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Dranagg in the Netherlands


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**Dalmatia Forward Air Command**

We ask you to bomb 4th and 8th Dragannan division at Utrecht. With a bit of luck those mined roads and railways with be hit as well.


Dutch forces at Arnhem will mass at Doorn, province of Utrecht (between Driebergen and Veenendaal) and entrench themselves and await further orders.

1st Gelderland National Guard, 3th Brabant National Guard and 11 Afdra "Gele Rijders" Mobile Artillery are to be send to Doorn and entrench themselves and await further instructions..


Upon noticing that the 15th Dragannan Division was moving towards Hoogeveen, Drenthe the units of the Drenthe, Overijssel, Friesland and Groningen National Guards have been withdrawn further north and have spread out. Ready to wage a guerilla war in Drenthe.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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The Drakorian center held their ground, and the left and right flanks began to curl around to encircle the tank company. The Marines armed themselves with Javelin Anti-tank missiles and opened fire on the tanks as the rest of the troops fired on the infantry. With 50,000 soldiers and 300 tanks, the battle was expected to end quickly.

The 9th tank company was for all intents and purposes completely destroyed. However the few that did not get killed in the action were found to be already wounded troopers. It seems the entire company was replaced with wounded from the 8th Division, and sent as a diversion into the Drakorian center.

**Dalmatia Forward Air Command**

At the hastily put together Forward Air Base, Captain of the Forward Air Armies, Ljeck Kristof looked at an intel report put together by Dalmatia Intelligence. The map, itself, was quickly put together, showing only the major enemy elements close to the border.

"Captain, according to intelligence, most of the enemy invading forces have withdrawn from the border regions. UAVs can confirm that information. It would seem now we have two available enemy formations, there appears to be a Division to the North and one in the south near Gelderland." The intelligence officer rubbed his chin. "This intelligence should be up-to-date."

Ljeck slammed his fist on the table "Should be up-to-date? I want confirmed information, not random guesses! God help us all, that intelligence department really needs some reform."

Ljeck then walked over to a digital communications system and gave the order, "Proceed with Air sorties. Around the clock. I want the enemy destroyed."

**Air Operations**

Upon receiving the order from Captain Ljeck, Su-34 fighter-bomber/strike aircraft began to lift off from their assigned air fields. For each sortie, each fighter bomber would be equipped with guided weapons such as the Jachont air-to-ground missiles, KAB-500L/KR and KAB-1500L guided bombs, which would explode into anti-armor cluster bomblets or anti-personnel bomblets. Their main targets would be enemy divisions in the north and south (OOC: 15th Dranaagan Division, 9th Dranaagan Tank Company), and they would target them with around the clock bombing operations.

In addition to the Su-34s, Tu-160 Heavy Bombers would assist in the bombing. Each Tu-160 was loaded with 2 internal bays for 40,000 kg (88,185 lb) of ordnance. Each bomber would carry a mixture of fletchettes bombs, which would be used to shred the flesh of the Dranaagan soldiers and Anti-Armor bombs, which would expode in mid air and cover the enemy armour with armor piercing bombs.

Operations would continue until enemy forces have evacuated the Netherlands.


The 15th Division, already on the move Northwards are hid hard in the rear formations by the bombers. 110 casualties are reported, but the division does not stop to pick them up.


The 4th Division, and the 8th Division, in Utrecht begin lighting fires to add to the smoldering forests around the city. Sending up massive clouds of smoke and ash to obscure their positions.


The 8th Division has moved to Western Utrecht. 4th Division snipers have taken positions in East Utrecht watching for approaching enemy forces.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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The 9th tank company was for all intents and purposes completely destroyed. However the few that did not get killed in the action were found to be already wounded troopers. It seems the entire company was replaced with wounded from the 8th Division, and sent as a diversion into the Drakorian center

OOC: Im assuming that was public.


Reports that the 9th tank division is nearly wiped out. all armor that was due to amass outside of Doetinchem is to relay orders to retreat BACK to Arnhem and await orders, we will let the Drakonians finish off the 9th armor. The Other forces will contiune towards Deventer.

Artillery will still be set up in Arnhem and begin bombarding suspected enemy forces.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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OOC: Sorry for triple post but I put a delay in for Communications-IC reasons.


Reports that the 9th Drang Tank company are finished. New Orders:

Dalamatia: Dalamatia Air command should contiune to focus on the 15th Drang division in the north until forces are dead or retreated. Once that task is complete we can focus air support on Ultrecht.

Drakonia: After the final weeding out of Enemy forces, begin marching towards Arnhem and Apledoorn.

Greenland: Contiune to persue and bombard the 15th Drang division, accompanied by Dalamatian air support.

Krieg, CAU and Austria: Move out and mass at Arnhem and Apledoorn. Reports of heavy flooding on the southern line, no need to defend, forces will not be able to enter or exit. Therefore, ALL Krieg Military units are to begin making there way towards Arnhem and Apledoorn.

Ede is now under Allied control, Deventer is now under allied control.


The Krieg Empire is sending 50 more MBTs, and 5,000 more troops to Arnhem via Air. We will send Reinforcements like this as needed. Wave 2 of reinforcements will contain 50 tanks and 5,000 troops, as well as Wave 3, etc ad etn.

The Artillery ordered earyiler in the thread is now landing in Arnhem. Artillery will be given orders soon.


Blue is Krieg, CAU, and Austrian Movements, all support is moving towards Arnhem.

Brownish-Black is Drakorian forces, moving hopefully towards Arnhem and Apledoorn.

Purple is Greenland forces, contiuning pursiut of the 15th Unit in the north along with Dalamatian Air support.


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Dutch forces can see the fires but it seems that it isn't that bad as previously thought. The resistance has informed us about fires around the forested areas around De Bilt and more north towards Soest.

Majoor L. Fransen of 11 Afdra Mobile Artillery is sitting on the parapet of his entrenched artillery position just outside Doorn with a smirk on his face waving the weather forecast. "Tonight.. there might be some rain." He grins to one of the other officers "The stupid idiots wasted their time for nothing !"

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Secret IC: We ask the Dutch to not open Artillery fire just yet. Refer to orders above. We will mass Artillery in Arnhem and Apledorn and begin bombardment of Utrecht later, along with your artillery.

For now we WILL not engage Utrecht until Greenland and Dalamatia have finished off the 15th Detachment in the north.

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IC: "C'mon Cole, get your gear. We're moving out to Apledoorn...whatever the hell an Apledoorn is." One private took up his Tenchgun and said, "Hey, ya know what Apledoorn reminds me of? Baltimore. Both have weird names, and are as hard as hell to spell." The company sarge said, "You can't spell Baltimore? Dang, I feel real sorry for whatever girl finds you, Hux." The rest of the division had a good laugh and they marched towards Apledoorn, with 12 Abrams tanks in tow.

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Received and understood- we will refrain from opening fire towards Utrecht (Utrecht is well in range of our M109 mobile howitzers). Mobile Group Limburgse Jagers and a tank brigade have reached Barneveld. Distance to Amersfoort: 18.8 km's.

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As the first NoN planes made their flybys over Krieg Territory, a message was sent to the Kriegian Battle Command.

"Attention, Krieg Battle Command... This is Magic-4 of the NoN Liberation forces... Please transmit landing co-ordinates for our flights and docking positions for our Ships, over."

As the pilot replaced his radio transponder, the lumbering C-141 Starlifter turned to the North East. As the plane banked, the man looked over his shoulder to see the similar movements of several other identical crafts.

If the man was able to see the scenes to the far south, a line of cargo ships was also approaching Krieg.

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*Secretive to Nation of Nod*

As this war has announced your presence, we feel it necessary to prevent the further incursion of foreign invaders. As you are a fellow East African nation, and a means to help fortify and cooperative future, we open up our northern most air and naval bases amongst the island chains and along the UMS Protectorate - RA border.

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As the first NoN planes made their flybys over Krieg Territory, a message was sent to the Kriegian Battle Command.

"Attention, Krieg Battle Command... This is Magic-4 of the NoN Liberation forces... Please transmit landing co-ordinates for our flights and docking positions for our Ships, over."

As the pilot replaced his radio transponder, the lumbering C-141 Starlifter turned to the North East. As the plane banked, the man looked over his shoulder to see the similar movements of several other identical crafts.

If the man was able to see the scenes to the far south, a line of cargo ships was also approaching Krieg.

Krieg HQ: "Copy that Nod, Emperor has ordered you are to land in our Airbases, refuel, and proceed to the Netherlands from Krieg.. all fuel will be on us.

*Uploads Airbase Coords for planes in Krieg*

..Land here, here, and here. Refuel, take off, and arrive here..

*Uploads Coords for Arnhem and Apledoorn, in the Netherlands.*

..Allied forces will be launching attacks from there..

All Naval vessels are to land at the following coords in Krieg Naval Bases, refuel, and then depart and proceed to shell the Netherlands coast line." (I assume the ships you sent were battleships and aegis cruisers.)

*Uploads coords for Krieg Naval bases to refuel, then Coords for the Netherlands.*

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*Secretive to Nation of Nod*

As this war has announced your presence, we feel it necessary to prevent the further incursion of foreign invaders. As you are a fellow East African nation, and a means to help fortify and cooperative future, we open up our northern most air and naval bases amongst the island chains and along the UMS Protectorate - RA border.


We thank the UMS for this generous overture, however, our main force has already arrived at Krieg by using international waters and avoiding sovereign entities...

 We will now seriously consider the said bases you have opened in the North for future movements.

(OOC: RL 1.5 days is approx two weeks right?)

Krieg HQ: "Copy that Nod, Emperor has ordered you are to land in our Airbases, refuel, and proceed to the Netherlands from Krieg.. all fuel will be on us.


*Uploads Coords for Arnhem and Apledoorn, in the Netherlands.*

..Allied forces will be launching attacks from there..

All Naval vessels are to land at the following coords in Krieg Naval Bases, refuel, and then depart and proceed to shell the Netherlands coast line." (I assume the ships you sent were battleships and aegis cruisers.)


OOC: I take it I'll be landing the planes (1st Cabal of 9,100 men) at Eindhoven? Also, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will arrive a day apart after this.

The heavy tanks and such are on my ships... however, the NoN does not have an IG navy, hence the term Cargoship!!! They are simply unarmed tradeships and will need a safe port!!!

Should make the logistics side a bit more realistic with its own problems etc, etc... no godmodding from me! Nosir.

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Local units from the National Guard from Drenthe that had slipped into hiding and were rumored to have be withdrawn North attack elements of the Dragannan 15th Division at Echten- a small village close to Hoogeveen, Drenthe.

After a brief exchange they slip back into the darkness heading for an unknown location.

Likewise- Local units from the National Guard of Overijssel quickly gained control of the road close to Staphorst and looked for survivors to take prisoner for INTEL. After that they slipped back into the darkness speeding South.

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We thank the UMS for this generous overture, however, our main force has already arrived at Krieg by using international waters and avoiding sovereign entities...

 We will now seriously consider the said bases you have opened in the North for future movements.

(OOC: RL 1.5 days is approx two weeks right?)

OOC: I take it I'll be landing the planes (1st Cabal of 9,100 men) at Eindhoven? Also, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will arrive a day apart after this.

The heavy tanks and such are on my ships... however, the NoN does not have an IG navy, hence the term Cargoship!!! They are simply unarmed tradeships and will need a safe port!!!

Should make the logistics side a bit more realistic with its own problems etc, etc... no godmodding from me! Nosir.

OOC: not really a godmode. We control the areas we want you to land in.

IC: All NoN ships are to be docked, and military equiptment unloaded and loaded into Krieg Cargo planes.

Your planes are to land in Krieg/Allied Controled land:

Eindhoven, Arnhem, Apledoorn

Spilt forces mainly in the last too. We will transport your heavy tanks etc via our transports.

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OOC: not really a godmode. We control the areas we want you to land in.

IC: All NoN ships are to be docked, and military equiptment unloaded and loaded into Krieg Cargo planes.

Your planes are to land in Krieg/Allied Controled land:

Eindhoven, Arnhem, Apledoorn

Spilt forces mainly in the last too. We will transport your heavy tanks etc via our transports.

OOC: I was referring to the unrealistic claim that i could have shipped 35,400 men in two weeks via cargolifters.... groups of 9,100 are arriving every week IC....

Also, the tanks will need to be released at a friendly port, yes, however some of these tanks weigh 60+ tonnes, while a standard C-141 can only hold about 147 tonnes, which is highly impractical!!!!!! If you can fly those tanks in, then why didn't I just do it myself? Ships are the only way for me to realisticly (no godmodding) move 354 tanks and the hundreds of other vehicles im sending!

Therefore, they'll dock at Krieg or the closest port you can get (the Allies getting a port so the NoN heavy tanks can land in the Netherlands could be a big part of the war RP, like a crucial battle or something) and then have to roll out to Dranagg positions themselves...

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OOC: I was referring to the unrealistic claim that i could have shipped 35,400 men in two weeks via cargolifters.... groups of 9,100 are arriving every week IC....

Also, the tanks will need to be released at a friendly port, yes, however some of these tanks weigh 60 tonnes, while a standard C-141 can only hold about 147 tonnes, which is highly impractical!!!!!! If you can fly those tanks in, then why didn't I just do it myself? Ships are the only way for me to realisticly (no godmodding) move 354 tanks and the hundreds of other vehicles im sending!

Therefore, they'll dock at Krieg or the closest port you can get (the Allies getting a port so the NoN heavy tanks can land in the Netherlands could be a big part of the war RP, like a crucial battle or something) and then have to roll out to Dranagg positions themselves...


We would like to request that NoN ships move to the port of Antwerp, Brabant. Distance to Apeldoorn is 209 kilometers (via Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Arnhem).

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OOC: I was referring to the unrealistic claim that i could have shipped 35,400 men in two weeks via cargolifters.... groups of 9,100 are arriving every week IC....

Also, the tanks will need to be released at a friendly port, yes, however some of these tanks weigh 60+ tonnes, while a standard C-141 can only hold about 147 tonnes, which is highly impractical!!!!!! If you can fly those tanks in, then why didn't I just do it myself? Ships are the only way for me to realisticly (no godmodding) move 354 tanks and the hundreds of other vehicles im sending!

Therefore, they'll dock at Krieg or the closest port you can get (the Allies getting a port so the NoN heavy tanks can land in the Netherlands could be a big part of the war RP, like a crucial battle or something) and then have to roll out to Dranagg positions themselves...


"In that case, Naval vessels with NoN hardware will remain at dock and refuel, then launch to the port designated by the Dutch (He knows more about the Netherlands than I do.)"

"Cont. to refuel and launch the Cargo planes to the Netherlandish towns we have designated."

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"In that case, Naval vessels with NoN hardware will remain at dock until we can secure a port in the netherlands, which wont happen until we punch through Ultrecht..."

"Cont. to refuel and launch the Cargo planes to the Netherlandish towns we have designated."


Mobile Group Limburgse Jagers and the tank brigade have reached the outskirts of Amersfoort. We will take up position on the moors at the heathlands of Leusderheide. 3 km's east from the city itself.

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The 9th tank company was for all intents and purposes completely destroyed. However the few that did not get killed in the action were found to be already wounded troopers. It seems the entire company was replaced with wounded from the 8th Division, and sent as a diversion into the Drakorian center.


84 dead

91 wounded

4 tanks destroyed

The Army and Marines turned north and began to march to engage the next Dranaggan division to the north.

Tu-160 bombers, based in western Prussia, loaded their armaments and took off for the rough area of the 15th Division.

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84 dead

91 wounded

4 tanks destroyed

The Army and Marines turned north and began to march to engage the next Dranaggan division to the north.

Tu-160 bombers, based in western Prussia, loaded their armaments and took off for the rough area of the 15th Division.

Krieg Allied HQ in Arnhem: **SECRET**

"Copy that Drake Wing, Dalamatia bombings contiune, Coords being loaded to your Command interface now. Scouts will be deployed to update enemy postions."

General-Imperium Klauss:

"Once the 9th Drangg Unit is destroyed, Utrecht will be our next target. We ask the Greenland troops to continue their pursuit for the invaders. Dalamatia and Drakorian Bombers are perusing with air strikes."

Secret IC Movements:

Krieg Scouts will be loaded into compact APC's and will begin heading north to map the 9th Drang Unit's movements.

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A unit of the Drenthe National Guard attacked elements of 15th division for the second time in one night at Hoogeveen. A couple of shots were fired back and forward and the unit withdrew under the cover of darkness.

They have announced to perform these kind of attacks more often in order to damage enemy morale and coordinate their attacks with Allied HQ.

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A unit of the Drenthe National Guard attacked elements of 15th division for the second time in one night at Hoogeveen. A couple of shots were fired back and forward and the unit withdrew under the cover of darkness.

They have announced to perform these kind of attacks more often in order to damage enemy morale and coordinate their attacks with Allied HQ.

Allied HQ Secret*: Continue Guerilla attacks. Scouts being sent north via Compact APCs. They can assist in Gureilla attacks while mapping enemy postions for Artillery strikes.

Secret IC:

Artillery is now operational in Arnhem and Apledoorn and is awaiting Coords.

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Drenthe National Guard.

Something will have to be done to drive 15th south or north. They will have to be on the march for our attacks to be really effective. It is the idea to make them loose their nerves and surrender. Psychological warfare.

Another attack was carried out- this time on another side of Hoogeveen. A couple of shots were fired- and the unit withdrew back into the night.

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News of the destruction of the 9th Dranaag Company reached the Dalamatia Forward Air Command in no time. In response, Captain of the Forward Air Forces, Ljeck Kristof, ordered that all available air forces be directed towards the enemy formations (OOC: 15th Dranaggan Division) in the north. Basically, the entire might of the Dalamatia Airforce assigned to this conflict would be brought down on the enemy divisions there.

The Su-34s prepared for the next air offensive. They refueled their forces and reloaded their munitions. The Su-34s were equipped with guided bombs and air-to-ground bombs. These were mostly the same as before, basically anti-personnel/anti-armor cluster munitions. The Tu-160 Heavy Bombers would reconfigure their internals cargo bays, completely. The Tu-160, four in all, would be equipped with 2,000lb guided bombs, which would completely overwhelm, if not, destroy the enemy.

When the fighters and bombers were prepared, the next phase of the Dalmatia Air Support began. Each of the Tu-160s and Su-34s launched into the blue skies, with only one goal. The utter destruction of the 15th Dranaggan Division.

**Airborne Assault**

The 20,000 Troops from the Dalmatia Rapid Deployment Force assembled into their heavy large transport aircraft. Every other soldier was equipped with the basic Surface-to-Air Missile launcher and Anti-Tank Guided Missile. Three other transport aircraft would deploy the light self-propelled artillery guns and light tanks, which would be used as support. Their goal was simple. They would conduct a massive air drop between Apeldoom and Amersfoort.

They would then advance to engage an enemy division (OOC: the 8th Dranaggon Division) to push them back into the sea. It would be a daring move, but with the tactical air support assigned and with morale high, they believed the operation could be completed. When the massive air armada came within reach of the area, the massive air operation began.


Dalmatia Airborne Operation

The Dalmatia Rapid Deployment Troops hit the ground first, getting into their pre-planned positions to begin for the offensive. After the infantry landed, the light IFVs and light artillery landed. They would be assisted by parachutes, to ease their landing. As soon as the Airborne troops launched, they headed towards their destination, to engage enemy troops in the west.

In the skies, the Su-34 flew over, just in time to begin the ground bombardment, to help the airborne forces. This time to help in the bombardment, Su-34s were equipped with Fuel Air Explosive Bombs, to completely wipe out the enemy. The push to the west had begun.


Napalm Strikes on the Enemy

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