TGE members around (the ones that had the sense to leave), on punishment of all things nasty should people not comply, hilarious.

I must be missing something, I thought TGE was based on a pre WWI scenario and not post 1933.

Keep it up boys

Edited by Wilhelm1908
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Because you don't know what's going on NOW inside TGE.

Well, you have pretty much outright stated several times here that TGE is (still) essentially "Kaiser" Frederick's personal army, so there's not really anything else left to know.

When I see missile flying, you just started another war for NPO and NPO had one war that hurt them to much. Don't try to flex your "Guns" when you can't do anything. nice try though, before I saw you where in NPO, you did scare me a little.

So i am based on Fred's ego? HAHAHAHAHAHA :lol1::lol1::lol1:

trust me, I am not, I question him and pester him like a bug, I am not based on his "Ego". But NPO should know about ego, it crushed them, so don't use that ether.

Notwithstanding the fact that the New Pacific Order is still quite capable of levelling your nation if they so chose, what makes you assume Gerrard here is speaking for anyone but himself?

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I understand you have to cover for yourself now. I'll keep this to our PM conversation.

What are you talking about? See, another lie. No one told me to cover myself in fact, I didn't cover myself.

You never PMed me too and if you do I will ignore you and block you because you are really annoying me now.

With your lies and crazy schemes, you are a very unworthy person to talk to and i stick my nose in the air when i will be around you.

Good stuff.

Ivan III, I don't know you well enough to know if you're just messing with these guys or not, but there's a reason we mainly choose to ignore the ones you're interacting with here. It's the same thing over and over with these guys as evidenced in our constitution announcements earlier this month http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64970 <<all the same people spouting all the same things. It's really just comical and has nothing to do with the topic of the thread so much as it does slandering the Kaiser.

The topic has been addressed and EU is our friend, there's nothing left to say here.

And I'll take his advice. this is going no where and is actually annoying and time consuming. I have not even been able to adress the PM's that where sent to me. (No, it does not inclue this topic).

I'm done for the sake of my time (Which two three people are wasting it).

I wish you all luck and for the people who are out side the Empire and don't know what is going on, good luck trying to decifer what is true or now. Norwech (Or whatever they call themselves) and RoA (Some of them) will disort what this is. And TGE will (Obviosly) be bias just as any alliance is. But unless you are in TGE RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE you have abosutly no clue about this.


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What are you talking about? See, another lie. No one told me to cover myself in fact, I didn't cover myself.

You never PMed me too and if you do I will ignore you and block you because you are really annoying me now.

With your lies and crazy schemes, you are a very unworthy person to talk to and i stick my nose in the air when i will be around you.

And I'll take his advice. this is going no where and is actually annoying and time consuming. I have not even been able to adress the PM's that where sent to me. (No, it does not inclue this topic).

I'm done for the sake of my time (Which two three people are wasting it).

I wish you all luck and for the people who are out side the Empire and don't know what is going on, good luck trying to decifer what is true or now. Norwech (Or whatever they call themselves) and RoA (Some of them) will disort what this is. And TGE will (Obviosly) be bias just as any alliance is. But unless you are in TGE RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE you have abosutly no clue about this.


You are asking for it

Rudeness begets Rudeness, why are you offending these alliances?

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What are you talking about? See, another lie. No one told me to cover myself in fact, I didn't cover myself.

You never PMed me too and if you do I will ignore you and block you because you are really annoying me now.

Reading you loud and clear. I'll contact you later with more information as per your bid for leadership.

With your lies and crazy schemes, you are a very unworthy person to talk to and i stick my nose in the air when i will be around you.

I'm crushed. Seriously.

But unless you are in TGE RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE you have abosutly no clue about this.

I already asked you to tell me what has changed. If you're unable to do so then we have to assume there has been no change due to the fact that we see the same old antics and same old attitude.

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What are you talking about? See, another lie. No one told me to cover myself in fact, I didn't cover myself.

You never PMed me too and if you do I will ignore you and block you because you are really annoying me now.

With your lies and crazy schemes, you are a very unworthy person to talk to and i stick my nose in the air when i will be around you.

And I'll take his advice. this is going no where and is actually annoying and time consuming. I have not even been able to adress the PM's that where sent to me. (No, it does not inclue this topic).

I'm done for the sake of my time (Which two three people are wasting it).

I wish you all luck and for the people who are out side the Empire and don't know what is going on, good luck trying to decifer what is true or now. Norwech (Or whatever they call themselves) and RoA (Some of them) will disort what this is. And TGE will (Obviosly) be bias just as any alliance is. But unless you are in TGE RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE you have abosutly no clue about this.


Looks like he just got gagged :lol1:

TGE has never changed, it was the same when I was there, it was the same when Del Monte was ousted, it was the same with Shuru. The list goes on.

Fact is TGE has always been the personal property of Fred, sadly he does not have the acumen of a property developer, otherwise TGE would have long since become the alliance it always should have been.

Sadly you remind me of a lot of TGE folks who blindly believed the Propaganda, most of those folks were later back-stabbed and discarded at the whim of one person. I hope you never join that ever growing list.

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Keep hitting me, I'll take it. it just rolls off like water on well... my back.

have a good day.


Edit: graniteknight, what is your nations name? I tried to look you up and i couldn't find you by name nor by nation name. Makes me wonder....

Edited by Ivan III
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Keep hitting me, I'll take it. it just rolls off like water on well... my back.

have a good day.


You do that, it will be interesting to track you over the next few months and see if you last. Del Monte spoke just like you, did not get him very far though.

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